Bloggfęrslur mįnašarins, įgśst 2020

Trump forseti lofaši įvinning af HCQ, hugsanleg mešferš į COVID-19. - 19. mars tilkynnti hann aš FDA myndi flżta samžykki nokkurra mešferša, žar į mešal HCQ. Hann sagši aš lyfiš "hafi veriš notaš lengi og vęri žvķ vel žekkt og ętti ekki aš drepa neinn.

Meiri ķslenska nešar

… Allt breyttist ķ maķ žegar Lancet, gaf śt rannsókn sem sagši aš HCQ mešferš viš COVID-19 vęri įrangurslaus. Vinstri öflin, demokratar? réšust strax į Trump fyrir aš hafa hęlt HCQ lyfinu.

En, ašeins nokkrum vikum sķšar, voru höfundar rannsóknarinnar neyddir til aš bišja Lancet vķsindaritiš? um aš draga rannsóknina til baka, vegna žess aš rannsóknarfyrirtękiš, sem hafši lįtiš žį fį gögnin sem žeir höfšu treyst į, gat ekki eša vildi ekki stašfesta gögnin. 

Allt ķ einu voru žeir sem voru į móti žvķ aš nota  HCQ lyfiš, Anti-HCQ uppvķsir aš nota falskar upplżsingar. …

Meiri ķslenska nešar


How the hydroxychloroquine debate proves politics can get in the way of science

Barįttan um HCQ sannar aš stjórnmįli geta lokaš į vķsindin, sannleikann




Smį kafli endursagšur į ķslensku hér fyrir nešan.


Trofim Lysenko, Stalin’s director of biology, is best remembered for blocking the science of Mendelian genetics because the science was stubbornly resistant to Marxist ideology. Consequently, the entire field of genetics was banned in the USSR. Politics-driven science — what could possibly go wrong?

Unlike citizens of the former Soviet Union, Westerners are much less familiar with seeing science fully subordinate to political agendas.


But with the hydroxychloroquine debate of 2020, we are getting a taste of it. 


Endursagšur smį kafli hér fyrir nešan.

Hydroxychloroquine hefur veriš ķ notkun um allan heim ķ meira en 65 įr.

Žaš hefur veriš gefiš, įvķsaš milljarša sinnum.

Nśna hefur pólitķkin og hatur į Trump, komiš af staš barįttu til aš koma ķ veg fyrir aš COVID-19 sjśklingar fįi hydroxychloroquine.

Byggt į bestu sönnunargögnum sem ķ boši eru ķ dag, hefur hżdroxżklórókķn -HCQ, reynst įrangursrķkt ķ mešferš snemma ķ COVID-19, veikindunum.


(Ef HCQ lyfiš er gefiš strax drepur žaš vķrusinn, og žį veikist ekki lķkaminn, og žį komast sżklarnir ekki ķ lķffęrin, en žį žarf aš drepa meš sżkla lyfjum. Jg)


Vegna stjórnmįlana eru žessi sönnunargögn hunsuš.

Eftir allt, ef žaš er įhrifarķk mešferš fyrir COVID-19, žį eru kannski śtgöngubönn og fjarnįm fyrir börnin okkar og grķmu fyrirmęli og félagsleg fjarlęgš ekki naušsynlegar, frį lęknisfręšilegu sjónarmiši.

Og ef žetta er ekki naušsynlegt frį lęknisfręšilegu sjónarmiši, žį gęti afsökun sem viš notum til aš halda skólunum lokušum fyrir nįmi, og til aš halda fyrirtękjum lokušum, og til aš halda restinni af samfélaginu undir žvingunum rķkisstjórnarinnar(öll lokun óžörf jg).


(žarna vill Trump nota lyfin, en gamla stjórnkerfiš vill ekki leyfa lękninguna, til aš geta kennt Trump um vandręšin. Er žessu fólki alveg sama žótt hundruš žśsunda deyi, trśir žaš ekki į góšan Guš? Hvaš ętlar žetta fólk aš segja, žegar fólkiš skilur žetta? Heldur fólkiš virkilega aš RUV og allir fjölmišlarnir geti haldiš okkur frį sannleikanum? jg)


Žaš var ķ mars žegar Trump forseti fór aš lofa įvinning af HCQ sem hugsanleg mešferš ķ mešferš COVID-19. - 19. mars tilkynnti hann aš FDA myndi flżta samžykki nokkurra mešferša, žar į mešal HCQ. Hann sagši aš lyfiš "hafi veriš notaš lengi og vęri žvķ vel žekkt og ętti ekki aš drepa neinn.

Žremur dögum sķšar skrifaši Wall Street Journal um góša kosti HCQ notaš meš azithromycin, sem er almennt žekkt sem zithromax (Z-pakž

(alltaf veršur aš gefa HCQ strax, žį drepur žaš vķrusana, og žį veiklast lķkaminn ekki, og engir, eša fįir sżklar nį aš komast ķ lķffęrin, žį žarf aš nota sżkla lyf. jg) …

… Allt breyttist ķ maķ žegar Lancet, gaf śt rannsókn sem sagši aš HCQ mešferš viš COVID-19 vęri įrangurslaus. Vinstri öflin, demokratar? réšust strax į Trump fyrir aš hafa hęlt HCQ lyfinu.

En, ašeins nokkrum vikum sķšar, voru höfundar rannsóknarinnar neyddir til aš bišja Lancet vķsindaritiš?  aš draga rannsóknina til baka, vegna žess aš rannsóknarfyrirtękiš, sem hafši lįtiš žį fį gögnin sem žeir höfšu treyst į, gat ekki eša vildi ekki stašfesta gögnin. 

Allt ķ einu voru žeir sem voru į móti žvķ aš nota  HCQ lyfiš, Anti-HCQ uppvķsir aš nota falskar upplżsingar. …

FDA gaf śt yfirlżsingu um afturköllun į neyšarheimildinni frį ķ mars - afturköllunarheimild, sem leifir lęknum aftur aš įvķsa HCQ "Off label" fyrir COVID-19 sjśklinga.

Og 02.07.2020 kom nż rannsókn, sem birt var af Henry Ford Health System, lżsti žvķ aš mešferš meš HCQ fękkaši daušsföllum um helming hjį sjśkum sjśklingum į sjśkrahśsi meš COVID-19-og, critically, sérstaklega, įn hjartatengdra aukaverkana sem sumar rannsóknir höfšu sżnt.

Ekki meiri endursögn.


Hydroxychloroquine has been in use worldwide for more than 65 years. It’s been prescribed safely billions of times.

And yet, for political reasons — and, more specifically, for anti-Trump reasons — there is a lobbying campaign to block hydroxychloroquine from patients with COVID-19.

 Based on the best evidence available today, hydroxychloroquine — HCQ, for short — has been shown to be effective in early-stage treatment of COVID-19, the illness brought on by the novel coronavirus.

Because of hyper-politization, however, this evidence is being ignored.

After all, if there’s an effective treatment for COVID-19, then maybe the shutdowns and distance learning for our children and mask mandates and social distancing requirements aren’t necessary, from a medical standpoint.         

