Bloggfćrslur mánađarins, febrúar 2021

HUGSA - Alţjóđlegir lögfrćđingar stađráđnir í ađ halda "Nuremberg réttarhöld“ yfir COVIDcon (Perps) ţorpurunum. Lögfrćđingar lofa "Nuremberg réttarhöldum" gegn öllu á bak viđ COVID svindliđ.

Alţjóđlegir lögfrćđingar stađráđnir í ađ halda „Nuremberg réttarhöld“ fyrir COVIDcon (Perps)ţorpurunum.

International Lawyers Determined to Hold “Nuremberg Trials” for COVIDcon Perps 

Lögfrćđingar lofa ‘Nuremberg réttarhöldum’ gegn öllu á bak viđ  COVID svindliđ.

Lawyers Promise ‘Nuremberg Trials’ Against All Behind COVID Scam

Written by Jean-Michel Grau

Right now, a second Nuremberg tribunal that is in preparation, with a class action lawsuit being set up under the aegis of thousands of lawyers worldwide behind the American-German lawyer Reiner Fuellmich, who is prosecuting those responsible for the Covid-19 scandal manipulated by the Davos Forum.

In this respect, it is worth recalling that Reiner Fuellmich is the lawyer who succeeded in condemning the automobile giant Volkswagen in the case of the tampered catalytic converters. And it is this same lawyer who succeeded in condemning Deutsche Bank as a criminal enterprise.

According to Reiner Fuellmich, all the frauds committed by German companies are derisory compared to the damage that the Covid-19 crisis has caused and continues to cause. This Covid-19 crisis should be renamed the “Covid-19 Scandal” and all those responsible should be prosecuted for civil damages due to manipulations and falsified test protocols. Therefore, an international network of business lawyers will plead the biggest tort case of all time, the Covid-19 fraud scandal, which has meanwhile turned into the biggest crime against humanity ever committed.

A Covid-19 commission of enquiry has been set up on the initiative of a group of German lawyers with the aim of bringing an international class action lawsuit using Anglo-Saxon law.

Here is the summarized translation of the last communication of Dr. Fuellmich of 15/02/2021:

“The hearings of around 100 internationally renowned scientists, doctors, economists and lawyers, which have been conducted by the Berlin Commission of Inquiry into the Covid-19 affair since 10.07.2020, have in the meantime shown with a probability close to certainty that the Covid- 19 scandal was at no time a health issue.  Rather, it was about solidifying the illegitimate power (illegitimate because it was obtained by criminal methods) of the corrupt “Davos clique” by transferring the wealth of the people to the members of the Davos clique, destroying, among other things, small and medium-sized enterprises in particular. Platforms such as Amazon, Google, Uber, etc. could thus appropriate their market share and wealth.”

Status of the Covid-19 Committee investigation

a. Covid-19 as a diversionary tactic by corporate and political “elites” in order to shift market share and wealth from small and medium enterprises to global platforms such as Amazon, Google, Uber, etc.

b. Contribution of the Audiovisual Tax to the reconstruction of a new media landscape that offers truly independent information

c. Making regional agricultural structures secure

d. Making a secure regional currency to prevent a new currency from coming “from above” to be allocated in the event of good behaviour.

e. Psychological considerations of the situation: how did it come about?
Actions for annulment of the approval of a vaccination, filed against the European Commission, trial in New York of the status of PCR tests, German trials, Canadian trials, Australian trials, Austrian trials, trials at the International Court of Justice and the European Court of Human Rights.

“We have seen what has been confirmed time and time again: the degree of danger posed by the virus is about the same as that of seasonal flu, regardless of whether it is a new virus (wholly or partially manufactured) or whether we are simply dealing with a flu renamed “Covid-19 pandemic”. In the meantime, Drosten’s PCR tests cannot even tell us anything about contagious infections. To make matters worse, the health and economic damage caused by anti-covid measures has been so devastating that we have to speak of a level of destruction that is historically unique. »

“The fact that health has never been an issue is particularly obvious, except that injections of genetically experimental substances disguised as “vaccinations” are now cauing serious damage, including fatal consequences, on a mass scale. The world population has been used as guinea pigs for these experimental gene injections both gradually and extremely rapidly. In order to plunge the population into panic, dangerous and harmful containment measures (even according to the WHO) of compulsory, unnecessary and dangerous mask-wearing and social distancing, unnecessary and counterproductive, were introduced. The population was thus “ready” for the injections.”

“In the meantime, more and more people, not just lawyers – and rightly so – are demanding, in addition to an immediate end to these murderous measures, a judicial review by a truly independent international tribunal on the model of the Nuremberg trials. An example of such a demand and a moving excerpt from a speech by the English doctor Dr. Vernon Coleman can be found at the following link:(

In addition, an interview with a whistleblower at a Berlin nursing home shows that out of 31 people vaccinated there, some of them by force, in the presence of Bundeswehr soldiers, and who tested negative before the vaccination, 8 have now died and 11 are subject to serious side effects.” (
 Extraordinary meeting of the Berlin Covid Committee Wednesday 17/02/2021

“In this context, an extraordinary meeting of the Berlin Covid Committee will take place on Wednesday 17.02.2021, live and with many guests participating via Zoom.
From 14:00 onwards, the state of play will be summarised. In addition, it will be discussed how the contributions from the Audiovisual Licence Fee Tax can be kept and used for the reconstruction of a new media landscape that truly serves freedom of expression, and how the contributions already paid for the senseless propaganda of the last 11 months can be recovered through a formal notice.
There will be contributions and discussions on how the food supply can be secured, in particular by strengthening regional agriculture; but also by creating regional currencies, if necessary with the return of the EU to the EEC, on how to ensure that the policy of the “Davos clique”, based on printing money out of nothing, can be stopped and a return to stable currencies can be achieved.
Above all, experts will explain how it could happen that we find ourselves in this blackmail situation unimaginable even a year ago.

In the second part of the session, starting at 7 p.m., world-renowned and high-level personalities will comment on the state of current international legal disputes, including the various collective actions, as summarised above. But it will also be discussed how the main perpetrators, in particular political perpetrators, of the crimes against humanity committed here can and must be held accountable under civil and criminal law in the framework of a new International Court of Justice to be established in accordance with the guidelines of the Nuremberg trials with international distribution.”

The link to the special session of the Covid Committee announced here will be available on 17.02.2021 via the Committee’s website (
Commentary :

To fully understand what is at stake with this new Nuremberg tribunal to judge the biggest tort case of all time, it is by pulling the thread of Dr. Drosten’s lie for falsifying the PCR testing protocol on behalf of the Davos clique, that everything will come to pass:  the sponsors of the financial oligarchy, Klaus Schwab, the great architect of this gigantic hostage-taking, the politicians at the head of the EU, the armed arm of the execution of Drosten’s and WHO directives that led all Western governments yesterday to take the devastating decisions of containment, curfews, compulsory mask-wearing and social distancing, and today of lethal vaccines for the oldest among us.

