Hér er Trump aš flytja stefnuręšu. nś er aš hlusta, ég ętla aš athuga um žżšingu.

The State of the Union


Klikkašu į slóšina, hér fyrir ofan.

Žetta er į ensku. Ég ętla aš fį žetta į ķslensku.

Stilltu į fullann skjį.


Hlusta į Trump.

Egilsstašir, 31.01.2018 Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Ein fruma śr fuglinum, er ręktuš ķ verksmišju, og śr veršur fuglakjöt ķ tonna vķs, eftir žvķ hvaš mikiš į aš framleiša. Žetta er einnig gert meš nautakjöt og svķnakjöt. Žaš mętti skoša aš finna įvöxt, meš svipušu bragši og kjötiš.


Israeli startup aims to grow meat without the animal

SuperMeat is an Israeli startup developing a method for bioengineering “cultured meat” from animal cells.



TEL AVIV (JTA) – The founders of an Israeli food tech startup want you to enjoy your meat without the guilt -- in fact, without the animal.

SuperMeat, which launched in December and began an online crowdfunding campaign Monday, is developing a method for bioengineering “cultured meat” from animal cells. Its tagline: “Real meat, without harming animals.”

Imagine a chicken breast without the chicken, developed in a machine from cells taken from a living bird and cultured in a nutrient-rich stock.

... Production is to work like this: Cells will be harmlessly taken from a chicken and put into a special machine that simulates the bird’s biology, allowing them to self-assemble into meat.

Barak said the process could revolutionize how the world eats, striking a major blow against environmental degradation, animal suffering and global health pandemics. Other meats could be made using more or less the same process, he said. ...


Ein fruma śr fuglinum, er ręktuš ķ verksmišju, og śr veršur fuglakjöt ķ tonna vķs, eftir žvķ hvaš mikiš į aš framleiša. Žetta er einnig gert meš nautakjöt og svķnakjöt. Žaš mętti skoša aš finna įvöxt, meš svipušu bragši og kjötiš.


Egilsstašir, 29.01.2018 Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Viš lįtum Hįskólann kenna ungdómnum, ekki sķst um mįlefni sem hafa ekki veriš full rannsökuš. Hįskólinn į fullt af fólki sem getur kynnt sér nżjustu žekkingu, og stundaš rannsóknir, til aš hjįlpa hópunum, sem eru ķ vandręšum ķ žjóšfélaginu.

 Hér fer ég eins og köttur ķ kring um heitan graut, hvernig į aš hjįlpa okkur, stżra okkur, ķ aš skynja hlutverk okkar ķ veröldinni.

Rannsaka, leita lausna, kenna lausnina, žegar hśn er fundin.

Žegar ég skapa konu Róbot, žį er žaš kona, žegar ég skapa karl Róbot, žį er žaš karl.

Žegar Róbot konan, eša karlinn bila, žį geri ég viš žau, ég bjó žau til, ég skapaši Robotana, svo aš ég get gert viš žį.

Žannig vinn ég, andinn, Gušsandinn ķ manninum.


Aušvitaš verša žeir sem lenda ķ vandręšum, aš reyna aš hjįlpa hver öšrum. Žį fį žeir meira vęgi ķ stjórnsżslunni, og sjįst merki žess ķ stjórnsżslunni į Ķslandi og annarsstašar ķ veröldinni. Eru žeir aš verša stęrsti flokkurinn, ķ flokkunum.


Og svo hitt, aš setja eitthvert félag, śti ķ bę, til aš kenna ungdómnum, sżnir best hverjir eru valdir sem frambjóšendur.

Viš lįtum Hįskólann kenna ungdómnum, ekki sķst um mįlefni sem hafa ekki veriš full rannsökuš.

Hįskólinn į fullt af fólki sem getur kynnt sér nżjustu žekkingu į hinum żmsu svišum.

Nęst setjum viš į fullt rannsóknir, til aš hjįlpa hópunum, sem eru ķ vandręšum ķ žjóšfélaginu.

Ašeins aš hafa samband viš žį sem hafa lęrt um mįlefnin ķ Hįskólanum.

Engin vandamįl, ašeins lausnir.


Aušvitaš verša žeir sem lenda ķ vandręšum, aš reyna aš hjįlpa hver öšrum.

Žį fį žeir meira vęgi ķ stjórnsżslunni, og sjįst merki žess ķ stjórnsżslunni į Ķslandi og annarsstašar ķ veröldinni.

Eru žeir aš verša stęrsti flokkurinn, ķ flokkunum

Veikir, vansęlir ašilar hafa haft ašgang aš barnaheimilum og barnaspķtölum, og ekkert hefur veriš gert ķ mįlunum.

Drögum žekkinguna fram ķ dagsljósiš og hjįlpum öllum aš fóta sig ķ lķfinu.

Žś žarft ašeins aš hugsa žaš upp og svo gerum viš žaš.

Hįskólamenn, nś er aš frelsa alla śr įlögum vanžekkingarinnar, og byrja ķ dag.

Egilsstašir, 28.01.2018 Jónas Gunnlaugsson


My brain is only a receiver, in the Universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength and inspiration. I have not penetraded into the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists.


Ef aš Nikola Tesla og fleiri hefšu lįtiš afturhaldiš rįša för žį hefšum viš ekki žessa gnęgš eins og viš höfum ķ dag. Kįri Stefįnsson er skyldugur* aš upplżsa męšurnar um hvaš er ęskilegt.


Ef žś ętlar aš koma į breytingum, veršur žś aš breyta hugmyndafręšinni ķ stjórnsżslunni. Sś hugmynd hefur stundum komiš fram aš hluta af stjórnkerfinu, eigi aš endurnżja. Einnig aš stöšugleiki fylgi litlu hringli meš embęttismenn.


Ef žś villt sigra einhverja žjóš, reynir žś aš rugla og stöšva, fjölgun, endurnżjun žjóšarinnar. Nęst, byrjar žś aš flytja žitt fólk til landana, og lętur žitt fólk eiga 8 börn į fjölskyldu. Ķ żmsum löndum, og borgum įtt žś flest börnin ķ barnaskólanum.


Hér er borin saman hlżnunar spį Sameinušu žjóšana og svo óhįšs vķsindamanns, fyrir įrin 2008 til 2017. Į žessu tķmabili sżnist sį óhįši hafa haft rétt fyrir sér.

 Engin breyting į leitni, trend.


U.N.’s standard global warming model

Gręna lķnan

Professor Scott Armstrong at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton business school 

Al Gore would have lost global warming bet, academic says


Compare the U.N.’s standard global warming model against Armstrong’s prediction of no increase at all.

klikka į mynd žį stęrri


The graph below from Armstrong’s TheClimateBet.com shows the bet measurements.

Black is temperature,

red is the UN’s forecasted increase,

and green is Armstrong’s no-change forecast.


 Egilsstašir, 28.01.2018  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Kosningar. Ķ fjįrmįlakerfinu, sem skrifar fjįrmįlabókhaldiš, er allt viš žaš sama, einkabankinn skrifar töluna, bókhaldstöluna ķ bankanum, og segist eiga töluna. Félag, śti ķ bę, til aš kenna ungdómnum, sżnir best hverjir eru valdir sem frambjóšendur.


Žetta er gott og blessaš og skżrir mįlefnin. Ef viš horfum til innlendra mįlefna, žį veršum viš hugsi.

Žaš eru aš koma kosningar.

Ķ fjįrmįlakerfinu, sem skrifar fjįrmįlabókhaldiš, er allt viš žaš sama, einkabankinn skrifar töluna, bókhaldstöluna ķ bankanum, og segist eiga töluna.

Įšur en viš seldum bankana, įttum viš allar tölur sem voru lįnašar ķ ķslenskum krónum śt śr bönkunum.

