The truth will set you free.

The truth will set you free.

Ég endađi á ţessari grein.

The End of the ‘Peace Process’

“The truth will set you free. Jesus was a Jew.”

Eftir, Caroline Glick


Hér er fróđleg grein

eftir, Prof. Phyllis Chesler

Hún minnist á ađra grein

eftir, Caroline Glick

Ţar er rćtt um

Ari Shavit and American Jewry

Ţar á eftir kom,

The End of the ‘Peace Process’

Eftir, Caroline Glick

The truth will set you free. Jesus was a Jew.

Egilsstađir, 06.07.2014  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

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