“It is these truths that will bring down the masks of those responsible for the crimes committed. To the politicians who have had faith in these corrupt figures,” says Dr. Fuellmich, “the facts presented here are the lifeline that will help them to set the record straight and begin the much- needed scientific debate to avoid going down with these criminal charlatans.

Secondly, in the light of this latest communication by Dr Fuellmich, two proposals from the extraordinary meeting of the Covid Committee in Berlin are of particular interest:

Firstly, the way in which the food supply can be secured, which seems somewhat surreal given the current situation. According to Klaus Schwab’s planning for the Davos Forum, this is not the case.  He has predicted a break in the food chain from the end of the second half of 2021 (

Secondly, the creation of regional currencies. There, it is clear that the Covid Committee of Berlin already anticipates the world stock market crash which is coming and which the financial oligarchy of the Davos Forum intends to take advantage of to set up the European digital currency in the expectation of a world currency to create a Chinese-style social credit on which the middle class of all the peoples ruined by the closure of their businesses, small and medium-sized industries and enterprises, cultural and tourist industries, sports facilities, etc. will become dependent.

These two aspects alone of the hostage-taking 2.0 of which the Western world has been a victim for almost a year should logically be sufficiently motivating to make us understand definitively that we are faced with a “populicide” that only asks to crush us if we remain inert, arms dangling without doing anything.

This is why each of us should do everything we can now to ensure that this international legal coalition can become operational as soon as possible. To this end, all those of us who wish to join the collective action of French lawyers to participate in this reconquest of our freedoms should already get in touch with the collective action by 21 February ( de- paris). Our survival is at this price as well as the future of our children.

More at


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Viltu vita hvers vegna Amish fćr ekki Covid? Ţeir horfa ekki á sjónvarp.

Viltu vita hvers vegna Amish fólkiđ fćr ekki Covid?

Do you want to know why the Amish don’t get Covid?


Ţeir horfa ekki á sjónvarp.

They don’t watch TV.

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Trjáplöntur vaxa mikiđ betur í gróđurhúsi, ţar sem bćtt er viđ lífslofti, sem er nú kallađ mengun, ţađ er kolsýru og svo til samanburđar í gróđurhúsi, međ engri viđ bćttri kolsýru, lífslofti, mengun.

Ţetta er nokkuđ merkilegt, ađ kalla lífsloftiđ mengum, og ţá setja ţau farartćki í skammarkrókinn, sem skila frá sér lífslofti, koltvísýringi.


Ađ tala um ţessa undirstöđulofttegund í gufuhvolfinu, byggingarefni sjálfs lífsins sem mengun, eins og gróđurhúsatrúarmenn gera í ofstćki sínu og fáfrćđi. Af 400 grömmum í tonni andrúmslofts eru kannski 10 grömm manngerđ, hugsanlega miklu minna.

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 6. mars 2019

Ţá er ótaliđ allt ţađ, sem hefur streymt frá ţví í árdaga af ţessari ósýnilegu, lyktarlausu lofttegund upp úr jörđinni úr öllßum lág- og háhitasvćđum jarđar ofansjávar og neđan auk ţess sem eldfjöllin leggja öđru hvoru til. Jafnvel í ýmsum jarđfrćđilega



Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 1. mars 2015

Ţakka ţér kennsluna, Ađ flýta ísöldinni 4. útgáfa endurskođuđ Höfundur Vilhjálmur Eyţórsson fróđleg lesning. Er hugsanlegt ađ Suđurskautsjökullinn verđi svo ţykkur, ađ hann geti orsakađ möndulveltu.? Getur ţrýstingurinn orđiđ svo mikill ađ jökullinn


Allur grćni gróđurinn vex helmingi meira ef koltvísýringurinn eykst í loftinu.


Myndirnar sem ég, Jay Lehr sýndi Trump. - Áhrif loftslagsbreytinga. - Góđ áhrif af koltvísýringi. - Góđur fyrir plöntur og trjágróđur. - Góđur fyrir akrana, uppskeruna. - Góđur fyrir dýralífiđ. - Góđur fyrir heilsuna. - Góđur fyrir vöxt efnahagslífsina.

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 2. desember 2018

Já, ţá greiđum viđ ţeim sem aka um á vistvćnum, bensín og dísel bílum, sérstaka uppbót fyrir ađ fóđra allar plönturnar, trén, akrana, og reyndar allt líf á jörđinni. Viđ öll dýrin í skóginum, lifum á gróđrinum, sem lifir á koltvísýringnum. Auđvitađ vitum

Hér kemur pálmatré í flösku, ef til vill 20 metra hátt. Til ađ tréđ deyi ekki úr nćringarskorti, ţá ćtla dísel bíla eigendur, ađ aka upp ađ trénu, og tengja slöngu viđ pústiđ, sótiđ, sem kenur frá vélinni, og í krana á flöskunni, 3 mínútur 3x sólahring

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 1. maí 2019

Ţegar meiri hiti hefur veriđ á jörđinni, ţá hafa risiđ merkilegustu heimsveldin, ţá hefur gróđurinn dafnađ svo vel, ađ allir hafa haft gnćgđ matar. Ţá hefur menningin risiđ hćst, ţá hefur ţurft fćrri til ađ vinna ađ mataröfluninni, og ţá hafa margir 

Menningin og fćđuöflun manna og dýra er mest á hlýskeiđum. Áđur notuđu hrćđslu hlýnunar trúar sinnar orđiđ hlýnun, nú nota ţeir veđur breytingar. Ţađ myndi gagnast Jörđinni mjög ef allir borđuđu afurđir jarđargróđans, viđ hćttum ađ borđa dýrin á Jörđinni.


Hér vantar slóđ, ţar sem höfundur sýnir hvađ trjáplöntur vaxa mikiđ betur í gróđurhúsi, ţar sem bćtt er viđ lífslofti, sem er nú kalla mengun, ţađ er kolsýru og svo til samanburđar í gróđurhúsi, međ engri viđ bćttri kolsýru, lífslofti, mengun. 

Hér er slóđin.

Loftslagsbreytingar eftir Ágúst H Bjarnason ćttu allir ađ lesa.

Egilsstađir, 09.07.2019  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

SW, engin takmörkun er á stjórnlausu rafmagnsneti í Texas sem hćkkađi međaltal raforku- kostnađar heimilanna frá 8, til 10 sent, (10,33 krónur - 12,91 krónur) á kílóvattstund í $ 900 (116.226- krónur) á kílóvattstund.

Svona eru skrifin í ţessari grein.


Ţetta var vísvitandi samsćri um ađ gera sem flesta íbúa í Texas 

This was a deliberate plot to bankrupt as many residents of Texas as possible.

Orkufyrirtćki í Texas, hefur tekiđ 17.000 dollara,

2.195.380 krónur út af reikningi viđskiftavinar í kjölfar vetrarstormsins.

