Bloggfærslur mánaðarins, janúar 2021

Bankanum er leift að segja að hann sé að lána okkur verðmætið. Bankanum er leift að eiga allt sem gert er. Bankinn er 100% á Ríkinu, fólkinu.


Gæti þetta verið sönn skáldsaga?

Jón, Gunna, Stína, Páll og Nína, öll 12 ára fá verkefni í skólanum. Þið eygið að sýna efnahagskerfi gamlafólksins.

Þau setjast niður, og fara að velta því fyrir sér, hvernig ætti að gera þetta.


Fyrst höfum við engan banka.

Gunna vill kaupa fisk af Jóni og greiða með kartöflum.

Þá segir Jón, ég á svo mikið af kartöflum að ég get ekki tekið meira af þeim.

Við eyðum ekki meiri tíma í þetta.

Þau ákveða að Nína búi til 10 miða fyrir hvert þeirra.

Þá lætur Gunna Jón fá einn miða fyrir fiskinn.

Allir verði að fá einhverskonar vinnu til að fá tekjur, miða.

Einn er bóndi annar fiskimaður, þriðji flutningabílstjóri, fjórði verslunarmaður og svo Nína miðastjóri, bókhaldsstjóri, bankastjóri.

Þau sjá fljótt, að betra er að hafa nótur, seðla með mismunandi upphæðum og kalla þá færanlegt bókhald.

Þá er hægt að fara upp í Fljótsdal og kaupa hest með seðlum.

Sá sem seldi hestinn getur farið með seðlana og keypt vöru í versluninni.

Miðarnir, seðlarnir ganga á milli manna og allir nota þá til að skiptast á verðmætum.

Nína bjó til miða eftir þörfum.

Ef einhversstaðar var laust fólk, þá fékk ríkið miða, bókhaldsmiða, peninga, og greiddi bókhaldsmiðana, peningana til fólksins, starfsfólksins.

Þá fékk þetta fólk miða, peninga, bókhald til að geta lifað, og þjóðfélagið fékk tvíbreiðan veg, tvíbreiða brú og fólkið lifði á tekjunum við að gera gagn.

Mikið gaman.

Þá vildi einhver eiga bankann og hann gaf öllum brennivín, og allt gekk eins og í sögu, kominn einkabanki.

Einkabankinn þóttist lána fólkinu, tók vexti og þegar búið var að byggja allt fullt af íbúðarhúsum, atvinnuhúsnæði, bílum, húsgögnum fyrir fólkið, þá hætti bankinn að skrifa miða, peninga, peningabókhald.

Þá varð þurrð á miðum, peningum, peningabókhaldi úti í þjóðfélaginu.

Þá var ekki hægt að skiptast á vinnu og vörum, og allt stöðvaðist í þjóðfélaginu.

Fólkið gat þá ekki greitt af lánunum til einkabankans, og einkabankinn tók allt saman.

Þegar einkabankinn var búinn að ná öllu sagði hann.

Nú er nóg af miðum, peningum, peningabókhaldi, farið þið út að vinna, og eftir 5, 10, 15 ár þá hirði ég allt af ykkur aftur.

Hvað er hægt að kalla okkur fólkið, sem lætur fara svona með sig.

Við segjum ekki, fífl, asnar, illa upplýst.

Setjum sanna kennslu inn í skólana.

Þeir sem vilja blekkja okkur ráði ekki kennsluefninu.

Háskólar megi ekki fá greitt frá fjármálakerfinu, til að fjármagna prófessors embætti og ráði kennsluefninu.

Það á að kenna það sem er satt en ekki spila á lýðinn.

Bankanum er leift að segja að hann sé að lána okkur verðmætið.

En, verðmætið er hugur og hönd fólksins.

Bankanum er leift að eiga allt sem gert er.

Bankinn er 100% á Ríkinu, fólkinu.

Ef einhversstaðar er laus hönd, þá má banki fólksins, Ríkið skrifa bókhald, seðla, pening fyrir vinnu fólksins.

Byggja innviði, vegi, brýr, flugvelli, göng ef þú átt lausa hönd.

Gleymdu ekki að Big Parma greiðir helmingi meira en olíuiðnaðurinn til að hafa stjórn á stjórnmálunum, stjórnmálamönnunum.

Ef við fólkið, til dæmis stéttarfélaugin, bæjarfélögin og Ríkið kennum sannleika, þá geta stjórnmálamenn notað sannleikann líka.

Ef fólkið skilur ekki sannleika, hefur ekki verið kenndur sannleiki, þá skilur það ekki stjórnmálamanninn sem segir satt.

Læra, læra, læra.

