Bloggfærslur mánaðarins, nóvember 2020

Það er saga til næsta bæjar að spænska fyrirtækið Scytl, í samstarfi við Dominion Voting Systems notuðu atkvæða talninga breyti hugbúnað sem var notaður til að ákveða hver fengi atkvæðin í Bandarísku forsetakosningunum 2020.

Við tökum allar fréttir með varúð, en skoðum allt.  Google þýðing aðeins endursagt.

Var það sem kom út úr talningavélunum í forsetakosningunum 2020 í Bandaríkjunum, ákveðið í gegn um vefþjóna í Frankfurt í Þýskalandi?



‎Það er saga til næsta bæjar að spænska fyrirtækið Scytl, í samstarfi við Dominion Voting Systems notuðu við atkvæða talninga breyti hugbúnað sem var hannaður fyrir Chavez stjórnina í Venesúela.  

Þessi  búnaður var notaður til að ákveða hver fengi atkvæðin í Bandarísku forsetakosningunum 2020. Scytl varð gjaldþrota í mai síðast liðnum.

Við héldum að kosningarnar 2020 gætu ekki orðið sögulegri, en nú segir Texas þingmaðurinn Louie Gohmert að sérsveitir hafi yfirtekið netþjóna Scytl í Frankfurt í Þýskalandi.

‎Frásögn Gohmert byrjar að hljóma undarlega, þær koma í tvíti frá Cambodia-hreinn orka og altcoin framleiðanda, ‎‎Alpha Omega Energy‎‎ en orðrómurinn er staðfestur, af Robert David Steele áður í herupplýsingum og CIA liðsforingi, og af mörgum eldri starfsmönnum.‎

‎Dómari Jeanine Pirro og Super Lawyer, Lin Wood voru einnig að tvíta um árás og The Gateway Pundit segir að einn upplýsingagjafi þeirra staðfesti eftirfarandi:‎

Þegar Bandaríkjastjórn, frétti að þessi Dominion þjónn átti þátt í að breyta atkvæðum, þá hóf upplýsingasamfélagið leit að þjóninum og uppgötvaði að þjónninn var í Þýskalandi. Til þess að fá aðgang að þeim þjóni og hafa hann til skoðunar með löglegum hætti þurftu þeir að hafa samvinnu við stjórnarráðið og dómsmálaráðuneytið. Þeir þurftu að óska eftir samvinnu og leyfi frá stjórnvöldum í Þýskalandi við að taka netþjóninn.‎

‎Viðeigandi skjöl voru útbúin, og  herinn hjálpaði til. En þetta hjálpar til við að útskýra hvers vegna Esper var rekinn og Miller og Kash Patel voru færðir til. - þannig að herinn myndi ekki trufla þetta.‎

‎Með því að ná í netþjónana hafa þeir nú sönnunargögn um hverjir voru leiðbeinandi við að hætta að telja. Og hver átti frumkvæði að aðgerðinni sem byrjaði að breyta atkvæða tölunum.

CIA var algjörlega útilokað frá þessari aðgerð.‎


‎Ef það virðist skrítið að skipulag atkvæðagreiðslu í Bandaríkjunum 2020 er hýst í Þýskalandi, lærðum við að í heimildarmynd Millie Weaver, ‎‎'ShadowGate'‎‎ að US Congressional Knowledge Management System (CKMS), sem stýrir öllu fyrirkomulagi, heimilisföngum, skjölum o.fl. fyrir þingið – er einnig hýst í Þýskalandi hjá Dynology, einkasamdræmda fyrirtækinu í eigu Obama National Security Advisor, Gen George Jones.‎

‎'ShadowGate' lögun tveir whistleblowers, Tore Maras og ‎‎Patrick Bergy‎‎, sem lýsa neti opinberra verktaka í Intelligence Community með aðgang að dragnet eftirlit NSA og AI forrit, sem nýta þessar upplýsingar til að kúga og stjórna stjórnmálamönnum og öðru öflugu fólki. Þessir Globalist svikarar eru aðal stjórnendur í Fjórðu kynslóð hernaðar sem er háður gegn Ameríska fólkinu núna.‎

‎Fyrrverandi Bandaríkjastjórnir hafa einkavætt njósnatækni þróuð með Bandarískum skattpeningum, fyrir persónulegan ábata fyrir þá sjálfa, í gegnum net samningsbundinna fyrirtækja líkt og Scytl, eins og Dynology, Canadian Global Information og Analysis Corporation.‎

‎Til dæmis, rekstrargeta Gen Jones er tengd við fyrrum CIA framkvæmdastjóra, snjallri upplýsingaöflun John Brennan í ‎‎ClearForce‎

‎, "greina atferlis-áhættustjórnun fyrirtækja veita snemma og áframhaldandi uppgötvun á einstökum þrýstingi, streitu, misrétti og glæpum."‎

‎Tore Maras heldur því einnig fram að John Brennan væri ábyrgur fyrir 2015 Office of Personnel Management "tölvuinnbroti", sem stefndi í hættu auðkennum og persónulegum upplýsingum um alla sem höfðu einhvern tíma haft öryggis aðgang hjá Ríkisstjórn Bandaríkjanna. Þetta var ári eftir að Brennan og Hayden höfðu verið teknir við að njósna um Öldungadeildina.‎

‎ Málamiðlun vegna tölvunets þingsins við JOHN Brennan's CIA og Congressional Knowledge Management System, en net þingsins var stjórnað og geymt erlendis af fyrirtækiNu General Jones. Geta þessara verktaka til að hlera bæði Þingið og Öldungadeildina er yfirþyrmandi.‎


‎Aðalmarkmið allrar þessarar njósna er fjárkúgun. Þetta gæti útskýrt geðveika hegðun sem við höfum orðið vitni að nýlega hjá stjórnvöldum og fjölmiðlum, þar sem Mayors og Governors stöðva allt í ríkjunum og eyðileggja lífsviðurværi umbjóðenda sinna, án tilefnis og hvers vegna við sjáum  fjölmiðlana, eins og New York Post birta um fartölvu Hunter Biden eina viku og fordæma valdarán gegn forsetanum næsta vikuna.‎

‎Eins og Louie Gohmert segir hér: "Þetta er örvæntingarfullur tími fyrir landið okkar‎.




It’s crazy enough that a Spanish company called Scytl, contracting with Dominion Voting Systems used vote-switching software engineered for the Chavez regime in Venezuela to tabulate the votes in the 2020 US Presidential Election – and that Scytl had filed for bankruptcy last May.

But just when you thought the 2020 Elections couldn’t get crazier, we’re now hearing from Texas Congressman Louie Gohmert that Special Forces raided Scytl’s Frankfurt, Germany location last Monday and took possession of Scytl’s servers.

Gohmert’s claims begin to sound dodgy when we learn that they originate from the tweets of a Cambodia-based clean energy start-up and altcoin producer, Alpha Omega Energy but the rumor is confirmed, according to former military intelligence and CIA officer, Robert David Steele “by multiple senior people”.

Judge Jeanine Pirro and Super Lawyer, Lin Wood were also tweeting about the raid and The Gateway Pundit says that their own unnamed source confirms the following:

The US government, once they determined that this Dominion server was involved in switching votes, then the intelligence community began a search for the server and discovered that the server was in Germany. In order to get access to that server and have it available for use in a legal manner they had to have the State Department work in tandem with the Department of Justice. They had to request that the government of Germany cooperate in allowing this seizure of this server.

The appropriate documents required to affect that kind of seizure were put in place, signed off on, and it appears there was also US military support in this operation. The US military was not in the lead. But this helps explain why Esper was fired and Miller and Kash Patel were put in place — so that the military would not interfere with the operation in any way.

By getting ahold of the server they now are going to have the direct evidence of when they were instructed to stop counting. They will also discover who gave the direction to stop counting and who initiated the algorithm that started switching votes. The CIA was completely excluded from this operation.


If it seems odd that the voting tabulation for the US 2020 Elections is hosted in Germany, we learned in Millie Weaver’s documentary, ‘ShadowGate’ that the US Congressional Knowledge Management System (CKMS), which controls all of the scheduling, the addresses, the documents, etc. for Congress – is also hosted in Germany by Dynology, the private contracting company owned by Obama National Security Advisor, Gen. George Jones.

‘ShadowGate’ features two whistleblowers, Tore Maras and Patrick Bergy, who describe a network of government contractors in the Intelligence Community with access to the NSA’s dragnet surveillance and AI programs, who exploit this information to blackmail and control politicians and other powerful people. These Globalist traitors are the primary administrators of the Fourth Generation warfare being waged against the American people as we speak.

Former members of the US Government have privatized spy technology developed with US Tax Dollars for their personal gain through a network of contracting companies similar to Scytl, like Dynology, Canadian Global Information and the Analysis Corporation.

For example, Gen. Jones’ operational capabilities are fused with former CIA Director, John Brennan’s tactical intelligence at ClearForce, “an analytic behavioral risk management company providing early and ongoing discovery of individual pressure, stress, misconduct and crime.”

Tore Maras also claims that John Brennan was responsible for the 2015 Office of Personnel Management “hack”, which compromised the identities and private information of everybody who had ever held a security clearance in the US Government. This was a year after Brennan and Hayden had been caught spying on the Senate.

With the Senate’s computer network compromised by John Brennan’s CIA and the Congressional Knowledge Management System being hosted, managed and stored overseas by General Jones’s company, the ability for these contractors to eavesdrop on both the House and the Senate is staggering.

The primary goal of all this spying is blackmail. This might explain the insane behavior we have witnessed recently in members of government and the media, where Mayors and Governors lock down their states and destroy the livelihoods of their constituents for no good reason and why we’ll see media outlets, like the New York Post publishing about Hunter Biden’s laptop one week and flogging the coup against the President the next.

As Louie Gohmert says here, “This is a desperate time for our country.”  

Egilsstaðir, 29.11.2020   Jónas Gunnlaugsson


Við viljum ekki fara of fljótt í að nota bóluefni og ekki þvinga það á Bandaríkjamenn þegar bóluefnið er ÓÞARFI, og í öðru lagi þurfum við að tryggja að við sleppum ekki neinum af þeim ransóknum sem sanna að það sé öruggt.

Höfundur var aðal ræðumaður okkar fyrir Texas Medical Association, og útskýrði að þúsundir dóu úr polio bóluefninu, og tugir þúsunda voru lamaðir eða veiklaðir vegna bóluefnisins. 



COVID-19 CURE PROTOCOL: Physician Treats Coronavirus Patients with 100% Success Rate, inhaled budesonide with a nebulizer treatment. antibiotic that will cover walking pneumonia, and other pneumonia that’s called clarithromycin, zink, inhaled steroids

7.11.2020 | 01:38

Endursögn ólærðs alþýðumanns.

28:44 mín Tölum um bóluefni almennt. Þegar þeir hófu keppnina um polio bóluefnið 'Polio an American Story' er bók frá  árinu 2005.


Höfundur var aðal ræðumaður okkar fyrir Texas Medical Association, og útskýrði að þúsundir dóu úr polio bóluefninu, og tugir þúsunda voru lamaðir eða veiklaðir vegna bóluefnisins. 


Við viljum ekki fara of fljótt í að nota bóluefni og ekki þvinga það á Bandaríkjamenn þegar bóluefnið er óþarfi, og í öðru lagi þurfum við að tryggja að við sleppum ekki neinum af þeim ransóknum sem sanna að það sé öruggt. 

DG:  Stökkbreytingar voru 243 í Íslenskri rannsókn, segja okkur að bóluefnið sem þeir eru að reyna að þróa núna, jafnvel þótt þeir hafi gert það fullkomlega rétt og að það virki á núverandi COVID19 veiru myndi ekki vinna gegn öllum öðrum stökkbreytingum á veirunum.

DR: Það gæti verið að það virkaði ekki eftir 2 mánuði héðan í frá og það góða við meðferðina sem ég er að nota, er sama hversu oft vírusinn stökk breytist  þá virkar allmennt meðferðin sem ég nota á hita, bólgur og sársauka, inflammation . Þetta er öndunarbælingarlausn fyrir öndunarfærabólguvandamál og virkað vel á fólkið. COVID saga hvers einstaklings er mismunandi, en þakka þér Jesús þeir lifðu allir.  

Egilsstaðir, 13.11.2020   Jónas Gunnlaugsson

700.000 kjörseðlar í Pennsylvaníu hafa ekkert vatnsmerki og eru því sannanlega falsaðir. þetta er í beinni, beint frá leyniþjónustu hersins fyrir löggjafarvaldið í Pennsylvaníu. Hvað skildi CNN segja núna? Auðvitað, segja þeir, það eru engar sannanir.

Við trúum engu en skoðum allt.

Endursagt. (Löglegir kjörseðlar voru merktir með földu, ósýnilegu vatnsmerki. Ef kjörseðlar eru ekki merktir með vatnsmerki eru þeir falsaðir jg)

Frá og með deginum í dag virðist sem vatnsmerkjasagan hafi verið sönn og hún er að rætast í dag.

UPPFÆRT: 700.000 kjörseðlar í Pennsylvaníu hafa ekkert vatnsmerki og eru því sannanlega falsaðir. Hvað skildi CNN segja  núna, þeir eru vanir að segla:

„það eru engar sannanir“ og þú  veist að þeir munu segja það!
Þetta er ekki bara einhver fáviti sem sendir frá sér að þessu sinni,

þetta er í beinni, beint frá leyniþjónustu hersins fyrir löggjafarvaldið í Pennsylvaníu.

Jæja, það er gott. Ef rétta sagan kom í ljís við þessa yfirheyrslu þýðir það TRUMP WON.

Það er engin leið út úr því. Nema kannski kjarnorku svindl árás. . . . eða svipað. 


Ed Jewett: Jim Stone – 700,000 PA Ballots Without a Watermark, Government

Per Jim Stone:

As of today, it appears the ballot watermark story was true, and it is coming to fruition today.

UPDATE: 700,000 Pennsylvania ballots have no watermark and are therefore proven fake. Let’s see CNN say “There is no evidence” now. you know they will!

This is not just some idiot sh*tposting this time, it is happening live straight from military intelligence, before the Pennsylvania legislature.


Well, that’s good. If the story came out during this hearing, it means TRUMP WON. There’s no way out of it. Except for maybe a nuclear false flag . . . . or similar.

I’d laugh my butt off if Trump actually outfoxed the traitors, but what if there was a leak somewhere and the fake ballots have the watermark too? So we are not out of the woods yet, the corruption is very deep.

However, if the ballot watermark story is true, then the server seizure story is probably definitely true, and even with correctly watermarked fake ballots the ship of fraud is probably going down.

If that ship DOES go down, it is hard to say what will happen next. If the communists have assets in place for an invasion, they’ll do it.

If they have nukes placed to just “pull” America, they’ll do it. If there is Stuxnet in the nuclear facilities, they’ll use it. One big problem is still in play: The communists are awful damn cocky, like they KNOW this is it, and no matter what happens they win. We will have to wait and see I guess . . .

It appears that a Pennsylvania judge has blocked that state from certifying election fraud as legit.