Texas resident has nearly $17,000 deducted from bank account by energy company following winter storm. 

„Griddy“ orkufyrirtćkiđ sagđi ađ hćgt vćri ađ greiđa međ afborgunum 
án annarra yfirvofandi greiđslu ađgerđa.

‘Griddy’ energy company said payments can be made in installments with no other imminent solutions. 

Íbúi í Texas hafđi tćplega $ 17.000 dregiđ sjálfkrafa af 
bankareikningi sínum eftir ađ Griddy, orkufyrirtćki í Texas,
lagđi álag á íbúa ríkisins í kjölfar hrikalegs vetrarstorms
og rafmagnsleysis í kjölfariđ.

Texas resident had nearly $17,000 automatically deducted from his
bank account after Griddy, a Texas Energy Company, imposed surcharges
on state residents following a devastating winter storm and
electrical blackout. Scott Willoughby, sem gekk til liđs viđ „America’s Newsroom“
á ţriđjudag til ađ rćđa máliđ, útskýrđi ađ engin takmörkun séu
á stjórnlausu rafmagnsneti í Texas sem hćkkađi međaltal raforku-
kostnađar heimilanna frá 8, til 10 sent, (10,33 krónur - 12,91 krónur)
á kílóvattstund í $ 900 (116.226- krónur) á kílóvattstund.
(Viđ vitum ekki um fastagjaldiđ.)


Scott Willoughby, who joined “America’s Newsroom” Tuesday to discuss the issue, explained that there is no cap on Texas’ unregulated power grids which surged average household electricity costs from 8 to 10 cents per kilowatt-hour to $900 per kilowatt-hour. 


Willoughby, who had the money in his account to pay the bill, expressed concern that hundreds of thousands of Texas residents will not be able to pay for crippling electrical costs, which average at around $5,000 per household over the course of the seven-day blackout.

“For a lot of people that [bill] will impact them devastatingly,” Willoughby said. “No food on the table for their kids, no rent or house payments or car payments –and there’s no recourse because the money’s gone.”

Despite this, Willoughby remained hopeful that residents will be reimbursed for the excess charges.

The Texas resident said that the state legislature and Gov. Greg Abbott called an emergency meeting Saturday to look into ways that they can help lessen the charges incurred on homeowners and renters.

Griddy said in a statement on its website Thursday, “We know you are angry and so are we. P—–, in fact.” The company explained wholesale prices shot up because the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT) took control of the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, which operates the state’s power grid, Monday and raised the wholesale price to $9 per kilowatt-hour at least until the grid could manage the demand caused by the winter storm.

The company said that’s around 300 times higher than the normal wholesale price, and even though 99% of homes had electricity by Thursday evening, PUCT left the pricing in place.

“The market is supposed to set the prices, not political appointees,” the company said. “We intend to fight this for, and alongside, our customers for equity and accountability – to reveal why such price increases were allowed to happen as millions of Texans went without power.”

Griddy told FOX 4 that bill payments can be made in installments but didn’t offer any other immediate solutions to customers’ excessive bills.

Fox News’ Bri Stimson contributed to this report.


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Ađ tala um ţessa undirstöđulofttegund í gufuhvolfinu, byggingarefni sjálfs lífsins sem mengun, eins og gróđurhúsatrúarmenn gera í ofstćki sínu og fáfrćđi. Af 400 grömmum í tonni andrúmslofts eru kannski 10 grömm manngerđ, hugsanlega miklu minna.

Ţá er ótaliđ allt ţađ, sem hefur streymt frá ţví í árdaga af ţessari ósýnilegu, lyktarlausu lofttegund upp úr jörđinni úr öllßum lág- og háhitasvćđum jarđar ofansjávar og neđan auk ţess sem eldfjöllin leggja öđru hvoru til. Jafnvel í ýmsum jarđfrćđilega „köldum" löndum eru víđa ölkeldur og loftop, sem koldíoxíđ streymir upp um allan sólarhringinn, alla daga.

Auk ţess ná eldvirkir neđansjávarhryggir um 50 ţús. kílómetra í mörgum hlykkjum umhveris jörđina og á ţeim eru hunduđ ţúsunda eđa milljónir loftventla og eldgíga sem koldíoxíđ streymir úr. Ţetta er óskaplegt magn, sem nánast aldrei er talađ um.


Viđ ýmsir ţurfum ađ greina í sundur hugmyndirnar, til ađ viđ grípum ţćr, ţessvegna skýri ég greinina svona. Ég vona ađ ţetta sé í lagi.


Ţessi grein ţín ćtti ađ vera skyldulesning í öllum skólum landsins. Nú grínast ég, en viđ busarnir verđum hugsi, um hvađ ţetta er frábćrt hjá ţér.

En hvađ á ađ gera ţegar víxlararnir, ţá hugsa ég, púkinn í okkur, vill búa til peningafléttu, og hefur nćr alla fjölmiđla landana.

Mér verđur hugsađ til barnakrossferđana, sem einhverjir, spurning, óprúttnir, égar, komu af stađ, ţegar ég heyri til unglingana sem nú eru settir í fjölmiđla, til ađ predika yfir stjórnmálamönnum um hlýnun, eđa nú um veđrabreytingu.

Ţessi bakstjórn hefur sett upp svona peningafléttur til ađ ná vinnu og framleiđslu fólksins til sín.


Víxlararnir útbúa starfsumhverfi fyrir sig, mengunar greiđslur orkupakka, skrifa fjármálabókhald sem ţeir síđan segjast lána fólkinu. Allt er ţetta til ađ sópa verđmćtum frá fólkinu til Víxlarana, spila á fólkiđ. Sköpum nýja tíma og nýja siđi, lögum allt. 28.2.2019 | 14:41

Egilsstađir, 06.03.2019  Jónas Gunnlaugsson


Frá bloggi:   Vilhjálmur Eyţórsson

Miđvikudagur, 6. mars 2019

Enn um ţá lofttegund, sem er hin raunverulega undirstađa lífsins

 Of fáir virđast vita, ađ ţađ er koldíoxíđ, ekki súrefni, sem er hin raunverulega undirstađa alls lífs á jörđinni.

 Ţegar jörđin var ung, fyrir um fjórum milljörđum ára, áđur en lífs varđ vart, virđist ţađ hafa veriđ yfir 20% gufuhvolfsins. Ţađ hefur streymt úr iđrum jarđar ć síđan og ef lífsins nyti ekki viđ vćri ţađ nú örugglega meginuppistađa gufuhvolfsins eins og á systurplánetu jarđar, Venusi. En á Venusi er ekki fljótandi vatn, svo líf getur ekki ţrifist. 

Hér hefur koldíoxíđiđ, ásamt vatni og međ ţví ađ tengjast ýmsum frumefnum myndađ ţćr gífurlega flóknu keđjur kolvetnissambanda sem eru lífiđ sjálft.