Egilsstaðir, 18.01.2021   Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Við vitum ekki hvað er í gangi. - What's going on here? - Alert Veteran reports. Military on the move.

Alert Veteran Reports: MILITARY ON THE MOVE

Alert Veteran reports. Military on the move.

Alert Veteran:

I am pretty certain unholy hell will be unleashed this weekend, and as I keep saying, it is going to be GLORIOUS. I cannot buy enough popcorn and fireworks. Let me add one caveat. The timing is the most difficult thing to predict because events force plans to change. Moves and counter moves. This is also the time for me to remind you to have two weeks worth of food, water, toiletries, etc. Fill up your gas tank. Expect the internet, social media and phones to go down. I am 100% serious. ALL signs point to this being the moment. This is running through my mind as I type this. Let’s go back to my flurry of emails from last night.

Trump DID NOT concede. Basic logic tells us that is the case. How do concessions usually work? The person who lost typically calls a press conference, then gives a (usually) gracious speech thanking their supporters, the people who worked on the campaign, makes a vow to keep fighting, and typically wishes the next person success.

That video posted by Trump yesterday was ODD. First of all, it was just him and he seemed stiff. I think he said those words through angrily gritted teeth. But the video was about 2:30 long, and they switched camera angles mid-way through. Why? That is VERY odd. I think it was comms. The flags were arranged VERY specifically. I tried to figure out what was in the background paintings, but I can’t be sure.

Another point. Why would Trump hop on the Doomsday plane then go to a military bunker command center? If he thought this was over and was going to concede, then he would stay in DC and do so. Until he specifically mentions the words “concede” AND the word “Biden”, I don’t buy it. Plus, Trump has NEVER lied. Never. Before yesterday he said to his millions of supporters he would NEVER concede, and said he would NEVER give the White House to Pedo Joe. He said he thinks this was a coup, and he would AWLAYS keep fighting. That hasn’t changed. Plus, he STILL hasn’t used ANY of the tremendous power at his disposal as a war time president and Commander in Chief.

One aside. Trump posted two tweets today, and one is concerning people. He said that for those who ask, he would not be attending the inauguration January 20th. Again, NO mention of Pedo Joe. Want to know how I take that? There will be NO inauguration on January 20th. The language he is using is very precise, and his omissions are more important than what is said. Right before that tweet he said that his supporters will have a “GIANT VOICE long into the future” with a bunch of MAGA rah rah stuff. THAT is more important. That is not the post you make after conceding.

I also maintain there is a giant disinformation campaign taking place. I think he is trying to keep the media and deep state off guard, thinking he has accepted defeat so they don’t flee. Think about Trump the man. I heard the best description of him to date this morning. He is Sun Tzu and Attila the Hun in one. Those are two of the greatest military minds and conquerors in world history. Trump by nature is a fighter. Just knowing what we know about him, there is no chance he rolls over and accepts this, especially with recent events. (This is another of the endless encomiums to Trump alone, that always seem somehow to omit that he has a very large team behind him, both on-planet and off.

What am I talking about? I TRULY believe they intended to arrest and possibly kill Trump on the 6th. This is not the stuff of crazy theory conspiracy. Look. Since Trump posted the video that the uninformed are taking as a concession, has ANYONE on EITHER side acted like he conceded?

Not in the least! No one is believing it, even if the scared masses are. Look at what Nazi Pelosi said. She said that they would impeach him and use the 25th amendment to remove him next week! WHAT?! He is in theory gone in 12 days, and you plan on impeaching AND using the 25th in that time? There is NO time to do that, and WHY? That is the question you have to keep at the forefront of your thoughts. WHY! Is it just drunk Nazi Pelosi showing ungraciousness?

Well, yes, but that is NOT her motivation. She is PANICKED like never before. How about this? Adam Kinzinger, a republican, just said they need to use the 25th amendment to remove Trump. Need more? Lindsey Graham said the 25th amendment is on the table. One aside, isn’t it LAUGHABLE about how the Constitution all of a sudden matters?

Back on topic, all of this in the last TWELVE days of his office? What about the other actions? FakeBook and Instagram have banned Trump permanently. Shopify has removed all Trump stores from their platform. Big Michelle Obama, just demanded ALL tech platforms ban Trump. FakeBook banned Trump’s social media guy who hasn’t posted anything in eight days just because he has access to Trump. Celebrity after celebrity is calling for Trump’s arrest. Boris Johnson said Trump encouraged the “violence” at the capitol. By violence he means people escorted by Nazi Pelosi’s son- in-law to the proper location for selfies?

