Robert Steele: Media Disinformation, Active Lies, Criminal Legal Liability Soon?
Bloggar | Breytt s.d. kl. 19:36 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
Samkvæmt vatnsmerkjum á fullgildum atkvæðaseðlum, sem fluttir voru inn í Quantum tölvuna, vann Trump endurkjör með rúmlega 80% af löglegum atkvæðagreiðslum. Í lokin voru fullgilt atkvæði talin: Trump 73,5 milljónir atkvæða og Biden 25,9 milljónir atkvæða.
14.11.2020 | 20:42
Endursögn og Google translate.
Trump Win staðfest af Quantum Blockchain kerfi Endurtalning atkvæða
Sunnudagur 8. nóvember 2020 15:01
Endurtalning atkvæðaseðla á landsvísu var unnin af úrvalsdeildum þjóðvarðliðsins snemma í dag, morgun 8. Nóvember. Til að koma í veg fyrir svik voru opinberir atkvæðaseðlar prentaðir með ósýnilegu, óbrjótanlegu kóða vatnsmerki og skráð í Quantum Blockchain kerfi.
Þegar þetta var skrifað höfðu í fimm ríkjum verið settar 14 milljónir atkvæðaseðla í gegnum leysiskanna - 78% þeirra mistókust vegna þess að ekkert vatnsmerki var til að staðfesta atkvæðagreiðsluna.
Af þeim sem misheppnuðust höfðu 100% kosið Biden.
Upphaflegt próf sýndi að samkvæmt vatnsmerkjum á fullgildum atkvæðaseðlum, sem fluttir voru í Quantum tölvuna, vann Trump endurkjör með yfir 80% af löglegum atkvæðagreiðslum.
Endanleg fullgild atkvæði náðu saman í því prófi: Trump fékk 73,5 milljónir atkvæða og Biden 25,9 milljónir - og þá var ekki einu sinni grein fyrir Trump atkvæðunum sem menn sáu að var hent og aldrei gerð grein fyrir.
Athyglisvert þó, þessar tölur voru í samræmi við Twitter reikninga karlanna tveggja: Trump var með 88,8 milljónir fylgjenda, Biden 16,6 milljónir.
Með því að nota innrauðan búnað sem les hvort atkvæðaseðlar voru raunverulegir eða falsaðir. Úrvals þjóðvarðliðsmenn höfðu verið sendir til tólf markríkja, vafa ríkjana, Alabama, Arizona, Pennsylvaníu, Colorado, Texas, Wisconsin, Tennessee, Washington, Virginia, Delaware, Illinois og Kentucky.
Alls á landsvísu voru yfir 500 þjóðvarðliðsmenn á varðbergi með öllum talninga teimum.
Margt fleira var í prófað vegna sviksamlegrar atkvæðagreiðslu.
Auk vatnsmerkisins voru í þessum opinberu atkvæðaseðlum einnig blek úr korni, sem skapaði rafrænt geislunarrásarauðkenni sem gat rakið staðsetningu atkvæðagreiðslunar með GPS-mælingu.
Með öðrum orðum, þeir gætu rakið hvort atkvæðið var fyllt út af þeim sem nefndur var á kjörseðlinum.
Trump-liðið myndi leggja fram fjölda máls á mán. 9. nóvember Þeir höfðu lengi undirbúið sig undir þessa hugsanlegu, kosningasvindlrannsókn sem kallast Project Veritas.
Judicial Watch: Nýja rannsóknin okkar sýnir 1,8 milljón umfram eða draugakjósendur í 353 sýslum í 29 ríkjum.
Gögnin varpa ljósi á þá óráðsíu að senda atkvæðaseðla á einhverja skráningalista,
Horfðu meira á:
Lestu á
Í Pennsylvaníu einni hafði lögfræðingur Trump, Rudy Guliani, vitnisburð 50-60 áhorfenda á kjörstöðum, sem sögðust vera sviptir getu til að fylgjast með talningu.
Á landsvísu sagði lögfræðingur Sydney Powell (orðrómur um að verða skipaður næsti forstjóri FBI),
Hamar og skorkort - NSA öryggishugbúnaðurinn breytti ólöglegum kosningahugbúnaði - rak algrím sem veitti Biden 3% forskot atkvæða í Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvaníu, Georgíu, Nevada og Arizona.
Sjáðu um að gerð verði grein fyrir öllum lögfræðilegum álita málum áður en kjörmennirnir koma saman þann 14. desember 2020.
Þá þurfa raunverulegar niðurstöður kosninga að liggja fyrir með öllum löglegum atkvæðum.
Sameiginlegur fundur deilda þingsins tilkynnir kosningaúrslit opinberlega 3. janúar 2021.