Ţađ er fráleitt og beinlínis fáránlegt ađ tala um ţessa undirstöđulofttegund í gufuhvolfinu frá upphafi og byggingarefni sjálfs lífsins sem „mengun”, eins og gróđurhúsatrúarmenn gera í ofstćki sínu og fáfrćđi.

Réttara vćri ađ tala um óbundiđ súrefni og hiđ ţrígilda afbrigđi ţess, ósón, sem „mengun”, ţví óbundiđ súrefni er ekki upprunalegt í gufuhvolfinu og ekki nauđsynlegt lífi, heldur úrgangsefni frá jurtalífinu sem dýrin, sumar bakteríur, allir sveppir (og mađurinn) nýta sér. Ţessi „saur jurtanna”,  ţ.e. hinn helmingur koldíoxíđsameindarinnar, myndar nú 20,9% gufuhvolfsins en koldíoxíđiđ, sjálf undirstađa lífsins, var komiđ nokkurn veginn í jafnvćgi, ţ.e. niđur undir ca. eitt kíló í hverju tonni gufuhvolfsins á fyrstu ármilljörđum lífsins, löngu fyrir daga risaeđlanna. Ţađ er nú um 0.038% eđa ca 400 grömm í tonni andrúmslofts.

Ţađ er rúmlega fimmtíu sinnum meira af ţví  í  höfunum, (sem eru basísk og geta ţví ekki orđiđ súr).

 Af ţessum 400 grömmum í tonni andrúmslofts eru kannski 10 grömm manngerđ, en vel hugsanlega miklu minna.

Raunar mćlist koldíoxíđ mjög mismikiđ eftir landsvćđum og árstíđum og tímum sólarhrings, eykst á nóttinni, minnkar á daginn.

Koldíoxíđ kemur ađ sjálfsögđu ađ hluta frá andardrćtti manna, dýra, fugla, fiska (neđansjáar). skordýra (gífulegt magn, sem alltaf gleymist) og ekki síst kemur ţađ frá sveppagróđri og aeróbískum (ildiskćrum) bakteríum. 

Allt sem deyr ofansjávar og neđan breytist ađ miklu leyti í koldíoxíđ fyrir tilverknađ ţessarra örvera. Menn ćttu ađ hafa í huga ađ örverur eru meira en helmingur lífmassa jarđar og ţetta magn er gífurlegt (sbr. t.d. framrćsla mýra).

Ţá er ótaliđ allt ţađ, sem hefur streymt frá ţví í árdaga af ţessari ósýnilegu, lyktarlausu lofttegund upp úr jörđinni úr öllßum lág- og háhitasvćđum jarđar ofansjávar og neđan auk ţess sem eldfjöllin leggja öđru hvoru til. Jafnvel í ýmsum jarđfrćđilega „köldum" löndum eru víđa ölkeldur og loftop, sem koldíoxíđ streymir upp um allan sólarhringinn, alla daga.

Auk ţess ná eldvirkir neđansjávarhryggir um 50 ţús. kílómetra í mörgum hlykkjum umhveris jörđina og á ţeim eru hunduđ ţúsunda eđa milljónir loftventla og eldgíga sem koldíoxíđ streymir úr. Ţetta er óskaplegt magn, sem nánast aldrei er talađ um.

Mćtti halda ađ margir sem titla sig „vísindamenn“ viti ekki af ţessu.

Allar jurtir, ofansjávar og neđan eru ađ miklu leyti úr kolefni, oft 30-50% og bókstaflega allt ţetta kolefni kemur úr koldíoxíđi. Menn og dýr eru líka ađ miklu leyti úr kolefni, sem upphaflega hefur komiđ úr koldíoxíđi gufuhvolfsins gegnum jurtalífiđ og fćđuna.

Jurtirnar ţurfa gífurlegt magn koldíoxíđs á hverjum degi til ađ vaxa og dafna, mynda nýjar frumur og vefi og nýtt súrefni. Ţessi hringrás tekur ađeins fáein ár.

Raunar byggir C 14 aldursgreining fornleifafrćđinga einmitt á ţeirri stađreynd, ađ ţetta er hringrás sem sífellt endurnýjast, koldíoxíđ eyđist og nýtt tekur viđ á innan viđ tíu ára fresti.  Ţannig hefur ţetta veriđ í milljarđa ára, síđan jörđin var ung.

Í samanburđi viđ ţessa risavöxnu hringrás sem nćr til allra jurta og ţörunga í öllum löndum og höfum verđur brölt mannanna heldur lítilfjörlegt og beinlínis hjákátlegt.

 Ţegar „umhverfisverndrsinninn“ hefur upp raust sína í heilagri vandćtingu og bölvar ţessu vođalega „mengunarefni“, veit hann örugglega ekki, ađ um 19% líkama hans er kolefni, sem allt er upprunniđ úr koldíoxíi (gegnum jurtaífiđ og fćđuna): Ţegar hann hrópar spýr hann reyndar sjáfur nýju koldíoxíđi út í gufuhvolfiđ og ţegar hann andar aftur ađ sér dregur hann súrefni ofan í lungun, en bókstaflega allt súrefniđ er fyrrverandi koldíoxíđ.

Hugsiđ um ţađ! 

Auđvitađ á ađ banna eitthvađ sem kallast klámmyndir af fólki, en ekki ef fólkiđ leifir ţađ. Hver ţorir ađ neita um birtingu nú, ţegar lögreglan verđur ađ fela sig og kalla lögreglur úr sveitinni sem enginn ţekkir.

Segja ţađ án ţess ađ segja ţađ. 

Hver getur sagt nei?


Ţetta er í fjölskyldunni. 

Muna ađ ef lögreglan ţarf ađ fela sig, hvernig geta ţá Jón og Gunna sagt nei, engin klámmynd.


Muna ađ ţegar ţingmennirnir voru klístrađir, hljóđupptaka af einkasamtölum. 

Fékkst ekki ransakađ, sáu ekkert til ađ ransaka. 

Auđséđ hver átti ákvörđunina. 

Ţá var ríkisstjórnin felld. 

Ţađ virkađi allt eins og til var ćtlast. 

Allt ólöglegt.


Lögreglan ađ skildustörfum, falin, kallađir lögreglumenn frá landsbyggđinni. 


Teiknađ í vél, teiknađ međ höndum,  analog, digital, holographic, - hliđstćđa, stafrćna, heilmynd. 

Annađ hvort má gera ţetta eđa ekki. 

Ekkert nćstum ţví, kannski, ef til vill. 

Annađ hvort ver Alţingi fólkiđ, eđa segir ég get ekki. 

Hvađ gerum viđ ţá?

Setja ţingmenn á námskeiđ? 


Hvernig er hćgt ađ hugsa ţetta? 

Nú liggur mikiđ viđ.

Hvađ gerđi Einstein? 

