Russia a game changer for global Christianity
14.11.2015 | 00:09
Russia – a game changer for global Christianity
….. At no time in history has the persecution of Christians been as intense and widespread as it is at the moment.
There is a global war on Christians, which has escalated in scale and intensity……
..... Not only has the USA, supposedly ‘God’s Own Country’, created hell on earth for Christians all over the Middle East and then turned a blind eye to beheadings, rape of children and unspeakable atrocities.
America appears to be deaf, dumb and blind to the problem, and that is obviously bad enough. But in addition to this, Western foreign policy has failed miserably. …..
….. The West’s most egregious foreign policy error is the assumption that the Western secular model, which demands clear separation between organized religion and politics, may be imposed on the rest of the world, irrespective of cultural or religious background. …..
….. Western rejection of religion as a valid factor of reality may turn the political agenda upside down, and this offers opportunities and advantages for Russia. …..
….. To many nations and peoples outside the West, modernity means a return to their religious roots. The 21st Century therefore does not permit a separation of geopolitics from religion.
Vladimir Putin understands this.
In February 2012, he made a solemn vow to the Russian Orthodox Church that protection of persecuted Christians all over the world would be a key issue of his foreign policy. …..
….. However, to do so requires more than military hardware and strategy. It requires spiritual strength.
Russia derives its spiritual strength after the Cold War from a mighty revival of the Orthodox Christian faith while the West is abandoning its Christian identity. The East and the West have switched roles as Christian superpower and defender of the Christian faith. …..
….. "Secularism will never be able to cope with the challenge of religious fanaticism and extremism coming to Europe today. Secularism will always lose to religious or pseudo-religious extremism. Even if secularism successfully beats off religious and public radicalism with the help of power and money for some time, it won't last long, only for 20-30 years," …..
….. Due to its secularist ideology, the West is no longer in any position to protect Christian interests in the world as it did for centuries in the past.
It now creates terrorism and religious fanaticism fuelling blood-curdling horrors.
Russia is the only major power in the world today that accepts the responsibility of protecting persecuted Christians. …..
….. The fact that Putin is now the best friend and the greatest hope of persecuted Christians will have an impact on strategy that reaches far beyond the Middle East.
This spiritual dimension of Russian foreign policy has been completely ignored by the Western media. …..
….. The world’s Christians number 2,300 million.
Two thirds of them live outside the Western world and are exposed to persecution everywhere.
According to Open Doors, 322 Christians are murdered for their faith every month, 214 churches and Christian properties are destroyed and 772 incidents involving various forms of violence are committed against Christians. …..
- What is Christian Persecution
- Where Does Christian Persecution Occur
- Why Persecution Occurs
- Why We Serve Persecuted Christians
- Theology Of Christian Persecution
Egilsstaðir, 14.11.2015 Jónas Gunnlaugsson
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