Details on this are sketchy but evidently the judge saw enough evidence of vote fraud to stop certification of the results even after the canvassing boards and governor gave the go ahead.

Now, I’d like to present a salient point: WHAT IF this really is 5D chess, and Trump wanted it to go this way so everyone, from the governor on down could be indicted of election fraud?

If the judge (who must not have been corrupt) stopped it before it mattered, after every last step in the chain proved itself corrupt, what can happen, with zero real damage being done to Trump? We’ll have to wait and see on that judge I guess, and if the correct threats get issued.

It seems to me that Trump has finally taken action he should have taken day 1 in office

It took him 4 years to learn Kushner was a traitor.

It took him 4 years to learn all the advisers were traitors.

It took him 4 years to learn the DOJ, FBI, CIA, DHS, and the NSA were all traitors, (and he at least partially fixed the NSA)

It took him 4 years to learn ALL the judges were crooked, except for a few lifers on the Supreme Court.

It did not take him 4 years to realize staff he could not remove was treasonous, but that staff still stayed in place all 4 years.

It took him 4 years to realize even FOX was rigged, and that even Rasmussen was bunk.

So what can Trump do in two months fully awake, with the swamp still completely alive? We are going to find out.

Phi Beta Iota: We believe President Trump knew everything that Jim Stone says it took the President four years to learn. 

This take down of the Deep State has been over 16 years in the planning, with the last eight years being intense. Now we wait for the final battles to play out over next two months.

Opt in for free daily update from this free blog. Separately The Steele Report ($11/mo) offers weekly text report and live webinar exclusive to paid subscribers, who can also ask questions of Robert. Or donate to ask questions directly of Robert.  

Egilsstaðir, 27.11.2020   Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Ath. 9/11 - Farðu á mínútu, 1:41 BBC var búin að segja frá falli á byggingu 7 áður en hún var sprengd. Þetta vita allir sem hafa fylgst með, en engin sem trúir main media, aðalmiðlum.

Can you believe CNN has left this damning 9/11 evidence up on YouTube?!?!? (Video)

(Geturðu trúað því að CNN hafi skilið eftir sig þessar helvítis 9/11 sannanir á YouTube?)

(Er það til að klína öllu á Guðsmennina, smile Eistein, Nikola Tesla og Jesú,

Þeir notuðu allir innsæið, intuition, og hlustuðu á innri röddina, sem kemur með allar uppfinningar og nýja hugsun.

Einstein, við getum kallað það innsæi eða eitthvað annað, en við vitum ekkert hvaðan það kemur eða hvernig, gáfur eða lærdómur eru þá gagnslausar.

Nikola Tesla, allar nýjar uppfinningar og ný hugsun koma frá kjarnanum góðlegri veru, ástúðinni, blessuninni.

Jesú, allt nýtt og gott, kemur frá Guði, ástúðinni, umhyggjunni, blessuninni. jg) 


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Við verðum að læra nýja hugsun. Peningurinn er einfaldlega bókhald. Maður án vinnu er tap. Maður í vinnu, gerir gagn. Maður án tekna, verður að fá að borða. Maðurinn verður oft að taka vinnu, sem er til ógagns.

Sett að hluta á blog:   x er að vinna þetta í öðru umhverfi


Við verðum að læra nýja hugsun.

Peningurinn er einfaldlega bókhald. 

Maður án vinnu er tap. 

Maður í vinnu, gerir gagn. 

Maður án tekna, verður að fá að borða.

Maðurinn verður oft að taka vinnu, sem er til ógagns. 

Þá fer hann að þjóna þeim sem eru að lifa neikvætt.

Það er að brjótalögin. 

Ég var einhversstaðar með blog sem sagði að send hefðu verið boð til þjóðanna um að þær skildu undirbúa sig undir að skrifa sitt fjármálabókhald sjálfar, 

Þá verður það eins og fyrr á árum, áður en við vorum tekin í Alþjóðabankann. 

Þegar við fórum allfarið að taka lán í Alþjóðabankanum, til að mega prenta íslenskar krónur. 

Áður gekk allt af sjálfu sér. Ef að tekjur af síldinni og fiskinum allmennt minkuðu um helming, þá felldum við gengið um helming, og allt var í lagi, debet kredit. 

Sá sem var innundir hjá stjórnmála flokkunum, (ég kallaði þá dindlana fjóra, og ég sá fimmti) fékk lán fyrir bíl, átti hann í eitt til tvö ár, borgaði vexti 2-4%? 

Þá seldi sá bílinn, fyrir helmingi hærra verð en hann var keyptur á nýr. Nýr bíll  kostaði þá meira en helmingi meira, en nú átti flokksmaðurinn sjóð og gat því borgað næstum hálft verð á nýjum bíl. 

Þetta var leikið við húsakaup líka.

Þá reyndu allir að halda verðbólgunni við til að geta stundað þennan leik. 

Hinir sem voru ekki innundir hjá flokkunum, stjórnvöldum fengu ekki svona lán. 

Þessvegna varð verðtryggingin til, og þá gátu stjórnmálamenn og vinir ekki lifað þannig á verðbólgunni. 

Verðbólgan leysti mörg vandamál, eins og þegar síldin hvarf. Þá urðu skuldir minna vandamál, verðgildi þeirra gat farið niður um ca. 80% á 10 árum. 

Fyrst eftir stríðið, 1945 kostaði landbúnaðar jeppinn rétt yfir 5000 krónur, en rúmu ári seinna, +/- 6 mán, var hann komin í rúmar 20.000 krónur. 

Sá sem lagði peninga í bankann, tapaði þeim jafn hratt og skuldirnar minnkuðu hjá lántakanum. 

Ekki má gleyma að kaupið hækkaði í einhverjum takti við verðbólguna. Nú eru liðin 75 ár en ég held að þetta sé nokkuð rétt.


No more hospitalization or death than the seasonal flu; (2) The commonly used PCR test is incapable of detecting COVID-19; and (3) The sole purpose of PCR testing is to ? generate large numbers false-positive results that can be called “cases” - frighten


He summarizes the main charges that he says easily will be proved through the process of discovery and witness cross examination in court.

He will prove that

(1) Whatever is causing the symptoms attributed to COVID-19 causes no more hospitalization or death than the seasonal flu;

(2) The commonly used PCR test is incapable of detecting COVID-19; and

(3) The sole purpose of PCR testing is to generate large numbers false-positive results that can be called “cases”

and which will frighten the population into passively accepting vaccines and a restructuring of society without question. Interviewed by Patrick Bet-David. 2020 November 13, 2020 – Source: Valuetainment


Largest Class Action Lawsuit EVER Being Filed Against the CORONAhoax Criminals

Class-Action Lawsuit Announced Against Perpetrators of Pandemic Hoax

Posted by Ed Griffin

German trial lawyer Reiner Fuellmich follows up on his initial announcement of class-action lawsuits against perpetrators of what he calls the pandemic hoax. He summarizes the main charges that he says easily will be proved through the process of discovery and witness cross examination in court. He will prove that (1) Whatever is causing the symptoms attributed to COVID-19 causes no more hospitalization or death than the seasonal flu; (2) The commonly used PCR test is incapable of detecting COVID-19; and (3) The sole purpose of PCR testing is to generate large numbers false-positive results that can be called “cases” and which will frighten the population into passively accepting vaccines and a restructuring of society without question. Interviewed by Patrick Bet-David. 2020 November 13, 2020 – Source: Valuetainment

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Egilsstaðir, 16.11.2020   Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Alliance of doctors, nurses, healthcare profess- ionals and staff around the world who have united in the wake of the Covid-19 response chapter to share experiences with a view to ending all lockdowns


Publishes Powerful Open Letter to

World Community of Nations 

Download PDF version here   


Posted on  by State of the Nation



Doctors uniting around the world with integrity and right action.

An independent non-profit    and related damaging measures
and to re-establish universal health determinance of psychological
and physical wellbeing for all humanity.

Open letter to all the Citizens of the World

and all the Governments of the





We were told initially that the premise for lockdown was to ‘flatten the curve’ and therefore protect the NHS from being overwhelmed.

It is clear that at no point was the National Health Service (NHS) in any danger of being overwhelmed, and since May 2020 covid wards have been largely empty; and crucially the death toll from covid has remained extremely low.

We now have hundreds of thousands of so-called ‘cases’, ‘infections’ and ‘positive tests’ but hardly any sick people.

Recall that four fifths (80%) of ‘infections’ are asymptomatic

(1) Covid wards have been by and large empty throughout June, 
July, August and September 2020.

Most importantly covid deaths are at an all-time low. It is clear that these ‘cases’ are in fact not ‘cases’ but rather they are normal healthy people.So-called asymptomatic cases have never in the history of respiratory disease been the driver for spread of infection.

Rather it is symptomatic people who spread respiratory infections – not asymptomatic people.

(2)It is also abundantly clear that the ‘pandemic’ is basically over and has been since June 2020.

(3)We have very highly likely reached herd immunity
and therefore have no need for a vaccine.

We have safe and very effective treatments and preventative treatments for covid,

we therefore call for an immediate end to all lockdown measures, social distancing, mask wearing,
testing of healthy individuals, track and trace, immunity passports, the vaccination program and so on.

There has been a catalogue of unscientific, non-sensical policies enacted which infringe our inalienable rights, such as –
freedom of movement, freedom of speech and freedom of assembly.

These draconian totalitarian measures must never be repeated.

Continue reading open letter at:



  1. BMJ
  2. CNN and WBUR
  3. NHS


  1. Telegraph
  2. Times
  3. The Lancet

Collateral damage

  1. BMJ
  2. Time
  3. Dr Malcolm Kendrick
  4. QNI
  5. BBC
  6. BBC

Death certificates

  1. Spectator
  2. Telegraph

Economic ruin

  1. Independent


  1. Guardian


  1. BMJ
  2. Spectator
  3. CEBM
  4. Lockdown Sceptics and DOI
  5. ANH International
  6. Gov.UK
  7. Lancet
  8. Apps Online


  1. Newsweek
  2. Guardian
  3. Lancet
  4. Apps Online
  5. Apps Online
  6. NIH.GOV
  7. NIH.GOV


  1. BMJ
  2. DOI.ORG
  3. DOI.ORG

Conflicts of interests

  1. Telegraph
  2. Telegraph
  3. Apps Online
  4. Statnews


  1. Express

Signed by:

  3. DR. R. ZAC COX, BDS

First Do No Harm

Sign our open letter


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Ég sá öll þessi fóstureyðingar börn, á himnum. Þau bíða eftir mömmu sinni og pabba sínum, ekki bara móður, heldur líka föður. Býða eftir að þau komist í himininn. Foreldrið fær að taka barnið upp eins og nýfætt, halda á barninu.

Enskan, English, slóð hér og neðst.


Var kominn á blaðsíðu 7 af 14, í að laga þýðingu, þá fékk ég þá tilfinningu, að hér væri verið að lýsa góðu fjárhúsi hjá bónda í sveit og svo að fá fólkið til að gæta barna sem áttu enga foreldra, að fá kindurnar til að taka að sér lömb sem voru móðurlaus.  Þarna var gefið í jötuna, garðann, eins og í fjárhúsi. Mataði fólkið 

Við fólkið grípum þetta ekki, en nú skoðum við allt betur. Þeir sem upplifa þetta og þeir sem skrifa þetta finnst sem Guð sé þarna að verki.

Blekkingarnar eru allstaðar. Þetta kom upp í hugann minn.

Það er margt gott í greininni.


Having come to page 7 of 14, in fixing a translation, I got the feeling that this was describing a good sheepfold with a farmer in the countryside and then getting the people to take care of children who had no parents, to get the sheep to adopt orphaned lambs. There it was given to the manger, the garden, as in a sheepfold. Fed the people

We humans do not grasp this, but now we take a closer look. Those who experience this and those who write this feel that God is at work.

The deceptions are everywhere. This came to my mind.



((04:22 And it says, "It´s not his time. You must let him go.

04:26 I made a promise to his mother.")? jg)

((11:42   the water running up there sounds like) - (the water flows to the center of the earth, there sun is center of earth, one is a sheepfold, the other is a slaughterhouse? jg))  


I Went to Hell & Escaped Because of THIS…


Google þýðing og smá endursögn, henti smá en Google þýðing látin standa..

Ótrúleg saga. 

Þú dóst og fórst til helvítis og til himnaríkis.

Þetta er mikil reynsla sem þú hefur gengið í gegnum.

Segðu fólkinu sem ekki hefur heyrt söguna hvað kom fyrir þig.

Hvað gerðist, af hverju dóstu og hvert fórstu þá?

Það sem gerðist er að ég var með blóðtappa í kálfanum á vinstri fæti.

Þeir lögðu mig inn á sjúkrahús í rúmlega viku.

RB: Hvað varstu gamall? Hvenær var þetta?

Ég var þá tuttugu og sex ára, 1978.

Smá útskýring.

Sem barn var ég trúaður.

Ég var góður krakki.

Og ég meina, ég elska Drottin.

Ég ætlaði að fara í Bible College en lenti í eiturlyf og drykkju.

Þetta var slæmur lífsstíl.

Þetta endaði með því að ég fékk blóðtappa og fór  á sjúkrahús.

Það fyrsta sem ég gerði þegar ég kom heim af sjúkrahúsinu, var að neyta eiturlyfja,

(to get high) um nóttina. 

Yfirleitt fór ég að sofa eftir miðnætti, 02:00 til 03:00 en nú fór ég að sofa klukkan 21:00

Mér fannst ég vera mjög þreyttur.

Og ég fór að sofa og lagðist í rúmið og ég

sofnaði samstundis.

Allt í einu greip eitthvað um úlnliðinn á mér

og rak mig strax upp úr rúminu.

RB: Og í sögu þinni segirðu að það hafi gripið þig,

greip þig. 

RB: Þú ert sterkur náungi, en þú gast ekki losað þig.

IT: Þeir vildu ekki sleppa mér.

Þá var ég í mikið betra form en ég er núna.

Og ef ég kýldi þig einu sinni, þá var það búið.

RB: [Hlær] Jæja, ekki fara að gera það!

IT: [Hlær] En ég reyndi að lemja þennan púka,

reyndi að komast burt en hann vildi ekki sleppa mér.

RB: Vá!

IT: Svo fór þessi púki með mig til helvítis og ég var

farinn að heyra og sjá hluti.

Ég sá fólk þar. Þetta var hræðilegt.

Ég meina, lyktin var slæm. Hljóðin voru hræðileg.

Ó, allt sem þú heyrir er fólk sem öskrar stöðugt.

RB: Vá.

IT: Ég meina, það er það sem ég heyrði.

RB: Og þú sást því miður, þú sást presta og ráðherra og sunnudaga


IT: Ég gerði það. Það er nákvæmlega það sem ég sá.

Þeir voru ekki þeir einu sem voru þarna.

RB: Já. [Hlátur]

IT: Það voru líka mjög slæmir karakterar þarna.

En það sem kom mér á óvart var hversu margir fyrrverandi prestar,

guðspjallamenn og þess háttar fólk voru þarna.

Sunnudagaskólakennarar, góðir nágrannar,

og þeir eru í helvíti.