14.11.2020 | 20:42
Egilsstaðir, 15.11.2020 Jónas Gunnlaugsson
Bloggar | Breytt 17.11.2020 kl. 09:38 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
Með óverðtryggða láninu greiðist lánið fyrr upp, Þá eru færri krónur/ár teknar að láni.
Þá er að sjálfsögðu lægri greiðsla af láninu.
Sá sem hefur góð laun og hefur einhvern til að hlaupa undir bagga með sér, getur tekið óverðtryggt lán.
Athuga lán, greiðslur fyrir krónur/ár.
Egilsstaðir, 10.11.2020 Jónas Gunnlaugsson
Jónas Gunnlaugsson, 10.11.2020 kl. 14:43
Framhald, sá sem á góða að, hefur góða mentun, góð laun, þá er engin vandi að taka óverðtryggt lán.
Egilsstaðir, 10.11.2020 Jónas Gunnlaugsson
Jónas Gunnlaugsson, 10.11.2020 kl. 14:46
Framhald. Ég set á þetta blog, ég held að þeir leyfi mér það.
Niðurstöður fyrir of marga verkamenn
7 bloggfærslur fundust
Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 26. maí 2020
Sett á blog: Halldór Jónsson Gleymdi maðurinn C 000 Ég er að reyna að setja þetta með áherslum, en það gæti farið um víðan völl. Þá bið ég afsökunar. Peningur er bókhald, maður án vinnu er tap, við glötum verðmæti, við glötum vinnu handa og huga.
Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 1. desember 2019
Þegar hvíti maðurinn leikur guð. Að þunglyndi, depurð og ótti sé að verða fararnesti … barna okkar í dag. 000 Þetta er allt á
Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 19. mars 2019
Af hverju er verið að setja hættumerki á þessa síðu??? Vilja stjórnendur að allmenningur þori ekki að lesa um sannleikann??? This site is not secure - This might mean that someone’s trying to fool you or steal any info you send to the server. You
Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 19. september 2018
Hvaða þýðingu hefur nú þessi síendurtekna yfirlýsing þín, Jónas, að peningar séu bókhald? Merkir hún að fólk eigi ekki að greiða skuldir sínar? Ef ekki, hvað leiðir þá af henni? Þakka þér fyrir að vekja máls á þessu. Athugasemdir við blogg, slóð Allir
Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 22. ágúst 2018
Sett á blogg: Einar Björn Bjarnason Venezúela fjarlægir 5-núll af gjaldmiðli sínum - tengir hann síðan við ímyndaðan gjaldmiðil 000 Þetta má skoða. Nú virðast forustumenn landana fá til sín bestu menn, til að búa til fjárhags bókhaldskerfi fyrir löndin,
Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 22. mars 2018
slóð Kennsla í góðri peninga, bókhalds stjórnun. Allir læri og hjálpi til við endursköpun fjármála bókhaldsins, peninganna, ekki síst að hjálpa þeim sem eru fastir í gamla peningatrúarkerfinu. Peningur er bókhald, skrifuð tala. Þetta er allt á íslensku
Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 16. mars 2018
Þetta er allt á íslensku og því auðveldara að skilja það. (Mikið af eftirfarandi efni er úr útvarpsþætti sem þingmaðurinn Charles G. Binderup frá Nebraska flutti fyrir hálfri öld og frú Lucie Boulrice tók saman.) Hvernig Ameríka bjó til sína eigin
Egilsstaðir, 10.11.2020 Jónas Gunnlaugsson
Egilsstaðir, 15.11.2020 Jónas Gunnlaugsson
Jónas Gunnlaugsson, 10.11.2020 kl. 15:09
Bloggar | Breytt s.d. kl. 16:21 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
A recount of voting ballots nationwide was being done by elite units of the National Guard by early Sun. morning 8 Nov. To prevent fraud official ballots had been printed with an invisible, unbreakable code watermark and registered on a Quantum Blockchain System.
As of this writing, in five states 14 million ballots had been put through a laser scanner 78% of which failed because there was no watermark to verify the ballot.
Of those that failed 100% had checked for Biden.
An initial test showed that according to water marks on validated ballots fed into the Quantum Computer, Trump won re-election by over 80% of the legal ballot cast.
The final validated vote tallied in that test: Trump 73.5 million votes to Bidens 25.9 million and that didnt even account for Trump votes that people observed being tossed and never accounted for.
Interesting enough, those figures corresponded with the two mens Twitter accounts: Trump had 88.8 million followers to Bidens 16.6 million.
Using infra red equipment that read which ballots were real, or fake the elite National Guardsmen had been deployed to the twelve targeted states of Alabama, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Colorado, Texas, Wisconsin, Tennessee, Washington, Virginia, Delaware, Illinois and Kentucky.