Viš gįtum hent žessum lįnum inni ķ bankabókhaldinu meš gengisfellingunum, sem uršu vegna of mikillar neyslu og of lķtilla tekna.

Og žį varš Ķsland alltaf rķkara og rķkara,

Eftir aš viš seldum bankanna, žį sögšu einkaeigendurnir, aš žeir ęttu bókaša śtlįnstölu.

Og nś hafa flokkarnir hamast viš aš gefa žessum einkaašilum öll veršmęti Ķslands.

Viš žorum varla aš segja frį žessu, hvaš kżs fólkiš, ef žaš allt ķ einu skilur aš žaš er haft aš fķfli.

Fyrir įriš 1913 įtti Bandarķska rķkiš skapaš peningabókhald ķ bönkunum.

Žį blómstrušu Bandarķkin, žeir žurftu ekki einu sinni aš borga skatta.


Og svo hitt, aš setja eitthvert félag, śti ķ bę, til aš kenna ungdómnum, sżnir best hverjir eru valdir sem frambjóšendur.

Viš eigum aš setja Hįskólann til aš kenna ungdómnum, ekki sķst um mįlefni sem hafa ekki veriš full rannsökuš.

Hįskólinn į fullt af fólki sem getur kynnt sér nżjustu žekkingu į hinum żmsu svišum.

Nęst setjum viš į fullt rannsóknir, til aš hjįlpa hópunum, sem eru ķ vandręšum ķ žjóšfélaginu.

Nś er veriš į fullu viš aš smķša, skapa Adam og Evu nśmer 1,2,3 og įfram.

Og ekki mį gleyma herra og frś Robott, žau verša farin aš herma eftir okkur ósišina, įšur en viš vitum af.

Veršum viš oršin bįlskotin ķ dętrum og sonum Robot fjölskyldunnar, eins og synir Gušanna uršu hugfangnir af dętrum mannanna?

Aušvitaš fęr Robott fjölskyldan sįl.

Allt er žetta skapaš af andanum, Guši, andanum sem Guš setti ķ manninn, og nś andanum Gušsandanum, sem mašurinn setur ķ herra og frś Robott.

Žį er sį tķmi kominn aš viš getum hjįlpaš hverjum og einum viš aš njóta veru sinnar į jöršinni,

Ašeins aš hafa samband viš žį sem hafa lęrt um mįlefnin ķ Hįskólanum.


Aušvitaš verša žeir sem lenda ķ vandręšum, aš reyna aš hjįlpa hver öšrum.

Žį fį žeir meira vęgi ķ stjórnsżslunni, og sjįst merki žess ķ stjórnsżslunni į Ķslandi og annarsstašar ķ veröldinni.

Eru žeir aš verša stęrsti flokkurinn, ķ flokkunum.


Veikir, vansęlir ašilar hafa haft ašgang aš barnaheimilum og barnaspķtölum, og ekkert hefur veriš gert ķ mįlunum.

Drögum žekkinguna fram ķ dagsljósiš og hjįlpum öllum aš fóta sig ķ lķfinu.

Žś žarft ašeins aš hugsa žaš upp og svo gerum viš žaš.

Hįskólamenn, nś er aš frelsa alla śr įlögum vanžekkingarinnar, og byrja ķ dag.

Gangi ykkur allt ķ haginn..怀


Reyndar er skrifaš, aš veröldinni sé stjórnaš af veiku fólki, žaš er aš reyna aš bjargast, og stendur saman. *


Til žess er menntunin.


Egilsstašir, 26.01.2018怀 Jónas Gunnlaugsson

000 *

    1. Pedophiles Rule the World - YouTube


4/5/2017怀· International sex trafficking rings are controlled by the elite. Facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/paul.j.watson.71 FOLLOW Paul Joseph Watson @ https ...


    1. VIDEO: Pedophiles Rule the World » Alex Jones' Infowars ...


VIDEO: Pedophiles Rule the World The truth about who controls the international sex trafficking of children


    1. Pedophiles Rule The World >> Four Winds 10 - Truth Winds


May 27, 2012The Pedophocracy, Part I: From Brussels ..."Paedophiles can boldly and courageously affirm what they choose ... I am also a theologian and as a theologian ...


    1. Pedophiles Rule The World! Infowars On Target AGAIN - YouTube


10/12/2017怀· Alex Jones provides the proof behind his assertion about former Prime Minister Sir Edward Heath's pedophile lifestyle. The fact that Alex is still alive to ...


    1. Pedophiles Rule the World (Transcript/Sourced) — Steemit


Kendall: "My whole life I traveled all over the world and would go to some of the biggest events to meet clients and have sex with them. They were all extremely rich ...


    1. Nicole Kidman - Pedophiles Rule The World — Steemit


I always knew Nicole Kidman was linked to the #PedoGate network through her family , so it was a relief to see this… by ozmaga


    1. Pedophiles Rule the World – John McTernan's Insights


Pedophile Rings Rule The World 04/23/14 This is an older video from Infowars about elite pedophile rings, and it is very good – it goes into the background of these ...


    1. Pedophiles Rule the World.

Pedophiles Rule the World https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1GQehNcZZw Paul Joseph Watson Published on Apr 5, 2017 International sex trafficking rings are controlled ...


    1. Pedophiles Rule the World - The Truthseeker


Behind the headlines - conspiracies, cover-ups, ancient mysteries and more. Real news and perspectives that you won't find in the mainstream media.


    1. Prison Planet.com » VIDEO: Pedophiles Rule the World


VIDEO: Pedophiles Rule the World. The truth about who controls the international sex trafficking of children. ... Infowars.com Videos: Comment on this article.


Ég held aš konur séu kjįnar, aš lįtast vera jafningjar karlmanna. Žęr eru langt um fremri og hafa alltaf veriš žaš. Hvašeina sem žś gefur konu, eykur hśn og įvaxtar. Ef žś gefur henni kęruleysi og mśšur, fer allt ķ vandręši..

Jį, viš karlar höfum oft veriš


Viš žökkum fyrir kennsluna Koo'ma Thee.


Ég held aš konur séu kjįnar,

aš lįtast vera jafningjar karlmanna.

Žęr eru langt um fremri og hafa alltaf veriš žaš.

Hvašeina sem žś gefur konu, mun hśn auka og įvaxta.

Ef aš žś gefur henni sęši, gefur hśn žér barn.

Ef žś gefur henni hśs, žį gefur hśn žér heimili.

Ef žś gefur henni matvörur, gefur hśn žér aš borša.

Ef žś brosir til hennar, gefur hśn žér įstśš.

Hśn margfaldar, og eykur, žaš sem henni er gefiš.

Žannig, aš ef žś gefur henni kęruleysi og mśšur,

žį skalt žś bśast viš miklum vandręšum.


I think women

are foolish to pretend they are equal to men.

They are far more superior and always have been.

Whatever you give a woman, she will make greater.

If you give her sperm, she will make you a baby.

If you give her a house, she will give you a home.

If you give her groceries, she will give you a meal.

If you give her a smile, she will give you her heart.

She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her.

So, if you give her any crap, be ready to receive

a ton of shit !

-William Golding-

1911 – 1993

Betri žżšing seinna.

Egilsstašir, 25.01.2018 Jónas Gunnlaugsson




Earth has been set up as a prison planet for millennia. The ineluctable transfer of this newfound power to the people cannot be stopped. Thwarted misdirected, but not taken away once received. Once - truth, the people - been set free.

 Earth has been set up as a prison planet for millennia.

The ineluctable transfer of this newfound power

to the people cannot be stopped. 

 It may be thwarted, or temporarily misdirected,

but it cannot be taken away once received. 

 Once in possession of the truth,

the people have effectively

been set free.