RB: Þú sást fólk þarna inni sem þú hefur alist upp með?

IT: Já.

RB: Vá, það er leiðinlegt.

IT: Það var sorglegt.

RB: Já.

IT: Ég meina, þarna var eldri maður neðar úr götunni-

Þetta kom mér mjög á óvart

RB: Vá.

IT: Veistu, ég hugsaði það ekki svo mikið,

þú veist.

RB: Svo hvað varstu að skynja sjá, horfa á.

Ég meina, fannst þér þetta vera þetta fyrir þig?

IT: Spurning.

Hey heyrðu, það var vonlausasta tilfinningin í heiminn vegna þess að

þegar þú deyrð og þú ferð til helvítis, þá er engin von eftir. 

Sjáðu, öll von sem þú hefur er meðan þú ert hér á jörðinni.


( Rétt ef til vill, en aldrei að gefast upp, en byrja að bæta sig strax í dag. Jg)


RB: Rétt.

IT: Og þegar þú deyrð þarftu enga von vegna þess að

annað hvort ferðu til helvítis eða til himna.

RB: Rétt. Þegar þú ferð til helvítis, þá er engin von alla vega.

RB: Já.

IT: Þú ert búinn! 

RB; Nú, þegar þú varst þarna, vissirðu að þú áttir að vera þarna?

IT: Já. Jæja, ég meina. Jæja, það er ekki það

Ég meina. Ég tek það aftur. Þegar ég fyrst

kom þangað ég var eins og ég hugsaði, af hverju er ég hér?

RB: Já.

IT: Hvað er ég að gera í helvíti?

RB: Já.

IT: Veistu, ég fór ekki í háskóla.

Ég meiddi eingann. Ég seldi eiturlyf.

En þú veist að þetta voru ekki slæm lyf.

Það er mín hugsun.

Og ég var að hugsa að ég færi í Bible College.

Ég var fullur af heilögum anda.

Mér var bjargað. Ég hafði gert margt rétt

í lífi mínu. Og hér var ég.

RB: Vá.

IT: Og þá veistu að það er endanlegt.

RB: Mmm.

IT: Það er eins og koparhvelfing eða járnhvelfing fyrir ofan þig.

Það er eins og allt sem þú reynir að segja eða biðja,

það fer ekki neitt. Það er dautt.

RB: Svo þú hefur skrifað mikið og sagt frá þessum yfirnáttúrulegu atvikum.


Eitthvað ótrúlegt gerðist í helvíti.

IT: Já. Það gerði það. 

Hvers vegna var þessi púki var að taka mig og loka mig í helvíti.

Rödd hljómaði.

Þetta er háværasta og sterkasta röddin sem ég hef heyrt.

Og röddin segir: „Það er ekki hans tími. Þú verður að láta hann fara.

Ég lofaði móður hans. “

RB: Ah, þakka Guði fyrir mömmu.

IT: Ó, móðir mín hafði beðið fyrir mér á þessum tíma.

Þú reiknar með að ég hafi verið tuttugu og sex.

Hún bað fyrir mér að minnsta kosti þrisvar á dag,

stundum fjögur. Stundum þurfti ég

miklu meira en það, eins og heilan dag.

En hún hafði beðið fyrir mér yfir tuttugu og tvö

þúsund sinnum fyrir þann tíma.

RB: Ó, guð minn góður.

Það er mikil bæn.

IT: Fólk gefist aldrei upp við að biðja fyrir börnunum sínum.

RB: Svo ert þú á himni?

Þú heyrir þessa rödd segja „Það er ekki hans tími ennþá,

hvað gerist næst? “

IT: Jæja, þegar í stað var ég leystur ,

Ég meina, þetta skeður svo hratt að maður

veit ekki einu sinni hvað er að gerast.

Bara allt í einu, þá er ég rétt við

hlið himins meðan þessi engill tók á móti þér.

RB: Vá. Vá.

IT: Og það er það sem gerðist.

RB: Svo þú byrjar að skynja himininn í stað helvítis.

IT: Já!

RB: Vonin var að koma aftur til þín,

Vonartilfinningin og gleðin.

IT: Það var ekki von. Það var bara mest

vellíðandi tilfinning. Þetta var eins og ég væri hérna,

þú veist. 

RB: Já.

IT: Ég er heima!

RB: Vá.

IT: Ég er heima.

Þessi tilfinning eins og þú sért raunverulega heima?

Ég meina, það er betra en þú gætir ímyndað þér.

Það veistu, þú veist hvernig þér líður

þegar þú kemur heim.

Svo, já, þetta var heima. Ég er kominn.

Veistu, ég var þar sem mér var ætlað

að vera til að byrja með.

RB: Ég mun segja þér hvað. Í þessari sögu,

Ivan stendur við hlið himins.

Myndir þú vilja vita hvað gerðist þegar hann

sá nokkur atriði á himnum og upplifanirnar

sem hann sá? Þetta er ótrúlegt. Þú vilt ekki  missa af því sem kemur næst.

RB: Velkomin aftur. „Meira“

Ég er hér með Ivan Tuttle.

Síðast losnaðir þú út úr helvíti, guði sé lof!

IT: Já!

RB: Og stendur við hlið himins.

Og hérna ertu, og engill er fylgdarmaður þinn.

Hvað gerist næst?

IT: Jæja, þessi engill var mjög indæll og mjög blíður, góður.

RB: Andstætt púkanum.

IT: Öfugt við púkann sem greip vinstri handlegginn á mér. 

Hann hélt bara í höndina á mér.

Engillinn gekk um með mig og ég gat séð alla þessa fegurð í himninum, fjallalækina, trén og dýr. 

Það var svo margt sem ég fékk að sjá á meðan ég var uppi á himnum. 


RB: Og hann, hann knúði þig til að líta í ákveðna átt.

IT: Já. Engillinn sagði: "Snúðu við og horfðu.."

Og þegar ég byrjaði að snúa mér,

vegna þess að hann hafði hönd á mér.

Svo ég byrjaði að beygja til vinstri og hann togaði mig nokkuð.

Hann segir: "Nei hérna." Svo ég sneri mér að honum.

Og þegar ég horfði á hann, var hann horfin.

Allt í einu sá ég tímalínu jarðarinnar. Það er svolítið erfitt

að útskýra vegna þess að það var öll sagan.

Andinn, þú veist það. En ég sá upphaf

jarðarinnar, og langt inn í framtíð jarðarinnar.

RB: Vá.

IT: Ég horfði á hvernig jörðin myndaðist.

RB: Þvílík upplifun!

IT: Ég horfi á þegar andi Guðs steig niður og

sveimaði yfir vötnum djúpsins.

RB: Vá.

IT: Þú veist, það var stórkostlegt þegar ég sá þennan merka atburð sögunnar.  

Og svo horfði ég á.

Ég horfði á hvernig Adam var skapaður.

RB: Vá.

IT: Það var svo einstakt að fylgjast með honum.

Og hann tekur bara mold eða ryk jarðarinnar

og hann myndar allt . Og hann bjó til manninn.

Og svo fylgdist ég með honum þegar hann fór í nasir mannsins. (blés anda í manninn)

RB: Þetta er fallegt.

IT: Adam lifnaði við og hann er eins og

Ég meina, hann var á lífi og allt byrjar að lifna og það er eins og að Adam vissi strax alla hluti.

RB: Vá.

IT: Sjáðu, hann þurfti ekki að fara í gegnum skóla eins og við.

RB: Já.

IT: Vegna þess að Guð gerði hann fullkominn til að byrja með.

RB: Vá. Vá.

Og svo sýndi hann þér bara þessa tímalínu.

Varstu að sjá hlutina?

IT: Allt, alls konar hluti, frá upphafi vega og til framtíðar.

RB: Vá.

Jæja, þegar þú varst á himnum talar þú um að Guð gaf þér sérstakar gjafir.

IT: Já.

RB: Og ein af gjöfunum er að þú getur skoðað einhvern og þú getur séð í gegnum hann.

IT: Rétt.

RB: Og sjáðu hvað raunverulega er að gerast.

Gott, slæmt, ljót týpa.

Og þú hefur sögu um það með eigin syni þínum.

IT: Já, en viltu að ég byrji með það strax? Ha -ha!

RB: Nei, nei!

IT: [hlær]. Ég geri það alltaf!

RB: Við gerum það síðar.

IT: Já, sonur minn, Guð gaf mér þessa getu að ég

gæti í raun litið á son minn í huganum

Ég þurfti ekki einu sinni að horfa á hann.

Ég vissi bara hvar sonur minn var.

Það er öðruvísi en flestir foreldrar gera.

„Jæja, ég veit hvort sonur minn er í vandræðum eða ekki, en ekki dóttur mína.


Ég meina, ég gat séð hvar hann var staddur.

RB: Í andanum varstu að sjá- já!

IT: Í andanum, Í grunnskóla,

Ég gæti séð hann í tímum, þú veist, og sonur minn hélt að ég gæti séð í gegn

Veggi og meira.

En það sem gerðist er að hann komst í menntaskóla

og hann var að keyra. 

Stundum var hann að keyra og hann hringdi í mig og sagði:

"Hey, pabbi, hvar er ég?" Og ég myndi segja, ja,

þú ert á þessum og þessum stað. Hann myndi svara,

„Rétt, allt í lagi, hvernig veistu þetta, pabbi?

Hvar ertu eiginlega? “Sagði ég,

"Jæja, ég er heima eða ég er á skrifstofunni,"

eða hvað sem er. Svo þetta hélt áfram.

Svo einn daginn spiluðu þeir fótbolta.

Hann er í menntaskóla, yngra árið,

og hann var með þennan vetrarbítara bíl. (jeppa)

Við bjuggum fyrir norðan og hann fékk þennan bíl.

Og eftir fótboltaæfingu, fóru hann og félagar hans

og byrjuðu að taka bílinn í sundur.

Þeir voru að leita að hljóðnemum og myndavélum.

RB: Vá.

Þeir vilja vita hvernig pabbi þinn njósnar um þig.

IT: Já, þannig.

sagði: „arna eru brögð í tafli.

Þetta getur í raun ekki bara verið frá Guði. “

RB: Vá.

IT: Hann gerði þetta, en hann sagði mér þetta ekki í ansi langan tíma í nokkur ár. 

Jæja, ég spurði hann stöðugt: „Af hverju er þetta að detta niður í þessum bíl?

 „Hann þekki ekki pabba!“

RB: [hlær]

IT: Hann sagði mér þegar hann var tuttugu og eins, um þetta.

RB: Vá. Allt í lagi, við fáum þig aftur til himna.

IT: Já.

Segðu fólkinu þetta, það  er svo áhugavert.

Flestir hafa ekki upplifað þetta. Nú aftur um andlát þitt.

Þú dóst.

IT: Ég var dáinn.

RB: Og hvað er það sem þú sást sem virkilega snert hjarta þitt?

IT: Vá. Það er svo margt eins og þú veist.

RB: Hvað með börnin?

IT: Ó, maður.

Þegar, þegar ég sá öll þessi börn,

þeim var eitt, öllum,

hvert einasta þeirra er þarna á himnum.

RB: Vá.

IT: Og þau bíða eftir mömmu sinni og pabba,

ekki bara móðir, heldur faðirinn líka.

Bið eftir að þeir komist þangað.

Og þegar foreldrarnir komast þangað,

hvort sem er eða þegar báðir komast þangað,

hvað sem því líður, þegar þeir koma þangað,

þessi börn núna, þau eru ekki litla fóstrið

þau voru litlu börnin þeirra. 

Eitt af því sem Guð leyfir þeim að gera.

Guð leyfir þeim að vera börn.

Nú, rétt eins og Adam og Eva,

þau hafa fulla þekkingu. Þau eru fulltalandi en eru


RB: Já.

Þau hafa allt sem þau eiga að hafa.

En foreldrið fær að taka barnið upp eins og

ný fætt barn. Fær að halda á barninu.

RB: Vá. Það er upplifun sem við fáum þegar  við komumst til himna.

þeir hafa þetta litla barn með sér og hugsa um barnið

Og það er fallegt að sjá.

Og það barn vex bara upp hjá foreldrinu.

Auðvitað fara þau ekki í gegnum vandamálin sem

þau gera það á jörðinni, en barnið fær að alast upp svo

þau geta séð hvernig barninu líður.

RB: Þetta er ótrúlegt.

IT: Sem fullorðinn líka.

RB: Það er ótrúlegt. Svo, allt í lagi, þú ert að ganga

með englinum. Þú skoðar allt..

Við munum tala meira um það sem Drottinn sýndi þér um

Jörðina í síðasta hluta.

IT: Já.

En hvað annað sástu þegar þú varst inni í

himnaríki, eins og sjón og hljóð og lykt?

Hvað var það?

IT: Já.

Ylmurinn á himnum er, er svo góður.

Ég meina, það er ljúfurylmur, og er alltaf.

Hann hverfur aldrei.

Markið þar – allir sem hafa verið

í himninum munu segja þér það sama.

Það er svo mikil dýrð frá miðju himinsins þar sem

Guð situr í hásætinu, ekkert myrkur, það er enginn skuggi.

Svo þegar þú lítur á tré, veistu, þú lítur ekki þarna upp og sérð mismunandi gerðir

af laufunum. Laufin eru öll í sama lit.

Þegar þú heyrir vatnið renna,

vatnið sem rennur þarna upp hljómar eins og

lítil börn hlæjandi.

RB: Ó, mér líkar það!

IT: Það er fallegur hljómur.

Og það er svo ljóst að ég verð að fara yfir og snerta það

vegna þess að þér líkar, er þetta virkilega vatn þarna?

Þú veist?

RB: Vá.

IT: Og það var og ég fékk að gera það.

RB: Svo virkilega.

IT: Já.

RB: Virkilega. Hvað annað. Hvað annað?

IT: Maður ég sá að þessar stóru byggingar eru gerðar úr

steinn eins og hvítur steinn. En glimmerið, það er eins og

hvítur marmari sem hefur kannski gull í gegnum það.


RB: Wow.

IT: It's very easy. You know, you can go barefoot.

RB: Sástu ?

IT: Ég sá heilmikið af reisilegum byggingum.

RB: Sástu heilmikið af reisilegum byggingum

Ég sá göturnar úr gulli.

Heyrðu, það er ekki eins og venjulegt gull sem við

sjáum hér á jörðinni. Það er algjörlega mjúkt.

RB: Vá.

IT: Það er mjög auðvelt. Þú veist, þú getur farið berfættur.

RB: Sástu-?

IT: Ég sá mikið af stórhýsum.

RB: Þú sást mikið af stórhýsum.

IT: En allar voru þær gerðar úr þessum hvíta steini.

RB: Vá.

IT: Og þeir voru risastórir. Ég sá enga kofa þarna uppi.

RB: Já, allir eiga fínan stað.

IT: Það er fínt. Já.

RB: Svo, mér hefur oft verið sagt.

Himinn lítur út eins og spegilmynd af jörðinni

nema í fullkomnun.

IT: Ó já.

RB: Er það tilfinningin sem þú fékkst þarna?

IT: Ó, það er svo hreint og fullkomið.

Já. Það er fallegt og það er hreint.