In all nationwide, over 500 National Guardsmen were on guard over all ballot counting units.
There was much more to the tests for fraudulent voting.
In addition to the watermark these official ballots also contained ink made of corn, which created an electronic radiation circuit ID that could trace the location of that ballot through GPS transmission.
In other words, they could trace if the ballot was filled out by the person named on the ballot.
The Trump team would be filing a number of lawsuits on Mon. 9 Nov. They had been preparing for this for a long time under an election fraud investigation called Project Veritas.
Judicial Watch: Our new study shows 1.8M excess, or ghost voters in 353 counties across 29 states.
The data highlights the recklessness of mailing blindly ballots/ballot applications to voter registration lists,
Watch more:
Read at
In Pennsylvania alone Trumps legal counsel Rudy Guliani had testimony of 50-60 poll watchers who claimed being deprived of an ability to inspect mail in ballots.
Nationally, noted attorney Sydney Powell (rumored to be appointed the next FBI director) said,
Hammer and Scorecard the NSA Security Software turned illegal Election Software ran an algorithm that gave Biden a 3% vote advantage in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Nevada and Arizona.
Rest assured, all legal issues would be accounted for by the time the Electoral College met on 14 Dec. 2020.
By then real election results post court battles would determine all legally cast ballots.
The joint session of Congress would make the election official on 3 Jan. 2021.
Bloggar | Breytt 16.11.2020 kl. 19:07 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (3)
The Republican Party spent millions of dollars on lawyers in anticipation of election-related legal battles who have abandoned President Donald Trump, said Harmeet Dhillon, the former vice chairwoman of the California Republican Party.
Dhillon observed how Republican donors have been parasitized by political consultants, campaigns, political action committees, and related operations. She shared her analysis on Thursdays edition of SiriusXMs Breitbart News Tonight with host Joel Pollak.
If we continue to run [elections and campaigns] like we have now, which is sort of a clique of grifters taking a bunch of money as middlemen from in between donors and giving it to candidates and ground and and party infrastructure, we will lose, Dhillon said.
We will lose elections forever, Dhillon said. We have to do a better job of doing that hard, unglamorous work. Yes, paying lawyers to go do that work in advance.
What were finding right now is quite a few of the lawyers that signed up and got huge multimillion-dollar grant payouts from the GOP, theyve thrown the president under the bus in the past week, Dhillon said.
All of a sudden its become unfashionable [to defend Trump], thanks to bullies on the left trashing lawyers who work for election integrity this week, Dhillon added. And one after the other, these people are caving in. They make excuses, and theyre finding ways to gracefully bow out. That was not money well spent, and that was predictable.
Dhillon highlighted the weakness of some conservatives who acquiesce to left-wing and partisan Democrat pressures.
Fair-weather friends have been quite a hallmark of the recent years in our Republican Party, Dhillon determined. That includes a lot of people who staff the Trump administration. They were fair-weather friends. They blow with the wind
Adversity clarifies depth of friendship, Dhillon stated. I think we have to figure out who our friends are, she advised. We have to do that hard work. We have to eat our vegetables, and we have to prepare to win. We have to be just as ruthless as the other side.
All of this graceful loser stuff, sorry, theres no losing and winning yet. We have to finish the process before we start talking about that, not just give in prematurely to be popular at cocktail parties, Dhillon said.
Dhillon called for a post-election accounting of Republican politicking.
After this election is over we have to look, as conservatives, at how we run and fund these elections, Dhillon said. Im a donor and Im a volunteer, so I have no axe to grind other than I hate it when I write checks and it turns out that theyre being wasted on the lavish lifestyles of certain political consultants and political figures, and Ive seen that in election cycles.
Whats not glamorous is doing the groundwork that makes sure that somebody is checking these voting machines. Do they have infirmities? Texas did that. Texas rejected the voting machines that are now at issue in this election in multiple states with the Dominion software. They rejected that. They said its too vulnerable to hacking, Dhillon said.
Where were the other Republicans in vetting these and putting up objections? Dhillon asked. Lobbyists play a role. Sometimes the lobbyists are cozy with the Republican governor and stuff gets through. I understand that. That happened in Georgia, allegedly.
Filing lawsuits against states and counties to remove deceased persons from voter rolls is less glamorous than political consultancy work involving luxury hotels and self-promotion, Dhillon held.
When you see a state that has dead people on the rolls, sue them county by county until you eliminate the dead people, Dhillon stated. At least eliminate the bulk of the dead people on the rolls so that people cant go request ballots in their names.
