Dr. Anthony Fauci, whose “expert” advice to President Trump

has resulted in the complete shutdown of the greatest economic engine in world history, 

has known since 2005 that chloroquine is an effective inhibitor of coronaviruses.

How did he know this?

Because of research done by the National Institutes of Health, of which he is the director. 

In connection with the SARS outbreak – caused by a coronavirus dubbed SARS-CoV – the NIH researched chloroquine and concluded that it was effective at stopping the SARS coronavirus in its tracks.

The COVID-19 bug is likewise a coronavirus, labeled SARS-CoV-2. 

While not exactly the same virus as SARS-CoV-1, it is genetically related to it, and shares 79% of its genome, as the name SARS-CoV-2 implies. 

They both use the same host cell receptor, which is what viruses use to gain entry to the cell and infect the victim.


(Hér er ég leikmađur, ađ reyna ađ nota Ţýđingavélar af netinu,) 

Hulin dauđa dómur.: Fauci samţykkti Hydroxychloroquine fyrir 15 árum til ađ lćkna coronavirusa; "Ţađ ţurfti enginn ađ deyja"


Sérfrćđi ráđgjöf Dr. Anthony Fauci, til Trump Forseta,  hefur stöđvađ mestu efnahagsvél í heimssögunni,

og hefur vitađ frá 2005 ađ klórókín er áhrifarík hemill á coronavirusa.


Hvernig vissi hann ţetta?

Vegna rannsókna sem gerđar eru af National Institutes of Health, ţar sem hann er forstjóri. (Hćtti hér) 


Ég er hér ađ tala um Hydroxychloroquine,  

Ekki má gleyma Budesonide er andađ ađ sér.



Til ađ nefna einhver lyf, Hydroxychloroquine, Budesonide er andađ ađ sér. Ađ hugsa sér, jafnvel forseti Bandaríkjanna, getur ekki komiđ lyfjunum til fólksins, ţótt hann hafi bestu fáanlegu ráđgjafa í vinnu kjá sér. Forsetinn rćđur ekki fjölmiđlunum.

Hydroxychloroquine, Budesonide eru til í Lyfju Egilsstöđum. Hér lýsir lćknirinn, fengu áminningu fyrir ađ nota lyfin sem virkuđu. Er ekki hćgt ađ borga ţessum ???, veiku í bakstjórninni, og viđ fáum ađ nota lyfin sem stöđva veiruna strax?

FDA sued by Association of American Physicians and Surgeons for irrational - interference - regarding access to life-saving to hydroxychloroquine - lie about the use of a successful drug to treat a deadly disease.

Egilsstađir, 01.08.2020   Jónas Gunnlaugsson