And if they’re not necessary from a medical standpoint, then what excuse could we use to keep the schools closed for in-person learning, and to keep the businesses shuttered, and to keep the rest of society under the government’s thumb?

It was way back in March when President Trump first touted the benefits of HCQ as a potential therapy in treating COVID-19. On March 19, he announced that the FDA would fast-track approval of several treatments, including HCQ. He said the drug “has been around for a long time so we know if things don’t go as planned it’s not going to kill anybody.”

Three days later, The Wall Street Journal published a piece extolling the virtues of HCQ in combination with azithromycin, more commonly known as Zithromax (Z-Pak).




The authors — Dr. Jeff Colyer, chairman of the National Advisory Commission on Rural Health, and Dr. Daniel Hinthorn, director of the Division of Infectious Disease at the University of Kansas Medical Center — argued that, based on their experiences treating patients, the HCQ-Z Pack treatment can be quite effective in early applications.


The tide turned in May with The Lancet, which published a study saying HCQ treatment for COVID-19 was ineffective. The left pounced, using the study to trash Mr. Trump for having promoted use of the drug.

But then, just a few weeks later, the authors of the study were forced to ask The Lancet to retract the study, because the research firm on whose data the authors had relied could not or would not confirm their data. All of a sudden, it was the anti-HCQ crowd that was left with mud on its face. 

Then, the FDA issued a statement revoking the emergency use authorization it had granted in March — a revocation which, paradoxically, allowed doctors once again to prescribe HCQ “off label” for COVID-19 patients.

Then, on July 2, a new study published by the Henry Ford Health System declared that treatment with HCQ cut the death rate in half in sick patients hospitalized with COVID-19 — and, critically, without the heart-related side effects that some studies had shown. 

This was the background to the press conference held on July 27 by America’s Frontline Doctors, an ad hoc group of physicians who have been dealing with COVID-19 patients for months. At that press conference, several of them spoke of the virtues of using HCQ as a treatment for early-stage COVID patients. Video clips of the event went viral, logging more than 20 million views; President Trump and his son, Don Jr., tweeted and retweeted the clips. And then Facebook, Twitter and YouTube removed the video clips for spreading what the tech giants called “misinformation” about COVID-19.

Asked at a White House press briefing the following day what he thought about the use of HCQ to treat COVID-19, the president acknowledged the politicization of the process when he responded, “[P]olitically, it doesn’t seem to be too popular. You know why? Because I recommend it. When I recommend something, they like to say, ‘Don’t use it.’”

Ironically, even as the tech giants were patting themselves on the back for having “saved” their public audiences from having received “misinformation,” two days after they removed the clips, FDA chief Stephen Hahn acknowledged that the choice to use HCQ as a treatment for COVID-19 was not properly a question for government regulation, but a choice to be made by a doctor and patient.

Science is at its best when its aims are scientific advancement and truth, and its method is rigorous scientific research. Political agendas and biases toward certain outcomes are unseemly in the field of science, and do nothing to advance medicine or patients’ interests.

The Lysenko approach to science is best left to totalitarian regimes. Americans deserve better.

  • Jenny Beth Martin is honorary chairman of Tea Party Patriots Action. James Todaro, MD, leads investigative research in COVID-19 on a global scale. His publications include the first widely disseminated paper on hydroxychloroquine in treatment of COVID-19 and the first detailed expose on Surgisphere that resulted in The Lancet’s retraction of its study on hydroxychloroquine.

Egilsstašir, 31.08.2020   Jónas Gunnlaugsson


Athuga, lķfeyrissjóšur er ašeins skrifuš tala, žś getur hent lķfeyrissjóšnum, og svo eftir viku getur žś skrifaš nżja tölu. Žaš sem žś treystir į er starfandi žjóšfélag, sem getur framleitt vörur og žjónustu sem žś žarfnast.

Sett aš hluta į blog:  Halldór Jónsson

Žorir einhver?

Athuga, lķfeyrissjóšur er ašeins skrifuš tala, žś getur hent lķfeyrissjóšnum, og svo eftir viku getur žś skrifaš nżja tölu.

Žaš sem žś treystir į er starfandi žjóšfélag, sem getur framleitt vörur og žjónustu sem žś žarfnast.

Margar žjóšir hafa gegnumstreymis lķfeyrissjóš, og hann greišir, skrifar tölur, aš veršgildi žess sem framleišsla og žjónusta bżšur upp į.

Vörurnar og žjónustan, vilja lįta nota sig!

Neytendur vilja kaupa, fį vörurnar og žjónustuna.

Lķfeyrissjóšur, skrifuš tala, hefur ekkert gildi ef hvorki eru til vörur eša žjónusta.

Allt smellur saman.

Verš aš hlaupa.

Sjóšur, til aš huga aš atvinnulķfi, fyrirtękjum, og rekstri fréttamišla, kemur vel til greina.

Žaš er brįšnaušsynlegt aš losna viš įstandiš ķ dag, nś ręšur einn ašili yfir öllum gömlu fjölmišlunum.

Til aš laga allt.

Hjįlpum okkur gömlu vanžroskušu einstaklingunum, okkur nśstašreynda trśar mönnunum, aš opna fyrir skilninginn.

Jesś sagši, ég er kominn til aš bjarga syndurunum, žaš er žeim sem kunna ekki, geta ekki fęrt sig yfir ķ skilninginn.

Ef viš eigum ekki góšleika, žį er eina rįšiš, aš segja, Jesś, vilt žś hjįlpa mér, vilt žś gefa mér gęsku.

Oršin skipta ekki mįli, heldur aš žś viljir leyfa og žiggja hjįlpina.

Muna aš gullverši er stżrt.


Sesar fékk hylli fólksins, fyrir aš fara ķ framkvęmdir, sem sköpušu atvinnu fyrir fólkiš, sem žaš fékk greitt fyrir, og žį keypt žaš sem heimiliš žurfti. Sesar varš aš finna greišslu möguleika, aš bśa til bókhald fyrir lausa hönd, sem vildi gera gagn,

17.4.2020 | 22:56


Egilsstašir, 29.08.2020   Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Sušur Kķnahafs svęšiš, sem Kķna tók, vill taka, af nįgrana žjóšunum. Nś eru žjóširnar aš reyna aš nį žessu svęši til baka. Hér er veriš aš sżna lķkt svęši viš Mexikoflóa, til samanburšar.

Sušur Kķnahafs svęšiš, sem Kķna tók, vill taka, af nįgrana žjóšunum.

Nś eru žjóširnar aš reyna aš nį žessu svęši til baka.

Hér er veriš aš sżna lķkt svęši viš Mexikoflóa, til samanburšar.

China Fired Laser at a US Aircraft, Why?  

Ég skošaši ašeins kort į netinu frį 1900 og 1920, og mér sżndist aš Kķna hefši haft įhrif į hvaš er sżnt į netinu,  eins og öll stórveldi gera.



31.1.2019 | 08:56

Žarna viršist Kķna hafa tekiš meš valdi 2,5 milljón ferkķlómetra ķ Tķbet, og 3,5 milljón ferkķlómetra ķ Sušur-Kķna hafi frį Tķbet, Vķetnam, Indónesķu, Malaysiu, Bruney, og Filipseyjum. Höfn į Bakkafirši? Hvaš er žar į feršinni? 