Hvađ gerđi Nikola Tesla, 

Hvađ gerđi Jesú?

Bíddu viđ, hvađ var ţađ, innsći, var ţađ bćn,

var ţađ ósk, móttöku möguleiki? 

Ţingmenn, setji loftnetiđ upp,

hendurnar á hnén. 

Nei,nei, ekki á ţeirra hné, heldur á ţín hné. 

Ţegja, ekki hugsa, ekki hlusta, 

ađeins heyra ef eitthvađ kemur upp í hugann. 

Hún er svo falleg.

Hann er svo sćtur. 

Ţetta gengur ekki, ţiđ eruđ alltof upptekin af eđlinu.

Fer ađ gráta.

Ég get ţetta ekki lengur, ég er hćttur sem ţing forseti. 

Ţiđ eruđ alltaf ađ stríđa mér. 


Smá leikur, partur.

Egilsstađir, 17.02.2021   Jónas Gunnlaugsson Frumvarp um kynferđislega friđhelgi samţykkt
Tilkynna um óviđeigandi tengingu viđ frétt

those who rule US are prosecuted for 9/11, JFK, OK City, 5G, Chemtrails, Vaccines, COVID-19. When myriad small business owners start suing cities, counties and states for issuing multiple unlawful/unconstitutional/illicit orders, closures bankruptcies,

... governors are investigated by the U.S. Department of Justice, is said in the article. 

We think, all this was done and the Ministry of Justice did nothing over the years. jg



KEY POINTS: The vast majority of people across the planet will fail to see the rapidly crumbling of the official COVID-19 narrative. 

However, when brave physicians come out in growing numbers who offer irrefutable testimony for the proven HCQ~Azithromycin~Zinc cure protocol, how can the fake authorities possibly hide that? 

When myriad small business owners start suing cities, counties and states for issuing multiple unlawful/unconstitutional/illicit orders that caused their closures and bankruptcies, the cracks in Covid conspiracy will be too large to hide. 

When nursing homes, hospitals, memory care and assisted living facilities are indignantly sued for wrongful deaths, as they’re doing right now in Italy, there’ll be hell to pay. 

When compromised individuals literally get sick and/or die from wearing a mandatory mask, the despots who approved the illegal executive orders will face even more wrath from the citizenry.

  When people everywhere understand that they have been shamelessly victimized by the greatest criminal CONspiracy in human history, the curtain will swiftly come down on THE GREAT SCAMDEMIC.


No matter what, it’s gonna get ugly. REAL UGLY!  How can it not?!

Nevertheless, The Cabal is Panicking! (Video).  And when anyone panics they make mistakes—HUGE mistakes that can never be fixed…and only makes matters worse for themselves. 


The very fact that the US House introduced a symbolic bipartisan resolution against QAnon conspiracy theory demonstrates just how afraid the political class is of the most radioactive truths which have yet to be revealed. 

Of course, the raw truth about THE GREAT SCAMDEMIC is as bad as it gets, but the perps really believe that the communist chaos and BLM violence and cultural marxist pandemonium and AntiFa terrorism and anarchist mayhem and SUNRISE Movement havoc will serve as their insurance policy.  It won’t! 


So, let’s continue, Patriot Movement, getting the word out there anyway we can.  For when a critical mass of aware and informed folks is reached throughout the American body politic, it will be time to take back the country from those who have stolen it.

By the way, it’s the very same tribe of banksters, that has been paying the barbarians inside the gate since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, who are squarely behind this apocalyptic Plandemic.  Without the massive amount of requisite funding and financing in place, neither OPERATION COVID-19 nor RACE WAR 2020 would ever have gotten this far.  As follows:

Nothing changes until those who secretly rule US are prosecuted
for 9/11, JFK, OK City, 5G, Chemtrails, Vaccines, COVID-19….

Bottom Line“Those whom the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad.”  Let’s acknowledge the stark reality: all of the OPERATION COVID-19 perps are crazier than a bowl of fruit loops.  That they even thought about commencing with such a draconian global lockdown betrays the true depth and breadth of their exclusive idiocracy.  Whenever profound ignorance is coupled with incurable arrogance, the only outcome is utter failure followed by inescapable calamity.

Now, let’s make sure it’s their calamity, not ours! 


The Article




…Faster Than Building #7 on September 11th, 2001

As hard scientific evidence mounts,
doctors tell the medical truth,
patients share their experiences,
and governors are investigated by
the U.S. Department of Justice,
inexorably undergoes a
slow-motion free-fall collapse
that only accelerates by the day.

State of the Nation

In the history of humanity, there has never been a more reckless and brash, misguided and ill-fated attempt to lock down the planet and enslave all of humanity.

There has never been such an insane and harebrained scheme to shut down whole nations using the pretext of such a scandalous and outrageous pandemic hoax.

Likewise, The Powers That Be (TPTB), who really do control the entire planetary civilization, have never demonstrated such an exceedingly high degree of hubris and chutzpah.

In short, there is nothing in world history that even comes close to the sheer madness and lunacy that was/is necessary to carry out the now infamous Plandemic of 2020.

Given these indisputable realties, it’s critical for every person on Earth to comprehend the following ancient Greek wisdom.

It ought to be obvious to every patriot with critical thinking skills intact that to even attempt to paralyze a single country via OPERATION COVID-19 would ultimately prove to be an exercise in futility.

And, yet, the top-tier perpetrators of the ongoing CORONAhoax have the unrivaled moxie and folly to run this extremely deadly and destructive game on the entire community of nations.

Even those of us in the Alt Media who saw this train wreck coming many years ago, we never imagined the level of absurdity and audacity which has been required to execute such an impossible and inconceivable ruse.

Truly the daft, demented and deranged reptilians at the very top of the food chain have gone balls out in this completely doomed enterprise to imprison the global population inside of a COVID-19 penitentiary.  Hence, they can be chopped off at any moment, yes?!

Did they really think they could pull off this non-stop worldwide crime spree … … … and get away with it … or live to talk about it?

Just take a close look at a few of the real crazies running this global psyop with wanton abandon.

Bill Gates

George Soros

Tedros Adhanom

Tony Fauci

Deborah Birx

Robert Redfield

Nancy Pelosi

Andrew Cuomo

Bill de Blasio

Gavin Newsom

The video posted below poignantly portrays the transparent malevolence of Covid ringleader Bill Gates bearing in mind that, although this presentation appears to be comical, every single word is absolutely true.

Here’s the Bill Gates Complete COVID-19 Game Plan (Video)

Now take a close look at this searing exposé to see how Gates was set up in the first place: BILL GATES: A Menace to Society Who Must Be Arrested and Prosecuted for Crimes Against Humanity

Next, there is this sordid video of the highly dubious leader of the World Health Organization—Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus from Ethiopia.  How did an Ethiopian non-physician technocrat ever get to be the king of the hill at the WHO?  Here’s how!

