Israeli startup aims to grow meat without the animal
SuperMeat is an Israeli startup developing a method for bioengineering cultured meat from animal cells.
TEL AVIV (JTA) The founders of an Israeli food tech startup want you to enjoy your meat without the guilt -- in fact, without the animal.
SuperMeat, which launched in December and began an online crowdfunding campaign Monday, is developing a method for bioengineering cultured meat from animal cells. Its tagline: Real meat, without harming animals.
Imagine a chicken breast without the chicken, developed in a machine from cells taken from a living bird and cultured in a nutrient-rich stock.
... Production is to work like this: Cells will be harmlessly taken from a chicken and put into a special machine that simulates the birds biology, allowing them to self-assemble into meat.
Barak said the process could revolutionize how the world eats, striking a major blow against environmental degradation, animal suffering and global health pandemics. Other meats could be made using more or less the same process, he said. ...
Ein fruma úr fuglinum, er ræktuð í verksmiðju, og úr verður fuglakjöt í tonna vís, eftir því hvað mikið á að framleiða. Þetta er einnig gert með nautakjöt og svínakjöt. Það mætti skoða að finna ávöxt, með svipuðu bragði og kjötið.
Egilsstaðir, 29.01.2018 Jónas Gunnlaugsson
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