Kķna samtals, bętt viš sig, 6 milljón ferkķlómetrum, land Tķbet og hafsvęši. Nęr 800 km sušur og langt inn ķ 200 mķlna landhelgi Vķetnam, Indónesķu, Malasķu, Bruney, og Filipseyja. Nasistar réšu mest 3,9 milljónum ferkķlómetra ķ Sķšari heimsstyrjöldinni.



Ķ greininni er talaš um aš svęšiš nįi 1000 mķlur frį Kķna

klikka mynd stęrri



Samsvarandi svęši teiknaš inn į kort af Mexikófló og mešfram Miš –Amerķku rķkjunum og aš Venesśela, ķ Sušur – Amerķku. 

klikka mynd stęrri



Kķna samtals, bętt viš sig, 6 milljón ferkķlómetrum, land Tķbet og hafsvęši. Nęr 800 km sušur og langt inn ķ 200 mķlna landhelgi Vķetnam, Indónesķu, Malasķu, Bruney, og Filipseyja. Nasistar réšu mest 3,9 milljónum ferkķlómetra ķ Sķšari heimsstyrjöldinni.

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 5. febrśar 2019

Skoša slóšir nešar. Evrópa er 10 milljón ferkķlómetrar. Nasistar réšu mest 3,9 milljónum ferkķlómetra ķ Sķšari heimsstyrjöldinni. 000 Kķna samtals, bętt viš sig, 6 milljón ferkķlómetrum, land (Tķbet) og hafsvęši. Kķna, hefur nś žegar nįš Tķbet, 2,5


Ef kķnverski herinn er nógu öflugur žį voga bandarķsk herskip sér ekki aš fara inn į kķnversk miš til aš sżna krafta sķna, skrifaši dagblašiš. Sterkur kķnverskur her er tryggingin fyrir friši og stöšugleika ķ Sušur-Kķnahafi og jafnvel öllum heiminum.“

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 24. maķ 2019

Og jafnvel ķ öllum heiminum, er Finnafjöršur žar meš talinn? Skoša myndina ķ žessari slóš Höfnin, į Ķslandi, Finnafirši er ķ umręšunni į heimsvķsu, žegar rętt er aš Kķnverska flotann vanti hafnir, birgšastöšvar vķtt og breitt um veröldina. Veraldarkortiš

Höfnin, į Ķslandi, Finnafirši er ķ umręšunni į heimsvķsu, žegar rętt er aš Kķnverska flotann vanti hafnir, birgšastöšvar vķtt og breitt um veröldina. Veraldarkortiš hér nešar, er frį Economist Intelligence Unit og žar er Ķsland merkt sem įętluš höfn.

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 2. maķ 2019

Einhver nefndi Finnafjörš, žar er betra aš hafa varann į. Höfnin, į Ķslandi og žį Finnafirši er ķ umręšunni į heimsvķsu, žegar rętt er um aš Kķnverska flotann vanti hafnir, birgšastöšvar vķtt og breitt um veröldina. Veraldarkortiš hér nešar, er frį

Fyrirtękin eru aš sękjast eftir vatnsréttindum um alla jöršina. Ķslendingar geta fariš ķ žjóšgaršinn, žegar ég žarf aš nota mķnar jaršir. Fyrir laxa notum viš laxa beitu, fyrir menn notum viš lax ķ beitu. Žaš veišist vel į laxinn.

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 14. febrśar 2019

Fyrirtękin eru aš sękjast eftir vatnsréttindum um alla jöršina. Ķslendingar geta fariš ķ žjóšgaršinn, žegar ég žarf aš nota mķnar jaršir. Fyrir laxa notum viš laxa beitu, fyrir menn notum viš lax ķ beitu. Žaš veišist vel į laxinn. 000 Sett aš hluta į

Kķna samtals, bętt viš sig, 6 milljón ferkķlómetrum, land Tķbet og hafsvęši. Nęr 800 km sušur og langt inn ķ 200 mķlna landhelgi Vķetnam, Indónesķu, Malasķu, Bruney, og Filipseyja. Nasistar réšu mest 3,9 milljónum ferkķlómetra ķ Sķšari heimsstyrjöldinni.

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 5. febrśar 2019

Skoša slóšir nešar. Evrópa er 10 milljón ferkķlómetrar. Nasistar réšu mest 3,9 milljónum ferkķlómetra ķ Sķšari heimsstyrjöldinni. 000 Kķna samtals, bętt viš sig, 6 milljón ferkķlómetrum, land (Tķbet) og hafsvęši. Kķna, hefur nś žegar nįš Tķbet, 2,5

Egilsstašir, 28.08.2020   Jónas Gunnlaugsson Pompeo: Kröfur Kķna ķ Kķnahafi ólögmętar
Tilkynna um óvišeigandi tengingu viš frétt

Lyfjafyrirtękin lķta į coronavirus faraldurinn eins og višskiptatękifęri, sem žś fęrš ašeins einusinni ķ lķfinu. Alls ekki mį nota trausta allmenna žekkingu, eša žraut reynd lyf sem kosta lķtiš, og virka vel. Hvaš ręšur stjórnvaldsašgeršum ķ dag.


Hver ręšur stjórnvaldinu. Lyfjaišnašurinn eyddi 2019, 295 millj. dollara, kr. ķ eftirlit meš stjórnvöldum og lagasetningu. Tvöfalt meira en ašrir. Alls ekki mį nota trausta allmenna žekkingu, eša žraut reynd lyf sem kosta lķtiš, og virka.

20.8.2020 | 23:04

40 milljaršar ķslenskra króna, sem lyfjaišnašurinn

eyddi į įrinu 2019 ķ aš halda utanum, snśast ķ kringum


Lyfjafyrirtękin lķta į coronavirus faraldurinn

eins og višskiptatękifęri,

sem žś fęrš ašeins einusinni ķ lķfinu.

Pharmaceutical companies view the coronavirus pandemic

as a once-in-a-lifetime busienss opportunity.


Hvaš ręšur geršum stjórnvalda. Lyfjaišnašurinn eyddi įriš 2019, 295 milljónum dollara,  eša 40.214.400.000 kr. ķ aš hafa eftirlit meš stjórnvöldum og lagasetningu.

Žaš er tvöfalt meira en ašrir.

Alls ekki mį nota trausta allmenna žekkingu, eša žraut reynd lyf sem kosta lķtiš, og virka vel.


Big Pharma Prepares to Profit From the Coronavirus

Pharmaceutical companies view the coronavirus pandemic

as a once-in-a-lifetime business opportunity.

Sharon Lerner

March 13 2020, 6:46 p.m.


Hér er ég aš velta žvķ fyrir mér, hvaš rįši stjórnvaldsašgeršum ķ dag.

Lyfja išnašurinn eyddi įriš 2019, 295 milljónum dollara,  eša 40.214.400.000 kr. ķ aš hafa eftirlit meš geršum stjórnmįlamanna og embęttismanna og allra žeirra sem hafa įhrif stjórnsżsluna og Žį lagasetninguna.