 Cosmic Convergence: 2012 and Beyond

Where Cosmic Convergence Intersects Mayan Calendrics and the Kali Yuga

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  • Home
  • “Who are we?”
  • About Cosmic Convergence“Consciousness”: Where does it come from? →Posted on December 2, 2017 by Cosmic Convergence
  • The Internet has changed everything, and there’s nothing the C.I.A. can do about it.
  • Cosmic Convergence Research Group
  • Longtime Political Analyst & Investigative Reporter With the advent of the World Wide Web in the late 1980s, and especially the Internet in 1995, everything changed.
  • This exceedingly monumental development permitted every human being to have immediate access to the “global information database”.
  • 000
  • The Internet and the Global Control MatrixTPTB have done this for millennia with great ease and extraordinary success. 
  • After the Internet began running at full tilt, it’s practically impossible to do so.
  • Now that Russia is building their own Internet, all attempts to censor the truth on the WWW are destined to fail. 
  • This is the beginning of the end of the Internet as we know it. 
  • However, the Global Control Matrix is no longer manageable because the Internet is incapable of being micro-managed and censored without major blowback. 
  • In view of how the Internet interpenetrates every aspect of life especially the economy, it cannot be shut down without tremendous repercussions. 
  • People PowerMore people are currently breaking free from the control matrix—a matrix that’s literally cracking up in real time. 
  • Once awakened by the enlightening truth, each human being will naturally cut a new profile in the world, within their families and their communities.
  • Set free from what? 
  • The bars of the prison are made of lies and falsehood. 
  • The concrete walls are made of deceit, duplicity and dishonesty. 
  • The barbed wire is composed of prevarication and equivocation, distortion and misrepresentation.  The watchtowers forever beam disinfo, misinfo and false info in every direction, all the time. 
  • The prison warden is an expert in the use of multiple weapons of mass deception.  The guards use double-dealing and  dissimulation at every turn.
  • Now that populations around the globe are being liberated from the many false paradigms, they are free to seek the truth.
  • “And the truth shall set you free.
  • Imagine how quickly the world would change were nations everywhere to know the truth about these two momentous events—the JFK assassination in November, 1963 and the false flag terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.  
  • The C.I.A. Oversaw and Conducted the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy 9/11:
  • The Ultimate Inside Job And False Flag Operation 
  • They simply cannot control the spontaneous explosions of truth that are now occurring throughout every sphere of life. 
  • Just look at the ongoing supernova of disclosure concerning HARVEYGEDDON
  •  The HARVOCALYPSE Begins!  With this crucial shift in our individual and then collective posture, people of conscience standing in their own truth will be compelled to speak that truth to power. 
  • TPTB have a Plan B  
  • Their highly misguided scheme is being implemented by way of their rapidly unfolding A.I. agenda.  
  • AUTONOMOUS SUPERINTELLIGENCE: The Mad Scientists Don’t Even Know, What They Don’t Know  
  • However, what these same ill-advised characters fail to realize is the following about Technological Singularity:
  • Humanity Stands at the Edge of the AI Abyss
  • Alt MediaVariously known as the Fifth Estate and the Alt Media, this burgeoning media phenomena has completely changed the game.  
  • The Fifth Estate Casts Its Shadow Like a Massive Mothership 
  • This unprecedented relationship is now fraught with daily battles which only serve to expose the treachery and treason, perfidy and propaganda which issues forth daily from the MSM.  
  • Much of that truth concerns the mundane sources of power that have ruled the planet from time immemorial. 
  • The ruling families, their secret societies and orders, as well as their countless corporate entities, are being outed with increasing frequency. 
  • These revelations alone make it very difficult for TPTB to rule in secrecy as they once did. 
  • Conclusion  
  • When that happens, Deep State will collapse like the Twin Towers did on 9/11.  The C.I.A. will be defanged in a day and a night. 
  • The World Shadow Government will cease to function, before it ceases to exist altogether. 
  • Now that the New World Order agenda has been exposed as a sinister scheme to further imprison humanity, it has been halted. 
  • The planned totalitarian One World Government can no longer be established. 
  • World dominion by the NWO globalist cabal has been forever averted. 
  • Editor’s NoteReference___ http://cosmicconvergence.org/?p=23483 
  • http://cosmicconvergence.org/?p=24216#more-24216
  • The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency Must Be Shut Down
  • In spite of the many serious setbacks for the power elite, their hidden agents in Deep State will continue to attempt to overthrow Trump anyway they can. 
  • Which is why the POTUS will be forced to exercise the military option probably sooner than later. 
  • As follows:
  • Trump has only ONE response to the ongoing soft coup being run by rogue elements within the U.S. Intelligence Community
  • Cosmic Convergence Research Group December 2, 2017
  • Inasmuch as the Internet has completely taken over this plane of existence, it can be wielded as a double-edged sword.  While the net is being utilized systematically to take over the minds of users everywhere, it’s also being employed to reveal the inner workings of the Global Control Matrix.
  • There can only be one conclusion to this quickly evolving narrative: the curtain will soon drop on the Illuminati.
  • The bottom line here is that the world has changed in immense ways since 1995.  Although very few really apprehend the profound and fundamental effects on post-modern societies, they are beginning to manifest with a vengeance.
  • Truly, the Alt Media has become the standard-bearer for truth and factual journalism.  For the first time in the Third Millennium, investigative journalism has seen a rebirth.  And inconvenient truths (for TPTB) are being spread across the planet with a single keystroke.
  • The fact of the matter is that the Alt Media has become such a game-changer the Mainstream Media (MSM) has been forced to respond on a regular basis to its growing power and influence.
  • The single greatest development on the Internet post 2000 is the emergence of the alternative media.
  • Special Note: The actual predicament directly caused by the Internet is that TPTB failed to realize that, once it was online, they could not hope to control the outbreaks of truth-telling. 
  • How can they?  They don’t have the personnel, the resources, the time, or the necessary capacity to react to every eruption of truth that occurs on the net. 
  • It’s quite humorous watching the net guardians try to contain the “fake news” meme that President Trump has unleashed into cyberspace.  And “fake news” is just a very accurate pejorative, not a highly classified data point capable of toppling a horde of VIPs or stopping a major war. 
  • It’s never been so much fun watching the MSM talking heads go apoplectic on air because of the truth bombs falling all over the place.  This is the real reason why the end is very near for The Powers That Were
  • They simply cannot manage, nor contain, the overwhelming and unrelenting onslaught of truth taking place all over the Internet.
  • In this way the elites hope to maintain their ascendancy throughout the earthly domain.
  • TPTB really believe they can create an all-powerful and failsafe control mechanism using autonomous superintelligence.   Their numerous covert AI enterprises have one goal of paramount importance: that every human being will be incessantly monitored and controlled so as to prevent emancipation from the prison planet.
  • The power elite do have a contingency plan in place to preclude their unavoidable downfall.
  • At the critical point, and it’s happening right now, Deep State will experience a free-fall collapse. 
  • The C.I.A. will be terminated.  And the shadow government will lose all power to control the destiny of the American Republic.
  • The more that truth trickles throughout the planetary civilization, the more We the People will be empowered to take back our power.
  • It’s now impossible for the Internet censors to suppress these and many other much more highly consequential facts of life on planet Earth.
  • Likewise, were the citizenry to know that 9/11 was an inside job perpetrated by rogue elements within the US government, the United States of America would change in a New York minute.
  • For example, if the American people truly understood that the C.I.A. assassinated President John F. Kennedy things would change with a D.C. newsflash.
  • JFK & 9/11
  • In fact, the Internet allows them to follow the facts and the truth to wherever it leads them.
  • The Internet, however, has cultivated a conducive environment whereby truth seekers the world over are easily escaping from their intellectual incarceration.
  • Earth has been set up as a prison planet for millennia.
  • The ineluctable transfer of this newfound power to the people cannot be stopped. 
  • It may be thwarted, or temporarily misdirected, but it cannot be taken away once received.  Once in possession of the truth, the people have effectively been set free.
  • Because of the Internet, the digitally connected in particular have access to more truth than ever, especially if they know where to find it.
  • With each passing day, more people awaken to the fabricated false reality that has been continuously programmed by the agents of the power elite.
  • Even if Deep State flat-out seized control of the Internet, they would fail in their pursuit of total lockdown.  The CIA, NSA, DIA, FBI, and DHS already use Google, Facebook, Twitter and others — 24/7 — to enforce their Big Brother regime.  Nevertheless, they always fall far short of what are essentially unattainable objectives.
  • Because we live in the Information Age dominated and controlled by the Internet, information is power.  Hence, whoever controls the global information-processing apparatus controls the planet… to a certain extent.
  • Even with A.I. tech-entities overseeing the net 24/7, efforts to control the release and/or flow of “classified” info is completely futile.
  • Before the Internet, it was extremely easy for the controllers of the Earth realm to maintain an information/data lockdown.
  • KEY POINT: This single info-sharing dynamic has created unlimited opportunities for people to disseminate their own radioactive truth(s). Some of these truths are capable of bringing down corrupt governments anywhere as well as exposing multi-century criminal conspiracies perpetrated on a global scale.
  • Once this pivotal milestone was passed, the unparalleled sharing of privileged information and sensitive data began in earnest.
  • The entire world became digitally connected so that people everywhere could connect in myriad and diverse ways.
  • Here’s what really happened:
  • “TPTB made a HUGE mistake when they built the Internet for themselves and their misguided purposes.  They conceived it as the ultimate weapon of mass deception, and means to completely control the planetary realm… and so it is.  However, they did not realize the extent to which it could, and would, be used against them.  Google “Rothschild” and see how their name is now associated with every foul endeavor under the sun, both past and present.  Ditto that for Rockefeller…Bush…Clinton…Obama…Soros… Kissinger, etc.  Just this reversal of fortune alone has majorly taken the wind out of the sails of their New World Order agenda.  The “genie is out of the bottle”, and there ain’t no putting it back in!  And that genie is coming right for the ruling elites with the sharp sword of truth and avenging scales of justice.
  • From this point forward, dismantling the shadow government is really only a matter of execution.
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  • Deep State Collapsing, C.I.A. Being Defanged, Shadow Government Defeat Inevitable
  • ← Medical Kidnapping Crimes Increasing With Each Legal Vaccine Refusal

