Bloggfærslur mánaðarins, ágúst 2013

Það er betra að hafa augun opin

Það er betra að hafa augun opin.


Það er gott fyrir okkur að lesa okkur til um áætlanir stórþjóðana.


Kínverjar eru að taka sér stöðu á úthöfunum, og hafa áhuga á bækistöðvum fyrir her og flota,

á svipaðan máta og núverandi heimsveldi hafa haft, svo sem USA


Eg. 29.08.2013 jg



2.1 Bahrain

2.2 British Indian Ocean Territory

2.3 Egypt

2.4 Cuba

2.5 Djibouti

2.6 Greece

2.7 Hong Kong

2.8 Italy

2.9 Japan

2.10 Republic of Korea

2.11 Kuwait

2.12 Oman

2.13 Qatar

2.14 Saudi Arabia

2.15 Singapore

2.16 Spain

2.17 United Arab Emirates




Chinese Quest for a Naval Base in The Indian Ocean – Possible Options for China




Navy should shift warships to West Coast in response to China’s aggressive military buildup, defence analysts say






Chinas Artic Strategy and its Implications

Shiloh Rainwater


bls.  72


If the PRC has found little support for its Arctic Council bid in Norway,

Canada, and Russia, it has gained support from other Arctic players, particularly

Iceland. Since 2008, when Reykjavik’s economy collapsed, China has injected

substantial investment into the country, anticipating that it will soon become a

logistics hub as the Arctic warms. In April 2012 Premier Wen Jiabao traveled to

Iceland and signed a number of bilateral deals, including a framework accord

on North Pole cooperation. In response to these agreements, Iceland’s prime

minister, Johanna Sigurdardottir, has expressed her country’s support for China’s

accession to the council as a permanent observer.



Bls. 67


Analysis of Chinese grand strategy literature offers key insights into China’s

foreign-policy goals and international behavior. During the 1990s, improvements

in China’s military capabilities led the United States to identify China as the

greatest modern threat to American primacy.35 In response, under Jiang Zemin’s

leadership, China began to focus on dispelling fears of the “China threat,” characterizing

its rise as peaceful and representing itself as “a responsible great power.”

Successive generations of Chinese leadership have pursued this strategy in differing

ways, as when China adopted the term “Peaceful Development” instead of

“Peaceful Rise” in 2004.36 The central logic of China’s grand strategy has remained

the same, however, since 1996, when Chinese leaders reached a consensus on a

foreign-policy line. According to one analyst, China’s grand strategy is designed

to “sustain the conditions necessary for continuing China’s program of economic

and military modernization as well as to minimize the risk that others, most

importantly the peerless United States, will view the ongoing increase in China’s

capabilities as an unacceptably dangerous threat that must be parried or perhaps

even forestalled.”37 In short, China’s grand strategy aims to facilitate its rise to

great-power status without provoking a counterbalancing reaction.

Empirically, China’s grand strategy attends first to perceived threats



Bls.  68

42 In particular, China has not hesitated to employ naval force to

enforce its sweeping territorial claims in the resource-rich South China Sea,

claims that extend its borders more than a thousand miles from the mainland—

substantially farther than the two-hundred-nautical-mile limit of the United

Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS ).43 Examples include the

1974 battle of the Paracel Islands, the 1988 Johnson Reef skirmish, and the 2005

scuffle with Vietnamese fishing boats near Hainan Island, as well as a series of

recent clashes over sovereignty between units of the PLA N and vessels from Vietnam,

South Korea, Japan, and the Philippines. According to PLA doctrine, “If ‘an

enemy offends our national interests it means that the enemy has already fired

the first shot,’ in which case the PLA ’s mission is ‘to do all we can to dominate the

enemy by striking first.’”44


1.   China trying to buy into Iceland - Politics - English - The Free ... › EnglishPolitics

o    Cached

Apr 22, 2012 - 35 posts - ‎15 authors

REYKJAVIK: China's Premier Wen Jiabao landed in Iceland ... might be a cover for a possible future naval base and part of a wider strategy to gain .... benefit local residents when they expand their business in the third world?