Nobody wants to do that, you know why? Because you dont make a 15 percent mail percentage off of that. You dont get to take road trips and stay at the Four Seasons. You dont have any scam PACs that are trying to do that work. So that is the conversation we need to have, Dhillon said.
Whos gonna do that grunt work? Guess what? The left is doing it. The left has major donors who have set up organizations and they do that grunt work and they win in Georgia, which has always been a red state, Dhillon said.
Breitbart News Tonight broadcasts live on SiriusXM Patriot channel 125 weeknights from 9:00 p.m. to midnight Eastern or 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Pacific.
2020 ElectionPoliticsRadioConsultant ClassDominion Voting SystemsHarmeet DhillonLawyersPermanent Political Classpolitical action committeepolitical consultantsRepublican PartyRepublicansSuper PACSuper PACs
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Höfundur var aðal ræðumaður okkar fyrir Texas Medical Association, og útskýrði að þúsundir dóu úr polio bóluefninu, og tugir þúsunda voru lamaðir eða veiklaðir vegna bóluefnisins.
7.11.2020 | 01:38
Endursögn ólærðs alþýðumanns.
28:44 mín Tölum um bóluefni almennt. Þegar þeir hófu keppnina um polio bóluefnið 'Polio an American Story' er bók frá árinu 2005.
Höfundur var aðal ræðumaður okkar fyrir Texas Medical Association, og útskýrði að þúsundir dóu úr polio bóluefninu, og tugir þúsunda voru lamaðir eða veiklaðir vegna bóluefnisins.
Við viljum ekki fara of fljótt í að nota bóluefni og ekki þvinga það á Bandaríkjamenn þegar bóluefnið er óþarfi, og í öðru lagi þurfum við að tryggja að við sleppum ekki neinum af þeim ransóknum sem sanna að það sé öruggt.
DG: Stökkbreytingar voru 243 í Íslenskri rannsókn, segja okkur að bóluefnið sem þeir eru að reyna að þróa núna, jafnvel þótt þeir hafi gert það fullkomlega rétt og að það virki á núverandi COVID19 veiru myndi ekki vinna gegn öllum öðrum stökkbreytingum á veirunum.
DR: Það gæti verið að það virkaði ekki eftir 2 mánuði héðan í frá og það góða við meðferðina sem ég er að nota, er sama hversu oft vírusinn stökk breytist þá virkar allmennt meðferðin sem ég nota á hita, bólgur og sársauka, inflammation . Þetta er öndunarbælingarlausn fyrir öndunarfærabólguvandamál og virkað vel á fólkið. COVID saga hvers einstaklings er mismunandi, en þakka þér Jesús þeir lifðu allir.
Egilsstaðir, 13.11.2020 Jónas Gunnlaugsson
Bloggar | Breytt 29.11.2020 kl. 00:05 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
Trump will have mercy on those who go quietly out of the way.
Donald Trump Jr: Declassify Everything
We will know by thanksgiving. Unlike other false flag crimes, stealing the election has millions, not dozens, of whistleblowers. An avalanche of crime is about to be revealed and the organization behind the media machine is going to go down too.
and then we do election reform so that in 2022 all Independents, small parties, and yes the Sanderistas are proportionally and honestly represented.
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Core References:
Sidney Powell: New Legal Fund to Election Lawsuits
Every Legal Vote Map and Table of Detected Fraud Across Seven States
Newest headlines:
Anna Von Reitz: Scorecard and the End of Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden
Original post and past updates below the fold.
UPDATES (Newest on Top):
VIDEO: Trump movement more powerful than DEEP STATE expected
Trump will win the House Thank California for it several weeks away
BOMBSHELL: Anon Crunches Voter Data, Discovers Election Software Dominion Producing Massive Fraud
Lets be very clear about the 2020 election outcome: FRAUD VITIATES EVERYTHING.
Puerto Rico finds 126 briefcases with uncounted ballots 1 week after election
VIDEO: Bannon & Gorka on Paths to Legitimized Re-Election
Army officer comments via email:
As much as I would like to see something done to the law breaking perpetrators of this fraudulent election,
I really do not believe anything will be accomplished to ensure people go to jail.
Absolutely nothing has been done over the past 4-years to incarcerate the bad apples and it is too late to expect anything will happen.
Action is always louder than words or hope!
The only thing a thug respects is another thug that has more power and literally physically beats them down.
As such, until Conservatives stand up with physical action, everything we see happening will continue to be the norm.
Imagine if Nancy Pelosi had her house burnt to the ground, AOC was robbed at gun point in NYC and roughed up, Shumers extended family identified and their residences destroyed,
the current call by left wing Minneapolis politician begging for LEA help being denied
after what they did to the police, Hunter Biben being stabbed by an ice pick at a bar or whore house he regularly goes to, etc, etc, etc.