Viš breytum feršakerfinu yfir ķ žrķvķddar umferš. Viš eigum aš skoša nżjustu tękni, og hyggja svo aš žvķ hvaš muni vera gįfulegast. Aldrei į aš taka įkvöršun, fyrr en aš hafa leitaš aš visku frį kjarnanum, the core, eins og Nikola Tesla sagši.

          Smįmynd: Jónas Gunnlaugsson


Sett į blogg: Axel Jóhann Axelsson

Borgarlķna og einkabķllinn eiga samleiš


Er Höršur Žormar nnįlęgt sannleikanum?


Viš tökum ekki upp gamaldags ""Lķnu,"" jįrnbraut frį įrinu 1802, viš fįum Lķnu langsokk ķ liš meš okkur og stefnum į Jetson, strax ķ dag.

Viš breytum feršakerfinu yfir ķ žrķvķddar umferš.

Viš eigum aš skoša nżjustu tękni, og hyggja svo aš žvķ hvaš muni vera gįfulegast.

Aldrei į aš taka įkvöršun, fyrr en aš hafa leitaš aš visku frį kjarnanum, the core, eins og Nikola Tesla sagši.


Viš erum fulltrśar gnęgta, lausna.



The Jetson family (clockwise from upper left) — Rosie (robot), George, Jane, Judy, Elroy, and Astro the dog.




Holograph, orku flutnings tęki. Žaš kom frétt um aš Rśssar vęru komnir į fulla ferš viš aš rannsaka og fullkomna, teleportation, žaš er aš fęra žaš sem viš köllum efni į milli staša, ķ rśminu, rśmi og tķma. Nś vitum viš aš efni er ekki til.

Egilsstašir, 22.01.2018  Jónas Gunnlaugsson




Diet based on sugar, fats and carbohydrates is the main cause of excess weight. Generally, people are not aware of how much sugar they consume during the day mostly because they do not know that the foods they are eating contains sugar.

This Kills Sugar In Your Body It Will Disappear In Just 3 Days And You Will Lose Weight    

This Kills Sugar In Your Body: It Will Disappear In Just 3 Days And You Will Lose Weight !!

Er vit ķ žessu?

Diet based on sugar, fats and carbohydrates is the main cause of excess weight. Generally, people are not aware of how much sugar they consume during the day mostly because they do not know that the foods they are eating contains sugar.


This results in excessive weight, frequent mood changes, insomnia, fatigue and disorientation. Eating high amounts of sugar in long terms increases the risk of developing serious diseases, including diabetes, breast cancer and coronary disease.

When we consume sugar, the body uses it to turn it into energy. However, high sugar intake causes the body to accumulate the excessive sugar in the blood.

Therefore, it is recommended that you control your sugar intake.

Here is a simple and easy way to regulate your blood sugar levels and protect yourself from a number of serious health conditions:


Day 1 Breakfast: a cup of oatmeal with seeds, almonds or berries or 3 scrambled eggs Snack: a cup of walnuts Lunch: boiled chicken breast and one serving of pumpkin seeds, almonds or lightly cooked beans Dinner: mushrooms and baked fish or salmon with broccoli

Day 2 Breakfast: the same as day 1 Snack: a cup of hazelnut Lunch: Zucchini with pepper sauce and lemon Dinner: beans, cooked vegetables or baked cod and toast


Day 3 Breakfast: the same ad days 1 and 2 Snack: a cup of hazelnut Lunch: Roasted chicken breast with lemon dressing or chicken baked in the oven with black olives, thyme and onions. Dinner: soup with onions or pasta with basil, mushrooms and tomato sauce (you can also add meat) It is recommended that you consume exclusively tea or water, or a cup of coffee a day, without sugar.



Birt 9. įgś. 2017

Egilsstašir, 21.01.2018 Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Kerfiš veršur aš leggjast į bęn, og bišja Guš um aš gefa sér įstśš og umhyggju, svo aš kerfiš geti lifaš įn forseta morša, ég fletti upp frį Linkoln og til Kennedys og bróšur hans, Róbert Kennedy, var hann ekki dómsmįlarįšherra.

Žaš veršur gaman aš sjį hvernig žessu lķkur. Žarna loka Democratar į framgang fjįrlaga, žótt Repśblicanar hafi forsetann og meirihluta ķ bįšum deildum žingsins.

Jį rįšherra kerfiš, New World Order kerfiš, er hįlf rįšžrota meš mįlefnin, einhversstašar var sagt aš herinn ętlaši aš taka völdin, ef kerfiš myrti forsetann, Trump.

Kerfiš veršur aš leggjast į bęn, og bišja Guš um aš gefa sér įstśš og umhyggju, svo aš kerfiš geti lifaš įn forseta morša, ég fletti upp frį Linkoln og til Kennedys og bróšur hans, Róbert Kennedy, var hann ekki dómsmįlarįšherra.


Hann sleppti takinu į illskunni, og hatrinu, žį komst hann inn ķ himnarķkisfariš. Ef žś bišur, fašir, taktu frį mér illskuhatriš, žį losnar žś śr įlögum illskuhaturs. Engu skiptir žótt einhverjir hafi komiš illa fram, og žś fyllst af illsku og hatri.