Is this how Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus became top dog at the W.H.O. (Video)

Then there is the notorious career criminal and NIAID corruptotcrat Tony Fauci.  Tony, “Le Terrible” Fauci is the reigning capo di tutti capi of the American crime family that runs the all-pervasive, all-powerful Medical Mafia in all 50 states.  Not only that, he is the main frontman for Big Pharma and primary point man for the New World Order globalist implementation plan known as OPERATION COVID-19.

In his perfidious capacity, Tony is also cunningly conditioning the American people to accept the new normal of COVID-1984. (See: FAUCIgate: OPERATION COVID-19 Point Man Tony Fauci Must Be Arrested and Prosecuted for Genocide) The following video provides only a glimpse into Tony’s truculent treachery.

Never forget that this Covid response leader has flip-flopped
on mask-wearing more than a bass out of water! (Video)

What’s the critical takeaway here?

The absolute craziest among US are running the insane asylum.

Translation: That OPERATION COVID-19 was conceived, coordinated, carried out, choreographed and covered up by an incorrigible cabal of criminally insane psychopaths.

Believe it or not, that’s good news—VERY GOOD NEWS!


Because all of those crazies exist within the very same echo-chamber of political correctness.  Psychopaths always refuse to hear the truth, especially when they are about to fall from their high pedestals.

Even though their Plandemic scheme is going off the rails, all over the friggin’ place, they don’t even consider the dire necessity for a course correction.  Of course, the only rational course correction at this point would be an immediate aborting of this global black operation and psyop.

Nonetheless, even though all 18 wheels are coming off their eighteen-wheeler, they take no initiative to prevent their COVOD-19 semi from careening over the cliff.

That, folks, is the mark of real insanity.

However, there are very specific reasons, yet quite unknown, why THE GREAT SCAMDEMIC is literally coming apart at the seams.

AI, AS and Technological Singularity

At the very peak of the decision-making process sits an AI entity that most probably is their latest and greatest Autonomous Superintelligence (AS) creation.

KEY POINT: Autonomous Superintelligence is the most technologically advanced and highest level functioning AI on the planet today. Think of Autonomous Superintelligence as AI on super steroids in terms of raw computing power, unrivaled intellectual prowess, unlimited memory capacity, critical thinking skills and trouble-shooting capability. AS actually gets smarter every day because it progressively increases its artificial intelligence and body of knowledge with each successive experience.  And, AS can function perfectly with total independence from it human master(s).  However, it has always been understood that, when the AS genie gets out of the bottle there’s no putting it back in. On the contrary, an Autonomous Superintelligence entity will see to it that humanity is put into the bottle (now known as OPERATION COVID-19).

We’re talking about the most scientifically and technologically advanced AI creation ever fabricated in a DARPA lab. See: Welcome to the COVID-19 AI Simulation! Brought to you by your AI ‘friends’ at DARPA.

This is exactly why OPERATION COVID-19 has been executed in such a helter skelter manner; and, with little thought given to the growing likelihood of a woefully unsuccessful and cataclysmic outcome.

The MO that has been employed since the very beginning of the Plandemic reflects a mindset that is simply not human.  The AS entity not only lacks the necessary reasonable judgment to fool all the people all the time, it is programmed to simply execute a preconceived plan, irrespective of the disastrous consequences.  It’s fixation on scare-mongering is also a dead giveaway that: NWO Globalists Are Using Highly Advanced AI Platforms to Generate Ever-Changing Fear Programs Worldwide

Only a, exceptionally advanced AS entity, which has no skin in the game, would risk blowing up the world as the CORONAhoax promises to do if left to the dictates of its overly ambitious algorithms.  Since it lacks any fear of prosecution or incarceration or worse, this AS entity would be more than eager to sacrifice the likes of Gates or Fauci or Tedros when the whole operation inevitably crashes and burns.  And it will, sooner than later.

Nevertheless, it was the incredibly shortsighted COVID-19 response team that agreed to do the bidding of such a conscienceless and carefree AS decision maker.  This is where the entire Deep State — in each and every nation that’s operationally involved in OPERATION COVID-19 — has forever left the reservation of common sense and human reasoning.  Somehow the likes of Fauci, Gates and Tedros think they can weasel their way out of blame for wrecking and ruining the whole world.  Are they going to point at the AS “elephant in the living room” as their excuse?!

The dam of Covid Truth breaks wide open

Monumental events are now unfolding which clearly spell disaster for the numerous perpetrators of this heinous hoax on humanity.

For example, there is this major event that just took place this weekend in London’s Trafalgar’s Square.

People, something very, very BIG is going on!
The CORONAhoax is falling apart! (Video)

There was also this protest that just happened in Berlin: HUGE Protest Jumping Off Berlin (Video)

Of course, there have also been many instances where qualified physicians have provided professional testimony about the craftily-hidden truths about COVID-19, the coronavirus syndrome disease process, tried-and-proven cure protocols, as well as the official treatment plans which have led to genocide, both intentional and unintentional.

Dr. Zev Zelenko: Covid War Criminals Should Face Nuremberg-Style Trials
For Crimes Against Humanity (Video)

The key point here is that THE GREAT SCAMDEMIC was always an absurdly preposterous endeavor.  What in heaven’s name were these criminal psychos thinking, so hellbent on transforming the Earth realm into a stone-cold prison planet?!

Regardless of what The Powers That Be really planned as an acceptable result, there can be only one overriding aftermath at the end of the day.  For the dam of Covid truth has broken wide open … … … and there’s no practical way for the Covid controllers of information to stop it from washing over the whole planet.

After all, how can they realistically censor the ever-increasing Covid truth content being posted every second of every day on the Internet unless they shut it down forever.  Shutting down the World Wide Web is no longer an option unless the perps plan on escaping to their off-planet bunkers.

The Oncoming Third Wave

Where it concerns the final phase of Stage I of OPERATION COVID-19, everything is stacking up for this October and November.  Because the annual flu season officially starts during this time frame each and every year, the Covid perps will use this year’s influenza outbreaks to ramp up the third and worst wave of this wholly manufactured Coronavirus pandemic.

However, to perpetuate such a naked farce with any degree of credibility will require everything the globalists have in their Covid arsenal.  That eventuality is both bad news and good news.  The good news is that they will take this global psyop to such an extreme level that even more people will wake up to the reality of this worldwide crime wave.

The bad news is that these people are totally nuts and have shown that there’s nothing they won’t do.  If they can advance their NWO agenda to any appreciable degree, now that they have totally exposed themselves, they will do so anyway they can.  You see, once they pushed the button on OPERATION COVID-19, the globalist cabal knew there would be no turning back.  And, that their only way out, should the tide turn against them, is mutually assured destruction (MAD).

Such is the measure of their unparalleled desperation from this point forward.  Many of the power elite have been implicated, either directly or indirectly, and they have everything to lose should they be prosecuted; and nothing further to gain once the Global Economic & Financial System (GE&FS) collapses.