Ég meina eins og grasið sé alltaf skorið.

RB: Rétt. Rétt, rétt.

Og illgresið er í raun fallegt, og það er bara fullkomin. Ég meina fjöllin

eru falleg, trén eru falleg, en það er í öðru ljósi en

það sem við erum vön að sjá.

RB: Já.

IT: Það eru líka ský á himni.

RB: Vá.

IT: En þeir eru ekki fullir af vatni.

RB: Vá.

IT: Það er öðruvísi. Það er öðruvísi ský.

Svo, það er bara fallegt. Ég meina. Ég get ekki beðið eftir því

farðu aftur heim en ég verð að bíða [hlær].

RB: Jæja, ekki fara strax við setjum það

seinni hlutann.  Við ætlum að ræða meira um það sem Ivan sá þegar

augu hans opnuðust yfir á jörðina.

Þú verður virkilega snortinn af því sem Guð gerði

fyrir fólkið á tímum Jesú.

Við komum strax aftur.



RB: Velkomin aftur í "Eitthvað meira."

Ég er Ryan Bruss og ég er hér með Ivan Tuttle,

og við erum að ræða um himininn.

Nú, þegar þú varst á himnum,

engillinn dró slæðuna til baka, ef svo má segja,

og þú sást fullt af hlutum gerast á jörðinni frá

upphaf tímans og inn í framtíðina.

IT: Já.

RB: Og ég þakka mjög það sem þú sást

á tímum Jesú.

IT: Já.

RB: Það er mjög dýrmætt það sem þú skrifaðir um.

Talaðu um það.

IT: Jæja, þú veist, þú ert oft undrandi.

Þegar ég var krakki, velti ég alltaf fyrir mér hvenær ég heyrði um það

að Jesús talaði við mikinn mannfjölda og þar voru þessi þúsund manns þar,

hvernig gat hann það án hljóðnema þarna í eyðimörkinni. Hvernig var það hægt?

Þú veist, þannig að þetta eru hugsanir sem voru í mínum huga.

En þegar ég er á himnum og ég er að fylgjast með hvað er

að gerast á jörðinni og allt í einu er mér leyft að sjá það sem er að gerast.

Jesús hefur þennan mikla mannfjölda,

fimm, tíu, fimmtán þúsund manns.

Ég meina, það er fjöldi fólks þarna úti.

Þeir koma allir. Þeir eru spenntir.

Þeir vilja taka þátt.

Þeir vilja sjá kraftaverkin.

Þeir vilja vita hvað þessi maður hefur að segja.

Fólkið stendur eða situr, en hvar er Jesús er hann uppi á kletti?

Þá kallaði Jesús í skýin.

Hringdi hann í skýin, og þá kæmu skýin yfir fólkið og Jesús skipa loftinu

tað verða svalara.

RB: Vá !!

IT: Og svo yrði loftið kaldara og þá gæti fólkið setið allan daginn í þægilegum hita.

RB: Vá.

IT: Ég veit það ekki.

RB: Já. Já, jæja, nú er mitt sumar á meðan við tökum þetta upp. Við gætum

notaðu vissulega Jesú til að kalla í skýin.

IT: Já! [Hlær].

RB: Hér í Norður-Karólínu.

Hann gerði svo mikið fyrir þetta fólk.

En þá sagðir þú að hann mataði þá og allt.

IT: Já.

RB: Þú veist, ég meina, við lesum sögurnar um

brauð og fiska, en, það var ekkert smá mál að seðja alla.

IT: Já. Það var ekki bara í eitt skipti sem hann gaf þeim að borða.

Jesús. Þú veist, hann, hann átti allt og lét lærisveina sína fara og kaupa mat til að fæða fólkið.

RB: Já.

Þetta fólk þurfti ekki að hafa áhyggjur af neinu.

Þeir myndu koma og safnast þar saman.

Og þegar þeir komu saman þar átti Jesús allt.

Hann hafði einhvern veginn tekjur

og hann myndi kaupa mat frá heimamönnum

kaupmönnum eða laga hluti sem þarf að laga og

fæða allt fólkið.

RB: Nú, þú sagðir það, þú veist,

Ég man að í Jóhannesi segir að „Bækurnar í öllum

heimurinn getur ekki innihaldið kraftaverkin sem Jesús gerði. “

Og þú sást líka mikið af því

fjöldi kraftaverka sem hafa ekki einu sinni

verið skráð.

IT: Þú veist, það eru milljónir kraftaverka sem

aldrei hafa verið skráð. Hann talar við fólkið allann daginn.

Það er þreytandi.

RB: Já.

IT: Ég veit ekki hvort þú hefur aldrei orðið þreyttur, jú auðvitað.

RB: Já.

IT: Þú verður þreyttur, og hann er mannlegur líka.

IT: Já.

Og hann myndi gera hlé á kvöldmatnum sínum,

Til að lækna sem flesta.

Hann myndi vera þar alla nóttina,

alla nóttina og biðja fyrir þessu fólki,

leggja hendur á þá.

Og það er ekki eins og hann hafi í raun farið með bæn.

Það er svolítið erfitt að útskýra það.

Hann lagði bara hendur á þá.

Samstundis myndu þeir læknast.

RB: Vá.

IT: Og hann hljóp ekki bara í gegnum hópinn,

þú veist, eins og, já, það eru 10.000.

Hann tók sinn tíma og hann bara og hann myndi segja

eitthvað við hvern og einn, veistu,

eftir því hvað það var sem maðurinn þurfti.

Stundum talaði hann eitthvað við þá og hann

myndi segja eitthvað við þá.

Og þetta fólk myndi bara, brotna niður og gráta, þú veist það.

RB: Oooh!

IT: Og ef fólk læknast, dettur þér í hug að vera með holdsveiki?

Nú, við lesum um nokkur atriði, en með þessi sár á líkamanum,

fingur hálfa leið og allt,

og hann kemur upp og hann snertir þig og læknar þig.

RB: Vá!

IT: Og allt í einu kemur fingurinn aftur

þú veist það líka og þér líkar það vel, hvað?

Og það er eins og, ó, vá, það er svo æðislegt.

Það er, það er frábært. Þú getur ekki gengið.

Og allt í einu ertu að ganga.

Þú ert hrifinn af, hvað?

Og þú stendur upp og ert himinlifandi,

ó, og þú veist, það tekur smá tíma að ná

styrk aftur að venjast hreyfingunni,

þeir geta gert hluti, þú veist það.

RB: En giska á hvað? Góðu fréttirnar eru

Jesús er sá sami í gær, í dag og að eilífu.

Það sem hann gerði á þeim tíma sem hann lifði á

Jörðinni, hann er enn á lífi og hann er enn græðarinn.

Hann er enn kraftaverkamaðurinn.

Svo, hvaða kraftaverk sem þú þarft núna í þínu

líkama, þú heldur því bara fram fyrir sjálfan þig.

Núna, þegar við erum að tala um Jesú,

Ég er að segja þér að þetta er öflugt efni.

Hvað um Pétur, það sem Drottinn sýnir þér

um fólk?

IT: Ah maður. Heyrðu, ég sá Pétur, þú veist,

fólk talar um þetta.

Þú veist, við lesum um það í Biblíunni.

RB: Já.

IT: Hann talar um skugga Peters.

Ég skal segja þér hvað ég sá frá Pétri.

RB: Já.

IT: Ég horfði á Pétur standa upp á morgnana og hann var

í litlum bæ þar sem hann labbaði niður að,

þar var eins og stórt vatn, en hann varð að

labba þangað nálægt til að fá sér vatn.

Og svo stóð hann upp á morgnana.

Og þegar morgunsólin skín,

þú veist, skugginn er langur.

RB: Já, já, já.

Svo, Peter er þarna og hann gengur meðfram manni sem bara situr þarna,

allt í lagi, og hann er blindur og allt í einu ser maðurinn

hann sér vegna þess að skuggi Peter skall á honum,

maðurinn vissi ekki að þetta var Pétur.

Maðurinn hafði ekki hugmynd um það.

Það er bara dýrð Guðs sem var þarna.

Pétur gat snert hann og náði tökum á því

maður og hann fór að sjá. Svo hugsaðu um það.

Þá var maður sem var með holdsveiki ekki of langt frá honum.

Hann sat fyrir tilviljun á öðru svæði.

Skuggi Péturs sló til hans og holdsveiki þess manns var

farið alveg.

RB: Þannig hef ég alltaf séð það,

er þar sem það er ekki svo mikið sem skugginn þinn er

lækna sjúka, að dýrðin er út eins og

skuggi var og hver er sem er gífurlegur hlutur

að hugsa í dag það, þú veist,

hvað gerir þú ef það er enginn skuggi?

Þetta snýst um að dýrðin sé í kringum þig.

IT: Rétt.

RB: Og að því marki vinir sem þú ert

gefinn Guði er að því marki sem þessi dýrð

verður leystur úr lífi þínu. Og ef þú

viltu sjá meira gerast í lífi þínu, þú verður að,

þú verður að komast meira til Drottins svo að dýrðin sé

verður sleppt hvert sem þú ferð.

IT: Já. Og viti menn, það er ótrúlegt að fylgjast með

saga Péturs þróast í Biblíunni vegna þess að

Pétur, hann var svolítið rugl,

en Drottinn náði tökum á honum.

Og þú sást virkilega hvernig Guð var að nota hann.

IT: Já. Þú veist, þú varst að tala um skuggann,

en sumt af því er skugginn sjálfur.

Og ástæðan fyrir því að ég segi það er sú dýrð

Guð þegar það er á einhvern, það verður á öllu

þú hefur, þar á meðal skugginn þinn. RB: Rétt. Rétt. Rétt.

IT: Þetta verður á öllu.

En já, það er dýrð Guðs sem er í kringum þig.

Þú veist, hlutirnir geta gerst. Þú veist,

fólk getur komið upp og þú ferð að biðja með þeim.

Þú segir ekki einu sinni orð.

Þú veist, Guð læknar þá bara.

Þegar þú horfir á myndavélina, biðjið fyrir fólkinu á

heima, hvað sem þér liggur á hjarta.

IT: Allt í lagi, himneskur faðir,

við komum á undan þér.

Nú, ég veit að það situr fólk & # 39;

horfa núna sem þarf lækningu.

Svo fyrst og fremst, í Jesú nafni býð ég,

líkamar þínir koma í takt

Ég býð, líkum þínum að læknast í Jesú nafni,

alveg eins og Jesús gerði. Veistu, ég get ekki sett það

hönd mín á þig, en andlega get ég það.

Svo ég legg hönd mína á þig og ég spyr núna í Jesú

Nafn fyrir þig að vera alveg læknaður.

Og ég býð öllum veikindum að fara.

Nú, ef þú ert að leita að því hvort þú hefur aldrei samþykkt

Jesús sem Drottinn þinn og frelsari,

þetta er þitt tækifæri til að gera það.

Það er mjög einfalt.

Endurtaktu bara þessa bæn eftir mig,

Himneskur faðir.

Ég kem á undan þér núna, ég bið þig að fyrirgefa mér

syndir, ég veit að Jesús dó á krossinum svo að

syndir mínar er hægt að fyrirgefa.

Ég geri Jesú að Drottni lífs míns.

Ég þakka þér Guð. Ég iðrast og ég sný mér við

líf mitt yfir til þín, í Jesú nafni. Amen.

Nú gafstu bara hjarta þitt til Drottins.

Nú er enn eitt. Á ég stund hérna?

RB: Já, algerlega.

IT: Ég vil biðja, ég vil bara segja þetta

sérstök bæn hér.

Ég bið núna að allir sem hafa heyrt

þessi skilaboð í dag að Guð muni byrja að flytja inn

líf þitt og að þú takir og samþykkir hlutina

að þú hafir heyrt hér og hlaupið með það og látið Guð

skín í gegnum þig í Jesú nafni.

RB: Heyrðu, vinur minn,

þú lyftir bara höndunum núna,

hvar sem þú ert.

IT: Já.

RB: Þú færð bara nærveru Drottins.

Ég bið núna í Jesú nafni,

vinur minn, að þú fyllist heilagri

Andi, að þú fyllist dýrð Guðs það

við höfum verið að tala um. Mér finnst Drottinn & # 39; s

nærveru á mér núna. Og ég sleppi því

þér, ég sleppi því í líkama þinn.

Ég sleppi því inn í hjarta þitt,

í hugann, hvað sem þú ert að ganga í gegnum.

[Tónlist] Ég sleppi því í fjármálum þínum.

Ég sleppi því í maka þinn, börnin þín,

hvað sem þú ert að horfast í augu við núna, dýrðin

Drottins snertir þig í Jesú nafni.

Þakka þér fyrir að horfa á "Eitthvað meira."

Ég get ekki beðið eftir að sjá þig næst.



Enskan, English 

I saw all of these aborted babies, every one of them in Heaven. They're waiting for their mom and their dad, not just a mother, but the father too. Waiting for them to get there. But the parent gets to pick the baby up like a newborn, hold the baby.

Ný hugsun við fjárlagagerð. Peningur er bókhald. Hvað áttu af bókhaldi? Hvað ert þú lengi að skrifa milljarður? Þú átt endalaust bókhald. Engin vandræði þar. Verðmætin eru HUGUR og HÖND, og svo AUÐLINDIR.

Einhversstaðar sá ég að Trump hefði tekið peningaprentunina, bókhaldið til ríkisins, eins og Kennedy gerði þegar hann var myrtur. 

Þá var þjóðunum bent á að sjá um sína peningaprentun, um sitt peningabókhalld. 

Það verðum við að læra, og laga eftir því sem lærdómurinn og reynslan kennir okkur.


Ný hugsun við fjárlagagerð. 

Peningur er bókhald.  

Hvað áttu af bókhaldi?

Hvað ert þú lengi að skrifa milljarður? 

Þú átt endalaust bókhald. 

Engin vandræði þar.


Verðmætin eru HUGUR og HÖND, og svo AUÐLINDIR. 

Hvað áttu af HUGUM, HÖNDUM, og AUÐLINDUM? 

Hvað áttu mikið af hugum og höndum lausum? 

Spurning, 10% ? 

Hvað vantar þig af starfsfólki í umönnun? 

Hvað vantar af starfsfólki í að byggja tvöfalldar brýr?

Verð að hlaupa. 

Ef þú átt lausa hönd, þá er tap að hota ekki vinnugetuna. 

Ef einhver vill lána með vöxtum, þá taki hann lánið sjálfur og greiði vextina.

Húsbankinn skrifi tölu bókhalld fyrir íbúðinni, og íbúðin verður veð fyrir tölunni hjá húsbankanum.

Húsnæðismálastjórn sjái um og beri ábirgð á kaupunum.  Fjölskyldan, hefur í flestum tilfellum ekki þekkingu á málefninu, er ekki verkfræðingur eða fjármálasérfræðingur. 

Íbúðir eiga að vera traustar og fallegar að utan sem innan, með sólskála eða sólskála svölum. 

Þarna er hugsuninn að það sem við stefnum að, séu traustar og verðmætar íbúðir.