Žarna sżnist aš žjóširnar 128 hlżši yfirbošurunum ķ blindni. Viš hefšum įtt aš ašstoša bakstjórn veraldarinnar, til aš hętta gömlu ašferšunum, lagfęra allt. Nś er meiri skilningur, almęttiš vill hjįlpa okkur vanžroskušum, en viš veršum aš vilja žaš.


Sett į blogg:   Einar Björn Bjarnason  

Donald Trump žvingar fram "government shutdown" ķ von um aš fį vegginn sinn fullfjįrmagnašan!



Compare U.S. Presidents Assassinated



List of United States presidential assassination attempts and plots




Egilsstašir, 21.01.2018  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

sett ķ athugasemdir:

10 Smįmynd: Jónas Gunnlaugsson


Viš žessir rįšvilltu höfum leišsögn til aš hęgt sé aš hjįlpa okkur.

Ég skil žetta ekki, en žigg hjįlpina.

Viš allir ęttum aš žiggja hjįlpina.    


Hann sleppti takinu į illskunni, og hatrinu, žį komst hann inn ķ himnarķkisfariš. Ef žś bišur, fašir, taktu frį mér illskuhatriš, žį losnar žś śr įlögum illskuhaturs. Engu skiptir žótt einhverjir hafi komiš illa fram, og žś fyllst af illsku og hatri.


Žarna sżnist aš žjóširnar 128 hlżši yfirbošurunum ķ blindni. Viš hefšum įtt aš ašstoša bakstjórn veraldarinnar, til aš hętta gömlu ašferšunum, lagfęra allt. Nś er meiri skilningur, almęttiš vill hjįlpa okkur vanžroskušum, en viš veršum aš vilja žaš.

Egilsstašir, 21.01.2018  Jónas Gunnlaugsson


Višbót, sett inn ķ hjį okkur, žessum marg brotnu. Viljum viš kalla į ferjumanninn af öllum lķfs og sįlar kröftum?

Jónas Gunnlaugsson, 21.1.2018 kl. 16:23


Slóširnar hans Mofa hér ķ athugasemdunum, ég set žęr inn ķ Word, enter fyrir aftan slóširnar, žį verša žęr blįar, vel slóširnar, copyera, afrita slóširnar, eša allann textann ķ Wordinu og pasta, lķmi svo ķ athugasemd hér..


Klikka į slóširnar til aš skoša.

BREAKING NEWS TRUMP 1/21/18: How mean-spirited the Democrats are?



BREAKING NEWS TRUMP 1/21/18: How mean-spirited the Democrats are?


Jónas Gunnlaugsson, 21.1.2018 kl. 17:2


enables the Federal Government to achieve its mandate of full employment under the Employment Act, and enables the re-constituted Fed to achieve its “dual mandate” of maximum employment and stable prices under the Federal Reserve Act.



        AMERICAN   MONETARY   INSTITUTE            PO Box 601, Valatie, NY 12184   Tel: 224-805-2200                 email:ami@taconic.net http://www.monetary.org                                    

Dedicated to the independent study of monetary history, theory and reform                              

“Over time, whoever controls the money system controls the nation”                                                 Stephen Zarlenga, Director How the --

N.E.E.D. Act gives an Immediate, Seamless and Non-Disruptive Overnight Transition from a Crisis-Prone Bank Debt System to a Stable Government Money System

by Jamie Walton                   August 2015

The NEED Act is an elegant and simple law which overnight converts our crisis prone bank debt money system into a pure, reliable U.S. money system in fully secure accounts. It is painless, everybody’s money is maintained safe and secure, and all debts can be payable, meaning no losses from systemic defaults (thus restoring confidence in crisis ridden markets).

Overnight Conversion of Bank Deposits - 1 Upon the NEED Act becoming law, all bank deposits are designated and treated as United States Money (sovereign money, just as circulating coins from the U.S. Mint are now).

All bank deposits become “safekeeping accounts;” they are no longer owed by banks to their depositors, as they now are; but are instead maintained in safekeeping for depositors (what people think they are now).

They’re still exchangeable at will for U.S. currency notes and coins.

This change happens overnight and won’t disrupt business. It relieves banks of a liability they now have to their depositors. All these liabilities (bank deposits) are equal in value to the bulk of the U.S. money supply.

In exchange for removing this liability from banks, an equal liability is put in its place which requires banks to pay over to the U.S. Treasury the repayments from outstanding loan balances - 2 due to them, when banks are repaid by their borrowers. - 3 The interest remains income of banks.

This applies only to the amount of bank loans (or security purchases) that resulted in the creation of bank deposits out of thin air – from so called fractional reserve banking. Thus overnight, banks are relieved of liabilities that might be payable at any time (whenever the depositor asked for them), and these are replaced with liabilities that are only payable as and when the borrowers repay their bank loans.

Any bank loans that arose from banks borrowing money from others will still be paid back to the banks’ lenders in the normal course of business. Thus banks have no more liabilities in total than they had before.

Thus banks’ liquidity situation is dramatically improved, while their net worth is unaffected. Also banks’ income situation is dramatically improved since they will no longer pay interest on deposit accounts (their main expense) and can instead charge fees for their deposit services.

It’s an Overnight, Seamless Transition to a Just Monetary System As the principal on bank loans is paid over to the U.S. Treasury it goes into a “Revolving Fund Account” and is recycled back into the economy to maintain the money supply levels. The Treasury revolving fund can lend this real U.S. money back to banks if needed and it can provide funding to pay off the national debt as it comes due; it can provide (on a per capita basis) interest-free loans to state and local government entities (including school and fire districts), and provide a source of instant funding in case of a national emergency.                                                    

1 including the equivalent for credit union accounts and Fed accounts - 2 including on securities (e.g., bonds) that were purchased by banks through the creation of bank deposits 3 instead of these deposits being destroyed, as they are now when repayments are made on bank loans


“But Wait – There’s More – Much More” The Fed presently holds about $4.2 trillion in various securities in its System Open Market Account (SOMA) as “backing” for present day currency and management purposes.

Under the NEED Act these are no longer required4 and can be sold back into the market. This can easily provide funding for a onetime tax free dividend for all citizens living in the U.S. It could also be used to pay off all outstanding student debt (about $1.2 trillion).

As the economy needs more money5, the Monetary Authority will advise Congress the amount and the Treasury will be authorized to create it instead of borrowing/taxing, and can fund programs for infrastructure, education, assuring social security, and resolving mortgages, as authorized and appropriated by Congress (again on an equitable per capita basis).

6 For example it can be used to fund a sorely needed national health care system. The NEED Act also grants one fourth of all new money created each year directly to the states 7 for their needs – for example pensions. Since the federal and state and local governments will have an interest-free source of money, they will normally no longer need to borrow.

Thus as investors holding various government bonds are repaid; if they want to keep earning money from such investments, they will have to re-invest in businesses in the private sector, thereby generating more economic activity and more employment.

Interest rates could fall. Removing interest expenses from federal, state and local government budgets means taxes can be reduced, which would increase the disposable incomes of consumers and producers alike, thus generating more economic activity and thus more employment. Good-paying jobs will be generated in engineering, education, health care, construction and manufacturing, estimated in 2012 at 27.2 million full-time jobs.8 In this way, the economy can generate enough income to pay off all outstanding debts.

Therefore banks’ solvency situation is improved even if their net position is unchanged. As the NEED Act makes banks’ business model more profitable, it will enable banks to reduce the margin between the interest they charge and the interest they pay, which will be good for both borrowers and lenders, and the economy as a whole.

Summary The NEED Act enables the Federal Government to achieve its mandate of full employment under the Employment Act, and enables the re-constituted Fed to achieve its “dual mandate” of maximum employment and stable prices under the Federal Reserve Act.  