2.   China and Iceland: Warming up to Iceland | The Economist

o    Cached

Apr 17, 2013 - But for China, the ability to import more Icelandic fish with lower tariff duties ...... are concerned about Chinese expansion towards the Spratley islands, ... US Navy's presence in the Strait of Malacca was a worry leading China ...


Höfn og flugvöllur á milli Heimskautssvæðisins, Evrópu og Ameríku

Höfn og flugvöllur á milli Heimskautssvæðisins, Evrópu og Ameríku

Hver á Bremen Port


Hver er svo valdamikill í stjórn Bremen Port

að hann geti sett á stað byggingu á höfn við

Langanes á Íslandi?


Hverjir eru hluthafarnir?


Hér er spurning, og svar óskast.


Veruleikinn í dag

 Þetta er krækja


Eg. 27.08.2013  jg

USA athugi. Sýrland

USA athugi.


Einhverjir sögðu að þeir kæmu ekki til hjálpar

nema ef eiturefnavopn væru notuð.




Engin þorir að snerta á þessu.


Hver hafði hag af árásinni?


Eina leiðin er að Súnítar og Shítar séu með sitthvort landsvæðið.


Óska eftir að Súnítar og Shítar komi með tillögur að því að skilja þjóðarbrotin að.


Eg. 27.08.2013 jg



The Assad regime continues to protest the assumption that it carried out the attack. While United States officials have blamed Syrian President Bashar Assad for the massacre, Assad’s government says the rebels were the ones who used chemical agents.

“How is it possible that any country would use chemical weapons, or any weapons of mass destruction, in an area where its own forces are located?” Assad asked in an interview with the Russian paper Izvestia. “This is preposterous! These accusations are completely politicized and come on the back of the advances made by the Syrian Army against the terrorists.”

Syrian officials say the rebels launched the attack in hopes of convincing the United States and other Western nations to fight the Assad regime.

United Nations inspectors who are running tests in the area have warned that they will be unable to determine who used the weapons, and will report only on whether an attack occurred.“  )



Soya, forvitnilegt






Eg. 26.08.2013 jg


They hailed it as a wonderfood.

Soya not only destroys forests and small farmers - it can also be bad for your health

Anthony Barnett

The Observer, Sunday 7 November 2004


"A mile from one of their encampments the latest deforestation is occurring. Giant bulldozers linked together with huge metal chains drive through the forests literally tearing up everything in their path. The felled timber and leaves are piled high in 1km rows as far as the eye can see, ready to be set alight. It is hard for these people to understand the destruction of a habitat they have lived in harmony with for so long."


'Why is the white man destroying our lands?' asks one of the tribal chiefs.


It is difficult to explain that it's to be used

to feed animals in Europe and China.







Úr grein eftir Björn Bjarnason 18.03.2001


“Því fer víðs fjarri, að kosningin sé bindandi á þessum forsendum,


því að aðeins 30219 af 81258 á kjörskrá kusu eða 37,2%.,


þar af vildu 14.529 eða 48,1% áfram flugvöllinn


en 14.913 eða 49,3% að flugvöllurinn færi,


það munaði aðeins 384 atkvæðum”.



Af þeim


81.258 kjósendum sem voru á kjörskrá




18,35 %,      eða 14.913     kjósendur,   flugvöllinn burt,




17,88 %,      eða 14.529      kjósendur,   flugvöllinn áfram.



Það var mismunur um 0,47 % eða 384 kjósendur.





81.258    kjósendum,   100%,




14.913    kjósendur      18,35%


flugvöllinn burt.


Egilsstaðir, 25.08.2013 Jónas Gunnlaugsson













     Samþykktu flugvöll burt


      0,47%     eða 384 atkvæða mismunur á þeim sem vildu flugvöllinn burt og þeim sem vildu að flugvöllurinn væri áfram












    Samþykktu flugvöll áfram











Athuga betur      


Læra, learn

Læra, learn.


Einhver endursegi þetta á íslensku.

The Two Step Plan

Read again

Lesa aftur

I am not saying this is the best solution.

Ég er ekki að segja að þetta sé besta lausnin.


The Two Step Plan to

National Economic Reform and Recovery

1. Directs the Treasury Department to issue U.S. Notes (like Lincoln’s Greenbacks; can also be in electronic deposit format) to pay off the National debt.