We are in a political insurgency by the Right and have to fight back accordingly that will be the only thing the left will respect as our Conservative political stand idle watching our country collapse and burn.
At the end of the day, I do not believe Conservatives are up to the fight.
Review: TYRANNICIDE The Story of the Second American Revolution
Dr. Shiva MIT PhD reveals the way HAMMER and SCORECARD actually use a special Algorithm.
He plots these in a database and compares them to actual NON-FRADULENT elections.
Statistically when people vote there are trends and scattering effects.
In this video he specifically looks at the CURRENT 4 Counties in Michigan that had the so called GLITCH.
He concludes that Trump-Biden Election is a shame.
Watch for yourself. Once this goes to court its all over for the DEEP STATE.
The Deep State Vs The Deep Country
I Did Not Recant: USPS Whistleblower Stands By Backdated Ballot Claim
The Four Year Plan To Overthrow An Elected President
Includes CIA deliberately getting Brennan loyalists elected to Congress.
No time for phony healing we do not concede!
Ex-CIA Chief Under Obama Urges Palace Coup Against Trump So He Doesnt Declassify Everything
Martin Armstrong suggest new election right away
Deeply Blue New England Disrupted by Republican Wins in Down-Ballot Races
Giuliani presents evidence for Trumps legal battle
PBI: We will know by thanksgiving. Unlike other false flag crimes, stealing the election has millions, not dozens, of whistleblowers.
An avalanche of crime is about to be revealed and the organization behind the media machine is going to go down too.
Ten Attorneys General Join Supreme Court Case Against Pennsylvania Mail-In Ballot Deadline
Edwin Vieira: There is no question he thinks there is massive fraud.
Cites legal code. Discusses the coup strategy. He says Trump has been advised by feckless idiots.
He is suggesting that Trump is not in control of a necessary and immediate strategy to legally prosecute .
PBI: The EO and the trackable watermarks make the audit possible and the outcome certain.
Pennsylvania will vote for President Trump.
VIDEO: Why Im certain Trump will win a 2nd term
American Coup: This was not just voter fraud out of Philly. Its a coup by the oligarchy.
Best And Most Succinct Explanation Of The Coup Ive SeenWhat Was Planned and What Went Wrong
In college, Joe Biden was known to be a pedophile
More Than 10,000 Dead People Cast Ballots in Michigan, Analysis Shows
2015: Revolution in America Stop Paying Taxes and Stop Paying Mortgages & Other Debts
PBI: The above concept works if the Constitutional Sheriffs stand firm on blocking all attempts by banks and bribed or blackmailed federal and state authorities from reposession at the county level. See
Making the vote irrelevant makes secession relevant.
Trump Win Validated by Quantum Blockchain System Recount of Votes
Robert Steele: Insurrection Act on Strip Alert?
CORRUPTION NATION: Mathematical evidence the election was stolen
Pa. lawmakers back Trumps refusal to concede, seek lawyers help to challenge results
Escobar: First Comes A Rolling Civil War
Video: Breaking Biden Loses Pennsylvania
Video: Charlie Wards Update on the Election
Guess who owns the digital Switch-the-Trump-votes-to-Biden voting machines?
PBI: Mark Malloch Brown is headed for jail or death. The Presidents Executive Order was not focused on China or Russia, it was focused on Israel and the UK.
Donald Trump Jr: Declassify Everything
PBI: Richard Pilger has worked w Lois Lerner of the IRS to screw over the Tea Party years ago. He appears to be totally compromised, good riddance.
Why SCOTUS will vindicate Trumps victory
AG William Barr Authorizes Justice Department Probe Into Voter Fraud
SCOTUS FLASHBACK: Joe Biden Led the High Tech Lynching of Clarence Thomas
BREAKING: Real Clear Politics Pulls Pennsylvania Call for Biden WITHDRAWS ELECTORAL VOTES!
Former NYC Mayor and current attorney to President Donald Trump Rudy Giuliani details what he claims to be voter fraud in Philadelphia, and what he and the Trump legal team are prepared to do to legally fight the PA ballot numbers. with Newsmax TVs Emma Rechenberg
Simon Parkes hits it out of the park. This is solid.
01 Blockchain tracking absolutely true. Special Signals Units were operating in each of the key states tracking all the ballots.
02 National Guard in 16 states federalized
03 Two US Generals overseeing counterintelligence probes in 16 states.
04 Recounts will be overseen by armed guards (probably US Marshalls).
05 Pennsylvania will go to Trump.
06 Other states might yield 30-60 delivery drivers that will testify for Guliani.
07 Thousands if not tens of thousands of dead people voting are killing them.
08 Deep State may be counting on manipulating the Supreme Court (e.g. Roberts who has long been suspected of being totally compromised).