Thus the NEED Act enables a non-disruptive, seamless and painless correction to our presently mis-structured money system that is causing havoc and hardship.

The NEED Act is simple and not really radical in any sense because it is what our Constitution explicitly calls for and is essentially what most Americans erroneously believe we now have! - money is created by our government, not by the banks making loans; - banks are acting as intermediaries, borrowing money from some and loaning it to others; - government has power to create money for infrastructure, education, and health care.

END 4 because its deposit accounts become safekeeping accounts and Federal Reserve notes are replaced with U.S. currency notes that are not liabilities of the Fed

5 this will be easily known; the right amount will be when there is no unemployment and no inflation or deflation, any deflation and/or unemployment would indicate not enough, any inflation would indicate too much 6 if Congress does not authorize or appropriate up to that amount, the U.S. Treasury may still disburse the funds up to that amount by drawing on existing funds held in accounts that it administers (including the revolving fund) 7 including the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and all U.S. territories 8 the combined effect may be more


Almyndin, heimsmyndin okkar, lķfiš okkar, viš getum gerbreytt heimsmyndinni yfir ķ ljósiš og litina. En - vilt žś hlusta į leišsögumennina? Svarašu nś einusinni rétt. Žaš er lķtiš gaman aš vera blindur og heyrnarlaus, į feršinni ķ višsjįlum heimi.

Manstu eftir rįndżrunum, pśkunum? Viš kennum žeim nżja og betri siši

Žetta er hugsuš heimsmynd til aš leita skżringa, nįlgun.

Holograph mynd, almynd, matrixiš, žaš er grindaverkiš, žaš er ferningarnir, kubbarnir, sem fylla rśmiš, ķ geislasśpunni.

Žetta matrix, kubbarnir, sem fylla rśmiš, matrixiš ķ žrķvķdd, eru punktarnir ķ eternum, sśpunni, geislunum, og žar sjįum viš heimsmyndina okkar, ķ lķfs skjįnum.

Žegar viš sjįum rafeindina ķ smįsjįnni, žį sjįum viš einn punkt ķ matrixinu, į, ķ geislasśpunni hans Nikola Tesla.

Žetta er skjįr į sama mįta og sjónvarpsskjįrinn, en ķ žrķvķdd. Sjónvarpsskjįrinn er ķ fleti, en heimsmyndaskjįrinn okkar er ķ rśmi, žaš er žrķvķšur.

Ég hef ekki gefiš mér tķma til aš skoša og reyna aš skżra matrixiš, og žį aš stķga śt fyrir matrixiš.

Ķ matrixinu, erum viš fastir ķ heimsmyndinni okkar, žroska ferlinu okkar.

Meira seinna.


Muna aš žegar viš skjótum rafeind į spjald meš tveimur rifum, (mynd) žį viršist alda skella į bakspjaldinu, ef viš horfum ekki į geršina.

Ef viš aftur į móti horfum į geršina, žį sjįum viš žaš sem viš köllum rafeind, og viršist rafeindin geta komiš hvar sem er į skošunar svęšinu, og fariš ķ gegn um hvora raufina sem er.

Žetta bendir til aš viš höfum punkt sjón, sjįum einn punkt ķ žrķvķša veruleika skjįnum okkar,

Žį er punkturinn žar į öldunni, sem viš horfum, skošum ķ hvert sinn.

Ég hef einhversstašar nefnt žetta įšur.



Egilsstašir, 17.01.2018 Jónas Gunnlaugsson


Nikola Tesla var einn af žeim, sem fluttu žjóšunum blessun og leystu fólkiš śr įnauš žekkingarleysisins? Žekkingin skapar allsnęktir. Nśstašreyndatrśin stóš į móti Jesś og Nikola Tesla. Viš skulum fęra Jesś og Tesla aftur inn ķ skólanna.


Žį reyni ég karlinn, aš lįta allt vera merkilegt, sem karlinn gerir, en konan, skapari veraldarinnar, verndari og uppalandi žjóšanna, žaš kemur af sjįlfu sér. Konan, barniš, heimiliš ķ forgang, og mį aldrei vera spila verkefni svokallašra fjįrfesta.

7.10.2017 | 13:26


The visions of Nikola Tesla A lot of people call me a dreamer, laughing at my ideas. Our world is generous with superficial people. Time will be the judge.



Žaš er ekkert grķn ķ, aš lenda ķ žvķ aš hafa unniš ķ gamlakerfinu af mikilli samviskusemi, og fį žaš svo framan ķ sig, aš allt hafi veriš vitlaust gert. Ég įtti aš vinna ķ kerfinu, en ekki aš breyta žvķ.




Ég bęti viš, Trump, Jónas frį Hriflu og Nikola Tesla, og svo allir hinir sendibošarnir, forustumennirnir og viš endum į Jesś. Žeir męttu mikilli mótstöšu, frį nśstašreyndatrśarmönnum sķns tķma, žaš er akademisku trśnni.



Trump, Jónas frį Hriflu og bilašur samtķmi

Pįll Vilhjįlmsson, kemur meš forvitnilegan samanburš, bilašur samtķmi, og er žar sannur ķ sinni umfjöllun, eins og hans var von og vķsa. Donald Trump er milljarša męringur sem ętlar aš bjarga bandarķsku lįglaunafólki frį aušhringum Jónas frį Hriflu var höfundur stjórnmįlakerfis sem įtti aš taka viš af gamla kerfi sjįlfstęšis stjórnmįla.


Ég ętla aš bęta viš einum śr nįlęgri tķš og segja: Trump, Jónas frį Hriflu og Nikola Tesla. Allir žessir voru ekki endilega aušskildir persónuleikar. Fyrsta hugsun er, aš Trump hefši žurft aš fara į Dale Carnegie nįmskeiš. En, vęri Trump žį Trump? Žaš er ekkert grķn ķ, aš lenda ķ žvķ aš hafa unniš ķ gamlakerfinu af mikilli samviskusemi, og fį žaš svo framan ķ sig, aš allt hafi veriš vitlaust gert. Ég įtti aš vinna ķ kerfinu, en ekki aš breyta žvķ. Gamla kerfiš viršist hafa veriš į fullu ķ, aš bśa til alheimsstjórn.

Aš žvķ er viršist, var ekki mikil Guš hręšsla ķ gamla kerfinu, flest var leyfilegt. Nokkur strķš voru ķ gangi, til aš halda žjóšunum innan Federal Reserve, einkarekna Dollara bankanum, sem skrifaši tölurnar ķ fjįrmįla bókhaldinu, og sagšist eiga tölurnar.

Bandarķkin og flestar žjóširnar, voru hśsdżr ķ fjósinu hjį einka rekna dollara bankanum.


Trump Drain the swamp He has rattled the system enough for them to expose how corrupt and one sided they really are. We the people now see, and continue to learn how screwed up things really are, starting to think the Russia investigation is really just too give the establishment time to cover up all the corruption within the system, I am liking Trump more and more every day and have lost all resp,……..



Saga Jónasar Jónssonar frį Hriflu | Gušjón Frišriksson gudjonfr.is/baekurnar/saga-jonasar-jonssonar-fra-hriflu/

Meš sveršiš ķ annarri hendi og plóginn ķ hinni. Saga Jónasar Jónssonar frį Hriflu 1. Dómsmįlarįšherrann. Saga Jónasar Jónssonar frį Hriflu 2. Ljóniš öskrar. Saga Jónasar Jónssonarfrį Hriflu 3. Žegar ég hafši lokiš viš aš skrifa sögu Reykjavķkur datt mér ķ hug aš skrifa ęvisögu žess litrķka stjórnmįlamanns, Jónasar ...


The visions of Nikola Tesla A lot of people call me a dreamer, laughing at my ideas. Our world is generous with superficial people. Time will be the judge.