Žaš er um tvöfalt meira en žeir sem koma nęstir,  Alls ekki mį nota trausta allmenna žekkingu, eša žraut reynd lyf sem kosta lķtiš, og virka vel.

Egilsstašir, 27.08.2020   Jónas Gunnlaugsson Tilmęlum breytt į mešan Fauci var ķ ašgerš
Tilkynna um óvišeigandi tengingu viš frétt

Enn ķ dag er Trump aš berjast fyrir žvķ aš fólkiš fįi aš nota bestu lyfin. Bönnuš į Ķslandi, svariš til mķn. Geta yfirvöld neitaš fólkinu um bestu lyfin? Kosningar ķ USA 03.11.2020 eiga ekki aš rįša lyfjagjöf į Ķslandi. Er betra aš fólkiš deyi?

Fréttir frį žvķ ķ gęr.

Enn ķ dag er Trump aš berjast fyrir žvķ aš fólkiš fįi aš nota bestu lyfin. Hér į Ķslandi fįum viš ekki aš nota bestu lyfin. 

Hvernig ętla yfirvöld aš verja žaš aš neita fólkinu um bestu lyfin?

Er einhver hópur, sem er įnęgšur meš aš fólkiš deyi, er ekki hęgt aš hjįlpa žessu fólki? 


The U S. Food and Drug Administration, FDA

Endursögn af leikmanni. Lagaši oršiš kransęšavķrus ķ coronavirus annars Google žżšing. 

Trump tilkynnir neyšarheimild vegna „bylting“ mešferšar į coronavirus

Trump announces emergency authorization of ‘breakthrough’ coronavirus treatment


Endursögn af leikmanni.

Trump sakar FDA (djśprķkiš?) um aš hindra mešferš į coronavirus, žar til eftir kosningar.

Trump accuses 'deep state' FDA of thwarting efforts for coronavirus treatments until after election

'Must focus on speed, and saving lives!' the president tweeted


Published 1 day ago

To day 23.08. 2020

President Trump on Saturday accused the “deep state” at the Food and Drug Administration of making it hard for drug companies to test coronavirus treatments -- and suggested the agency is trying to delay them until after Election Day.

“The deep state, or whoever, over at the FDA is making it very difficult for drug companies to get people in order to test the vaccines and therapeutics,” he tweeted. “Obviously, they are hoping to delay the answer until after November 3rd. Must focus on speed, and saving lives!” 

President Trump defends his administration's response to COVID pandemic 

Egilsstašir, 23.08.2020   Jónas Gunnlaugsson Prófanir į hydroxychloroquine settar į ķs
Tilkynna um óvišeigandi tengingu viš frétt

Af hverju höfum viš rįfaš um eins og blindir og heyrnarlausir og įn markmišs og eru nś komnir śt ķ ófęruna. Allir eiga aš safnast saman ķ kirkjunni, til aš hugunin opni fyrir innsęiš, leišbeininguna frį kjarnanum, frį Heilögum Anda, frį Jesś, frį Guši

Skįldsaga, aušvitaš sönn. Hér eru margir višskiptamenn, geršir aš einum.

Ef ég heyri ķ huganum, finn aš einhver misskilur persónulżsingu, breyti ég persónunni. 

Hvar vorum viš allir kennararnir, varšmennirnir žķnir Drottinn?

Ég į sešlabankana, mundu žaš, og mundu aš ég ręš kennsluefninu.

Įriš 2008, bjó ég til kreppu meš žvķ aš segja žér aš nś vęri enginn peningur til, bankarnir tómir.

Žaš gerši ég meš žvķ aš hętta aš lįna śt, peninga, bókhald.

En, žś greiddir įfram til bankans af öllum lįnum, lįn er, ašeins bókhald.

Ég hękkaši vextina til aš bókhaldiš vęri fljótara aš koma inn ķ bankann, til aš bśa til skort į peningum ķ žjóšfélaginu.

Žį stöšvašist allt ķ žjóšfélaginu, reyndar ķ  öllum löndunum.

Eftir žvķ sem minna varš um peninga Bókhald śti ķ žjóšfélaginu, varš meiri stöšnun, verslun minnkaši og fyrirtęki fóru į hausinn, og fólkiš missti vinnuna.

Fólkiš og fyrirtękin gįtu ekki greitt af lįnum sķnum, og menn reyndu aš selja fasteignirnar, en bankinn sagši nei žiš getiš ekki fengiš fyrirgreišslu, žaš er ekkert BÓKHALD til.

Einhverjir sem įttu smį upphęš, gįtu keypt ķbśšir, einbżlishśs, og fyrirtęki į mjög lįgu verši.

Fólkiš fór ķ bankana grįtandi og sagšist ekki geta meira. Žetta er erfitt, sagši BLESSAŠUR  bankastjórinn, hann skildi ekkert ķ žessu frekar en višskiptavinurinn.

Ja, ég veit ekki, bankinn getur ef til vill tekiš eignirnar, en žś veist aš žaš er engin markašur fyrir eignir ķ dag.

Žś įttir hįlft hśsiš, 50% ķ hśsinu, og svo fyrirtękiš sem žś misstir, og žaš sem žś įttir ķ bankabókinni er fariš, og nś engar tekjur.

Tįrin renna śr augunum į višskiptavininum og hann snökktir, ķ „Gušana bęnum“ bjargašu mér, hann fer aš hįgrįta.

Ég skal reyna aš gera žetta fyrir žig, žetta eru erfišir tķmar.

Greinilegt er aš žessir tķmar, taka mjög į Bankastjórann, hann viršist setja sig ķ stellingar, sem hęfa starfinu.  

Viš tökum žį eignina, fellum nišur skuldirnar žķnar.

Višskiptavinurinn snökktir, Guš blessi žig, og alla žķna,

Vertu marg blessašur og žakka žér fyrir aš losa mig śr žessu mikla vanda.

Žetta var svona žverskuršur af žjóšfélaginu.


Nś ķ dag er ég heimskur, ętla aš gręša fślgur fjįr en skemma mun meira veršmęti fyrir fólkinu, žaš missir jafnvel lķfiš.

Ég hefši getaš grętt mikklu meira, meš žvķ aš auka framleišsluna, eins og til dęmis aš sjį til žess aš aukiš koefni ķ loftinu, yki plöntuvöxtinn, laga allt og bęta.


Nś ķ dag, hef ég žetta einsstaka tękifęri til aš bśa til  bóluefni, galdrablöndu, gróšablöndu, segi ég heimskinginn.

Žį verš ég fyrst aš telja žeim trś um aš ekkert geti hjįlpaš žeim nema galdrablandan, gróšablandan mķn.

Ég verš aš śtiloka aš žeir noti eitthvaš annaš til aš eyša vandręšunum. Ég  geri grķn aš kennurunum og gömlu žekkingunni sem žeir Einstein, Nikola Tesla og Jesś kenndu.

Žeir Einstein, Nikola Tesla og Jesś sögšu, aš til aš hafa möguleika til aš taka į móti nżrri žekkingu, žarftu kyrrš og ró, setjast į žśfu og ķhuga, koman sam ķ kirkjunni ķ messunni, helgistundinni, mķn oršun.

