Ţú setur símann ţinn í Faraday - Box, og ţá sér og heyrir CIA, Central Intelligence Agency, ekki lengur ţađ sem ţú segir og gerir. - É g - held ađ ţessi ađferđ - d u g i - e k k i - fyrir nútíma síma.

frown  Ég held ađ ţessi ađferđ dugi ekki fyrir nútíma síma.

Make your own stylish smartphone Faraday Box in 10 minutes


Birt 14. maí 2017

With the release of WikiLeak’s “Year Zero” information on the CIA’s capabilities, you might be forgiven if you’re worried about your privacy. It’s a bit annoying to think that some bozo is remotely activating your smartphone’s mic to spy on your extremely dramatic dinnertime conversations. You could buy some overly expensive “Faraday Bag” to stick your phone in when you’re not using it, but who wants an ugly black overpriced lunch bag? Instead, just make your own Faraday Box. It’s cheap, stylish, hip, and it only takes about 10 minutes to make!

Egilsstađir, 17.12.2017 Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Bloggfćrslur 17. desember 2017


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