Egilsstašir, 07.01.2018 Jónas Gunnlaugsson


Viš lęršum akademisku hįskóla trśna, nśstašreynda trśna, ķ skólunum fyrir 70 įrum, heyršum kennarana tala um hvaš fólkiš hefši veriš vitlaust hér įšur fyrr, aš trśa į eterinn. Svo hló kennarinn og nemendurnir. Nś er eterinn oršin akademisk trś aftur.

9.3.2017 | 07:59 https://jonasg-egi.blog.is/blog/jonasg-egi/entry/2191975/

Nś kenna fęrustu vķsindamenn aš sśpan, eterinn fylli rśmmiš. Tesla sem sagši okkur aš viš vęrum aš vaša villu var sagšur oršinn vitlaus į žessum tķma. Tesla var farin aš kenna okkur aš viš vęrum, geislar, bylgjur, hvert land hefši sinn geisla. Meš öšrum oršum, hann var kominn svo langt fram fyrir okkur ķ skilningi aš viš afgreiddum hann sem ómarktękan.

Lesum allt um Tesla, og žżšum žaš į Ķslensku.


Egilsstašir, 08.01.2018 Jónas Gunnlaugsson



Two teams ... US / Europe ... have shown the existence of a fourth spatial dimension ...we can, theoretically at least, turn a two-dimensional system into a four-dimensional one.

Put simply, as we perceive it, 3D objects cast 2D shadows, so it follows that 4D objects would cast 3D shadows, even if we can't actually see the 4D object itself.

The 4th dimension, but not as we know it: Scientists bend rules to catch glimpse of unknown

Published time: 7 Jan, 2018 00:14 Edited time: 7 Jan, 2018 07:33


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Two separate teams of scientists have bent the rules of physics to catch a glimpse of evidence on something which, technically, we shouldn’t be able to perceive: a fourth spatial dimension.

Everyone is aware of our standard three dimensions of space and one dimension of time, but the two teams, one based in the US and the other in Europe, have shown the existence of a fourth spatial dimension by employing some head-melting quantum mechanics and a bit of laser trickery.

The teams created two custom-designed, two-dimensional experiments to generate an instance of the quantum Hall effect, which restricts the movement of electrons, allowing us to both perceive and measure them in a unique way. The quantum hall effect points to the existence of a fourth spatial dimension. Researchers who studied the effect won the 2016 Nobel Prize for Physics. The quantum Hall effect usually manifests itself in the boundary between two materials, where electrons can only move in two dimensions.

When a magnetic field is produced perpendicular to the 2D plane it greatly changes the behavior of electrons which flow through it, which can further be manipulated by reducing the temperature and increasing the voltage within the environment. The larger the field and the greater the voltage, the more of a role quantum mechanics plays.

"Physically, we don't have a 4D spatial system, but we can access 4D quantum Hall physics using this lower-dimensional system because the higher-dimensional system is coded in the complexity of the structure," Mikael Rechtsman from Penn State University told Gizmodo.

"Maybe we can come up with new physics in the higher dimension and then design devices that take advantage the higher-dimensional physics in lower dimensions."

The European-based team supercooled atoms close to absolute zero, which were then placed in a 2d lattice created using lasers, before ‘exciting’ the atoms using additional lasers to get them moving again.

The US-based team took a different approach by beaming a laser through a block of glass to simulate the effect of an electric field on charged particles, as required to produce the quantum Hall effect.

Illustration of a hypothetical device for studying the quantum Hall effect in 4D systems © LMU / MPQ

"I think that the two experiments nicely complement each other," one of the European researchers, Michael Lohse from the Ludwig-Maximilians University in Germany, told Gizmodo.

Put simply, as we perceive it, 3D objects cast 2D shadows, so it follows that 4D objects would cast 3D shadows, even if we can't actually see the 4D object itself.

Approximately two decades ago, boffins proved mathematically that fourth dimensional movement was possible but such theories were relegated to the realm of science fiction.

"At the time, however, that was more like science fiction," said Oded Zilberberg as cited by Eureka Alert, "as actually observing something like that in an experiment seemed impossible – after all, physical space only has three dimensions."

By using a topological 'pump' to manipulate the 2D environments in the experiments, Zilberberg postulated that we can, theoretically at least, turn a two-dimensional system into a four-dimensional one.

"Right now, those experiments are still far from any useful application," Zilberberg admits.

However, as such research continues, it could afford us unique perspectives on current fields of study. One such instance would be in materials science.

Quasicrystals in metallic alloys have no periodic structure in three dimensions but do in higher, theoretical ones such as the fourth dimension. Such quasicrystals could one day greatly reinforce steel, develop improved heat insulation, and provide new materials which convert heat to electricity.

They could also be used as solar absorbers for power conversion in the renewable energy industry as well providing low-friction alternatives to current artificial bone repair and prostheses applications in the medical science field.

Egilsstašir, 07.01.2018  Jónas Gunnlaugsson


One can understand clearly the illusion only when he or she can free himself or herself from this illusion, - This come from the ability to switch off the mind and look inside, -

Is the World Just an Illusion or Real?


by Remez Sasson

Is the world just an illusion or real? This is a question that some of the people who visit this website and blog ask.

The world is not real in the sense that:

  • Nothing is permanent in the world.
  • The reality or lack or reality of the world largely depends on our five senses.
  • Everything is vibration in various wavelengths.
  • Everything is made from the same tiny particles, so the same particles can take different forms.
  • Everything that we call truth depends on our prior mental programming and education. What someone deems as truth, someone else deems as untrue.
  • The world is an illusion not in the sense that it is non-existent, but in the sense that we create this illusion with our attitude, upbringing and ignorance. We often create with our feelings and thoughts an illusory world that does not exist. We create a veil that hides reality.

One can understand clearly the illusion only when he or she can free himself or herself from this illusion, and this does not come from just denying the reality of the world and becoming apathetic. This come from the ability to switch off the mind and look inside, and requires a lot of inner work. ...

Bera žetta saman viš Nikola Tesla:

  Nikola Tesla var einn af žeim, sem fluttu žjóšunum blessun og leystu fólkiš śr įnauš žekkingarleysisins? Žekkingin skapar allsnęktir. Nśstašreyndatrśin stóš į móti Jesś og Nikola Tesla. Viš skulum fęra Jesś og Tesla aftur inn ķ skólanna. 20.12.2017 | 18:24 Vištal viš Nikola Tesla 1899

Egilsstašir, 05.01.2018 Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Viš skulum vona aš žessari einkaklķku, bakstjórnarinnar, New World Order, og fjįrmįlakerfisins Federal Reserv, takist ekki aš mślbinda internetiš lķka.

Žetta lķtur śt sem hann vilji setja į ritskošun, til aš stöšva falsfréttir.

Viš vitum aš allir venjulegu fréttamišlarnir, eru ritskošašir.

Ég var staddur hjį hįskólamenntušum manni, og hann sagši ad myndirnar af Trump og Sigmundi Davķš Gunnlaugssyni, hjį fjölmišlunum, vęru valdar til aš minnka tiltrś į Trump og Sigmundi Davķš.

Žaš vęri greinilegt aš fréttamišlarnir veldu slęmar myndir, vegna žess, aš eigendur mišlanna teldu aš žessir menn, Trump og Sigmundur Davķš stęšu ķ vegi fyrir įformum, klķkunnar, bakstjórnarinnar, New World Order, og fjįrmįlakerfisins Federal Reserv, sem er allt ķ einka eigu.

Žegar ritskošunin er komin į, į internetinu, žį geta žessir ašilar śtilokaš žau skrif, sem žeir telja aš henti ekki žeirra pólitķsku stefnu.

Sį grunur lęšist aš okkur, aš žessir ašilar sem vilja nį stjórn į heiminum, bśi sjįlfir til falsfréttirnar til aš geta sett ritskošun į sannleikann.