09 First Lady totally on side, media is lying about her suggesting concession.
10 This is a public education campaign using Supreme Court as schoolhouse; this will destroy the Satanic forces including the media.
11 Trump and his team are certain he has 290 Electoral College votes.
12 November 26th (Thanksgiving) will be pivotal day toward closure.
13 9/11 started the movement toward draining the swamp.
14 Exact number of legal votes known across all contested stated. Court will hear HAMMER & SCORECARD and also demanding full audits.
15 Joe Biden does not have a clue. He may really believe he won. Harris is probably well aware of all the skullduggery and was expecting to be President.
Victor Davis Hansens bottom line: Democrats miscalculated.
Did not anticipate the Trump landslide, this forced them to take desperate measures in the middle of the night.
The anomalies are clear. Five lawsuits COVID used to manipulate the electoral rules across multiple states.
Pollsters are vote suppressionists, total misinformation, we now have five Floridas.
Base is angry, thinks USA has become a Third World country.
Biden kicks off presidential transition by begging Americans to wear masks
ROBERT STEELE: no one is this stupid, not even Joe Biden.
This is a Wrestlemania drama and Biden is the designated heel reading his lines.
Presidential-elect pretension appears designed to diminish Biden he lost, we can prove the fraud,
people will go to jail
and then we do election reform so that in 2022 all Independents, small parties, and yes the Sanderistas are proportionally and honestly represented.
The allocation of 100 or more special election and appointed Members of Congress in the Spring will start that process.
Trump will have mercy on those who go quietly out of the way.
Alert Reader writes in:
FAKE LEGACY MEDIA should have paid attention to understand what President Trump really meant by saying he would consider
himself the winner in this election if legal votes are countedand if paying attention, would have seen them
discovering that the term legal vote doesnt mean what they think it doesas on 22 August 2018,
its true meaning was redefined by then Director of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen, who ordered election officials
in all 50 states to ensure that ballots used during the 2020 presidential election be able to be auditedan election order followed on 12 September 2018,
which was when President Trump signed into law for the 2020 presidential election BOOM!
The 2020 election: fuckery is afoot
Dont Jump Off That Ledge. This Is Just a Blue Smokescreen
American Thinker: Wait Just a Minute! Some Very Good News May Be Coming
GSA Responds to Biden Campaign: Ascertainment Has Not yet Been Made on Power Transfer
Wayne Jett: Transcript of Dr. Steve Pieczenik on Watermarks and Massive Election Fraud Discovery
Supreme Court Decision: Fraud Vitiates Everything
The Fight for The Soul of Our Republic Has Begun
Thanks to the Democrats and the media, Americas democratic order is in crisis.
Blatantly Obvious Voter Fraud, Q, and the Alinsky Method
Giuliani: Trump campaign has the evidence to change Pennsylvania election results
Dont be fooled. This is not over
Biden is so fucked. Words and image from Sacha Stone:
Life Under Biden: Three Camps (Biden Crooks, Harris Crooks, Sanders Crooks)
Note: Putin has NOT congratulated Biden. Everyone who HAS will be terminated. Romney and Kushner are probably head fakes.
Wisconsin Poll Workers Allegedly Altered Thousands Of Invalid Ballots: Report
World knows Trump won #MAGA banner flown over Goodison Park ahead of Everton v Manchester match
Twitter Thread Bill Binney on Software Being Used to Steal Election
EXCLUSIVE: Former Michigan state senator exposes voting scandals in Detroit
Market Friday: Civil War It is Then
Judaism is Template for COVID Communism
Full List of Biden Voter Fraud Proof
Martin Armstrong: The Watermark & Hammer
Special Source:
Theyre trying to convince half of the country that Biden won with hope, of course, that Trump will fold . . . and setting things up so that when Trump wins, they have millions of very disappointed citizens who have been convinced that Trump stole the election through the SCOTUS and are willing to hit the streets.
Romney congratulates Biden after victory
Live Vote Count Subtracted From GOP Candidate, 3335b
Ask yourself the crucial question: why?
Lets Take Stock of Where We Are
Text of statement from President Donald Trump
There is Undeniable Mathematical Evidence the Election is Being Stolen
Airtight Statistical Analysis Proves Team Biden Is Stealing the Election
In 30 States, A Computer System Known To Be Defective Is Tallying Votes
Charlie Ward: Blockchain Used, Trump Won Landslide, Arrests Looming
Cynthia McKinney: USPS Patent for Blockchain Voting Integrity
James Fetzer: If Biden Body Double Did the Debates, Is This Fraud Nullifying His Candidacy?