(Mikið af eftirfarandi efni er úr útvarpsþætti sem þingmaðurinn Charles G. Binderup frá Nebraska flutti fyrir hálfri öld og frú Lucie Boulrice tók saman.)

Hvernig Ameríka bjó til sína eigin peninga árið 1750

Benjamin Franklin segir frá því sem gerði Nýja England velmegandi

Nýlendurnar nutu meiri velsældar en heimalandið

Fyrir Sjálfstæðisyfirlýsinguna (1776) og stríðið sem fylgdi í kjölfarið voru nýlendur, sem voru hluti af því landi sem í dag eru Bandaríki Norður Ameríku, eitt helsta djásn Englands. Nýlendurnar voru kallaðar Nýja England og samanstóðu af 13 nýlendum sem seinna urðu upprunaleg ríki hins mikla ríkjasambands.

Árið 1750 ríkti mikil velsæld á Nýja Englandi. Benjamin Franklin skrifaði: „Fólk bjó við gnægtir í nýlendunum og friður ríkti á öllum landamærum. Það var erfitt, jafnvel ómögulegt, að finna ánægðari og meira velmegandi þjóð á allri jarðarkringlunni. Öll heimili bjuggu við farsæld. Almennt lifði fólkið samkvæmt háum siðferðislögmálum og menntun var útbreidd.“

Þegar Franklin fór til Englands sem fulltrúi fyrir nýlendurnar sá hann allt aðrar aðstæður: Vinnufólk í heimalandinu þjáðist af hungri og var plagað af fátækt sem það gat ekki flúið. „Strætin eru morandi í betlurum og umrenningum,“ skrifaði hann. Hann spurði enska vini sína hvernig á því stæði að á Englandi, með öllum sínum auði, væri svona mikil örbirgð á meðal verkalýðsstéttanna.

Vinir hans svöruðu að England væri fórnarlamb hræðilegra aðstæðna: Þar væri of margt verkafólk!

Hinir ríku sögðu að þeir væru nú þegar sligaðir af sköttum og gætu ekki borgað meira til að koma til móts við þarfir og létta fátækt hins mikla fjölda verkafólks. Nokkrir ríkir Englendingar þessa tíma trúðu í raun því sem hagfræðingurinn Thomas Malthus skrifaði seinna; að stríð og farsóttir væri nauðsynlegt til að hreinsa landið af „umfram mannafla“.

Fólk í London spurði Franklin hvernig amerísku nýlendunum tækist að safna nægum peningum til að halda uppi fátækraheimilum sínum og hvernig þær gætu sigrast á þessari plágu atvinnuleysis og örbirgðar.

Franklin svaraði: „Það eru engin fátækraheimili í nýlendunum og ef þau væru til þá væru engir til að setja þangað þar sem í nýlendunum er ekki ein einasta manneskja án atvinnu, hvorki betlari né umrenningur.“

Vinir hans trúðu ekki eigin eyrum eða skildu hvernig þetta gæti staðist.

Þeir vissu að þegar fátækrahús og fangelsi á Englandi yfirfylltust þá var vesalings vistmönnunum og föngunum skipað út eins og búpeningi og þeir skildir eftir á hafnarbakka nýlendanna, ef þeir lifðu af óþrifnaðinn og skortinn á sjóferðinni. (Í þá daga var skuldsettu fólki á Englandi varpað í fangelsi ef það gat ekki borgað skuldir sínar og fáir sluppu aftur út þar sem þeir gátu ekki unnið sér inn peninga í fangelsinu.)

Í ljósi alls þessa spurðu kunningjar Franklins hvernig hann gæti útskýrt þessa ótrúlegu velsæld í nýlendum Nýja Englands.

Franklin sagði við þá: „Þetta er einfalt mál! Við gefum út okkar eigin pappírspeninga. Þeir eru kallaðir „nýlenduseðlar“ Colonial Scrip. Við gefum þá út til að borga umsaminn kostnað og framlög eins og ríkisstjórnin ákveður. Við fullvissum okkur um að þeir séu gefnir út í nægilegu magni til að vörurnar flytjist auðveldlega á milli framleiðanda til neytanda. Með öðrum orðum: Við gætum þess að það séu alltaf nógir peningar í umferð fyrir hagkerfið.

Á þennan hátt, með því að búa sjálf til okkar eigin pappírspeninga, þá stjórnum við kaupmættinum og þurfum ekki að borga neinum vexti. Því sjáið til, lögmæt stjórnvöld geta bæði varið peningum og lánað peninga í umferð og dreifingu á meðan bankar geta aðeins lánað táknræna upphæð af skuldaviðurkenningum sínum, því þeir geta hvorki gefið frá sér né eytt nema örlitlum hluta af því fé sem fólk þarf á að halda.

Þar af leiðir að á meðan bankarnir ykkar hér á Englandi setja peninga í umferð þá er alltaf höfuðstóll sem þarf að greiða til baka með háum vöxtum. Afleiðingin af þessu er að það er alltaf of lítið peningamagn í umferð til að geta ráðið verkamenn í fullt starf.

Þið hafið ekki of marga verkamenn, þið eruð með of lítið af peningum í umferð og þeir sem eru í umferð bera eilífa byrði ógreiðanlegrar skuldar og okurs.“


Franklin hefði ekki átt að vera svona örlátur á ráðleggingar sínar sem bárust brátt til eyrna valdamikilla enskra bankamanna. Þeir voru fljótir að nota áhrif sín til að láta breska þingið setja lög sem bönnuðu nýlendunum að nota nýlenduseðlana sína. Nýju lögin skipuðu svo fyrir um að aðeins skyldi nota gjaldmiðil sem væri innleysanlegur í gull- og silfurmyntum sem bankar á Englandi létu í té í of litlu magni.

Og þar með byrjaði sú plága peninga sem eru grundvallaðir á skuld, sem hafa æ síðan fært amerísku fólki miklar þrengingar, sem og fólki í Evrópu.

Fyrstu lögin til að koma reglu á nýlendupeninga voru sett í breska þinginu árið 1751 og síðan var aukið við þau 1763.

Franklin greindi frá því að aðeins ári eftir að bannið við notkun á nýlenduseðlunum, Colonial Scrip,  kom til framkvæmda þá voru götur nýlendanna fullar af atvinnulausu fólki og betlurum, alveg eins og hann hafði séð á Englandi, því það var ekki til nóg af peningum til að borga fyrir vörur og vinnu.

(Munum, það var ekki til nægjanlegt bókhald, peningar, til að það mætti færa bókhald um vinnu fólksins.jg)

Með nýjum lögum ensku bankanna hafði fjármagn í umferð verið skorið niður um helming.

Franklin bætti því við að þetta væri „hin upprunalega og sanna ástæða fyrir amerísku byltingunni“ en ekki skattar eða lögin um stimpilgjald, eins og börnum okkar hefur verið kennt í margar kynslóðir í „sögu“bókum.

Svo kynslóðum skiptir hefur fjármálamönnum (bankamönnum) tekist að fjarlægja úr sögubókum allar upplýsingar sem geta varpað ljósi á þeirra eigin ráðabrugg og sviksemi sem verndar vald þeirra yfir fólkinu.

Franklin, einn aðalhöfunda ameríska sjálfstæðisins, setti þetta skýrt fram: „Nýlendurnar hefðu með glöðu geði greitt svolítinn skatt af tei og öðrum vörum, hefði ekki verið fyrir fátæktina sem varð til vegna slæmra áhrifa enskra bankamanna og þingsins sem skilaði sér í hatri nýlendanna í garð Englands og síðan byltingunni.“

Aðrir miklir stjórnmálamenn þess tíma, þar á meðal Thomas Jefferson, John Adams og George Jackson, tóku undir þetta sjónarmið Franklins og seinna einnig Andrew Jackson og Martin Var Buren.

Abraham Lincoln og John Kennedy gáfu út ríkispeninga (sovereign money), James Garfield reyndi það og allir þrír létust í embætti.

Einstaklega hreinskilinn enskur sagnfræðingur, John Twells, skrifaði og fjallaði um peningana í nýlendunum, nýlenduseðlana, the Colonial Scrip:

„Það var undir því peningakerfi sem amerískar nýlendur blómstruðu svo ríkulega að Edmund Burke gat skrifað þannig um þær: „Ekkert í sögu heimsins jafnast á við framfarir þeirra og áhrifin þar af leiddu til hamingju fólksins.“

Hann bætti við: „Á slæmum degi tók breska þingið frá Ameríku þeirra eigin gjaldmiðil, bannaði alla frekari útgáfu slíkra peninga, þeir voru ekki lengur lögmætur gjaldmiðill, og skipaði svo fyrir að allir skattar skyldu greiddir í breskri mynt.

Íhugið nú afleiðingarnar: Þessar hömlur á greiðslumiðli lamaði allt atvinnulíf. Hrun tók við í þessum áður blómstrandi nýlendum, erfiðleikar börðu að dyrum hjá öllum fjölskyldum og öllum fyrirtækjum, óánægja varð að örvæntingu og náði þeim hæðum, svo ég vitni í dr. Johnson, „þar sem mannleg náttúra rís upp og krefst réttar síns“.“

Annar sagnfræðingur, Peter Cooper, tók sömu afstöðu. Eftir að Franklin útskýrði fyrir meðlimum þingsins ástæðuna fyrir velgengni nýlendanna skrifaði Cooper: „Eftir að Franklin skýrði frá raunverulegri orsök fyrir velmegun nýlendanna setti þingið lög sem bönnuðu notkun þessara peninga til að borga skatta. Þessi tilskipun, sem greinilega var bresku bankamönnunum, sem stóðu á bak við krúnuna, í hag, færði fólkinu svo marga annmarka og svo mikla fátækt að hún varð að meginorsök byltingarinnar. Afnám nýlendugjaldmiðilsins var miklu gildari ástæða fyrir hinni almennu uppreisn en te- og stimpilgjöldin.“


Í dag, í Ameríku sem og í Evrópu, erum við undir stjórnskipulagi seðla bankamanna í staðinn fyrir seðla hinna fullvalda ríkja. Þar af leiðandi: gríðarlegar skuldir almennings, endalaus vaxtakostnaður (okur), skattar sem eyðileggja kaupmátt og ræna fólk framleiðslu sinni, og afleiðingin er æ meiri styrking hins fjárhagslega einræðis.


Hvar eigum við að byrja til að leiðrétta undirferli bankamannanna?


Fyrsta skrefið í peningalegum umbótum, eins og fleiri og fleiri aðgerðahópar með menntuðu og gáfuðu fólki innanborðs berjast fyrir, er einmitt endurnýjun bankanna: skuldum skipt út fyrir skuldlausa peninga af réttkjörnum þar til bærum stjórnvöldum, bandaríska þinginu, og annars staðar; breska þinginu og áþekkum stjórnvöldum. Það er skylda þessara ríkisstjórna að þjóna og vernda þjóðir sínar en ekki að leyfa fjárhagslegum ræningjabarónum að eyðileggja þær. Við verðum að binda endi á einræði peningaaflanna!


Það verður brátt augljóst að við þurfum að afnema seðlabankakerfið sem seðlabanka í einkaeign sem að hluta til stýrist af erlendum hagsmunum.

Bandaríska fjármálaráðuneytið verður að taka yfir sannprófun á reikningsskilum á milli banka og almennum bönkum í kerfinu okkar á ekki lengur að vera heimilt að búa til eða gefa út skuldir með aukinni innborgun á brotaforða (fractional reserve deposit expansion). Skuldapeningakerfi gefur aldrei af sér peninga til að borga vexti svo bankarnir eignast að lokum allar eignir fólksins með því að svipta veðþola rétt til eignar sinnar vegna vanefnda á veðskuld; alveg eins og Thomas Jefferson sagði að myndi gerast.



We issue our own paper money. It's called 'Colonial Scrip.' We make sure it's issued in proper proportion to make the goods pass easily from the producers to the consumers. there is always adequate money in circulation for the needs of the economy.

13.3.2018 | 01:56

 Egilsstaðir, 16.03.2018  Jónas Gunnlaugsso


I saw all of these aborted babies, every one of them in Heaven. They're waiting for their mom and their dad, not just a mother, but the father too. Waiting for them to get there. But the parent gets to pick the baby up like a newborn, hold the baby.

Var kominn á blaðsíðu 7 af 14, í að laga þýðingu, þá fékk ég þá tilfinningu, að hér væri verið að lýsa góðu fjárhúsi hjá bónda í sveit og svo að fá fólkið til að gæta barna sem áttu enga foreldra, að fá kindurnar til að taka að sér lömb sem voru móðurlaus.  Þarna var gefið í jötuna, garðann, eins og í fjárhúsi. Mataði fólkið

Við fólkið grípum þetta ekki, en nú skoðum við allt betur. Þeir sem upplifa þetta og þeir sem skrifa þetta finnst sem Guð sé þarna að verki.

Blekkingarnar eru allstaðar. Þetta kom upp í hugann minn.


Having come to page 7 of 14, in fixing a translation, I got the feeling that this was describing a good sheepfold with a farmer in the countryside and then getting the people to take care of children who had no parents, to get the sheep to adopt orphaned lambs. There it was given to the manger, the garden, as in a sheepfold. Fed the people

We humans do not grasp this, but now we take a closer look. Those who experience this and those who write this feel that God is at work.

The deceptions are everywhere. This came to my mind.


((04:22 And it says, "It´s not his time. You must let him go.

04:26 I made a promise to his mother.")? jg) 

((11:42   the water running up there sounds like) - (the water flows to the center of the earth, one is a sheepfold, the other is a slaughterhouse? jg))  



I Went to Hell & Escaped Because of THIS


  • Nov 10, 2020

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When, when I saw all of these babies,


they had been aborted, all of them,


every single one of them there in Heaven.


When, when I saw all of these babies,

they had been aborted, all of them,

every single one of them there in Heaven.

RB: Wow.

IT: And they're waiting for their mom and their dad,

not just a mother, but the father too.

Waiting for them to get there.

And when the parents get there,

one or the other or when they both get there,

whatever the case may be, when they get there,

those babies now, they're not the little fetus that

they were, their little babies.

Now, here's one of the things that God allows them to do.

God allows them to be babies.

Now, just like Adam and Eve,

they have full knowledge. They have full language

as a baby. As a baby.

RB: Yeah.

They have everything that they're supposed to have.

But the parent gets to pick the baby up like a

newborn baby. Gets to hold the baby.

RB: Wow. It's an experience that

they get to have when they get to Heaven.

So they have this little baby with them and they're

doing something with this baby.

And it's just, it's a beautiful thing to see.

And that baby just kind of grows up with the parent.

Of course, they don't go through the problems that

they do on Earth, but the baby gets to grow up so

they can see what the baby's like.

RB: That is incredible.


Textinn er neðst án tímamerkinga.



Incredible story. You literally died,


went to hell, went to Heaven.


I mean, a lot of stuff you've been through.


Briefly tell the people at home who haven't heard


your story in this first segment,


what happened? How did you die and


then where did you go?


IT: Sure.


Well, what happened is I had a blood clot in


my leg and was in my left calf.


And I went to the hospital.


They admitted me in the hospital for a little over


a week back then.


RB: How old were you? When was this?


