Hvađ eru Kristnir ađ hugsa

Hvađ eru Kristnir ađ hugsa.

Múslimar sem eru ađ drepa kristna og eyđa ţeim, fá ađ gera ţađ án ţess ađ forustumenn ţjóđanna segi orđ.

Er New World Order, í eigu stćrstu fyrirtćkja heims, sem eru aftur í eigu olíulinda eigenda og ţá fjármagnsins og Islam?

Er efsta lagiđ í stjórnsýslunni undir stjórn Islam?

Eru ţeir sem trúa á  veraldarhyggju, trúlausa trú og Islam ađ eyđa kristnum.

Hver er Kalífinn, Barack Obama?

Ţetta er ađ sjálfsögđu spurning, til  okkar allra og Barack Obama.

Orđaleikur, já ađ sjálfsögđu?

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MainOp-EdsWestern silence has condemned Christians to death

Op-Ed: Western silence has condemned Christians to death

No one has done anything about these cruelly persecuted people in the Middle East.


The English section of the NGO Aid to the Church in Need has just delivered a report to the House of Lords in London which says: “IS can wipe out Christianity from Iraq in five years”.


Yet, there is no outcry in Europe or anywhere overseas. A crime against humanity is taking place, a crime about which, strangely, nobody speaks.


Barack Obama, always full of rhetoric and ecumenical emotions, has never said a word about the death of the Eastern Christians......

..... The time for doing something was August of 2014, when the Caliphate banished the Christians from their lands. Even then, the Amnesty International report barely made mention of Christians, instead devoting ample space to the Yazidis, a minority also persecuted by Islamic State......

..... Almost all the Protestant churches of America, concentrated on demonizing Israel and its “apartheid”, did nothing to stop this genocide but used all their means to blame the Jewish State, although it is the only country between Casablanca and Mumbai where the number of Christians grows every year......

.....There are precise deliveries from the government to ignore the problem of the Christians of the East”. All the secular European NGOs such as Oxfam are also silent.....

Egilsstađir, 28.11.2015  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

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