Barr said it was inexcusable to call for crowds to pressure Congress. Hawley, who objected to the theft, had his book deal cancelled for questioning a clearly fraudulent election. Numerous people have resigned from the Trump admin citing the capitol building incident, the latest being the Education Sec’y. Dan Bongino was just banned from Twitter. ABC said removing Trump is easy, but they have to cleanse all his ideology from the country. Flight attendants are trying to ban the woman who called Romney a traitor from being able to fly in the US. I am sure I am leaving out more. The point is they are in FULL ATTACK mode going after Trump and anyone who followed him. If you even QUESTION the obvious, you are a target which brings me to this:

WHY are they doing this? Has any outgoing president ever been threatened like this before? Not even CLOSE! As a collective, they are acting like they have to capture the single most wanted man in the world for some heinous criminal act. The reality is he has ALL the information on them with the military at his back and they KNOW IT.

The military guys say Trump knows that if he did actually step down, they would kill him and his family off. I think the deep state intended to do this on the 6th, as I mentioned above. The facts say this is true. When Trump spoke at the rally, he was behind enormous layers of bullet proof glass for the first time ever in his presidency, and people in attendance saw snipers on roofs all over the place. IMMEDIATELY after he spoke, instead of going to the Capitol with the demonstrators as he had just said he would in his speech, he jumped on the E-4B and went to Abilene to a military command center. THAT is why they are attacking Trump today. Lin Wood (LW) said he “heard a rumor that Pence and the coup leaders were going to arrest and execute Trump”. LW KNOWS what is going on. To validate this statement, he posted screen shots from Hunter’s laptop as HE was going through the contents.

Back on point, Trump’s departure was not expected by the deep state. I truly believe that they planned on betraying him in Congress, which they did, then arrest him, claiming he would never go quietly. After Pence betrayed Trump, he was given some coin covertly, then he smiled and acknowledged Nazi Pelosi in a mission accomplished moment. Pence deployed the National Guard on the 6th. Pence does NOT have the authority to do so. Going back to LW’s post, sounds like Pence did indeed plan on arresting Trump. In retrospect, I think Trump’s call for millions of supporters, which he received, was to offer him a layer of protection hoping we would TRULY rise up if they arrested him.

The military guys say it served another purpose. In order for the active military members to remember their oath and perform ops INSIDE the US, they needed to see that the country supported Trump. Mission accomplished. After Trump fled, the traitors were caught off guard, as the person who poses the biggest threat to their lives with full support of the military is now out of their grasp. Frankly, I don’t see an alternate explanation. Their threats and attacks after the 6th speak of pure FEAR. They want him and anyone near him silenced and neutralized. They aren’t pretending like they plan on being gracious and accepting. This is pure evil exposed. Okay, that’s an interesting, and likely accurate, theory on my part, but why this weekend? A bunch of reasons. Let’s use logic; first then, the facts of what has happened:

We are coming down to an artificial deadline that the media and most people in the US view as the day when the transition is supposed to take effect. That means the window is down to 12 days. He caught the deep state off completely off guard by going to Abilene. Another aside. How many exiled generals, former rulers, etc. has history shown us come back to conquer their banishers? The deep state KNOWS this, and they intended to kill this quite literally.

Back on topic, the deep state is off guard, and for the moment without almost all of them located in DC right now. That means the longer you wait, the more likely they are to form credible counters and flee. Tactical operations become more difficult the longer they wait. Another factor is the rhetoric and actions by the libs is becoming increasingly hostile towards him and ANYONE who supported him. Q has said over and over again our safety was of prime concern. The longer they delay, the more likely a MASSIVE false flag becomes. I mean some major city nuked off the planet, but only a city in Trump country, like Nashville for instance. I can see them literally calling him to tell him they will nuke a city unless he turns himself in. The military will not wait for this to happen. (This confirms the Sampson Option, discussed by both geopolitical analysts like Benjamin Fulford and representatives of the galactic forces portion of the Earth Alliance, like COBRA.

Plus, according to all analysts, Trump has been waiting on using the military until EVERY last legal option was used. NO ONE can say he didn’t try letting the courts at every level do the right thing. Or the legislature. Or Pence. Or Congress. At this point there is only ONE option, the option Q told us four years ago was the ONLY way. The crime has been completed; now it’s time to arrest the guilty. Do I have any evidence? Of course!

The FCC sent a message out to everyone involved in using the Emergency Alert System telling them to be sure to have the EAS fully functional for everyone in the country. That is not coincidence. Just look at the censorship we have seen towards Trump for him calling for PEACE! Pretty much everyone agrees the Ratcliffe report is in Trump’s hands, which will show foreign collusion to steal our election and install foreign puppet Pedo Joe.

Recent events have shown that our former ally, Italy, was actively involved in trying to steal the election. What do you expect? This was a country that took 6 MONTHS to beat Ethiopia in WW2 using tanks while the Ethiopians used spears. Plus after WW2, do you know why the new Italian navy built glass bottom boats? To see the old Italian navy.