IT: Awh! Picking on me now! [Laughter]


I was twenty-six years old. Was 1978.


RB: Okay, okay.


IT: Now, you figure out how old I am.


RB: Okay, okay! Got it.


IT: [Laughs]. But anyway, I went


to the hospital and I had a blood clot.


They put me in the hospital.


They released from the hospital.


Now let me explain something real quick.


As a kid, I was living for the Lord.


I was a good kid. Well, I was a good kid.


And as far as God goes.


RB: Yeah. IT: You know.


RB: Yeah.


IT: And I mean, I love the Lord.


I went to Bible college.


I was going to Bible College and I walked


away from Bible College.


And so when I did that, I just I went downhill real


quick and I got into drugs,


got into all kinds of drinking.


We won't name everything I got into


because I don't want to glorify it.


But I got into that lifestyle and then I got


to the point where it was bad and I ended up with a


blood clot and I went home from the hospital


after being in there. First thing I did, of course,


was light up something, you know,


to get high that night. And then I went to bed.


I never even to this day, I never go to bed


before midnight. I mean, midnight.


It's like early for me. I like 2:00, 3:00


in the morning, you know,


but I went to bed at nine o'clock.


I just felt real tired.


And I went to sleep and I lay down in bed and I just


instantly fell asleep.


And as soon as I did something and I sleep on


my back, then I'd sleep on my left side,


kind of almost in the fetal position.


All of a sudden something grabbed a hold of my wrist


and yanked me right up out of bed.


RB: And in your story, you say it grabbed you,


grabbed you. I'm like I mean like-,


IT: Yes!


RB: You're a strong dude, but like,


you couldn't let go. It wouldn't let go.


IT: They wouldn't let go of me.


And, you know, back then, I used to be in much


better shape than I am now.


And if I punched you once, that was it.


RB: [Laughs] Well don't go do that!


IT: [Laughs] But I to tried to hit this demon,


tried to get away and wouldn't let me go.


RB: Wow!


IT: So this demon took me right to hell and I


started hearing and seeing things.


I saw people there. It was horrible.


I mean, the smell was bad. The sounds were horrible.


Oh, all you hear is people screaming constantly.


RB: Wow.


IT: I mean, that's what I heard.


RB: And you saw unfortunately,


you saw pastors and ministers and Sunday


school teachers.


IT: I did. That's exactly what I saw.


They weren't the only ones that were there.


RB: Yeah. [Laughter]


IT: There were some really bad characters there, too.


But what surprised me was how many former pastors,


evangelists and things like that,


Sunday school teachers, good neighbors that,


you know, you would have seen that I knew I grew up


with some people and they're in hell.


RB: You saw people in there that you had grown up with?


IT: Yes.


RB: Wow, that's sad.


IT: It was sad.


RB: Yeah.


IT: Because I didn't know. I mean, there


was an older man down the street-


I did not know.


RB: Wow.


IT: You know, I didn't think about it that much,


you know.


RB: So what else were you sensing


seeing, looking at.


I mean, did you feel like this is it for me?


IT: Oh yeah.


Hey listen, it was the most hopeless feeling in


the world because when you die and you go to hell,


there's no hope left. See, all hope you have is


while you're here on Earth.


RB: Right.


IT: And once you die, you don't need any hope


because you either go to hell or you go to Heaven.


RB: Right. When you go to hell, there's


no hope anyways.


RB: Yeah.


IT: You're done! Now, when you were


there, did you know that you were


supposed to be there?


IT: Yes. Well, I mean. Well, that's not what


I mean. I take that back. When I first


got there I was like, why am I here?


RB: Yeah.


IT: What am I doing in hell?


RB: Yeah.


IT: You know, I don't- I went to college.


I did you know, I didn't do anything that I never


hurt anybody. I sold drugs.


But, you know, that's not bad drugs.


That's my thinking.


And I was thinking I went to Bible College.


I was full of the Holy Spirit.


I was saved. I had done everything right


in my life. And there I was.


RB: Wow.


IT: And then, you know, that is final.


RB: Mmm.


IT: It's like a brass dome or Iron Dome above you.


It's like anything you try to say or pray,


it doesn't go anywhere. It's dead.


RB: So you've written a lot, talked about, you


were on the "It's Supernatural!"


show and talked about your experience while you were


there. Something extraordinary happened in hell.


IT: Yeah. It did. And what happened is why


this demon was taking and putting me


in my final place. A voice rang out.


That's the loudest, strongest voice ever heard.


And it says, "It's not his time. You must let him go.


I made a promise to his mother."


RB: Ah, thank God for mamas.


IT: Oh, my mother had prayed for me at that time.


You figure I was twenty-six.


She prayed for me at least three times a day,


sometimes four. Sometimes I needed


a lot more than that, like a whole day.


But she had prayed for me over twenty-two


thousand times by that time.


RB: Oh, my goodness.


That's a lot of prayer.


IT: Folks never give up on praying for your children.


RB: So you, you're there in Heaven,


you hear this voice say "It's not his time yet,


what happens next?"


IT: Well, instantly I was translated,


I mean, so fast you don't even,


you don't even know what's going on.


Just all of a sudden, there I am right at the


gates of Heaven while being greeted by this angel.


RB: Wow. Wow.


IT: And that's what happened.


RB: So you begin to get the sights and


sounds of Heaven as opposed to hell.


IT: Yes!


RB: Hope was coming back to you,


the hope feeling and joy.


IT: It wasn't hope. It was just the most


euphoric feeling. It was like, I'm here,


you know. You know what it felt like?


RB: Yes.


IT: I'm home!


RB: Wow.


IT: I'm home.


That feeling like you're really home?


I mean, it's better than you could ever imagine.


It's, you know, you know how you feel


when you get home.


So, yeah, this was home. I have arrived.


You know, I was where I was supposed


to be to begin with.


RB: I'll tell you what. In this story,


Ivan's standing at the Gate of Heaven.


How would you like to know what happened when he


saw some things in Heaven and the experiences


that he saw? It's incredible. You're not going to


want to miss what's coming next.


RB: Welcome back to "Something More,"


I'm here with Ivan Tuttle.


And when we were at the last segment,


we had you out of hell, thank goodness!


IT: Yes!


RB: And standing at the gates of Heaven.


And here you are, an Angel escort's you.


What happens next?


IT: Well, this angel was very nice and very gentle, kind.


RB: As opposed to the demon who-


IT: As opposed to the demon that grabbed


my left arm. He just held my hand the


Angel walked me around and I was allowed to


see all these beautiful things up


in Heaven, you know, see mountain streams,


trees, everything, animals. And they were


just so many things I got to see while


I was up in Heaven. Awesome.


RB: And he, he nudged you to look a certain direction.


IT: Yeah. The angel said, "Turn and look."


And as I started to turn, I,


because he had a hold of my hand.


So, I started turning left and he kind of pulled me.


He says, "No over here." So I turned to him.


And when I looked at him, just like,


he wasn't there anymore, all of a sudden I saw this


timeline of the earth. It's kind of hard


to explain because it's all it was in the


Spirit, you know. But I saw the beginning


of the earth, way into the future of the earth.


RB: Wow.


IT: I had to I watched how the earth was formed.


RB: What an experience!


IT: I watch as the Spirit of God came down and


hovered over the waters of the deep.


RB: Wow.


IT: You know, it was just awesome when I saw it was


one of the most unique things ever.


And then I watched.


I watched as Adam was created.


RB: Wow.


IT: That was so unique to watch him.


And He just takes the dirt or dust of the earth


and He forms it. And He made man.


And then I watched Him as He just went


into the nostrils of man.


RB: That's beautiful.


IT: Adam came alive and he's like,


I mean, he was alive but he was-


everything starts going and there's Adam and he's like-


instantly Adam knew everything.


RB: Wow.


IT: See, he didn't have to go through a school like we do.


RB: Yeah.


IT: Because God made him perfect to begin with.


RB: Wow. Wow.


And so he just showed you this timeline.


You kept seeing things?


IT: Everything, all kinds of things into from way


back at the beginning of the earth,


way into the future.


RB: Wow.


Well now when you were in Heaven,


you talk about how God gave you specific gifts.


IT: Yes.


RB: And one of the gifts is that you can look at


someone and you can see right through them.


IT: Right.


RB: And see what's really going on.


Good, bad, ugly type thing.


And you have a story about that with your own son.


IT: Yeah, but you want me to start with you first? Ha -ha!


RB: No, no!


IT: [Laughs]. I always do that!


RB: We'll do that later.


IT: No. Yes, my son, God gave me this ability where I


could actually look at my son and I mean,


I didn't even have to just look at him.


I just knew where my son was.


It's kind of different than most parents go,


"Well, I know my son's in trouble or not in trouble


and my daughter," but I could just see my son.


I mean, I could see where he was at.


RB: In the Spirit, you were seeing- yeah!


IT: In the Spirit, In grade school,


I could see him in class, you know,


and, and my son used to think I could see through


walls, kind of one of these things.


But what happened is he got to high school


and he was driving. And so sometimes


he'd be going down the road and


he'd called me up and say,


"Hey, dad, where am I?" And I'd say, well,


you're at such and such a place. And he'd go,


"Right, okay, how do you know this, Dad?


Dad, where are you really?" I said,


"Well, I'm home or I'm at the office,"


or whatever. So this went on.


So one day they played football.


He's in high school, his junior year,


and he had this winter beater car.


We lived up north and he's got this car.


And after football practice, him and his buddies


went and started taking the car apart.


They took the dash out. They took the


headlights out.


RB: Wow. They took all kinds of you know,


stuff out on the hood, looking- the headliner.


They were looking for microphones and cameras.


RB: Wow.


They want to know how your dad is spying on you.


IT: Yes, he wanted to- my son.


said, "There's got to be something going on.


This can't really just be from God."


RB: Wow.


IT: So he did all these things,


so he never said that to me for quite a long time.


For a couple of years. He never told me.


Well, I kept asking him, "Why is the headliner keep


falling down in this car?


The dash is so loose- "I don't know Dad!"


RB: [Laughs]


IT: "-when you drive down the road" So that's why.


And he told me when he was twenty-one,


by the way.


RB: Wow. Okay, so let's get you back in Heaven.


IT: Yes.


Give the people- because it's so interesting.


Most people don't have these near-death


experiences. Well, this is more than


your death. You died.


IT: I was dead.


RB: And what are some of the things you saw that


really touched your heart?


IT: Wow. There's so many things, you know.


RB: What about the babies?


IT: Oh, man.


When, when I saw all of these babies,


they had been aborted, all of them,


every single one of them there in Heaven.


RB: Wow.


IT: And they're waiting for their mom and their dad,


not just a mother, but the father too.


Waiting for them to get there.


And when the parents get there,


one or the other or when they both get there,


whatever the case may be, when they get there,


those babies now, they're not the little fetus that


they were, their little babies. Now, here's


one of the things that God allows them to do.


God allows them to be babies.


Now, just like Adam and Eve,


they have full knowledge. They have full language


as a baby. As a baby.


RB: Yeah.


They have everything that they're supposed to have.


But the parent gets to pick the baby up like a


newborn baby. Gets to hold the baby.


RB: Wow. It's an experience that


they get to have when they get to Heaven.


So they have this little baby with them and they're


doing something with this baby.


And it's just, it's a beautiful thing to see.


And that baby just kind of grows up with the parent.


Of course, they don't go through the problems that


they do on Earth, but the baby gets to grow up so


they can see what the baby's like.


RB: That is incredible.


IT: As an adult as well.


RB: That is incredible. So, okay, you're walking


with the angel. You're seeing things.


We'll talk more about what the Lord showed you on


Earth on the last segment.


IT: Sure.


But what else did you see like when you were in


heaven, like the sights and sounds and smells?


What was, what else?


IT: Yeah.


The smell in Heaven is, is so beautiful.


I mean, it's a sweet odor, but it's always there.


It never goes away.


The sights there's- anybody's that's ever been


to Heaven will tell you the same thing.


There's so much glory from the center of Heaven where


God is sitting on the throne that there's


no darkness, there's no shadow.


So when you look at trees, you know,


you don't look up there and see different shades


of the leaves. The leaves are all the same color.


When you hear the water running,


the water running up there sounds like


little babies laughing.


RB: Oh, I like that!


IT: It's a beautiful sound.


And it's so clear I have to go over and touch it


because you're like, is it really water there?


You know?


RB: Wow.


IT: And it's and I was allowed to do that.


RB: So really.


IT: Yeah.


RB: Really. What else. What else?


IT: Man I saw these big buildings are made out of


stone like a white stone. But the glitter, it's like


a white marble that has maybe gold all through it.


I saw the streets of gold.


Listen, it's not like regular gold that we


see here on Earth. It's real soft.


RB: Wow.


IT: It's very easy. You know, you can go barefoot.


RB: Did you see- ?


IT: I saw a lot of mansions.


RB: You saw a lot of mansions.


IT: But all of them were made out of that white stone.


RB: Wow.


IT: And they were huge. I didn't see any huts up there.


RB: Yeah, everybody's got a nice place.


IT: It's nice. Yeah.


RB: So, I've been told a lot of times Ivan that


Heaven looks a lot like a mirror image of earth


except in perfection.


IT: Oh yeah.


RB: Is that the sense you got there?


IT: Oh, it's so clean and perfect.


Yeah. It's beautiful and it's clean.


I mean like the grass is always cut.


RB: Right. Right, right.


And the weeds are actually beautiful,


you know, where there are weeds and it's


just perfect. I mean the mountains


are beautiful, the trees are beautiful,


but it's in a different light than


what we're used to seeing.


RB: Yeah.


IT: There's actually clouds in Heaven, too.


RB: Wow.


IT: But they're not full of water.


RB: Wow.


IT: It's different. It's a different kind of cloud.


So, it's just beautiful. I mean. I can't wait to


go back home but I'll have to wait [Laughs].


RB: Well, don't go yet because we have


another segment. In this last segment.


We're going to talk more about what Ivan saw when


his eyes were opened with things on Earth.


You're going to really be touched by what God did


for the people during the time of Jesus.


We'll be right back.






RB: Welcome back to "Something More."


I'm Ryan Bruss and I'm here with Ivan Tuttle,


and we're talking all about Heaven.


Now, when you were in Heaven,


the angel pulled back the veil, so to speak,


and you saw a lot of things happening on Earth from


the beginning of time to way into the future.


IT: Yes.


RB: And I really appreciate what you saw


in the time of Jesus.


IT: Yes.


RB: It is very precious what you wrote about.


Talk about that.


IT: Well, you know, you often wonder,


you know, when I was a kid,


I used to wonder all the time when I'd hear about


Jesus speaking to these large crowds and there'd


be these thousands of people there,


you know, how did he do it without microphone and


there in the desert. So how did that work?


You know, so those are thoughts that were in my mind.


But when I'm in heaven and I'm watching what's


happening on the earth and all of a sudden I'm


allowed to see that, here's what happens.


Jesus has this large crowd,


five, ten, fifteen thousand people.


I mean, there's a lot of people out there.


They're all coming. They're excited.


They want to participate.


They want to see the miracles.


They want to know what this Man has to say.


