Obama Refuses To Allow Yazidi And Assyrian Christians Fleeing ISIS To Enter United States
10.1.2016 | 13:21
But when it comes to allowing in Assyrian Christians and Yazidis who are fleeing for their lives from ISIS, the Obama administration says no. America in just three years imported more immigrants from the Middle East than from Mexico and Central America combined.
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Obama Refuses To Allow Yazidi And Assyrian Christians Fleeing ISIS To Enter United States
Yazidi refugees flee ISIS, but find door to US asylum closed
EDITORS NOTE: Immigrants from the Middle East are currently the fastest growing immigration demographic coming into the U.S., a recent report from the Center for Immigration Studies shows. America in just three years imported more immigrants from the Middle East than from Mexico and Central America combined. But when it comes to allowing in Assyrian Christians and Yazidis who are fleeing for their lives from ISIS, the Obama administration says no.
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Sett á bloggiđ hjá: Einar Haukur Sigurjónsson
Egilsstađir, 09.01.2016 Jónas Gunnlaugsson
Jónas Gunnlaugsson, 9.1.2016 kl. 22:51
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