Ķhugun er žaš stundum kallaš, og žį kemur lausnin upp ķ hugann, įn žess aš viš vitum hvernig og hversvegna, Einstein.

Af hverju höfum viš rįfaš um eins og blindir og heyrnarlausir og įn markmišs og eru nś komnir śt ķ ófęruna.

Allir eiga aš safnast saman ķ kirkjunni, til aš hugunin opni fyrir innsęiš, leišbeininguna frį kjarnanum, frį Heilögum Anda, frį Jesś, frį Guši.

Žį magnar samverustundin, bęnirnar.

Žaš eru ekki oršin, heldur hugunin, einingin, leitunin, viljinn, óskin, višleitnin.

Raunhugsunin viršist leiša okkur ķ įtt aš žvķ aš viš lifum ķ sżndarveröld, og aš veröldin verši til viš hugunina, leitunina, óskina og hśn magnist viš eininguna.

Viš allir erum heimskir, ef viš įstundum ekki kennsluna um innsęiš, sem nęr sambandi meš huguninni, kennslunni žeirra Einstein, Nikola Tesla og Jesś.

Žeir voru allir raunvķsindamenn.

Kallar RUV og bakstjórnin lyfiš hreinsiefniš? Stjórnvöld landa og Sameinušužjóšanna, sögš taka lyfiš. Elķtan viršist óhrędd um aš smitast. Er žaš satt aš hśn taki mešališ, 7 krónu pilluna? Er žetta besta višskifta tękifęriš hjį LYFJAIŠNAŠINUM??

Lyfiš veršur aš gefa strax og vart veršur viš veikina. Lyfiš eyšir vķrusnum og žį komast hinir sżklarnnir ekki ķ lķffęrin. Best er aš gefa lyfiš įšur en fólk veikist. Žį virkar lyfiš sem bólusetning. Tekst okkur aš skilja žetta mikla vandamįl?

Getur žaš veriš aš žaš sé bannaš aš leysa vandamįliš?

Getur žaš veriš aš ekki megi gefa lyfiš strax, žį drepur žaš vķrusinn, sem getur žį ekki eyšilagt mótstöšuafl lķkamans, og žį geta sżklarnir ekki rįšist į lķffęrin.

Vandamįliš, ekki mį lękna veikina, og alls ekki fyrir 3. Nóvember, en žį er kosinn forseti ķ Bandarķkjunum.

Žaš er svo mikil reynsla komin į lyfiš, 80 įr, og lyfiš er svo gott, aš žaš er sett ķ allskonar hreinsiefni, žaš virkar.

Og af žvķ aš lyfiš er svona gott,  žį er framleitt mikiš af žvķ, og er lyfiš žį mjög ódżrt, 7 krónur pillan.

Žį getur engin haft ofsa gróša af lyfinu. cry

Allir eru į fullu, viš aš finna lausn į žessum miklu vandręšum. 

Hvar er strįkurinn ķ sögunni hjį H C Andersen, sem sagši, Keisarinn er ekki ķ neinum fötum.

Allir fari aš leita,  jį björgunarsveitirnar žęr eru alltaf sendar śt ef einhver tķnist, viš veršum aš finna strįkinn.

Hugsa, hugsa, hugsa, var žaš ekki bangsinn ķ 100 metra skógi sem hélt um höfušiš og sagši hugsa, hugsa, hugsa. 

Öll žjóšin leggi hendur į höfuš, og segi hugsa, hugsa, hugsa. 

Tekst okkur aš skilja žetta mikla vandamįl?


Indland hefur žegar selt 85 milljón skammta af lyfinu, žaš virkar svo vel.


Egilsstašir. 15.08.2020   Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Watergate var smįmįl, en blįsiš upp af elķtunni, til aš losna viš Nixon, sem minnkaši strķšsbröltiš og vildi norręn sjśkrasamlög, Ašgeršum Trump var lķkt viš Nixon og Watergate

12.5.2017 | 01:09 „Ég er bara farin heim til mķn“
Tilkynna um óvišeigandi tengingu viš frétt

Hver ręšur stjórnvaldinu. Lyfjaišnašurinn eyddi 2019, 295 millj. dollara, kr. ķ eftirlit meš stjórnvöldum og lagasetningu. Tvöfalt meira en ašrir. Alls ekki mį nota trausta allmenna žekkingu, eša žraut reynd lyf sem kosta lķtiš, og virka.

40 milljaršar ķslenskra króna, sem lyfjaišnašurinn

eyddi į įrinu 2019 ķ aš halda utanum, snśast ķ kringum 


Lyfjafyrirtękin lķta į coronavirus faraldurinn

eins og višskiptatękifęri,

sem žś fęrš ašeins einusinni ķ lķfinu.

Pharmaceutical companies view the coronavirus pandemic

as a once-in-a-lifetime busienss opportunity.


Hvaš ręšur geršum stjórnvalda. Lyfjaišnašurinn eyddi įriš 2019, 295 milljónum dollara,  eša 40.214.400.000 kr. ķ aš hafa eftirlit meš stjórnvöldum og lagasetningu. Žaš er tvöfalt meira en ašrir. Alls ekki mį nota trausta allmenna žekkingu, eša žraut reynd lyf sem kosta lķtiš, og virka vel.


Big Pharma Prepares to Profit From the Coronavirus

Pharmaceutical companies view the coronavirus pandemic

as a once-in-a-lifetime business opportunity.

Sharon Lerner

March 13 2020, 6:46 p.m.


Hér er ég aš velta žvķ fyrir mér, hvaš rįši stjórnvaldsašgeršum ķ dag.

Lyfja išnašurinn eyddi įriš 2019, 295 milljónum dollara,  eša 40.214.400.000 kr. ķ aš hafa eftirlit meš geršum stjórnmįlamanna og embęttismanna og allra žeirra sem hafa įhrif į stjórnsżsluna og Žį lagasetninguna.

Žaš er um tvöfalt meira en žeir sem koma nęstir,  Alls ekki mį nota trausta allmenna žekkingu, eša žraut reynd lyf sem kosta lķtiš, og virka vel.


Among the drugs that were developed with some public funding and went on to be huge earners for private companies are the HIV drug AZT and the cancer treatment Kymriah, which Novartis now sells for $475,000.

((Kostar 64.752.000 kr) og slóšin bakviš $ dollara töluna hér į undan er  )

In his book “Pharma,” Posner points to another example of private companies making exorbitant profits from drugs produced with public funding. The antiviral drug sofosbuvir, which is used to treat hepatitis C, stemmed from key research funded by the National Institutes of Health.

That drug is now owned by Gilead Sciences, which charges

$1,000 per pill — (136.320 kr jg)  

more than many people with hepatitis C can afford; Gilead earned $44 billion from the drug during its first three years on the market. 

Instead, the profits have funded huge bonuses for drug company executives and aggressive marketing of drugs to consumers.

They have also been used to further boost the profitability of the pharmaceutical sector.

According to calculations by Axios, drug companies make 63 percent of total health care profits in the U.S. That’s in part because of the success of their lobbying efforts.