Žeir hafa sżnt aš žeir hafa žegar bönd, skuldabönd, į öllum öšrum fjölmišlum en internetinu.

Trump Bandarķkja forseti hefur notaš Twitter, til aš geta haft beint samband viš fólkiš, kjósendur ķ veröldinni.

Žannig fékk fólkiš aš vita hvaš hann ętlaši aš gera.

Og ekki stóš į fólkinu, žaš fyllkti liši um Trump, og gerši hann aš forseta Bandarķkjanna.

Nś heldur Trump kjósendum sķnum upplżstum į Twitter, um framgöngu sķna viš aš uppfylla kosningaloforšin.

Aš žvķ aš best veršur séš, er Trump į fullri ferš viš aš uppfylla loforšin.

Viš skulum vona aš žessari einkaklķku, bakstjórnarinnar, New World Order, og fjįrmįlakerfisins Federal Reserv, takist ekki aš mślbinda internetiš lķka.

Egilsstašir, 04.01.2018  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

mbl.is Undirbżr lagasetningu gegn falsfréttum
Tilkynna um óvišeigandi tengingu viš frétt

Ef fjölmišill velur oftast neikvęšar fréttir um Trump, žį gerir mašur rįš fyrir aš andstęšingar, óvildarmenn Trumps, rįši fréttamišlinum. Fjįrmįlakerfi, stjórnaš af Sįdiarabķu, mį ekki stjórna fjölmišlunum.




Sett į blogg:   Magnśs Žór Hafsteinsson

Donald Trump Bandarķkaforseti er aš marka sķn spor ķ sögunni


Tjah, tilgangur minn meš žvķ aš endursegja fréttaskżringu NRK var m. a. sį aš sżna hvaš fréttaflutningurinn af störfum forsetans er oft bjagašur hér į landi.

Af hverju reynir t. d. enginn ķslenskur fjölmišill aš fókusera į aš žaš gengur betur ķ bandarķskum efnahag? Žaš er nokkuš sem skiptir okkur Ķslendinga mjög miklu mįli. Um žetta er žagaš žunnu hljóši. 

Magnśs Žór Hafsteinsson, 3.1.2018 kl. 00:33


Jį žetta er til fyrirmyndar. žaš mįtti sjį hvaša blöš eru undir handarjašri andstęšinga Trump.

Žeir fjölmišlar sem birtu fréttina, Trump kastaši žurrkurśllum ķ fólkiš ķ Kosta Rika, ķ staš fréttarinnar, Trump fór ķ kirkjumišstöš og tók žįtt ķ aš afhenda hjįlpargögn.

Ein konan ķ hópnum kallaši, hentu til mķn, hentu til mķn.

Žį var Trump meš "eldhśsžurrkurśllu" ķ hendinni, og Trump tók flotta "beisboltasveiflu" og henti rśllunni til konunnar.

Ef fjölmišill velur oftast neikvęšar fréttir, žį gerir mašur rįš fyrir aš andstęšingar, óvildarmenn Trumps, rįši fréttamišlinum.

Trump fór sjįlfur aš afhenda hjįlpargögn, og žį hrópaši kona śt ķ hópnum, kastašu til mķn, kastašu til mķn. Trump svaraši aš bragši, og kastaši rśllu sem hann var meš ķ hendinni til konurnar. Hvķ reynir the "Corporate controled Media, aš nišurlęgja Trump?

Gangi ykkur allt ķ haginn.

Glešilegt nżtt įr.

Egilsstašir, 02.01.2018 Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Kunnum viš ekki aš skammast okkar, fyrir aš vera hugsunarlaus hśsdżr į bįs hjį fjįrmįlaöflunum? - Og svo žykjumst viš hugsa, sveiattann !!!!!*


Rśssland, Pśtin, lokaši strax į višskipti viš löndin sem, skapraunušu Rśsslandi, žaš er settu višskiptabann į Rśssland.

Žaš er oft aš menn svara fyrir sig.

Ef žś villt ekki vinna meš mér, žį er žaš žitt mįl.

Nś, į ég aš fara aš snśast ķ kring um žann ašila sem vill ekki vinna meš mér? ...


Allar žjóširnar og Bandarķkin lķka, eru hśsdżr į bįs hjį žessari einkareknu peninga elķtu, bókhalds fęrslu elķtu,  sem ašeins skrifar töluna, og segist svo hafa lįnaš peningabókfęrsluna.

Kunnum viš ekki aš skammast okkar, fyrir aš vera hugsunarlaus hśsdżr į bįs hjį fjįrmįlaöflunum?

Og svo žykjumst viš hugsa, svei attann !!!!!*


Er fólkiš ķ Bandarķkjunum, oršiš žreytt į žvķ, aš lįta segja sér aš nś žurfi aš herja į hinum żmsu stöšum, vegna, og žaš er ekki sagt, barįttu peningaaflana, nś 80% undir stjórn Sįdi-Arabķu.

Egilsstašir, 02.01.2018  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Jónas Gunnlaugsson, 2.1.2018 kl. 12:05


Glešilegar hįtķšir, bęši fram og aftur, viš vitum aš fortķšin, nśtķminn og framtķšin er allt til.

Nś breytum viš öllu til góšs į 10 įrum, meira en viš höfum gert į sķšustu 100 įrum.

Forsenda žess aš viš getum lagaš ašstęšurnar, er aš einhverjir geti hugsaš žessar ašstęšur upp, eša eins og Nikola Tesla sagši, nįš ķ lausnirnar frį KJARNANUM.

Viš notun oršin, frį Heilögum Anda og frį Guši.

Nóg er til, en ef žś, nęrš ekki ķ žaš, hugsar žaš ekki upp, žaš er hlustar ekki į nįttśruna, Kjarnann, Heilagan Anda, žaš er Guš, žį veršur, žś, viš öll föst ķ fortķšinni.

Žerra hvert tįr, og į fullu inn ķ ljósiš og litina og lęrum af kennurunum, Jesś og Nikola Tesla.


000 ég gat lagaš žessa hlekki frį annarri tölvu ķ öšru hśsi, žar er annar róter

Vištal viš Nikola Tesla frį įrinu, 1899:

Nikola Tesla var einn af žeim, sem fluttu žjóšunum blessun og leystu fólkiš śr įnauš žekkingarleysisins? Žekkingin skapar allsnęktir. Nśstašreyndatrśin stóš į móti Jesś og Nikola Tesla. Viš skulum fęra Jesś og Tesla aftur inn ķ skólanna.

Nikola Tesla var einn af žeim, sem fluttu žjóšunum blessun og leystu fólkiš śr įna žekkingarleysisins? Žekkingin skapar allsnęktir. Nśstašreyndatrśin stóš į móti Jesś og Nikola Tesla. Viš skulum fęra Jesś og Tesla aftur inn ķ skólanna.


Žaš viršist sem Albert Einstein segi eins og Nikola Tesla aš allt komi frį kjarnanum, the Core, eins og Nikola Tesla sagši. Viš erum vanir aš nota oršin, frį heilögum anda, og frį Guši.

Žaš viršist sem Albert Einstein segi eins og Nikola Tesla aš allt komi frį kjarnanum, the Core, eins og Nikola Tesla sagši. Viš erum vanir aš nota oršin, frį heilögum anda, og frį Guši.

Egilsstašir, 02.01.2017 Jónas Gunnlaugsson

*Žetta sveiattann mynnir mig aš Halldór Jónsson verkfręšingur, hafi haft eftir einhverri formóšur sinni.

Ég man eftir žvķ aš eldri konur, notušu žetta žegar einhver gerši eitthvaš sem ekki var sómi aš.

Jónas Gunnlaugsson, 2.1.2018 kl. 13:05


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