Video: Sidney Powell Tom Fitton Lou Dobbs CIA Hammer Scorecard Election Fraud
Video: Supreme Court Massive Fraud
Donald J. Trump: Surrender, Assholes I Have It All!
BREAKING: Trump Wins with 281 Electoral Ballots UPDATES
State of the Nation: Trump Has Election Fraud Evidence
James Fetzer: Israel First Will Be Death of Corrupt US Congress
Trump Says He Won in Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Georgia
If Trump secures the four states, he would win reelection with 281 Electoral College votes. Trumps campaign earlier in the day also expressed optimism over his chances in Arizona.
ROBERT STEELE: The most telling factor is the massive and obvious difference between Republican vote percentages down-ballot, versus the Presidential election.
This makes it quite clear that the bulk of the electoral fraud has been focused on the presidential election.
The alleged numbers for Biden are so clearly divorced from reality that proving fraud will be a relatively simple matter.
I am quite certain Trump won Arizona and Wisconsin and they will revert to him once all the fraud investigations are completed.
I have also been told that the President was reluctant to consider massive #UNRIG Election Reform Act until after re-election so there could be no possible claim that he was doing it to assure his own re-election.
We may be on the verge of a very happy outcome at multiple levels.
Fox News needs to be purged the irresponsible manner in which they have joined with CNN to declare Biden elected demands a house cleaning.
Biden has not and will not be elected the fraud is provable, the Supreme Court will hold the states accountable and the Republican majorities in all those state legislatures will ensure the Electoral College works as it should.
Tip of the Hat to James Fetzer for below.
The GOP won some 22 of 25 contested house seats. But that would have been impossible if the DEMS had actually received the vast number of votes reported.
This means they added millions and millions of ballots that only voted for Biden and did not bother with the down races, So in reality, TRUMP WON BY A LANDSLIDE.
Yes, Democrats Are Trying To Steal The Election In Michigan, Wisconsin, And Pennsylvania
House Democrats Rankled By Surprise Losses
We will get f-ing torn apart: Nancy Pelosi, other Dems take fire on heated caucus call
See Also:
Michigan USPS Whistleblower Claims Late Ballots Received Backdated Postmarks
Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything.
Trump assembling all-star legal team to mount election challenges in close states
Bloggar | Breytt s.d. kl. 21:27 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
Lesa núna þegar allt er gegnsýrt í kosningasvikum.
Þetta eru upplýsingar frá nokkrum lögfræðingum sem ég þekki.
Í fáum orðum: Kosningasvikin fara til Supreme Court Hæstaréttar. Hann mun ákvarða að kosningarnar séu ógildar, vegna kosningasvika eða mistaka á landsvísu.
Þá getur málið farið á tvo vegu, annað hvort verði öll póstatkvæði tekin frá og hin atkvæðin endurtalin, eða að þeir ákveða að kosningarnar séu ógildar vegna kosningasvika, þá vær málið sent til þingsins og öldungadeildarinnar til að greiða atkvæði um það. Og þá kemur rúsínan. Öldungadeildin og þingið greiða atkvæði um hver verður forseti. Þá skiptir engu máli hvaða flokkur hefur meirihluta ´deildunum. Hvert Ríki fær eitt atkvæði, og 30 Ríkjum er stjórnað af Repúblikunum og 19 af Demókrötum. Þeir verða að greiða atkvæði eftir flokkslínum, þeir hafa ekki val vegna 12th breytingarinnar á stjórnarskránni. Öldungadeildin greiðir atkvæði um vara forsetann, á svipaðan máta. Þetta eru lögin. Af þessum ástæðum eru Demókratar svo pirraðir út í Nancy Pelosi. (?) Þetta verður í janúar. Eina leiðin til að Trump verði ekki forseti, er að hann gefist upp, en það gerir hann ekki. Hættu að fylgjast með falsfréttunum og hafðu ekki áhyggjur, lifðu lífinu, þetta mun allt fara vel. Trump verður áfram forseti. Ég er búin að skoða þetta og svona lítur málið út. Önnur áhugaverð staðreynd er að þeir kölluðu Gore foseta í 30 daga árið 2000, eða þangað til að dómstólarnir dæmdu Bush sigurinn. Tveir aðilar sem komu að dómnum, voru þau Hæstaréttardómararnir Brett Kavanaugh og Amy Coney Barrett. Hversvegna heldur þú að Demókratar hafi barist fyrir því að þau væru ekki skipuð í Hæstarétt.
← Why does Siri routinely give the exact age of Kamala Harris when asked How old is the president?
