We had a pandemic in 2009. It was the H1N1 and you know what? THE FLU STRAIN GOING AROUND NOW IS H1N1. Our patients who have the flu have H1N1, from China. All of that works against the re-election of President Trump.

DR: We had a pandemic in 2009.

It was the H1N1 and you know what? THE FLU STRAIN GOING AROUND NOW IS H1N1.

Our patients who have the flu have H1N1.

We’re not focused on that at all. 

It’s not as big a deal as they thought it was. 

I just saw an article where Anthony Fauci’s warning we might have a new pandemic coming of H1N1 from China. 

That strain is already here. 

There’s a lot of misinformation, a lot of things blown out of proportion, and I’m here to tell you the good news. Look at those countries, look at my results. I believe Dr. Lozano is doing the right thing as well.


All of that works against the re-election of President Trump.



Dr. Richard Bartlett | ACWT Interview — PART 2 TRANSCRIPT

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