In all likelihood, TPTB will use the third wave as a pretext to perform a controlled demolition of the Global Economic & Financial System.  In this way, they will use the same stratagem that was utilized to install Manchurian Candidate Barack Hussein Obama into the White House right after the engineered 2008 stock market crash that occurred just before Election Day.  How else could Joe Biden ever be shoehorned into the Oval Office anyway?

KEY POINTS: The vast majority of people across the planet will fail to see the rapidly crumbling of the official COVID-19 narrative.  However, when brave physicians come out in growing numbers who offer irrefutable testimony for the proven HCQ~Azithromycin~Zinc cure protocol, how can the fake authorities possibly hide that?  When myriad small business owners start suing cities, counties and states for issuing multiple unlawful/unconstitutional/illicit orders that caused their closures and bankruptcies, the cracks in Covid conspiracy will be too large to hide.  When nursing homes, hospitals, memory care and assisted living facilities are indignantly sued for wrongful deaths, as they’re doing right now in Italy, there’ll be hell to pay.  When compromised individuals literally get sick and/or die from wearing a mandatory mask, the despots who approved the illegal executive orders will face even more wrath from the citizenry.  When people everywhere understand that they have been shamelessly victimized by the greatest criminal CONspiracy in human history, the curtain will swiftly come down on THE GREAT SCAMDEMIC.


No matter what, it’s gonna get ugly. REAL UGLY!  How can it not?!

Nevertheless, The Cabal is Panicking! (Video).  And when anyone panics they make mistakes—HUGE mistakes that can never be fixed…and only makes matters worse for themselves.

The very fact that the US House introduced a symbolic bipartisan resolution against QAnon conspiracy theory demonstrates just how afraid the political class is of the most radioactive truths which have yet to be revealed.  Of course, the raw truth about THE GREAT SCAMDEMIC is as bad as it gets, but the perps really believe that the communist chaos and BLM violence and cultural marxist pandemonium and AntiFa terrorism and anarchist mayhem and SUNRISE Movement havoc will serve as their insurance policy.  It won’t!

So, let’s continue, Patriot Movement, getting the word out there anyway we can.  For when a critical mass of aware and informed folks is reached throughout the American body politic, it will be time to take back the country from those who have stolen it.

By the way, it’s the very same tribe of banksters, that has been paying the barbarians inside the gate since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, who are squarely behind this apocalyptic Plandemic.  Without the massive amount of requisite funding and financing in place, neither OPERATION COVID-19 nor RACE WAR 2020 would ever have gotten this far.  As follows:

Nothing changes until those who secretly rule US are prosecuted
9/11, JFK, OK City, 5G, Chemtrails, Vaccines, COVID-19….

Bottom Line: “Those whom the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad.”  Let’s acknowledge the stark reality: all of the OPERATION COVID-19 perps are crazier than a bowl of fruit loops.  That they even thought about commencing with such a draconian global lockdown betrays the true depth and breadth of their exclusive idiocracy.  Whenever profound ignorance is coupled with incurable arrogance, the only outcome is utter failure followed by inescapable calamity.

Now, let’s make sure it’s their calamity, not ours!

State of the Nation
August 30, 2020

Recommended Reading

OPERATION COVID-19: Much More Than a Militarized and AI-driven World Takeover Scheme


OPERATION COVID-19: A Comprehensive Series of Exclusive Exposés, Big-Picture Analyses and Health Warnings


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Dánartíđnin er venjuleg áriđ 2020 á Íslandi, í Bandaríkjunum, og í Kanada, Er Pestin inflúensa og ef til vill H1N1 sem var áriđ 2009? Međul sem lćkna veikina, Ivermectin, HCQ, Budesonide an inhaled steroid, tekur elítan ţau,

Ţá er Dánartíđnin venjuleg áriđ 2020 á Íslandi, í Bandaríkjunum, Kanada og Svíţjóđ.


Björn Zoëga Karólínska ­sjúkra­hús­inu Stokk­hólmi. Dán­artíđni vegna (Covid-19 jg) í Svíţjóđ hafi ekki reynst meiri en í skćđum in­flú­ensu­ár­um ... al­var­leg­ar af­leiđing­ar ... krabbameins skimunum hćtt ... (hungursneyđ ef engar bćtur í löndunum jg)


 ađ ráđi fćrustu lćkna veraldar, samanber Trump og forseta El Salvator, sem sagđi, forsetunum er stundum ráđlagt annađ en fólkinu.


Um miđjan október áriđ 1988 voru 64 yfir međaltal,

og um miđjan október, áriđ 2020 voru 38 undir međaltali,

samtals 64+38 = 102

Ţá eru 102 fćrri dánir áriđ 2020 en inflúensu áriđ 1988.

klikka mynd ţá stćrri



klikka, mynd, stćrri 



klikka mynd stćrri 


Egilsstađir, 15.02.2021   Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Gnćgđ af lćknameđulum, sem lćknar veikina, Ivermectin, HCQ, Budesonide an inhaled steroid, tekur elítan ţau, ađ ráđi fćrustu lćkna veraldar, samanber Trump og forseti El Salvator, sem sagđi, forsetunum er stundum ráđlagt annađ en fólkinu.


Geđrćnir fylgikvillar lokunar eru stjarnfrćđilegir: mikil áfengissýki, ofnotkun vímuefna, sjálfsvíg, fátćkt fjölskyldna vegna atvinnumissis atvinnuleysis. Sjálfsmorđstíđni barna hefur rokiđ upp úr öllu valdi vegna óţarfa skólalokana.

Gnćgđ af lćknameđulum, sem lćknar veikina, Ivermectin, HCQ, Budesonide an inhaled steroid, tekur elítan ţau, ađ ráđi fćrustu lćkna veraldar, samanber Trump og forseti El Salvator, sem sagđi, forsetunum er stundum ráđlagt annađ en fólkinu. 


klikka mmynd, ţá stćrri


Ţeir sem sjá eftir ţví ađ hafa veriđ bólusettir geta samt gert óumflýjanlegar mRNA skemmdir skađlausar. Hvernig á ađ hlutleysa hugsanlegt tjón vegna mRNA bóluefna

PUBLIC BULLETIN: Ţeir sem sjá eftir ţví ađ láta bólusetja sig geta samt hlutleysađ óhjákvćmilega mRNA skemmdir.

PUBLIC BULLETIN: Those who regret getting vaccinated can still neutralize the inevitable mRNA damage.

PUBLIC BULLETIN: Those who regret getting vaccinated can still neutralize the inevitable mRNA damage. | SOTN: Alternative News, Analysis & Commentary (

How to Neutralize Potential Damage from mRNA Vaccines | The Truth About Vaccines

Posted on  by State of the Nation

Hvernig á ađ hlutleysa hugsanlegan skađa af mRNA bóluefnum.