In 2019, the pharmaceutical industry spent $295 million on lobbying, far more than any other sector in the U.S.

That’s almost twice as much as the next biggest spender — the electronics, manufacturing, and equipment sector — and well more than double what oil and gas companies spent on lobbying.

The industry also spends lavishly on campaign contributions to both Democratic and Republican lawmakers. Throughout the Democratic primary, Joe Biden has led the pack among recipients of contributions from the health care and pharmaceutical industries.




How Big Pharma Will Profit From the Coronavirus

As the new coronavirus spreads illness, death, and catastrophe around the world, virtually no economic sector has been spared from harm. Yet amid the mayhem from the global pandemic, one industry is not only surviving, it is profiting handsomely.

“Pharmaceutical companies view Covid-19 as a once-in-a-lifetime business opportunity,” said Gerald Posner, author of “Pharma: Greed, Lies, and the Poisoning of America.” The world needs pharmaceutical products, of course. For the new coronavirus outbreak, in particular, we need treatments and vaccines and, in the U.S., tests. Dozens of companies are now vying to make them.

“They’re all in that race,” said Posner, who described the potential payoffs for winning the race as huge. The global crisis “will potentially be a blockbuster for the industry in terms of sales and profits,” he said, adding that “the worse the pandemic gets, the higher their eventual profit.”


The ability to make money off of pharmaceuticals is already uniquely large in the U.S., which lacks the basic price controls other countries have, giving drug companies more freedom over setting prices for their products than anywhere else in the world. During the current crisis, pharmaceutical makers may have even more leeway than usual because of language industry lobbyists inserted into an $8.3 billion coronavirus spending package, passed last week, to maximize their profits from the pandemic.

Initially, some lawmakers had tried to ensure that the federal government would limit how much pharmaceutical companies could reap from vaccines and treatments for the new coronavirus that they developed with the use of public funding. In February, Rep. Jan Schakowsky, D-Ill., and other House members wrote to Trump pleading that he “ensure that any vaccine or treatment developed with U.S. taxpayer dollars be accessible, available and affordable,” a goal they said couldn’t be met “if pharmaceutical corporations are given authority to set prices and determine distribution, putting profit-making interests ahead of health priorities.”

The Coronavirus CrisisRead Our Complete CoverageThe Coronavirus Crisis

When the coronavirus funding was being negotiated, Schakowsky tried again, writing to Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar on March 2 that it would be “unacceptable if the rights to produce and market that vaccine were subsequently handed over to a pharmaceutical manufacturer through an exclusive license with no conditions on pricing or access, allowing the company to charge whatever it would like and essentially selling the vaccine back to the public who paid for its development.”

But many Republicans opposed adding language to the bill that would restrict the industry’s ability to profit, arguing that it would stifle research and innovation. And although Azar, who served as the top lobbyist and head of U.S. operations for the pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly before joining the Trump administration, assured Schakowsky that he shared her concerns, the bill went on to enshrine drug companies’ ability to set potentially exorbitant prices for vaccines and drugs they develop with taxpayer dollars.

The final aid package not only omitted language that would have limited drug makers’ intellectual property rights, it also left out language that had been in an earlier draft that would have allowed the federal government to take any action if it has concerns that the treatments or vaccines developed with public funds are priced too high.

“Those lobbyists deserve a medal from their pharma clients because they killed that intellectual property provision,” said Posner, who added that the omission of language allowing the government to respond to price gouging was even worse. “To allow them to have this power during a pandemic is outrageous.”


The truth is that profiting off public investment is also business as usual for the pharmaceutical industry. Since the 1930s, the National Institutes of Health has put some $900 billion into research that drug companies then used to patent brand-name medications, according to Posner’s calculations. Every single drug approved by the Food and Drug Administration between 2010 and 2016 involved science funded with tax dollars through the NIH, according to the advocacy group Patients for Affordable Drugs. Taxpayers spent more than $100 billion on that research.

Among the drugs that were developed with some public funding and went on to be huge earners for private companies are the HIV drug AZT and the cancer treatment Kymriah, which Novartis now sells for $475,000.

In his book “Pharma,” Posner points to another example of private companies making exorbitant profits from drugs produced with public funding. The antiviral drug sofosbuvir, which is used to treat hepatitis C, stemmed from key research funded by the National Institutes of Health. That drug is now owned by Gilead Sciences, which charges $1,000 per pill — more than many people with hepatitis C can afford; Gilead earned $44 billion from the drug during its first three years on the market.

“Wouldn’t it be great to have some of the profits from those drugs go back into public research at the NIH?” asked Posner.

Instead, the profits have funded huge bonuses for drug company executives and aggressive marketing of drugs to consumers. They have also been used to further boost the profitability of the pharmaceutical sector. According to calculations by Axios, drug companies make 63 percent of total health care profits in the U.S. That’s in part because of the success of their lobbying efforts. In 2019, the pharmaceutical industry spent $295 million on lobbying, far more than any other sector in the U.S. That’s almost twice as much as the next biggest spender — the electronics, manufacturing, and equipment sector — and well more than double what oil and gas companies spent on lobbying. The industry also spends lavishly on campaign contributions to both Democratic and Republican lawmakers. Throughout the Democratic primary, Joe Biden has led the pack among recipients of contributions from the health care and pharmaceutical industries.

The Coronavirus CrisisRead Our Complete CoverageThe Coronavirus Crisis

Big Pharma’s spending has positioned the industry well for the current pandemic. While stock markets have plummeted in reaction to the Trump administration’s bungling of the crisis, more than 20 companies working on a vaccine and other products related to the new SARS-CoV-2 virus have largely been spared. Stock prices for the biotech company Moderna, which began recruiting participants for a clinical trial of its new candidate for a coronavirus vaccine two weeks ago, have shot up during that time.

On Thursday, a day of general carnage in the stock markets, Eli Lilly’s stock also enjoyed a boost after the company announced that it, too, is joining the effort to come up with a therapy for the new coronavirus. And Gilead Sciences, which is at work on a potential treatment as well, is also thriving. Gilead’s stock price was already up since news that its antiviral drug remdesivir, which was created to treat Ebola, was being given to Covid-19 patients. Today, after Wall Street Journal reported that the drug had a positive effect on a small number of infected cruise ship passengers, the price went up further.

Several companies, including Johnson & Johnson, DiaSorin Molecular, and QIAGEN have made it clear that they are receiving funding from the Department of Health and Human Services for efforts related to the pandemic, but it is unclear whether Eli Lilly and Gilead Sciences are using government money for their work on the virus. To date, HHS has not issued a list of grant recipients. And according to Reuters, the Trump administration has told top health officials to treat their coronavirus discussions as classified and excluded staffers without security clearances from discussions about the virus.

Former top lobbyists of both Eli Lilly and Gilead now serve on the White House Coronavirus Task Force. Azar served as director of U.S. operations for Eli Lilly and lobbied for the company, while Joe Grogan, now serving as director of the Domestic Policy Council, was the top lobbyist for Gilead Sciences.  


