Islam Jihad, komst inn í Frakkland, frá Afríku, áriđ 729. Í tíđ Ferdinands og Ísabellu, 1492, losnađi Spánn undan Islam, eftir 781 ár. Áriđ 1675 komst Islam, Jihad, til Austurríkis, Ungverjalands, Litháen, Póllands, Muscovy, norđan Miđjarđarhafs,


The History of the World: Every Year


Islam byrjađi útţenslu sína međ Jihad, yfir í Kristnu löndin, eftir ca. áriđ 630

Kristni, frá árinu 300 til ársins 600, en ţá var allt fólkiđ Kristiđ, allt í kring um Miđjarđarhafiđ.

klikka á mynd ţá verđur myndin stćrri.

kristni 700

Hér er Islam Jihad, komiđ langt inn í Frakkland, áriđ 729, skođa mynd hér neđan viđ.

Ţú getur taliđ löndin, sem Islam náđi međ Jihad, frá ca. áriđ 630 og til ársins 729.



Í tíđ Ferdinand og Ísabella, 1492, taldist Spánn hafa losnađ undan Islam, eftir 781 ár. Á nćstu 100 árum voru flestir Múslimar, (moors) sendir til Afríku og einhverjir til Frakklands.

Spánverjar reyndu í 100 ár ađ fá Múslimana til ađ samlagast Kristninni, en Múslimarnir reyndu međ hjálp Islömsku ţjóđanna ađ ná völdum aftur.

On January 2, 1492, the Islamic Kingdom of Granada was surrendered to the Catholic majesties of Ferdinand and Isabella. After 781 years, Spain was free

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Áriđ 1675 komst Islam, Jihad, til Austurríkis, Ungverjalands, Litháen, Póllands og Muscovy, norđan viđ Miđjarđarhafiđ, eins og ţessi mynd hér fyrir ofan sýnir.

Síđan hefur Islam látiđ nokkuđ undan síga, mest 1917, en halda ennţá miklum landsvćđum, sem áđur voru Kristin.


Ţessa sögu ćtti ađ kenna í öllum skólum, til ađ viđ skiljum ađ ţetta er alvörumál.

Hvađa konur, vilja láta setja sig í poka.

Kristna menningin er ómetanleg.

Ég var ađ lesa um ađ nú vćru ađ minnsta kosti 30 miljónir af ţrćlum í heiminum.

Ţađ er betra ađ halda í Kristnu reglurnar, og reyna ađ hafa ţćr í heiđri.

Viđ ţessir vanţroskuđu, getum ađeins beđiđ um hjálp.

Egilsstađir, 27.03.2017 Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Islam frá árinu 700 til 2015, mjög fróđlegt.


If this privatisation of the money supply was reversed, Ł50 billion would fund our public services. We could increase spending on public services wipe of deficits, give students free tuition, maintenance grants, increase pensions, cut in taxes!

Jónas Gunnlaugsson -

betra ađ nota ţessa slóđ

If this privatisation of the money supply was reversed, Ł50 billion would fund our public services. We could increase spending on public services wipe of deficits, give students free tuition, maintenance grants, increase pensions, cut in taxes!


Ţessa slóđ verđur lesa.  This link you must read.

Learn, learn, learn. Lćra, lćra, lćra.

Aftur,   Prosperity - uk

Egilsstađir, 24.12.2014 Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Currently the public purse benefits annually

by about Ł1.5 billion on the profit of providing

that 3% of the money supply.


By contrast, the banks, in creating the remaining 97%


subsidised by the British people to the tune of

Ł50 billion every year.


If this privatisation of the money supply was reversed,

then that Ł50 billion would be available to fund our public services without there being a need to increase taxes.

Indeed, the nation could enjoy increased spending on public services

wiping out NHS deficits, giving students free tuition and maintenance grants, increasing pensions

and a cut in taxes!



Bloggfćrslur 24. apríl 2017


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