Allar fréttir , vefsíður RUV rás, MBL, Visir, DV stunda árásargjarnan áróður. Myndar geðrof hjá fjöldanum. loka fyrir allar upplýsingar um hvernig eigi að meðhöndla vírusinn og hvernig eigi að vernda sig.

All news , websites RUV channel, MBL, Visir, DV are doing aggressive propaganda. Forming psychosis at the masses. block any information on how to treat the virus and how to protect yourself.


Frá bloggi, Geir Ágústsson 

Tilraunarotturnar sem eiga að verja hrædda fólkið

Athugasemd hjá Geir Ágústsson 

Hello. I want to support Geir.

All news , websites RUV channel, MBL, Visir, DV are doing aggressive propaganda. Forming psychosis at the masses. Microsoft and Facebook spends 100 million euros per year on a phenomenon called <Fact Checkers >. Which block any information on how to treat the virus and how to protect yourself. Google, Bing, Youtube, Facebook,Twitter.

We live in a free society. Therefore, such people as you can freely express your point of view. So many times , as you wish ,in any form , just sat what you want. Therefore, come here and say, stop share the truth, stop waking up people. Then what are you doing here. Go Support your sheep in Reddit. i am not trying to be rude. Just pay attention to what is going on in the world. 90% of people are vaccinated ( TRIPPLE VACCINATED ) they are Still wearing mask. The are obeying and SCARED as F*CK. They are living in psychosis and fear injecting unknown potentially DNA damaging EXPERIMENTAL <EMERGENCY> ( WHICH IS NOT EXIST ) <approved> substance.  And then Gov tells you SORRY now you have HIV and Antibody-dependent Enhancement, and spike protein killing you. But dont worry we will still blame unvaccinated. Meanwhile vaccinated kids are getting blood clots and now for the 1st time they filling hospitals. Vaccinated with PERMAMENT COVID SYNDROIME Now in hospitals. NEWS LYING YOU AND EVERY 2 minuts there are news. GET YOUR VACCINE IDIOTS . MURDER YOURSELF> YOU ARE HEROES>! YOU ARE HEROES. HELP TO WORLD AND CLIMATE EMERGENCY. STERILIZE YOURSELF. MURDER YOUR FAMILY. And they are on talking about it on DAVOS FORUM. ON WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM. JUST GO YOUTUBE AND WRITE WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM WRITE DAVOS FORUM. AND all years 2016-2019 they are talking about PANDEMIC ABOUT OPERATION LOCKSTEP created by ROCKFELLER FOUNDATION> THEY DESTROYED HEALTHCARE IN EVERY COUNTRY. THEY FEEDING YOU WITH POISON. KILLING 3rd WORLD with VACCINES .CHEAP, TOXIC FOOD>. EVEN IN ICELANDIC SUPERMARKETS FOOD ARE LIKE e412 e202 e201 e506 e 103 e 102 and you eating all this. They feeding you with Ritalin, Zyprexa ( olanzapine ) Venlafaxine, Zooloft Setraline. Your Nation was KILLED in 2021 with that vaccines in 2021 and you talking about THEORIES. They dont want you to be analytical, they want force you into submission. I see how people are enjoying it. They deeing you with cancerous news on icelandic TV every day about unvaccinated driving epidemic. Meanwhile only vaccinated with blood clots, hear attacks. sleep disturbance. massive , again MASSIVE hormonal changes and menstrual cycles disturbance.

What theories? Just go Google where 90 % of all  information questioning their narrative are DELETED, BANNED. Go find about OPERATION LOCKSTEP, WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM on youtube. Where they discussing in 2017 how we lock up WORLD and everyone will use QR codes and it will be tied to your carbon tax card. And you will not travel, you will be locked down in your home., And you cant grow food. You will buy only poisonous food from mega corporation supermarkets. And no treatments will be available for you. Only they will decide when and how you die.

So you dear tripple or 4 times Pro Globalist Left extremist group who supporting Claus Swab and your own extermination. Maybe it you need to join their website, because you pushing this vaccine agenda so hard. You meantion deaths and how dangerous virus so hard. So people already start to question, is this overhelming bullshit are real? Is anybody really in hospital with covid. If covid so dangerous why are you reminded about this every 10 minuts. Then why they sending you home when you got sick. Why your opwn body no longer belogns to you and you denied treatment with ivermectine and other meds.

i am just 19, i have Bachelor degree in biochemistry. Also it took me only 5 month to obtain  some official documents and find out  information regarding how goverment/big pharma/dcotors in scandinavia involved in 100000 of death.

It fact, Doctors are being paid by big pharma. Doctors are ordered to not treat people, and so called people with chronical sicknesses  are dying faster here. No one is interested to treat patients. They just put you on addicted , dangerous meds with tons of side effects which making you disabled in half of year. Let me mention mroe 1 thing , it not side effects it DIRECT effects of this pharma poison. So dont be tricked.

They making millions on your death. They testing cancer meds and all behavioral meds which affecting transmitters. and they doing it FOR FREE. The price is side effects which you exprienncing. They price is premature death. You living in country with a really pure air and water. And population are so low. And still you injected this posion. You still wearing masks and walking 2 metters like submissed slave. Yes blame unvaccinated. So sorry for you people ,so sorry.

Call Police. Tell them i screaming. I calling you idiotd and telling you are killing your self and your kids. and better your kids are listening to this so they wont be suffering from stockholm syndrome they know what that Immune disease and Genetic sickness they got from Experiments their parents allow them to be done on  THEIR OWN KIDS.

Zheo (IP-tala skráð) 4.1.2022 kl. 18:56



I am Sorry for a double post. I wanted to add. They say  that you are not obliged to vaccinate your children, and in general the vaccine is not obligatory. Because if it were mandatory fewer people  would agree. Ordinary psychology. But when 91% of adults vaccinated. And about 80% of children ( I hope not) and everyone will continue to Be sick ( with all sort of sickness). Fill hospitals. Then they start to blame that minority 8-5%. Non-vaccinated people. And you know that they will come for you. The same people who stood with a weapon guarding the batch of vaccine at the airport. The same people come with a weapon in your home. And since you are so called <Biological a threat> to others. They will make you take this poison. I think November December 2022. And i hope it will not happens.And i praying for people to wake up. But, but we all see where it goes. NO one will be forced! , But now you cant go store,hospital,school,gym,library,travel. No Covid passport and QR barcodes not mandatory ( thats why Bougth from Beijing QR scanners for BONUS and KRONAN ( Dont ask me how i know ). I am apolitical. So no one can call me out for being right or left wing. But only oine thing i understand. This is assault againts each of us.

We need to resist. Absolutely ,completely disobey this tyranny. And protect Our Life, our families life and even injected victims who are willing to wake up and resist. Life is precious, This experience which makes us human/animals living on this planet is priceless.

Our Health, Our nature,Our Human connections, they took it from us. Dont let them take your humanity with dehumanising mask. Your genuine genetic health and privacy, I think these are only things worth fighting for

Zheo (IP-tala skráð) 4.1.2022 kl. 19:50

Smámynd: Þorsteinn Siglaugsson


Willum er ábyrgur fyrir því heilsutjóni sem mun hljótast af þessu. Gerir hann sér grein fyrir því?

Þorsteinn Siglaugsson, 4.1.2022 kl. 20:15

Smámynd: Geir Ágústsson



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