Anyway, with the Ratcliffe report, EO2018 goes into FULL effect, and Trump took an OATH to protect the country from JUST this thing. Trump is going to be at Camp David all weekend, another highly secure area, and I wouldn’t be surprised if that isn’t even true. He might be on the E-B4 the entire time. Sec’y of Defense Miller ordered 6,000 National Guard members to DC from six states. Why? Always ask WHY. This is AFTER the betrayal and rally. Six THOUSAND.

It’s because it’s all about to go down. The White House is on full lockdown. Again, WHY? Because they are denying the traitors access to all confidential information. Trump keeps the launch codes on him at all times, so I doubt they can access those. Then we have proof from the military itself. A marine let his friend know that all comms went down at a Marine base on the east coast. The Marine demanded his name not be used. That makes sense, because the deep state knows a military strike is coming so they would try to disable comms. That goes back to earlier this week, when the Marines posted them doing drills so they can perform operations when comms go out. Remember, there are NO coincidences.

By the way, one of our fellow readers, a MASTER at kempo like you cannot imagine received a call form the Dept of Defense telling him to expect comms to go down. Then there is this, and this REALLY matters. The 18th airborne posted a tweet of worn out soldiers with a caption saying “Don’t let up, the weekend’s almost here”. The picture was of the 10th Mountain Division soldiers, which Q directly refers to in RED4. This post is pretty much coming to life right before our eyes. I think they are telling the troops to not let up because the weekend ops are about to take place.

I MUST say that the timing of events is absolutely impossible to predic,t as ANY event can alter the entire plan. However, time is running out, and the longer they wait, the tougher and more dangerous this becomes. As I mentioned before, I fully expect all ops to be in the middle of the night.

This is a good time to discuss our men and women in the military. These are TRUE patriots. These people signed up to protect and defend our country. They have given up their lives and limbs in foreign fighting in the forever wars for the deep state out of a sense of duty to the country thinking they were helping America. Trump ended those. Now they have a CREDIBLE threat to their home, their families, their country, their loyal Commander-in-Chief. I think our military will be the most motivated they have ever been since WW2.

I have received a bunch of emails from fellow readers who are former military saying they will fight. My son wanted to sign up for the military last night. Look at the deep state response to the Trump supporters, 200+ million of them (only 80 million voted). They FEAR us, and to quote the great Thomas Jefferson, “When the gov’t fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the gov’t, there us tyranny”. Sound like THIS moment? Q spoke to us about this moment in his famous post 34. He/they laid out the plan four YEARS ago. He/they said they would be met with “swift fury”. That is how our military does things. Blitzkrieg. It’s over before you saw it coming.

This weekend, I am looking for what I think will be the last Tweet Trump ever makes while it is still in the hands of Jack Dorsey. Q told us it is going to be “My fellow Americans, the storm is upon us…..”. IF he does that, and IF everything happens as I imagine it will, that statement will be the stuff of history books generations from now. By the way, the military guys are NOT concerned.

MonkeyWerx posted a live feed as Trump released the video, and jumped to the conclusion it was a concession, but the other military guys on the feed made the same points I have. Word is that our spec ops entered the capitol building with Antifa and captured a dozen deep state laptops, but they specifically got Nazi Pelosi’s. Does it now make sense as to why she is calling for impeachment AND the 25th amendment? We have ALL the proof of her collusion and guilt. She is in a PANIC.

Misc items: Did you know a guy accused Pence in 2016 of murdering 51 kids and raping 77 others? Remember all the booms that keep being heard across the country? The military guys say Trump (with, of course, the indispensable aid of the spec ops military — REC) has been destroying the hidden deep underground military bunkers where most expect the deep state to retreat to (as well as where they have been storing and killing the trafficked children they have taken

Dominion is suing Sidney Powell (SP) for $1.3 BILLION. BWAHAHAH! Why not make it a brazillion dollars? They think that some big number is going to scare her, when the videos of their guilt are already all over the internet for the world to see? We found out during the GA elections that they transmitted the data to China and Islamabad then back to GA. Yet another fraudulent election. ALL will be reversed, and to quote LW, “Every lie will be exposed” Dems are acting like the capitol takeover was a violent revolution. The ONLY violence came from the cop who MURDERED a young female vet, otherwise it was a frat stunt like you’d see on a college campus pre-CV-19.

