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Hvar er Ríkisútvarpiđ?

Egilsstađir, 13.11.2015 Jónas Gunnlaugsson


How to generate more and more refugees



….. * The number of people who illegally migrated to Europe in one single month (218,394 in October 2015 alone) was almost as large as the number of illegal migrants for the whole of 2014 (219,000). …..

….. On 2 November, Libya threatened to send millions of African migrants to Europe if the EU does not agree to certain Libyan demands. …..


….. Lately, the “failed states” have become aware of a great new resource: the very citizens they abuse. These, it turns out, can very profitably be used as a weapon against successful states. What a great idea! The successful states “must” accept the unfortunate hoards generated (intentionally) by the “failed states”. In other words, human rights norms which the successful, civilized states codified into “international law” in good faith, are now being abused intentionally by the world’s worst tyrants. …..

….. How long will it take the civilized world to figure out what is going on and change the rules? We do not know. …..

….. How long will it take the civilized world to figure out what is going on and change the rules? We do not know.

Here is a useful tip for you:

How can you detect a person, state or government who has not yet figured out what is going on?

Simple: Ask them whether they “support establishment of a Palestinian state”. It is after all, 100% clear to anybody who thinks about it, that if such a state were to be established, it would immediately become a failed state similar to the Gaza strip. So anyone who is supporting  Palestinian state, is supporting the whole concept of having failed states. States which are given, by the civilized world,  almost unlimited powers although they not only fail their own people, they also blackmail the entire globe – using their own people as weapons. …..

Er „New World Order" Islam? 

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