And so they're standing there and all these people


standing around or sitting, whatever they


were doing and Jesus would stand up


higher, maybe up on a rock or something,


and then Jesus would call in the clouds.


It has to- He'd just call in the clouds, the


form and the clouds would come over the


people and then Jesus would command the air


to get cooler.


RB: Wow!!


IT: And so the air would become cooler and these


people could sit there all day comfortable, 72 degrees.


RB: Wow.


IT: I don't know, maybe 70. I don't know, I didn't


go out with a thermometer. Go figure.


What was it Jesus?


RB: Yeah. Yeah, well, we're in the middle of


summer while we record this. We could


certainly use Jesus to call in the clouds.


IT: Yes! [Laughs].


RB: Here in North Carolina.


What a precious thing that he did for those people.


But then you said that he fed them and everything.


IT: Yeah.


RB: You know, I mean, we read the stories about the


loaves and fishes, but, but you talk as if it was


listen, they need to eat dinner and He fed


them continually.


IT: Yes. It wasn't just that one time that He fed them.


Jesus. You know, He, He had a treasury that


took care of His money and so, but He would


have His disciples go and buy food to feed the people.


RB: Yeah.


Those people didn't have to worry about a thing.


They would come and gather there.


And when they'd come and gather there Jesus had,


He had the income somehow and He would spend the


money and He would go buy food from the local


merchants or whatever it was in some places,


places would fix things that need to be fixed and


they'd bring the food and feed all the people.


RB: Now, you said that, you know,


I remember in John it says that "The books in all the


world can't contain the miracles that Jesus did."


And you saw a lot of that as well, the


multitudes of miracles that have never even


been recorded.


IT: You know, there's millions of miracles that


never got recorded because some of the things that He


did, let's say He would speak to a large crowd all


day long, you know, and He's speaking to


these people. That's tiring.


RB: Yeah.


IT: I don't know if you've ever never done that


before. Of course you have.


RB: Yeah.


IT: But you get tired, you know,


anybody does. And He's human.


IT: Yeah.


And He would take a break for His dinner meal,


basically just take a break with everybody,


feeding everybody and then they'd bring the


sick and as they'd bring the sick, the lame, the


blind, whatever came leprosy, they had to


stay away until He prayed for them.


He would stay there all night long,


all night, praying for these people,


laying hands on them.


And it's not like He really said a prayer.


It's kind of hard to explain.


He just laid hands on them.


Instantly, they would be healed.


RB: Wow.


IT: And He didn't just run through the group of,


you know, like, yeah, there's 10,000.


He took His time and He just and He would say


something to each, you know,


depending on what it was a person needed.


Sometimes He would speak something to them and He


would say something to them.


And these people would just,


they'd just break down and cry, you know.


RB: Oooh!


IT: And if people get healed,


can you imagine having leprosy?


Now, we read about some things,


but having these sores over your body,


fingers halfway off and everything,


and He comes up and He touches you and heals you.


RB: Wow!


IT: And all of a sudden your finger comes back


too, you know, and you're like, what?


And it's like, oh, wow, that is so awesome.


It's, it's, it's great. You can't walk.


And all of a sudden now you're walking.


You're like, what?


And you stand up and you're like,


oh, and you know, it takes a little while to get that


strength back where they can move around,


they can do things, you know.


RB: But guess what? The good news is


Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever.


What He did back in the time that He was alive on


Earth, He is still alive and He's still the healer.


He's still the miracle worker.


So, any miracle that you need right now in your


body, you just claim that for yourself.


Right now, as we're talking about Jesus,


I'm telling you, this is powerful stuff.


Now, what about, Peter, what the Lord show you


about people?


IT: Ah man. Listen, I saw Peter, you know,


people talk about this.


You know, we read about in the Bible.


RB: Yeah.


IT: He talks about Peter's Shadow.


Let me tell you what I saw from Peter.


RB: Yeah.


IT: I watched Peter get up in the morning and he was


in a little town where he had a walk down to,


there was like a big lake there, but he had to


walk over close to there to get some water.


And so he got up in the morning.


And as the morning sun shines,


you know, the shadow is real long.


RB: Yeah, yeah, yeah.


So, Peter's there and he's walking along and there's


a man that's just sitting there,


okay, and he's blind and all of a sudden the man is


going like this and he sees because Peter's


shadow hit him, the man did not know it was Peter.


The man had no idea.


It's just the glory of God that was on.


Peter was able to touch him and got a hold of that


man and he started to see. So think about that.


Then a man that had leprosy was not too far from him.


He happened to be sitting in a different area.


Peter's shadow hit him and that man's leprosy was


gone completely.


RB: That's how I have always seen it,


is where it's not so much that your shadow is


healing the sick, that the glory is out as far as the


shadow was and which is which is tremendous thing


to think today that, you know,


what do you do if there's no shadow?


It's about the glory being around you.


IT: Right.


RB: And to the extent friends that you're


yielded to God is to the extent that that glory


will be released from your life. And if you


want to see more happening in your life, you've got to,


you've got to get with the Lord more so that glory


will be released wherever you go.


IT: Yes. And, you know, it's incredible to watch the


story of Peter unfold in the Bible because,


Peter, he was a bit of a mess,


but the Lord got a hold of him.


And you really saw how God was using him.


IT: Yes. You know, you were talking about the shadow,


but some of it is the shadow itself.


And the reason why I say that is that the glory of


God when it's on somebody, it's going to be on everything


you have, including your shadow. RB: Right. Right. Right.


IT: It's going to be on everything.


But, yeah, it is the glory of God that's around you.


You know, things can happen. You know,


people can come up and you go to pray with them.


You don't even say a word.


You know, God just heals them.


In looking at the camera, pray for the people at


home, whatever's on your heart.


IT: All right, Heavenly Father,


we come before You.


Now, I know that there's people sitting there


watching right now that need healing.


So first of all, in Jesus Name I command,


your bodies to come in alignment,


I command, your bodies to be healed in Jesus Name,


just like Jesus did. You know, I can't put


my hand on you, but spiritually I can.


So I place my hand on you and I ask now in Jesus


Name for you to be completely healed.


And I command all sickness to leave.


Now, if you're looking if you've never accepted


Jesus as your Lord and savior,


this is your chance to do that.


It's very simple.


Just repeat this prayer after me,


Heavenly Father.


I come before you now, I ask you to forgive me my


sins, I know that Jesus died on the cross so that


my sins can be forgiven.


I make Jesus the Lord of my life.


I thank you God. I repent and I turn


my life over to You, in Jesus Name. Amen.


Now, you just gave your heart to the Lord.


Now one more thing. Do I have a moment here?


RB: Yes, absolutely.


IT: I want to pray, I want to just say this


special prayer here.


I pray right now that everybody that has heard


this message today that God will start moving in


your life and that you'll take and accept the things


that you've heard here and run with it and let God


shine through you in Jesus Name.


RB: Now, listen, my friend,


you just lift your hands right now,


wherever you're at.


IT: Yes.


RB: You just receive the presence of the Lord.


I pray right now in Jesus Name,


my friend, that you are filled with the Holy


Spirit, that you're filled with the glory of God that


we've been talking about. I feel the Lord's


presence on me right now. And I release that


to you, I release that into your body.


I release that into to your heart,


into your mind, whatever you're going through.


[Music] I release it into your finances.


I release it into your spouse, your kids,


whatever you're facing right now, the glory


of the Lord is touching you in Jesus Name.


Thank you for watching "Something More."


I can't wait to see you next time.






Incredible story. You literally died,

went to hell, went to Heaven.

I mean, a lot of stuff you've been through.

Briefly tell the people at home who haven't heard

your story in this first segment,

what happened? How did you die and

then where did you go?

IT: Sure.

Well, what happened is I had a blood clot in

my leg and was in my left calf.

And I went to the hospital.

They admitted me in the hospital for a little over

a week back then.

RB: How old were you? When was this?

IT: Awh! Picking on me now! [Laughter]

I was twenty-six years old. Was 1978.

RB: Okay, okay.

IT: Now, you figure out how old I am.

RB: Okay, okay! Got it.

IT: [Laughs]. But anyway, I went

to the hospital and I had a blood clot.

They put me in the hospital.

They released from the hospital.

Now let me explain something real quick.

As a kid, I was living for the Lord.

I was a good kid. Well, I was a good kid.

And as far as God goes.

RB: Yeah. IT: You know.

RB: Yeah.

IT: And I mean, I love the Lord.

I went to Bible college.

I was going to Bible College and I walked

away from Bible College.

And so when I did that, I just I went downhill real

quick and I got into drugs,

got into all kinds of drinking.

We won't name everything I got into

because I don't want to glorify it.

But I got into that lifestyle and then I got

to the point where it was bad and I ended up with a

blood clot and I went home from the hospital

after being in there. First thing I did, of course,

was light up something, you know,

to get high that night. And then I went to bed.

I never even to this day, I never go to bed

before midnight. I mean, midnight.

It's like early for me. I like 2:00, 3:00

in the morning, you know,

but I went to bed at nine o'clock.

I just felt real tired.

And I went to sleep and I lay down in bed and I just

instantly fell asleep.

And as soon as I did something and I sleep on

my back, then I'd sleep on my left side,

kind of almost in the fetal position.

All of a sudden something grabbed a hold of my wrist

and yanked me right up out of bed.

RB: And in your story, you say it grabbed you,

grabbed you. I'm like I mean like-,

IT: Yes!

RB: You're a strong dude, but like,

you couldn't let go. It wouldn't let go.

IT: They wouldn't let go of me.

And, you know, back then, I used to be in much

better shape than I am now.

And if I punched you once, that was it.

RB: [Laughs] Well don't go do that!

IT: [Laughs] But I to tried to hit this demon,

tried to get away and wouldn't let me go.

RB: Wow!

IT: So this demon took me right to hell and I

started hearing and seeing things.

I saw people there. It was horrible.

I mean, the smell was bad. The sounds were horrible.

Oh, all you hear is people screaming constantly.

RB: Wow.

IT: I mean, that's what I heard.

RB: And you saw unfortunately,

you saw pastors and ministers and Sunday

school teachers.

IT: I did. That's exactly what I saw.

They weren't the only ones that were there.

RB: Yeah. [Laughter]

IT: There were some really bad characters there, too.

But what surprised me was how many former pastors,

evangelists and things like that,

Sunday school teachers, good neighbors that,

you know, you would have seen that I knew I grew up

with some people and they're in hell.

RB: You saw people in there that you had grown up with?

IT: Yes.

RB: Wow, that's sad.

IT: It was sad.

RB: Yeah.

IT: Because I didn't know. I mean, there

was an older man down the street-

I did not know.

RB: Wow.

IT: You know, I didn't think about it that much,

you know.

RB: So what else were you sensing

seeing, looking at.

I mean, did you feel like this is it for me?

IT: Oh yeah.

Hey listen, it was the most hopeless feeling in

the world because when you die and you go to hell,

there's no hope left. See, all hope you have is

while you're here on Earth.

RB: Right.

IT: And once you die, you don't need any hope

because you either go to hell or you go to Heaven.

RB: Right. When you go to hell, there's

no hope anyways.

RB: Yeah.

IT: You're done! Now, when you were

there, did you know that you were

supposed to be there?

IT: Yes. Well, I mean. Well, that's not what

I mean. I take that back. When I first

got there I was like, why am I here?

RB: Yeah.

IT: What am I doing in hell?

RB: Yeah.

IT: You know, I don't- I went to college.

I did you know, I didn't do anything that I never

hurt anybody. I sold drugs.

But, you know, that's not bad drugs.

That's my thinking.

And I was thinking I went to Bible College.

I was full of the Holy Spirit.

I was saved. I had done everything right

in my life. And there I was.

RB: Wow.

IT: And then, you know, that is final.

RB: Mmm.

IT: It's like a brass dome or Iron Dome above you.

It's like anything you try to say or pray,

it doesn't go anywhere. It's dead.

RB: So you've written a lot, talked about, you

were on the "It's Supernatural!"

show and talked about your experience while you were

there. Something extraordinary happened in hell.

IT: Yeah. It did. And what happened is why

this demon was taking and putting me

in my final place. A voice rang out.

That's the loudest, strongest voice ever heard.

And it says, "It's not his time. You must let him go.

I made a promise to his mother."

RB: Ah, thank God for mamas.

IT: Oh, my mother had prayed for me at that time.

You figure I was twenty-six.

She prayed for me at least three times a day,

sometimes four. Sometimes I needed

a lot more than that, like a whole day.

But she had prayed for me over twenty-two

thousand times by that time.

RB: Oh, my goodness.

That's a lot of prayer.

IT: Folks never give up on praying for your children.

RB: So you, you're there in Heaven,

you hear this voice say "It's not his time yet,

what happens next?"

IT: Well, instantly I was translated,

I mean, so fast you don't even,

you don't even know what's going on.

Just all of a sudden, there I am right at the

gates of Heaven while being greeted by this angel.

RB: Wow. Wow.

IT: And that's what happened.

RB: So you begin to get the sights and

sounds of Heaven as opposed to hell.

IT: Yes!

RB: Hope was coming back to you,

the hope feeling and joy.

IT: It wasn't hope. It was just the most

euphoric feeling. It was like, I'm here,

you know. You know what it felt like?

RB: Yes.

IT: I'm home!

RB: Wow.

IT: I'm home.

That feeling like you're really home?

I mean, it's better than you could ever imagine.

It's, you know, you know how you feel

when you get home.

So, yeah, this was home. I have arrived.

You know, I was where I was supposed

to be to begin with.

RB: I'll tell you what. In this story,

Ivan's standing at the Gate of Heaven.

How would you like to know what happened when he

saw some things in Heaven and the experiences

that he saw? It's incredible. You're not going to

want to miss what's coming next.

RB: Welcome back to "Something More,"

I'm here with Ivan Tuttle.

And when we were at the last segment,

we had you out of hell, thank goodness!

IT: Yes!

RB: And standing at the gates of Heaven.

And here you are, an Angel escort's you.

What happens next?

IT: Well, this angel was very nice and very gentle, kind.

RB: As opposed to the demon who-

IT: As opposed to the demon that grabbed

my left arm. He just held my hand the

Angel walked me around and I was allowed to

see all these beautiful things up

in Heaven, you know, see mountain streams,

trees, everything, animals. And they were

just so many things I got to see while

I was up in Heaven. Awesome.

RB: And he, he nudged you to look a certain direction.

IT: Yeah. The angel said, "Turn and look."

And as I started to turn, I,

because he had a hold of my hand.

So, I started turning left and he kind of pulled me.

He says, "No over here." So I turned to him.

And when I looked at him, just like,

he wasn't there anymore, all of a sudden I saw this

timeline of the earth. It's kind of hard

to explain because it's all it was in the

Spirit, you know. But I saw the beginning

of the earth, way into the future of the earth.

RB: Wow.

IT: I had to I watched how the earth was formed.

RB: What an experience!

IT: I watch as the Spirit of God came down and

hovered over the waters of the deep.

RB: Wow.

IT: You know, it was just awesome when I saw it was

one of the most unique things ever.

And then I watched.

I watched as Adam was created.

RB: Wow.