Meanwhile, they ACTIVELY celebrate and ENDORSE violence at all their “protests”. Remember Cuomo asking this summer who said protests are supposed to be peaceful? The Portland mayor was punched in his soy boy face by the same people he has let destroy his city for the past eight months. I hope he called a social worker after defunding the police. The other Cuomo announced he would not be attending the Bills’ playoff game after NYC put together a 50,000 person petition demanding he not be allowed to go to the game. Yet these same d’bags voted for Pedo Joe, even when we have the untampered data. This same d’bag is going to fine hospitals $100,000 if they don’t use up all their vaccine supplies in seven days. Hospitals are supposed to create demand –how exactly? What will happen is, that hospitals will keep a minimal supply on site.

Someone noted that there were 40 ACTIVE populist risings across the world pre-CV-19, and now there are none. Remember the yellow jacket riots? Tucker Carlson unfortunately said Trump has outlived his expiration date. I think his intentions are good, but he might have lost MAGA nation going forward. Finally, liberal feminazi and super model Emily Ratasomething said if Zuckerberg could ban the president of the US, then no one is safe. Did someone FINALLY wake up?


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Það væri löngu búið að loka - State of the Nation - ef það inni með Trump. State of the Nation, er alltaf að láta líta svo út, sem Trump gangi nokkuð vel. Er það til þess að fólkið trúi því að það geti verið nokkuð rólegt, Þetta verði allt lagað.

Af hverju er ekki lokað fyrir - - State of the Nation eins og alla sem reyna að kynna annað sjónarhorn.

Er það af því að State of the Nation, er alltaf að láta líta svo út, sem Trump gangi nokkuð vel. 

Er það til þess að fólkið trúi því að það geti verið nokkuð rólegt, Þetta verði allt lagað. 

Þá varar fólkið sig ekki á því að víxlararnir eru að herða tökin. 

Það væri löngu búið að loka - State of the Nation - ef það inni með Trump.


Egilsstaðir, 16.01.2021   Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Höfum við fólkið nokkurn tímann verið fáfróðara, en þegar við segjum, það er engin peningur, bókhald til, við getum ekki tekið alla í vinnu. Þá glötum við afrakstri af vinnu huga og handa fólksins vegna heimsku. Hver spilar á - fiðluna - ?

Muna, peningur er bókhald. Ef allir fá bókhald fyrir vinnu, þá fáum við meiri þjónustu og eignumst meira af íbúðarhúsnæði, atvinnuhúsnæði og innviðum, tvíbreiðum brúm og jarðgöngum í landinu.  

Höfum við fólkið nokkurn tímann verið fáfróðara, en þegar við segjum, það er engin peningur, bókhald til, við getum ekki tekið alla í vinnu. 

Þá glötum við afrakstri af vinnu huga og handa fólksins vegna heimsku. 

Muna, að ef gullið kostar meira en gullpeningurinn, þá selja allir gullpeninginn til gullkaupmannsins.

Ef gullið kostar minna en gullpeningurinn þá slá allir gullpeninga.

Sá sem á alla fjölmiðlana, getur látið okkur trúa allskonar vitleysu.

Lesa Sesar.


Sesar fékk hylli fólksins, fyrir að fara í framkvæmdir, sem sköpuðu atvinnu fyrir fólkið, sem það fékk greitt fyrir, og þá keypt það sem heimilið þurfti. Sesar varð að finna greiðslu möguleika, að búa til bókhald fyrir lausa hönd, sem vildi gera gagn, 

18.4.2020 | 09:34

Egilsstaðir, 14.01.2021   Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Listinn lengist yfir vísindamenn sem eru myrtir vegna rannsókkna á COVID-19. Hver er að myrða alla sem ransaka COVID-19 Who is assassinating all the COVID-19 researchers? - Growing List Of Assassinations Of COVID-19 Researchers

Who is assassinating all the COVID-19 researchers?

Listinn lengist yfir vísindamenn sem eru myrtir vegna rannsókkna á COVID-19.

Growing List Of Assassinations Of COVID-19 Researchers

by Edward Morgan
Prepare for Change

A top Russian scientist who was working on a Covid-19 vaccine has been found dead in suspicious circumstances in St Petersburg, adding one more to the list of people engaged in coronavirus research dropping dead mysteriously. Alexander ‘Sasha’ Kagansky, 45, was reported to have fallen in his underwear from a 14th floor window of a high rise flat – and was found with stab wounds.

Top Russian Scientist Alexander ‘Sasha’ Kagansky Working On COVID-19 Vaccine Assassinated In St PetersbergTop Russian Scientist Alexander ‘Sasha’ Kagansky Working On COVID-19 Vaccine Assassinated In St Petersberg

Russian scientist Alexander Kagansky Assassinated

The Russian biologist had close links to Edinburgh University and had been working in the city for 13 years until at least 2017.

The Russian Investigative Committee has opened a murder probe and a 45-year-old male suspect has been detained, according to Moskovsky Komsomolets (MK).

