Ţiđ sem hafiđ góđa menntun, lesiđ og hugsiđ, jafnvel skýriđ ţetta allt fyrir okkur hinum, sem erum tregari. Phase I of Deep State’s Psyop to Impose Strict Gun Control Measures Nationwide.


OPERATION HOGG WASH: Phase I of Deep State’s Psyop to Impose Strict Gun Control Measures Nationwide


H O G G g a t e:
The Inevitable Consequence of

The CIA’s MKUltra mind control program launches the career of the Mockingbird Media‘s newest star—David Hogg.

How does a trained crisis actor from Hollywood show up at Stoneman
Douglas HS, after attending a California High School, and lead a new
student gun control movement that has already changed the laws in

Answer: Deep State

Florida Governor Caves, Orders New Gun Control Measures

State of the Nation

SOTN Editor’s Note: Florida Governor Rick Scott has already — UNILATERALLY — changed the gun laws in Florida after these folks showed up on the steps of the capitol building. (See photos here: LIBERAL HYSTERIA: Gun Control Protest in Tallahassee Florida in Response to the Parkland Mass Shooting)

But how did this really happen?  What follows is just one small piece of this Deep State puzzle being put together by the seditious U.S. Intelligence Community.  Let’s call Phase I of this op—Operation Hogg Wash.

There are actually many pieces to this CIA-coordinated black operation to foist new firearm restrictions on Floridians.  Operation Hogg Wash represents a crucial shift in the cabal’s strategy to use school children to carry out their nefarious New World Order agenda.

KEY POINT: Florida is world-renowned for having the highest concentration of wealth in the world that stretches along the Gold Coastfrom Stuart to the Keys.  Domiciled in this same region is the greatest number of Illuminati families on the planet.  The Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School is located right in the heart of this highly protected area—Broward County, Florida.  The power elite don’t want to be threatened by gunowners when things start to fall apart, as they surely will.

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1 Smámynd: Valdimar Samúelsson

Flott grein Jónas Er ţetta ekki bara sama vitleysan og međ hugmyndina ađ gefa 16 ára börnum kosningarétt. Eins og einn sagđi flest búa enn hjá foreldrunum.

Deep state er ekkert grín og líklega hafa ţeir sprautađ ţessu eiturgasi á fyrrverandi rússneskan njósnara. Ţeir eru eyđileggingamátturinn sem Democratar stjórna.

Valdimar Samúelsson, 27.3.2018 kl. 19:53

2 Smámynd: Valdimar Samúelsson

Sjá feita letriđ. Ţetta er nefnilega sama hér á íslandi menn sitja áfram í ráđuneytunum...According to whistleblower Edward Snowden, "the deep state is not just the intelligence agencies, it is really a way of referring to the career bureaucracy of government. These are officials who sit in powerful positions, who don't leave when presidents do, who watch presidents come and go...they influence policy, they influence presidents."[13]  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deep_state_in_the_United_States

Valdimar Samúelsson, 27.3.2018 kl. 20:03

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