USA athugi. Sýrland

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Eina leiðin er að Súnítar og Shítar séu með sitthvort landsvæðið.


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Eg. 27.08.2013 jg



The Assad regime continues to protest the assumption that it carried out the attack. While United States officials have blamed Syrian President Bashar Assad for the massacre, Assad’s government says the rebels were the ones who used chemical agents.

“How is it possible that any country would use chemical weapons, or any weapons of mass destruction, in an area where its own forces are located?” Assad asked in an interview with the Russian paper Izvestia. “This is preposterous! These accusations are completely politicized and come on the back of the advances made by the Syrian Army against the terrorists.”

Syrian officials say the rebels launched the attack in hopes of convincing the United States and other Western nations to fight the Assad regime.

United Nations inspectors who are running tests in the area have warned that they will be unable to determine who used the weapons, and will report only on whether an attack occurred.“  )



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