Dr Kagansky had served as Director of the Centre for Genomic and Regenerative Medicine at Russia’s Far Eastern Federal University in Vladivostok, where he continued research collaboration with the Scottish university.

MK reported that the academic had been “developing a vaccine against coronavirus” and that he died “under strange circumstances”.

The report goes on to claim cops believed a “scuffle” had taken place before Kagansky fell.

He had recently received a Russian grant to study new ways of diagnosing and treating malignant brain tumours, and was an advocate of research into the uses of herbs and mushrooms as a cancer treatment.

List of Assassinations of COVID-19 Researchers

The death of the Russian scientist adds to the list of people engaged in coronavirus research dropping dead in mysterious circumstances.

Canadian Scientist Frank Plummer

Frank Plummer Winnipeg Lab Scientist Working On Coronavirus AssassinatedFrank Plummer – Canadian Scientist Key To Coronavirus Investigation Assassinated In Africa

In early February, renowned scientist Frank Plummer who received Saudi SARS Coronavirus sample and was working on Coronavirus (HIV) vaccine in the Winnipeg based Canadian lab was assassinated in Kenya soon after it was revealed in GreatGameIndia investigation that Frank Plummer was the key to the Chinese Biological Espionage case at Winnipeg’s National Microbiology Laboratory. It was from this Canadian lab that coronavirus was smuggled by Chinese Biowarfare agents and weaponized in Wuhan.

Professor Bing Liu, University of Pittsburgh

Professor Bing Liu - Another Coronavirus Researcher AssassinatedIn May, Professor Bing Liu of the University of Pittsburgh who was on the verge of a breakthrough in scientific understanding of the new coronavirus was shot dead.

In May, Professor Bing Liu of the University of Pittsburgh who was on the verge of a breakthrough in scientific understanding of the new coronavirus was shot dead. He was found in his townhouse with gunshot wounds to the head, neck, torso and extremities.

“Bing was on the verge of making very significant findings toward understanding the cellular mechanisms that underlie SARS-CoV-2 infection and the cellular basis of the following complications,” his colleagues at the university’s Department of Computational and Systems Biology said in a statement.

Gita Ramjee, an HIV scientist

Gita Ramjee - HIV Scientist Dies Of CoronavirusGita Ramjee – HIV Scientist Dies Of Coronavirus

Gita Ramjee, an HIV scientist died of Coronavirus when she was in London to deliver a lecture in March. On her return to South Africa she felt unwell and was hospitalised. Her specialisation in HIV prevention and treatment research led her to lead the expansion of phase I through phase III HIV prevention and treatment clinical trials in the greater Durban area as the Clinical Trials Unit Principal Investigator.

WHO driver carrying Coronavirus samples shot dead

WHO Driver Carrying Coronavirus Samples Shot Dead in MyanmarWHO Driver Carrying Coronavirus Samples Shot Dead in Myanmar

WHO driver carrying Coronavirus samples was shot dead in Myanmar, in May. The World Health Organization (WHO) vehicle carrying coronavirus test samples came under attack, leaving the driver dead and a government official seriously injured. Pyae Sone Win Maung was driving a well-marked United Nations vehicle when it was hit by gunfire in Rakhine State.

Vaccine Whistleblower Brandy Vaughan

Vaccine Whistleblower Brandy Vaughan Found Dead Inside Her Own Home. Police Open InvestigationVaccine Whistleblower Brandy Vaughan Found Dead Inside Her Own Home. Police Open Investigation

Vaccine whistleblower Brandy Vaughan, a former sales executive for the pharmaceutical company Merck and the founder of, a website dedicated to educating people on the risks associated with vaccines, was found dead in her home beside her nine-year-old son on December 8. On Monday, the Santa Barbara County Sheriff’s Office announced an investigation into the circumstances surrounding her death.

Person of Interest in Coronavirus Investigation

There are also those researchers of interest who could be investigated for their shady role in manufacturing the worldwide pandemic of fear. Below we highlight a couple of them who are key to Coronavirus investigation.

Peter Daszak, EcoHealth Alliance

President of EcoHealth Alliance, Peter DaszakThe President of EcoHealth Alliance, Peter Daszak is the one who orchestrated the myth that COVID-19 is natural in origin

The President of EcoHealth Alliance, Peter Daszak is the one who orchestrated the myth that COVID-19 is natural in origin. Emails obtained by U.S. Right to Know show that a statement in The Lancet authored by 27 prominent public health scientists condemning “conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural origin” was organized by employees of EcoHealth Alliance.