IT: That was so unique to watch him.

And He just takes the dirt or dust of the earth

and He forms it. And He made man.

And then I watched Him as He just went

into the nostrils of man.

RB: That's beautiful.

IT: Adam came alive and he's like,

I mean, he was alive but he was-

everything starts going and there's Adam and he's like-

instantly Adam knew everything.

RB: Wow.

IT: See, he didn't have to go through a school like we do.

RB: Yeah.

IT: Because God made him perfect to begin with.

RB: Wow. Wow.

And so he just showed you this timeline.

You kept seeing things?

IT: Everything, all kinds of things into from way

back at the beginning of the earth,

way into the future.

RB: Wow.

Well now when you were in Heaven,

you talk about how God gave you specific gifts.

IT: Yes.

RB: And one of the gifts is that you can look at

someone and you can see right through them.

IT: Right.

RB: And see what's really going on.

Good, bad, ugly type thing.

And you have a story about that with your own son.

IT: Yeah, but you want me to start with you first? Ha -ha!

RB: No, no!

IT: [Laughs]. I always do that!

RB: We'll do that later.

IT: No. Yes, my son, God gave me this ability where I

could actually look at my son and I mean,

I didn't even have to just look at him.

I just knew where my son was.

It's kind of different than most parents go,

"Well, I know my son's in trouble or not in trouble

and my daughter," but I could just see my son.

I mean, I could see where he was at.

RB: In the Spirit, you were seeing- yeah!

IT: In the Spirit, In grade school,

I could see him in class, you know,

and, and my son used to think I could see through

walls, kind of one of these things.

But what happened is he got to high school

and he was driving. And so sometimes

he'd be going down the road and

he'd called me up and say,

"Hey, dad, where am I?" And I'd say, well,

you're at such and such a place. And he'd go,

"Right, okay, how do you know this, Dad?

Dad, where are you really?" I said,

"Well, I'm home or I'm at the office,"

or whatever. So this went on.

So one day they played football.

He's in high school, his junior year,

and he had this winter beater car.

We lived up north and he's got this car.

And after football practice, him and his buddies

went and started taking the car apart.

They took the dash out. They took the

headlights out.

RB: Wow. They took all kinds of you know,

stuff out on the hood, looking- the headliner.

They were looking for microphones and cameras.

RB: Wow.

They want to know how your dad is spying on you.

IT: Yes, he wanted to- my son.

said, "There's got to be something going on.

This can't really just be from God."

RB: Wow.

IT: So he did all these things,

so he never said that to me for quite a long time.

For a couple of years. He never told me.

Well, I kept asking him, "Why is the headliner keep

falling down in this car?

The dash is so loose- "I don't know Dad!"

RB: [Laughs]

IT: "-when you drive down the road" So that's why.

And he told me when he was twenty-one,

by the way.

RB: Wow. Okay, so let's get you back in Heaven.

IT: Yes.

Give the people- because it's so interesting.

Most people don't have these near-death

experiences. Well, this is more than

your death. You died.

IT: I was dead.

RB: And what are some of the things you saw that

really touched your heart?

IT: Wow. There's so many things, you know.

RB: What about the babies?

IT: Oh, man.

When, when I saw all of these babies,

they had been aborted, all of them,

every single one of them there in Heaven.

RB: Wow.

IT: And they're waiting for their mom and their dad,

not just a mother, but the father too.

Waiting for them to get there.

And when the parents get there,

one or the other or when they both get there,

whatever the case may be, when they get there,

those babies now, they're not the little fetus that

they were, their little babies. Now, here's

one of the things that God allows them to do.

God allows them to be babies.

Now, just like Adam and Eve,

they have full knowledge. They have full language

as a baby. As a baby.

RB: Yeah.

They have everything that they're supposed to have.

But the parent gets to pick the baby up like a

newborn baby. Gets to hold the baby.

RB: Wow. It's an experience that

they get to have when they get to Heaven.

So they have this little baby with them and they're

doing something with this baby.

And it's just, it's a beautiful thing to see.

And that baby just kind of grows up with the parent.

Of course, they don't go through the problems that

they do on Earth, but the baby gets to grow up so

they can see what the baby's like.

RB: That is incredible.

IT: As an adult as well.

RB: That is incredible. So, okay, you're walking

with the angel. You're seeing things.

We'll talk more about what the Lord showed you on

Earth on the last segment.

IT: Sure.

But what else did you see like when you were in

heaven, like the sights and sounds and smells?

What was, what else?

IT: Yeah.

The smell in Heaven is, is so beautiful.

I mean, it's a sweet odor, but it's always there.

It never goes away.

The sights there's- anybody's that's ever been

to Heaven will tell you the same thing.

There's so much glory from the center of Heaven where

God is sitting on the throne that there's

no darkness, there's no shadow.

So when you look at trees, you know,

you don't look up there and see different shades

of the leaves. The leaves are all the same color.

When you hear the water running,

the water running up there sounds like

little babies laughing.

RB: Oh, I like that!

IT: It's a beautiful sound.

And it's so clear I have to go over and touch it

because you're like, is it really water there?

You know?

RB: Wow.

IT: And it's and I was allowed to do that.

RB: So really.

IT: Yeah.

RB: Really. What else. What else?

IT: Man I saw these big buildings are made out of

stone like a white stone. But the glitter, it's like

a white marble that has maybe gold all through it.

I saw the streets of gold.

Listen, it's not like regular gold that we

see here on Earth. It's real soft.

RB: Wow.

IT: It's very easy. You know, you can go barefoot.

RB: Did you see- ?

IT: I saw a lot of mansions.

RB: You saw a lot of mansions.

IT: But all of them were made out of that white stone.

RB: Wow.

IT: And they were huge. I didn't see any huts up there.

RB: Yeah, everybody's got a nice place.

IT: It's nice. Yeah.

RB: So, I've been told a lot of times Ivan that

Heaven looks a lot like a mirror image of earth

except in perfection.

IT: Oh yeah.

RB: Is that the sense you got there?

IT: Oh, it's so clean and perfect.

Yeah. It's beautiful and it's clean.

I mean like the grass is always cut.

RB: Right. Right, right.

And the weeds are actually beautiful,

you know, where there are weeds and it's

just perfect. I mean the mountains

are beautiful, the trees are beautiful,

but it's in a different light than

what we're used to seeing.

RB: Yeah.

IT: There's actually clouds in Heaven, too.

RB: Wow.

IT: But they're not full of water.

RB: Wow.

IT: It's different. It's a different kind of cloud.

So, it's just beautiful. I mean. I can't wait to

go back home but I'll have to wait [Laughs].

RB: Well, don't go yet because we have

another segment. In this last segment.

We're going to talk more about what Ivan saw when

his eyes were opened with things on Earth.

You're going to really be touched by what God did

for the people during the time of Jesus.

We'll be right back.



RB: Welcome back to "Something More."

I'm Ryan Bruss and I'm here with Ivan Tuttle,

and we're talking all about Heaven.

Now, when you were in Heaven,

the angel pulled back the veil, so to speak,

and you saw a lot of things happening on Earth from

the beginning of time to way into the future.

IT: Yes.

RB: And I really appreciate what you saw

in the time of Jesus.

IT: Yes.

RB: It is very precious what you wrote about.

Talk about that.

IT: Well, you know, you often wonder,

you know, when I was a kid,

I used to wonder all the time when I'd hear about

Jesus speaking to these large crowds and there'd

be these thousands of people there,

you know, how did he do it without microphone and

there in the desert. So how did that work?

You know, so those are thoughts that were in my mind.

But when I'm in heaven and I'm watching what's

happening on the earth and all of a sudden I'm

allowed to see that, here's what happens.

Jesus has this large crowd,

five, ten, fifteen thousand people.

I mean, there's a lot of people out there.

They're all coming. They're excited.

They want to participate.

They want to see the miracles.

They want to know what this Man has to say.

And so they're standing there and all these people

standing around or sitting, whatever they

were doing and Jesus would stand up

higher, maybe up on a rock or something,

and then Jesus would call in the clouds.

It has to- He'd just call in the clouds, the

form and the clouds would come over the

people and then Jesus would command the air

to get cooler.

RB: Wow!!

IT: And so the air would become cooler and these

people could sit there all day comfortable, 72 degrees.

RB: Wow.

IT: I don't know, maybe 70. I don't know, I didn't

go out with a thermometer. Go figure.

What was it Jesus?

RB: Yeah. Yeah, well, we're in the middle of

summer while we record this. We could

certainly use Jesus to call in the clouds.

IT: Yes! [Laughs].

RB: Here in North Carolina.

What a precious thing that he did for those people.

But then you said that he fed them and everything.

IT: Yeah.

RB: You know, I mean, we read the stories about the

loaves and fishes, but, but you talk as if it was

listen, they need to eat dinner and He fed

them continually.

IT: Yes. It wasn't just that one time that He fed them.

Jesus. You know, He, He had a treasury that

took care of His money and so, but He would

have His disciples go and buy food to feed the people.

RB: Yeah.

Those people didn't have to worry about a thing.

They would come and gather there.

And when they'd come and gather there Jesus had,

He had the income somehow and He would spend the

money and He would go buy food from the local

merchants or whatever it was in some places,

places would fix things that need to be fixed and

they'd bring the food and feed all the people.

RB: Now, you said that, you know,

I remember in John it says that "The books in all the

world can't contain the miracles that Jesus did."

And you saw a lot of that as well, the

multitudes of miracles that have never even

been recorded.

IT: You know, there's millions of miracles that

never got recorded because some of the things that He

did, let's say He would speak to a large crowd all

day long, you know, and He's speaking to

these people. That's tiring.

RB: Yeah.

IT: I don't know if you've ever never done that

before. Of course you have.

RB: Yeah.

IT: But you get tired, you know,

anybody does. And He's human.

IT: Yeah.

And He would take a break for His dinner meal,

basically just take a break with everybody,

feeding everybody and then they'd bring the

sick and as they'd bring the sick, the lame, the

blind, whatever came leprosy, they had to

stay away until He prayed for them.

He would stay there all night long,

all night, praying for these people,

laying hands on them.

And it's not like He really said a prayer.

It's kind of hard to explain.

He just laid hands on them.

Instantly, they would be healed.

RB: Wow.

IT: And He didn't just run through the group of,

you know, like, yeah, there's 10,000.

He took His time and He just and He would say

something to each, you know,

depending on what it was a person needed.

Sometimes He would speak something to them and He

would say something to them.

And these people would just,

they'd just break down and cry, you know.

RB: Oooh!

IT: And if people get healed,

can you imagine having leprosy?

Now, we read about some things,

but having these sores over your body,

fingers halfway off and everything,

and He comes up and He touches you and heals you.

RB: Wow!

IT: And all of a sudden your finger comes back

too, you know, and you're like, what?

And it's like, oh, wow, that is so awesome.

It's, it's, it's great. You can't walk.

And all of a sudden now you're walking.

You're like, what?

And you stand up and you're like,

oh, and you know, it takes a little while to get that

strength back where they can move around,

they can do things, you know.

RB: But guess what? The good news is

Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever.

What He did back in the time that He was alive on

Earth, He is still alive and He's still the healer.

He's still the miracle worker.

So, any miracle that you need right now in your

body, you just claim that for yourself.

Right now, as we're talking about Jesus,

I'm telling you, this is powerful stuff.

Now, what about, Peter, what the Lord show you

about people?

IT: Ah man. Listen, I saw Peter, you know,

people talk about this.

You know, we read about in the Bible.

RB: Yeah.

IT: He talks about Peter's Shadow.

Let me tell you what I saw from Peter.

RB: Yeah.

IT: I watched Peter get up in the morning and he was

in a little town where he had a walk down to,

there was like a big lake there, but he had to

walk over close to there to get some water.

And so he got up in the morning.

And as the morning sun shines,

you know, the shadow is real long.

RB: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

So, Peter's there and he's walking along and there's

a man that's just sitting there,

okay, and he's blind and all of a sudden the man is

going like this and he sees because Peter's

shadow hit him, the man did not know it was Peter.

The man had no idea.

It's just the glory of God that was on.

Peter was able to touch him and got a hold of that

man and he started to see. So think about that.

Then a man that had leprosy was not too far from him.

He happened to be sitting in a different area.

Peter's shadow hit him and that man's leprosy was

gone completely.

RB: That's how I have always seen it,

is where it's not so much that your shadow is

healing the sick, that the glory is out as far as the

shadow was and which is which is tremendous thing

to think today that, you know,

what do you do if there's no shadow?

It's about the glory being around you.

IT: Right.

RB: And to the extent friends that you're

yielded to God is to the extent that that glory

will be released from your life. And if you

want to see more happening in your life, you've got to,

you've got to get with the Lord more so that glory

will be released wherever you go.

IT: Yes. And, you know, it's incredible to watch the

story of Peter unfold in the Bible because,

Peter, he was a bit of a mess,

but the Lord got a hold of him.

And you really saw how God was using him.

IT: Yes. You know, you were talking about the shadow,

but some of it is the shadow itself.

And the reason why I say that is that the glory of

God when it's on somebody, it's going to be on everything

you have, including your shadow. RB: Right. Right. Right.

IT: It's going to be on everything.

But, yeah, it is the glory of God that's around you.

You know, things can happen. You know,

people can come up and you go to pray with them.

You don't even say a word.

You know, God just heals them.

In looking at the camera, pray for the people at

home, whatever's on your heart.

IT: All right, Heavenly Father,

we come before You.

Now, I know that there's people sitting there

watching right now that need healing.

So first of all, in Jesus Name I command,

your bodies to come in alignment,

I command, your bodies to be healed in Jesus Name,

just like Jesus did. You know, I can't put

my hand on you, but spiritually I can.

So I place my hand on you and I ask now in Jesus

Name for you to be completely healed.

And I command all sickness to leave.

Now, if you're looking if you've never accepted

Jesus as your Lord and savior,

this is your chance to do that.

It's very simple.

Just repeat this prayer after me,

Heavenly Father.

I come before you now, I ask you to forgive me my

sins, I know that Jesus died on the cross so that

my sins can be forgiven.

I make Jesus the Lord of my life.

I thank you God. I repent and I turn

my life over to You, in Jesus Name. Amen.

Now, you just gave your heart to the Lord.

Now one more thing. Do I have a moment here?

RB: Yes, absolutely.

IT: I want to pray, I want to just say this

special prayer here.

I pray right now that everybody that has heard

this message today that God will start moving in

your life and that you'll take and accept the things

that you've heard here and run with it and let God

shine through you in Jesus Name.

RB: Now, listen, my friend,

you just lift your hands right now,

wherever you're at.

IT: Yes.

RB: You just receive the presence of the Lord.

I pray right now in Jesus Name,

my friend, that you are filled with the Holy

Spirit, that you're filled with the glory of God that

we've been talking about. I feel the Lord's

presence on me right now. And I release that

to you, I release that into your body.

I release that into to your heart,

into your mind, whatever you're going through.

[Music] I release it into your finances.

I release it into your spouse, your kids,

whatever you're facing right now, the glory

of the Lord is touching you in Jesus Name.

Thank you for watching "Something More."

I can't wait to see you next time.





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