Egilsstašir, 21.08.2020   Jónas Gunnlaugsson Rķkisstjórnin ķ tvöfalda skimun og smitgįt
Tilkynna um óvišeigandi tengingu viš frétt

Hver ręšur stjórnvaldinu. Lyfjaišnašurinn eyddi 2019, 295 millj. dollara, kr. ķ eftirlit meš stjórnvöldum og lagasetningu. Tvöfalt meira en ašrir. Alls ekki mį nota trausta allmenna žekkingu, eša žraut reynd lyf sem kosta lķtiš, og virka.

40 milljaršar ķslenskra króna, sem lyfjaišnašurinn

eyddi į įrinu 2019 ķ aš halda utanum, snśast ķ kringum


Lyfjafyrirtękin lķta į coronavirus faraldurinn

eins og višskiptatękifęri,

sem žś fęrš ašeins einusinni ķ lķfinu.

Pharmaceutical companies view the coronavirus pandemic

as a once-in-a-lifetime busienss opportunity.


Hvaš ręšur geršum stjórnvalda. Lyfjaišnašurinn eyddi įriš 2019, 295 milljónum dollara,  eša 40.214.400.000 kr. ķ aš hafa eftirlit meš stjórnvöldum og lagasetningu. Žaš er tvöfalt meira en ašrir. Alls ekki mį nota trausta allmenna žekkingu, eša žraut reynd lyf sem kosta lķtiš, og virka vel.


Big Pharma Prepares to Profit From the Coronavirus

Pharmaceutical companies view the coronavirus pandemic

as a once-in-a-lifetime business opportunity.

Sharon Lerner

March 13 2020, 6:46 p.m.


Hér er ég aš velta žvķ fyrir mér, hvaš rįši stjórnvaldsašgeršum ķ dag.

Lyfja išnašurinn eyddi įriš 2019, 295 milljónum dollara,  eša 40.214.400.000 kr. ķ aš hafa eftirlit meš geršum stjórnmįlamanna og embęttismanna og allra žeirra sem hafa įhrif į stjórnsżsluna og Žį lagasetninguna.

Žaš er um tvöfalt meira en žeir sem koma nęstir,  Alls ekki mį nota trausta allmenna žekkingu, eša žraut reynd lyf sem kosta lķtiš, og virka vel.


Among the drugs that were developed with some public funding and went on to be huge earners for private companies are the HIV drug AZT and the cancer treatment Kymriah, which Novartis now sells for $475,000.

((Kostar 64.752.000 kr) og slóšin bakviš $ dollara töluna hér į undan er  )

In his book “Pharma,” Posner points to another example of private companies making exorbitant profits from drugs produced with public funding. The antiviral drug sofosbuvir, which is used to treat hepatitis C, stemmed from key research funded by the National Institutes of Health.

That drug is now owned by Gilead Sciences, which charges

$1,000 per pill — (136.320 kr jg)  

more than many people with hepatitis C can afford; Gilead earned $44 billion from the drug during its first three years on the market. 

Instead, the profits have funded huge bonuses for drug company executives and aggressive marketing of drugs to consumers.

They have also been used to further boost the profitability of the pharmaceutical sector.

According to calculations by Axios, drug companies make 63 percent of total health care profits in the U.S. That’s in part because of the success of their lobbying efforts.

In 2019, the pharmaceutical industry spent $295 million on lobbying, far more than any other sector in the U.S.

That’s almost twice as much as the next biggest spender — the electronics, manufacturing, and equipment sector — and well more than double what oil and gas companies spent on lobbying.

The industry also spends lavishly on campaign contributions to both Democratic and Republican lawmakers. Throughout the Democratic primary, Joe Biden has led the pack among recipients of contributions from the health care and pharmaceutical industries.




How Big Pharma Will Profit From the Coronavirus

As the new coronavirus spreads illness, death, and catastrophe around the world, virtually no economic sector has been spared from harm. Yet amid the mayhem from the global pandemic, one industry is not only surviving, it is profiting handsomely.

“Pharmaceutical companies view Covid-19 as a once-in-a-lifetime business opportunity,” said Gerald Posner, author of “Pharma: Greed, Lies, and the Poisoning of America.” The world needs pharmaceutical products, of course. For the new coronavirus outbreak, in particular, we need treatments and vaccines and, in the U.S., tests. Dozens of companies are now vying to make them.

“They’re all in that race,” said Posner, who described the potential payoffs for winning the race as huge. The global crisis “will potentially be a blockbuster for the industry in terms of sales and profits,” he said, adding that “the worse the pandemic gets, the higher their eventual profit.”


The ability to make money off of pharmaceuticals is already uniquely large in the U.S., which lacks the basic price controls other countries have, giving drug companies more freedom over setting prices for their products than anywhere else in the world. During the current crisis, pharmaceutical makers may have even more leeway than usual because of language industry lobbyists inserted into an $8.3 billion coronavirus spending package, passed last week, to maximize their profits from the pandemic.

Initially, some lawmakers had tried to ensure that the federal government would limit how much pharmaceutical companies could reap from vaccines and treatments for the new coronavirus that they developed with the use of public funding. In February, Rep. Jan Schakowsky, D-Ill., and other House members wrote to Trump pleading that he “ensure that any vaccine or treatment developed with U.S. taxpayer dollars be accessible, available and affordable,” a goal they said couldn’t be met “if pharmaceutical corporations are given authority to set prices and determine distribution, putting profit-making interests ahead of health priorities.”

The Coronavirus CrisisRead Our Complete CoverageThe Coronavirus Crisis

When the coronavirus funding was being negotiated, Schakowsky tried again, writing to Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar on March 2 that it would be “unacceptable if the rights to produce and market that vaccine were subsequently handed over to a pharmaceutical manufacturer through an exclusive license with no conditions on pricing or access, allowing the company to charge whatever it would like and essentially selling the vaccine back to the public who paid for its development.”

But many Republicans opposed adding language to the bill that would restrict the industry’s ability to profit, arguing that it would stifle research and innovation. And although Azar, who served as the top lobbyist and head of U.S. operations for the pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly before joining the Trump administration, assured Schakowsky that he shared her concerns, the bill went on to enshrine drug companies’ ability to set potentially exorbitant prices for vaccines and drugs they develop with taxpayer dollars.

The final aid package not only omitted language that would have limited drug makers’ intellectual property rights, it also left out language that had been in an earlier draft that would have allowed the federal government to take any action if it has concerns that the treatments or vaccines developed with public funds are priced too high.

“Those lobbyists deserve a medal from their pharma clients because they killed that intellectual property provision,” said Posner, who added that the omission of language allowing the government to respond to price gouging was even worse. “To allow them to have this power during a pandemic is outrageous.”


The truth is that profiting off public investment is also business as usual for the pharmaceutical industry. Since the 1930s, the National Institutes of Health has put some $900 billion into research that drug companies then used to patent brand-name medications, according to Posner’s calculations. Every single drug approved by the Food and Drug Administration between 2010 and 2016 involved science funded with tax dollars through the NIH, according to the advocacy group Patients for Affordable Drugs. Taxpayers spent more than $100 billion on that research.

Among the drugs that were developed with some public funding and went on to be huge earners for private companies are the HIV drug AZT and the cancer treatment Kymriah, which Novartis now sells for $475,000.

