Chinese developers bought almost 40 per cent of the total $5 billion spent on Australia’s residential development sites in 2016. Mannstu, þú lést hirða af þér heimili fjölskyldunnar, hér á Íslandi.

Chinese developers bought almost 40 per cent of the total $5 billion spent on Australia’s residential development sites in 2016,


Chinese developers bought almost 40 per cent of the total $5 billion spent on Australia’s residential development sites in 2016, with a clear trend towards buying up land in far-flung Sydney and Melbourne suburbs, new research shows.



Erum við hugsunarlaus, skaplaus, getum við lært af Sigmundi Davíð að skella hurðum, en gæta að því að engin klemmi sig.

Ef til vill er betra að stappa fótunum og berja saman hnefunum.

 Kreppufléttan, endurtekið

Og það besta, ég lánaði þér ekki neitt.  


'Thanks, Sydney, for destroying our dream'

'Thanks, Sydney, for destroying our dream'

Underbidders Robbie and Elizabeth Allison, who are expecting their first child in May, had been hoping to start their family in the Rozelle home.

Underbidders Robbie and Elizabeth Allison, who are expecting their first child in May, had been hoping to start their family in the Rozelle home. Photo: Fiona Morris


Ætlar Alþingi virkilega að bíða þar til í júní eftir skýrslu um uppkaup útlendinga á Íslandi.

Egilsstaðir, 26.02.2017  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Hlöðum huganum? í tölvu árið 2045 .. gervi líkami innann 90 ára segir sérfræðingur frá Google... create a physical, thinking brain for robots, computers that can think for themselves, ... Avatar projects, autonomous robots ... mind controlling squids.

Joe S.Fyrir 2 árum

When the government says “We’re gonna” they mean “We did 20 years ago
Þegar DARPA segir, við ætlum, þá þýðir það, við gerðum það fyrir 20 árum.

Þunnt, grunnt, ég má ekki segja þetta, en við ættum að læra meira af Tesla, þegar hann talar um, the core, og vísar til geislana sem tilheyra hverri þjóð.

Tesla virðist hafa dýpt.

Top DARPA Projects That Should Creep You Out

klikka, fá myndina stærri


Published on Jul 7, 2013

(Truthstream Dystopic Hollywood nightmares have nothing on real life military research projects. During Truthstream Media's June 29th broadcast on, Melissa Melton listed off a long, creepy list of semi-secret projects the military is pursuing under DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency). In addition to the many robots DARPA has created to mimic human walking, throw cinder blocks, run on four legs at cheetah speed, climb trees, grasp objects, kill targets and more, DARPA has announced projects including mapping the human brain, trying to create a physical, thinking brain for robots, computers that can think for themselves, tracking rat brains over the Internet, real-life Avatar projects, autonomous robots, electronic tattoos and pills swallowed to authenticate online access instead of passwords, mapping the neuroscience of the "fight or flight response," tracking heart beats and other long distance biometrics, quantifying and track "love" and emotive responses, mind controlling squids.... and much much more.

Egilsstaðir, 25.02.2017 Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Við munum hlaða hugann? Inn í tölvu árið 2045 og við skiptum út líkamanum okkar innann 90 ára segir sérfræðingur frá Google... create a physical, thinking brain for robots, computers that can think for themselves, ... real-life Avatar projects, autonomous robots ... track "love" and emotive responses, mind controlling squids

Joe S.Fyrir 2 árum

When the government says “We’re gonna” they mean “We did 20 years ago
Þegar DARPA segir, við ætlum, þá þýðir það, við gerðum það fyrir 20 árum.
Hér er góð setning í þessari færslu, svo að ég tók þessa með.

Bloggfærslur 26. febrúar 2017


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