2. Increases the reserve ratio private banks are required to maintain from 10% to 100%, thereby terminating their ability to create money, while simultaneously absorbing the funds created to retire the national debt.


These two relatively simple steps, which Congress has the power to enact, would extinguish the national debt, without inflation or deflation, and end the unjust practice of private banks creating money as loans (i.e., fractional reserve banking).


Paying off the national debt would wipe out the $400+ billion annual interest payments and thereby balance the budget. This Act would stabilize the economy and end the boom-bust economic cycles caused by fractional reserve banking.


For the full text of the Act click here to read the 




 Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin.


The bankers own the earth.


Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money, and with the flick of the pen they will create enough deposits to buy it back again.


However, take it away from them, and all the great fortunes like mine will disappear and they ought to disappear, for this would be a happier and better world to live in.


But, if you wish to remain the slaves of bankers and pay


the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create




 – Sir Josiah Stamp, Director of the Bank of England (appointed 1928). Reputed to be the 2nd wealthiest man in England at that time.








Sett á blog Ómars Ragnarssonar

Góð skrif Ómar.


Ég ætla að gera athugasemd við að "við séum fátækir.“

Sá sem lætur fjármálafyrirtækin hafa peningaprentunina,

og leyfir fjármálafyrirtækjunum að færa allar eignir til sín

með kreppufléttunni á heldur að teljast fákænn.

Egilsstaðir, 13.08.2013  Jónas Gunnlaugsson


Einfalt peningakerfi.

Einfallt peningakerfi.








Þú ert með fisk og ég er með kartöflur.


Ég vil fá fisk frá þér fyrir kartöflur.


Þú vilt ekki selja fisk fyrir kartöflur.


Við veltum vöngum, hvað getum við gert?


Okkur dettur í hug að klippa út 10 miða,

Og skrifum 1 á hvern miða.


Þú færð 5 miða, og ég 5 miða.


Nú rétti ég þér 1 miða og fæ hjá þér fisk.


Þá átt þú 6 miða og ég 4 miða.


Þessi 6. miði þinn er þín kvittun fyrir

að þú eigir fiskinn inni í kerfinu.


Þarna getum við séð að miðinn er kvittun, það er bókhald.


Í dag hafa fjármálafyrirtækin tekið að sér að klippa miðana,

Og klipparinn segist lána þér miðana

sem séu verðmæti.


Miðarnir sem voru áður seðlar, eru nú rafboð í tölvum.


Að sjálfsögðu er klipparinn ekki að lána þér verðmæti

þótt hann klippi miðana.


Egilsstaðir, 13.08.2013 Jónas Gunnlaugsson





Mundu nú vel að ríkið var að mestu skuldlaust á Íslandi.


Skuldir einkafjármálafyrirtækjanna voru færðar á ríkið.


Nú er talað um að selja bankana, einn eða fleiri.


Bankarnir færðu eignir fólksins til sín með bankakreppu fléttunni.


Fyrst er búin til verðbólga og síðan verðhjöðnun á eignunum.


Öllum er talin trú um að „eignirnar hafi farið út úr fasteignunum,“

yfir í tölu sem bankinn skrifaði í tölvuna hjá sér.





Er verið að selja fenginn, það sem ég náði, ég vil ekki nota orðið ránsfenginn.


(ég veit ekki hvaða orð við eigum að nota um þessar sjónhverfingar,

en vil ekki nota orðin rán og þjófnaður)


Ef þú ætlar að láta fjármálafyrirtækin, hafa peningaprentunina áfram,

þá ert þú að selja leyfi til peningaprentunar.


Síðan ætlar þú að borga „skuldir ríkisins“

það er skuldir einkafjármálafyrirtækjanna, 

með greiðslunni.


Allt bankakerfi heimsins riðar til falls,

vegna fjármálabókhaldsins, það er peningaprentunarinnar,

það er lána sem ekki eru lán, heldur fjármálabókhald.


Nú verðum við að læra áður en við gerum meiri vitleysu.


Vekjaraklukkan er 06:40 og búin að hringja tvisvar,

Hef ekki tíma.


Eg. 10.08.2013 jg

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