In his book “Pharma,” Posner points to another example of private companies making exorbitant profits from drugs produced with public funding. The antiviral drug sofosbuvir, which is used to treat hepatitis C, stemmed from key research funded by the National Institutes of Health. That drug is now owned by Gilead Sciences, which charges $1,000 per pill — more than many people with hepatitis C can afford; Gilead earned $44 billion from the drug during its first three years on the market.

“Wouldn’t it be great to have some of the profits from those drugs go back into public research at the NIH?” asked Posner.

Instead, the profits have funded huge bonuses for drug company executives and aggressive marketing of drugs to consumers. They have also been used to further boost the profitability of the pharmaceutical sector. According to calculations by Axios, drug companies make 63 percent of total health care profits in the U.S. That’s in part because of the success of their lobbying efforts. In 2019, the pharmaceutical industry spent $295 million on lobbying, far more than any other sector in the U.S. That’s almost twice as much as the next biggest spender — the electronics, manufacturing, and equipment sector — and well more than double what oil and gas companies spent on lobbying. The industry also spends lavishly on campaign contributions to both Democratic and Republican lawmakers. Throughout the Democratic primary, Joe Biden has led the pack among recipients of contributions from the health care and pharmaceutical industries.

The Coronavirus CrisisRead Our Complete CoverageThe Coronavirus Crisis

Big Pharma’s spending has positioned the industry well for the current pandemic. While stock markets have plummeted in reaction to the Trump administration’s bungling of the crisis, more than 20 companies working on a vaccine and other products related to the new SARS-CoV-2 virus have largely been spared. Stock prices for the biotech company Moderna, which began recruiting participants for a clinical trial of its new candidate for a coronavirus vaccine two weeks ago, have shot up during that time.

On Thursday, a day of general carnage in the stock markets, Eli Lilly’s stock also enjoyed a boost after the company announced that it, too, is joining the effort to come up with a therapy for the new coronavirus. And Gilead Sciences, which is at work on a potential treatment as well, is also thriving. Gilead’s stock price was already up since news that its antiviral drug remdesivir, which was created to treat Ebola, was being given to Covid-19 patients. Today, after Wall Street Journal reported that the drug had a positive effect on a small number of infected cruise ship passengers, the price went up further.

Several companies, including Johnson & Johnson, DiaSorin Molecular, and QIAGEN have made it clear that they are receiving funding from the Department of Health and Human Services for efforts related to the pandemic, but it is unclear whether Eli Lilly and Gilead Sciences are using government money for their work on the virus. To date, HHS has not issued a list of grant recipients. And according to Reuters, the Trump administration has told top health officials to treat their coronavirus discussions as classified and excluded staffers without security clearances from discussions about the virus.

Former top lobbyists of both Eli Lilly and Gilead now serve on the White House Coronavirus Task Force. Azar served as director of U.S. operations for Eli Lilly and lobbied for the company, while Joe Grogan, now serving as director of the Domestic Policy Council, was the top lobbyist for Gilead Sciences. Upphafiš aš samrįši viš almenning
Tilkynna um óvišeigandi tengingu viš frétt

Er žaš Heilsustofnun Bandarķkjanna, NIH, sem leišbeinir lęknum aš nota ekki HCQ, Hydroxychloroquine, og ef notaš, sé žaš į spķtalanum, žegar sjśklingurinn er settur į sjśkrahśs? Žį er vķrusinn bśin aš skemma varnir lķkamans og sżklar herja į lķffęri.


Er žaš Heilsustofnun Bandarķkjanna, National Institutes of Health, NIH, (eša Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC))

sem leišbeinir lęknum aš nota ekki  HCQ, Hydroxychloroquine, og ef žaš er notaš sé žaš notaš į spķtalanum, žegar sjśklingurinn er talin žaš veikur aš hann er settur į sjśkrahśs.

Žį er vķrusinn bśin aš skemma varnir lķkamans og ašrir sżklar farnir aš herja aš lungun og önnur lķffęri.

Ef sjśklingnum  hefši veriš gefiš HCQ, Hydroxychloroquine strax, Žį byrjar honum aš lķša betur  eftir 3 klukkutķma +/- 1, og žarf jafnvel ekki į sjśkrahśs. Žessi mešferš er sögš  kosta 20 dollara.


DEADLY COVER UP: Fauci Approved Hydroxy chloroquine 15 Years Ago to Cure Coronaviruses; Nobody Needed to Die. expert advice to President Trump has resulted in the complete shutdown of the greatest economic engine in world. This treatment costs about $20.

26.7.2020 | 23:52


HCQ, Hydroxychloroquine, hefur veriš notaš ķ 80 įr og virkaš mjög vel, er framleitt ķ stórum stķl og kostar lķtiš.

Gaman vęri aš vita hvort žaš er notaš ķ matvęli

Žetta er žaš sem viš lesum į netinu, og viršist nokkuš trśveršugt.

HCQ, Hydroxychloroquine. fundiš, 1940, samžykkt fyrir notkun viš lękningu į Malarķu, 1945,

Ķ gegn um įratugina reynist žaš mjög gott til aš drepa alla vķrusa og er žį mikiš notaš ķ hreinsiefni.

Įriš 2005 er  lyfiš samžykkt til notkunar į SARS-CoV af Heilsustofnun Bandarķkjanna, National Institutes of Health, NIH, 

Žar var Fauci forstjóri og er Fauci forstjóri enn ķ dag, 12.08.2020 aš stjórna ašgeršum gegn pestinni ķ Bandarķkjunum.


Endursögn, ķslenska.

Heilsugęslu yfirvöld vilja aš HCQ sé ašeins gefiš seint ķ sżkingunni. Einn lęknirinn sagši aš frį lęknisfręšilegu sjónarmiši vęri žetta heimskulegt. Sem lękni finnst mér žetta óskiljanlegt. Ég get ekki hugsaš mér neinn smitsjśkdóm, eins og bakterķur, sveppi eša veirur, žar sem best er aš bķša meš lękninguna žar til sżkingin er langt gengin, (mikil?).

Google žżšing.

Žó aš regressive (afturför, minnkandi, hlutfallsleg minnkun jg) heilsugęslustöšin vilji aš HCQ kokteilinn verši ašeins gefinn seint mešan į sżkingunni stendur, frį lęknisfręšilegu sjónarmiši, žį er žetta heimskulegt. Sagši einn lęknirinn, „Sem lęknir baffles žetta mig. Ég get ekki hugsaš mér eitt smitandi įstand - bakterķur, sveppar eša veirur - žar sem besta lęknismešferšin er aš fresta notkun sżklalyfja, sveppalyfja eša veirueyšandi žar til sżkingin er langt komin.


While the regressive health care establishment wants the HCQ cocktail to only be administered late in the course of the infection, from a medical standpoint, this is stupid. Said one doctor, “As a physician, this baffles me. I can’t think of a single infectious condition — bacterial, fungal, or viral — where the best medical treatment is to delay the use of an anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, or anti-viral until the infection is far advanced.

Egilsstašir, 19.08.2020   Jónas Gunnlaugsson


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