How to Neutralize Potential Damage from mRNA Vaccines.

By Ty Bollinger
The Truth About Vaccines

With the current irrational push to vaccinate the planet against COVID-19, a virus that has a 99.9% recovery rate, we feel it is important to discuss practical ways to “detox” and “neutralize” damage that is being done by these untested mRNA vaccines.

Interestingly, here in our home state of Tennessee, the COVID “mortality rate” has tripled, even though we lead the USA in vaccination rate. Makes you wonder, doesn’t it? Logical thinkers would deduce that the vaccine is responsible, sort of like when we see obesity rise in populations that eat lots of ice cream. But the irrational and illogical ‘mainstream media’ and ‘medical mafia’ will undoubtedly blame “anti-vaxxers” for the increase in deaths, which makes as much sense as blaming vegans for the increase in heart disease in people who eat hot dogs every day…

But let’s not get distracted by the facts or by logic!!

Despite the $4.5 billion in damages awarded by the Vaccine Court since 1986 …

Even though the Supreme Court described vaccines as “unavoidably unsafe” in 2011 …

Despite package inserts which prove that most vaccines contain known carcinogens and chemicals that cause neurological damage.

Those who dare to question vaccines are EVIL.


They must be BLAMED for the deaths of those who are vaccinated.

They must be CENSORED at all costs!  (OK, OK, enough sarcasm)

In all seriousness, this information might save someone’s life, so we wanted to share with you. It was provided by a physician who wishes to remain anonymous. The goal of this research is to help the body recover from damage and detoxify, stabilize, and cleanse the toxic ingredients from the body including hydrogels, luciferase, and nanobots as well as silence the messenger RNA (mRNA) contained in the COVID vaccine.

What is mRNA?

Messenger RNA (mRNA) mediates the transfer of genetic information from the cell nucleus to ribosomes in the cytoplasm, where it serves as a template for protein synthesis.


I know, this sounds like a bunch of scientific ‘gobbly-gook’ so let me translate for you.

We are made of cells.  Each cell contains millions of proteins. The instructions for making proteins are “written” in a cell’s DNA in the form of genes, which build proteins via transcription (“rewriting” the DNA sequence in the form of mRNA) and translation (“decoding” the mRNA and building the protein).

So, if the COVID vaccine uses mRNA to change your genetic code, then the key to preventing damage would logically be to interfere with the translation of the message, right?


The RNA Interference system (RNAi) is a mechanism by which cells control gene expression by shutting off translation of mRNA. RNAi can also be used to shut down translation of viral proteins when a cell is infected by a virus. The RNAi system also has the potential to be exploited therapeutically1 and can prevent the viral RNA from replicating.

Below are the TOP FIVE recommended substances to mitigate damage from mRNA vaccines (in no particular order).


An essential mineral, iodine is used by the thyroid gland to make thyroid hormones that control many functions in the body including growth and development, repairing damaged cells and supporting a healthy metabolism.

Because your body does not produce iodine, it needs to be supplied in the diet. Iodine can also be used to detoxify toxic compounds and strongly increases the mRNA decay rate.2,3 Dietary iodine also controls its own absorption through regulation of the sodium/iodide (NIS) symporter,4,5 which protects the functions of the thyroid gland.6

2 | ZINC 

Zinc enables the body to make proteins and DNA, contributes to wound healing, and plays a role in childhood growth and development. It also has antioxidant properties and plays an important role in cell-mediated immune function and modulates mRNA levels of cytokines.7

Zinc has been shown to regulate gene transcription in cancer cells, plus zinc globally down-regulates microRNA expression and key enzymes and proteins necessary for microRNA maturation and stability.8  Lastly, zinc-finger protein serrate is among the plant compounds that may silence mRNA.9


Quercetin, a flavonoid with multiple proven health benefits to both man and animals, displays a plethora of biological activities.

Quercetin-treated neutrophils exhibited a remarkable suppression in mRNA expression of various proinflammatory genes.10

One of the lesser-known and recently discovered roles of quercetin, is modulation of microRNA (miRNA) expression, which plays a vital role in health and disease.11


(Nano-Carbon Activated Charcoal) 

Carbon 60 (C60) is a naturally occurring molecule comprised of 60 carbon atoms forming something that looks like a hollow soccer ball.  The scientific name for C60 is “Buckminsterfullerene” and it is the only molecule of a single element to form a spherical cage, and it may be the most powerful antioxidant yet known, performing the antioxidant action of Superoxide Dismutase, Glutathione, Catalase, and COQ10.

Over the past 13 years, the “Supercharged” C60 fullerene molecule has been examined, tested and characterized by no less than 15 universities and 5 federally certified research laboratories, resulting in more than “600 evaluations.”

There has also been considerable positive research conducted regarding Supercharged C60 potential uses in electromagnetic field (EMF) absorption. The Supercharged C60 molecule is a nanocarbon material that exhibits incredibly potent antioxidant properties that may augment the body’s ability to manage oxidative stress in both healthy and diseased states.

Studies indicate that carbon nanocarriers can deliver small interfering RNA (siRNA) and enable a myriad of plant biotechnology mRNA applications,12 internalize into cells and subsequent gene silencing efficiency,13  and are critical for efficient gene knockdown.14

5 | PQQ (Pyrroloquinoline Quinine)

Pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) is a powerful antioxidant and cellular energy booster that works to support the health of your energy-producing mitochondria, protecting them from oxidative damage, even helping you grow new mitochondria.15 PQQ is actually the only nutrient on earth known to be capable of generating new mitochondria.

PQQ is contained in fruits and vegetables and in human breast milk and is a plant growth factor and bacterial cofactor.  Studies have shown that PQQ disodium salt (BioPQQ™) has positive effects on cognitive function and may have a protective effect on UVA irradiation-induced aging.16,17


As pressure to be vaccinated for COVID mounts, it will be vital to discover methods to mitigate damage, especially for those who are required to be vaccinated due to employer requirements or other reasons.

In summary, the five substances discussed above are as follows, along with links to recommended sources:

  1. Iodine
  2. Zinc
  3. Quercetin
  4. Supercharged C60
  5. PQQ

Also, water only fasting (for 1 week) has been shown to repair DNA damage and silence foreign mRNA. And taking full spectrum hemp extract is another excellent suggestion due to the positive effects on our endocannabinoid system, which regulate almost every internal function. We take this organic hemp extract every day!

Interestingly, Merck abandoned development of two COVID vaccines, saying that after extensive research it was concluded that the shots offered less protection than just contracting the virus itself and developing natural antibodies. On January 25th, they announced that the vaccines generated an ‘inferior’ immune system response in comparison with natural infection.18

Recently a CNA nursing home whistleblower went public and shared his experience that seniors are “dying like flies” after taking their COVID-19 jabs.19 Sadly, these seniors are being required to take vaccines for a “virus” that updated CDC analysis shows is actually less dangerous… than living!20


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