Veðurfræðingarnir skoði og skýri fyrir okkur hinum. Skoða ferilinn þegar (ef) fellibyl er eytt með HAARP EMF líkri tækni rétt áður en hann lenti á Bandarísku herstöðvunum á Oahu, Hawaii. - Myndir

Um þetta getum við lítið sagt, en veðurfræðingarnir gætu hugsanlega velt þessu fyrir sér, og miðlað til okkar.*

Watch Hurricane Lane Be Destroyed By HAARP-Like EMF Just Before It Was To Hit US Military Bases On Oahu - Photos

Fleiri myndir á slóðinni hér fyrir ofan.


The huge (red-orange) storm continued to crawl straight north, directly toward Honolulu, when something caused it to essentially slow to a near stop immediately south and offshore of Oahu. It was as if it had been parked there just before it would have scored a direct hit on Oahu…exactly like the highest level US Navy Alert warned it would do. The once tightly-defined spinning shape of the hurricane is gone and it is now seen oozing large amounts of moisture up and to the right in the photo…

*Smá endursögn á íslensku.

...Stormurinn færðist til norðurs, og stefndi á Honolulu, þegar eitthvað varð þess valdandi, að hann stöðvaðist að mestu, utan við ströndina við Ohau. 

Það var eins og storminum hefði verið stöðvaður þarna áður en hann hefði lent á Oahu eða nákvæmlega eins og aðvörunin frá Bandaríska sjóhernum hafði sagt fyrir um... 

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Then something extremely stunning happened…or was MADE to happen. This intense, powerful storm slowed to a virtually halt as it moved due north toward the all-important island of Oahu...bristling with Army, Navy and Air Force bases…and nuclear weapons. 

It took a long time and a little luck to find this particular video frame below which shows blatant proof of extreme EMF military-government weather control. 

Now see what has happened…it was as if a gigantic boot came down right on the top of Hurricane Lane. The ‘boot' was, of course, an electromagnetic GeoEngineered HAARP-like BLAST of EMF which crushed the hurricane to pieces. 

Have you EVER seen a hurricane suddenly STOP SPIRALING, sit perfectly still and then be smashed with enormous energy from above? Look below…now you have have. 

Look again at the preceding photo ABOVE and then look back down at the photo BELOW…your eyes don’t lie… 

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Most of all, LOOK at the radiating white, strangely jagged ‘fingers’ or ‘rays’ sticking out from all around the perimeter of the big (red) storm center. Especially on the left and top sides. 

LOOK CLOSELY and you’ll see how these ‘fingers' are shaped exactly like the blade of a saw! That is NOT naturally possible. That is EMF weather control. 

You might also remember that several years ago, as we reported with satellite proof, how storm after storm coming across the Pacific, from West to East, were crushed before making it to CA, OR and WA in very similar fashion. Go here for a look….

Egilsstaðir, 28.10.2018  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

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