Lets follow the lead of our very smart Canadian neighbors. →
Posted on November 9, 2020 by State of the Nation
Chopped from a friend:
Info from some of the lawyers from a friends group:
Ok, in a nutshell; This is going to the Supreme Court. Where they will rule that the election is invalid due to fraud or mistakes on a country wide scale. It will go one of two ways, either they will rule that all the unconstitutional mail in ballots will be removed and the states ordered to recount without them, or, they will simply rule the election is invalid due to mass voter fraud and, at that point, it will be sent to congress and the senate for a vote. This is where it gets good. The house/congress votes on who the President will be. It has nothing to do with what party that has the power. Every State gets one vote and 30 States are held by Republicans, and 19 by Democrats. They have to vote down party lines; they have no choice due to the 12th Amendment of the Constitution and the Senate votes for the Vice President where a similar event will take place. This is The Law. This is why the Democrats are so mad at Nancy Pelosi. This will all happen in January. The only way President Trump wont be President is if he concedes the election and that will never happen. So stop watching the fake news and dont let your heart be troubled and live your life knowing this will all work out. President Trump will remain President. I have researched all of this and it is Fact!
Another fun fact; they called Gore the President Elect for 30 days in 2000 until the courts ruled against him and declared Bush the winner. And two people that were part of that decision was none other that new Supreme Court Justices, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett. Why do you think the Democrats tried so hard to keep them from being confirmed.
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← Why does Siri routinely give the exact age of Kamala Harris when asked How old is the president?
Lets follow the lead of our very smart Canadian neighbors. →
Egilsstaðir, 11.11.2020 Jónas Gunnlaugsson
Bloggar | Breytt s.d. kl. 16:54 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (2)
Hvað er hér á ferðinni?
Bloggar | Breytt s.d. kl. 14:32 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
← If Joe Biden had a doppelgänger at he debates, is he even a legitimate candidate?!
Rep. Paul Gosar Calls for Hand Tally in Arizona to Restore Faith in Election Process (Video) →
Posted on November 8, 2020 by State of the Nation
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← If Joe Biden had a doppelgänger at he debates, is he even a legitimate candidate?!
Rep. Paul Gosar Calls for Hand Tally in Arizona to Restore Faith in Election Process (Video) →
Posted on November 8, 2020 by State of the Nation
Tölvan les talið og nær ekki öllum orðum, það þarf að hlusta á orðin og setja rétt orð inn í textan. Best væri að finna enska textan
Let us start off by talking about this vaccine coming. I want to get a background on you, but I think let us and straight into it this code bit this covert vaccine. Can you tell what we know about it and you from your experience fear for the people that may take it.
Yes, there´s never been a vaccine like this, it´s an RNA vaccine. It is uh what´s called a trans infection. It will fundamentally change people´s DNA and what I don´t like about it even more than the usual thing about the toxic metals that are in vaccines that make our bodies literally into an antenna with 5g.
This one has the usual non-human dana like you know, monkeys, maybe fetal cells pigs whatever And so it begins to make us what´s called chymers c-h-y-m-e-r introducing non-human DNA onto our bodies. What is worse though is that there is a patent and work they have don at MIT to make a die and then patented the dye.
Dye is called luciferase and under a light, you´d be able to see who was vaccinated who wasn´t and the deal is to store your biometric information, because this vaccine will have nanoparticles, nanocrystaline particles that are inten actually little robots and they like little antennas and they will have the ability to take our biometric data not only your vaccine record but your breathing¸ your heart rate, your activity, sexual activity.
This drugs that you are taking where you travel all of that, and then take that data and store it in the cloud. What´s even more concerning, is that the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation on march 26 2020 applied for a patent number zero six, zero six, zero six. (( 666 )jg)
To take that biometric data give you a barcode and connect each of us to cryptocurrency, so that we would become literally slaves to the system like everything pro it would be the end of privacy, the end of freedom, because who (ever) gets the data, who uses the data.
And what do they do with it. So this patent to connect the vaccinated to cryptocurrency making all humans a commodity. (It) is extremely concerning and everyone should be concerned. Given that this is a virus from which 99.9 percent of people recover so I would ask why do we need anything like this because it goes far beyond those pandemics of old smallpox and so on
this is very different the plan here is to vaccinate the entire world and the narrative that we are being sold is things will not and back to normal until everyone is vaccinated, vaccinated with what a transfection thing that we have not seen before
and by the way once those nanoparticles go in there is no detoxing from them. There is no getting them out of there they combine with your DNA and you are suddenly programmable and with the proposed 5g networks the body would be an antenna where you could be controlled from outside of
Egilsstaðir, 09.11.2020 Jónas Gunnlaugsson
Bloggar | Breytt s.d. kl. 15:48 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)