EcoHealth Alliance interestingly is the same non-profit group that received millions of dollars of U.S. taxpayer funding to genetically manipulate coronaviruses with scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Dutch Virologist Ron Fouchier

How Ron Fouchier Created A Mutant H5N1 VirusDutch Virologist Ron Fouchier created a mutant H5N1 Virus and is key to Coronavirus investigation

Dutch Virologist Ron Fouchier is a controversial figure in the field of Viroscience. He created world’s deadliest virus strain and his research sparked a global controversy to de-fund and shutdown such experiments. Experts have raised concerns legally that such experiments could not only lead to a global pandemic but could also lead to bio-terrorism.

However, Ron Fouchier is also a key to the COVID-19 investigation. He isolated the SARS Coronavirus smuggled out of Saudi Arabia which was sent to the Canadian scientist Frank Plummer, who ended up dead a week after GreatGameIndia‘s report was published.

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Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.


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Hér segir Þórdís Björk okkur hvað er í gangi. - Það er verið að endurstilla þjóðfélagið fyrir stórfyrir tækin, - The Great Reset tekur um það bil 2 ár!

Hér segir Þórdís Björk okkur hvað er í gangi. 

Dánartíðni er lík eðe minni núna 2020 en flest ár hjá flestum þjóðum.

(Séu árin 2020 og 1988 borin saman, þá virðist að nú í... -

Það er verið að endurstilla þjóðfélagið fyrir stórfyrirtækin,



Þórdís Björk Sigurþórs
Þórdís Björk Sigurþórsdóttir

The Great Reset tekur um það bil 2 ár!

(heildardánartíðni flestra þjóða er ekki hærri 2019 heldur ívið lægri en undanfarin ár, þar á meðal á Íslandi, 


sjá hér.)


er the Great Reset í gangi, að koma efnahagi þjóða á hausinn og byggja upp á ný þar sem auðhringarnir vilja koma upp nýju stofnanaumhverfi „alþjóðasamfélagsins" þar sem þeir eru jafnréttháir þjóðríkjum. Sjá þessa fínu 





Skilst að "lockdown" hrunið eigi að taka um það bil tvö ár og það vita menn í innsta hring. Jafnvel Kári Stefánsson sem sagði í febrúar að samfélagið yrði á hliðinni 


í tvö ár.


Og stóri bróðir Bill Gates er líka alltaf að teygja á því og talar nú 


um 2022


Bíða eftir almennilegu hruni svo hægt verði að endurreisa, build back better syngja þjóðarleiðtogar allir í kór, líka Katrín Jakobsdóttir. Sjá 




Hann er stofnandi World Economic Forum sem fjallað er um 


hér ofar




Egilsstaðir,11.01.2021   Jónas Gunnlaugssojd                                                                                                                                                                      


SOMETHING TRULY AWESOME IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN - THE OLD WORLD ORDER IS ABOUT TO DISSOLVE - Við skoðum, hugsum. Venjum okkur við nýja nálgun. Hvað er rétt? Ekki útilok það góða, gefa innsæinu tækifæri. Einstein, Nikola, Jesú og allir hinir..



By James Bennett

I know many of us are very worried about what appears to be a stolen ‘election.’ After all Trump conceded, right? Actually, he didn’t. Did you hear him say the word concede? He definitely gave no congrats to Biden either. Trump said, ‘There would be a smooth transition to the next administration.’ Hmmm


 Transition to what? Well, if Trump has a different VP (and what little staff remains!) that’s a new administration. Trump is playing high level chess. Semantics and dates are very important right now. Trump has NO intention of going anywhere. He’s playing them like a piano. This pause serves many purposes. There are even MORE traitors implicating themselves. Sedition is rampant! And that’s just what we can see.

Let’s go back to the last time the Deep State wanted to get rid of a President. John F. Kennedy was loved by the people. He loved America and had a spine. He opposed the Bay of Pigs, wanted to get back to sound money, and rid us of the Federal Reserve. JFK was also speaking out against the Deep State and their insidious, nefarious plans to enslave us. He had a handful of confidants and generals around him. They started to formulate a plan to cleanse our Country of this Shadow Government. They have been quietly working on a plan to save our Country for 58 years!

This chapter represents a culmination of careful planning on BOTH sides. One was to usher in the dark and one to bring in the light. The dark Satanic international crime syndicate had a 16-year plan (8 years of Obama and 8 years of Hillary.) Then the death of America would have been complete. Thankfully that didn’t go as planned in 2016.

Programming the Smartmatic / Dominion voting for a 20% steal wasn’t enough! Even combined with other tricks they employed. Actual organic Democracy showed itself. It was 2:00 AM, the whole world was watching, and it got away from them. It was beautiful.

