Það er styrjöld í Washington, Trump og lýðurinn annarsvegar og svo stjórnkerfið, fína fólkið, nústaðreyndatrúarfólkið, sem sættir sig illa við að láta Trump stöðva gjaldmiðlastríðin, fólksfækkunar stríðin, og nýjar skapandi lausnir í anda Nikola Tesla.

Við þurfum ekki að fækka fólkinu. Munum að ást og umhyggja móðurinnar, leiðir hana til að leita bestu lausna fyrir afkvæmið.

Skapararnir og Nú staðreynda trúar fólkið.

Það er nóg til

Verum fulltrúar gnægta, lausna.

Learn, learn, learn. Læra, læra, læra.

Jóhannesarguðspjall, Kafli 14, vers 6

US intel agencies deliberately sank Flynn, don’t care about national security – ex-CIA officer


 There’s a war in Washington – Donald Trump is facing a conflict not just with the media, but also with his own intelligence community. Now that the military lobby is infiltrating positions of power, and as the CIA struggles to get its influence back, what kind of shift are we going to see in the corridors of power? Will the intelligence community keep leaking data, or will they rally behind the new leader? We ask former CIA intelligence officer, former head of the CIA’s Bin Laden Unit – Michael Scheuer.

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Sophie Shevardnadze: Michael Scheuer, veteran CIA officer, welcome to the show. It's great to have you with us. Sir, American spy agencies are withholding secret information from the president and his administration - and that's according to sources in Washington cited by The Wall Street Journal. An intelligence official also told the Observer paper that the ‘good stuff’ is kept from the White House. Are parts of the intelligence community engaged in a battle against the President?

Michael Scheuer: The intelligence community in the U.S. of course, has been completely politicised under two people: first under George Bush by keeping a Democrat named George Tenet in charge of the CIA, and he staffed the agency with pro-Democratic people, and, certainly, Mr. Obama staffed it full of Democratic operatives,  people who are indebted to the Democratic party. Immigrants, hispanics, transgender people, homosexuals - people who have more affinity for Democrats than for America or for the Republican party. So, it is a problem, although, I think, probably it's a bit overblown.


SS: So, you think them being indebted to Bush and Obama because they gave them job at CIA, they would go into a battle against president?

MS: Not so much against Bush, but in favor of George Tenet who is a Democratic party operative. The glow of support for the Democratic party from the people they've put in there is very strong one, and the feel for the need their protection from the people who were sent into the agency and into different intelligence community organisations is very strong. But I think that, again, I think it's overblown, and I think the president will sort it out. He may well have to purge some people of the organisations for being too partisan.

SS: President Trump has accused the FBI and NSA of ‘illegally’ leaking information to the press, giving out sensitive information ‘like candy’  - are intelligence agencies deliberately trying to harm Trump’s Cabinet?

MS: At least, in the case of General Flynn it seems to be the case, because the only place that information could've come from was from NSA collecting or the FBI collecting intelligence. Now, it's not per se illegal to collect against the American citizen, as long as it's done passively and what I mean is they were surely collecting against the Russian Ambassador, that's fair game. But, generally, if they collect what an American is saying, it's not released and it's redacted, so, clearly, they meant to do Flynn harm and, unfortunately they did.

SS: The NSA intercepted the calls between Trump officials, then the FBI ordered to collect as much information as possible  - according to the New York Times once again. Now are American intelligence agencies just spying on their own administration?

MS: I think, it's probably a mistake to take anything the NYT says with any bid of faith in what they're saying. They're clearly out to destroy this presidency, it's only a month old, and I think the President can handle the press, simply by going over their head in news conferences and twitter and videos and things like that. The real problem, though, is cleaning out the government of Democratic apparatchiks and people who are more inclined to want to cooperate with the world rather than protecting America first. ...


Egilsstaðir, 21.03.2017  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Ef að Nikola Tesla og fleiri hefðu látið afturhaldið ráða för þá hefðum við ekki þessa gnægð eins og við höfum í dag. Kári Stefánsson er skyldugur* að upplýsa mæðurnar um hvað er æskilegt.

Við allir, hjálpum hver öðrum.

Kári verður að drífa sig í að rannsaka hvaða áhrif, fæða móðurinnar, hefur á kyn okkar mannanna.

Það er töluvert skrifað um að soja baunir séu með eitthvað sem er sagt að líkist kvenhormónum.

Ýmsir segja að þetta kvenhormónalíki hafi áhrif á þroska fóstra.

Kári Stefánsson er skyldugur* að upplýsa mæðurnar um hvað er æskilegt.

Búum til himnaríki á jörð.

Ef þú lítur 100 ár aftur í tímann, þá er líklegt að fólkinu á þeim tima hefði fundist við í dag, vera í himnaríki.

Ef að Nikola Tesla og fleiri hefðu látið afturhaldið ráða för þá hefðum við ekki þessa gnægð eins og við höfum í dag.

Margir eru útundan, en það lögum við strax.

*Skyldugur, Kári hefur þekkinguna, getuna og dugnaðinn, til að fá fjármuni til að leita lausna og leiðbeina fólkinu í þessum málum.

Bið ykkur vel að lifa.



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Egilsstaðir, 21.03.2017  Jónas Gunnlaugsson


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