Meanwhile, Trump and loyal insiders planned the biggest, most comprehensive sting operation in history. He didn’t have to be a benevolent dictator to pull it off. He allowed the light to expose the dark. He LET TRUTH DICTATE so the People could see. He has been allowing the Deep State plans to unfold while following Constitutional mechanisms to the letter. Look at how independent media’s popularity is exploding, while the MainStream Media (MSM) is experiencing an unprecedented rating exodus.

During this period, the LAST thing we want to do is to look to the CIA’s Mockingbird Media for answers. Look at the MSM’s decorum right now, fear! Look at Trump, Scavino and Pompeo’s calm in recent pressers. Who do you think is in control? Why the immediacy, the obvious panic to remove Trump by military force or the 25th Amendment? He’s only got days left, right? The People are waking up. They are awakening to this ‘Plan-demic” and all the instruments of division (identity politics) that dilute our culture by dismantling family, patriotism, and religious freedom (especially Christianity.)

Everything most Americans hold dear has been under attack by these instruments of ‘societal sabotage.’ Satan must kill all that is good. Their plan is to take our freedoms, our financial abundance, our health, our sovereignty over our bodies, and our Constitution. The first two Amendments were written to ensure we were anchored in Liberty forever. Now they were caught trying to steal our election too. In fact, they have been stealing many elections worldwide for decades, and the world (including California) is realizing this. As the balance of good and evil seems to slip away from us, good is stepping in.

I have no doubt that the political landscape will change. Even in this moment, as you read this, a storm is coming. TRAITORS ARE GOING TO PRISON (en masse.) THERE IS NO WAY BIDEN WILL BE PRESIDENT!

China was hijacked a generation ago. That’s what the Deep State does. It takes over countries. Not long ago China was isolated and not even a player in the geopolitical and trade arena. The Deep State deliberately enriched China at America’s expense. Doing this was an instrument to bring down the US (again, CCP and Deep State are synonymous) and carry out their Satanic goal of a One World Government / New World Order. In an attempt to collateralize us and make us beholden to China, the Deep State exported America’s production, stole our technology, using that technology against and attempted to use debt as an instrument of control. That’s their MO.

Then they created and released a manmade bioweapon, COVID-19! This was an act of war, although the virus is not nearly as dangerous as their bought-and-paid-for media portrays it as. (An Amish leader was recently asked why they don’t get COVID-19. He said it was because they don’t watch TV.)

A virus rollout was planned years ago to serve different purposes. Next on their agenda was to start a war as a justification for their ‘currency reset.’ However, their change agent wasn’t in the White House. Trump has been pulling out of wars, so COVID-19 served as Plan ‘B.’ COVID-19 was to be the new excuse for the ‘great reset’ and an instrument of depopulation, although affecting mostly those with compromised immune systems.

It will become clear to most that ALL of our ‘problems’ owe lineage to their manipulations as they employ their formula for control: Hegel’s Dialectic – Problem/Reaction/Solution to help achieve their ends. Reaction=fear, the 2nd component of the equation. Although COVID-19 would not kill in significant numbers, their horrible vaccines would. The vaccine uses nano-technology, interfacing with 5G in our bodies (allowing for control through remote means) along with evil ingredients which together are like some bad sci-fi movie. We have been at a disadvantage as good people find it so difficult to relate to such profound evil.

It’s as if these globalists are on a different radio station, a different frequency, in which we don’t reside. This is largely what this chapter of show and tell has been about – to allow People to see the evil for themselves. Trump has been stepping back for the show part, soon to be joined by the tell part. SO much to tell (now the efforts to prevent the telling). It’s been about allowing the Deep State to implicate themselves and to show who they really are. Try to imagine being sworn in to uphold the Constitution then selling us out to tyrannical Communist China for financial profit and power. To say they don’t care about us is an understatement. They were complicit in an Agenda to engineer our decline (in every way you can apply the word.) Treason brought to new heights. I trust you won’t feel bad when they are brought before Military Tribunal and sentenced to death!

It’s impossible to overstate the significance of this point in history. It IS Biblical and epic. Most of the World is under the Cabal’s oppression. As we go dark, so does the illumination to Peace and Freedom for billions. We are moving toward the light – illumination from God – not toward those that regard themselves as the Illuminated Ones.

Trump and the loyal Patriots around him know what’s at stake. FAILURE WAS NOT AN OPTION! Patriots used meticulous planning, supercomputer modeling (AI), irrefutable intel, our Constitution, and God – THE Illumination. Despite current appearances, Trump’s plans went perfectly. He hasn’t yet needed to pull the several Trump cards he is holding. The Patriots planned for all contingencies. This frustrating intermission right now is also planned. The (death march) music is playing. The pain and pressure has been prolonged deliberately as the traitors implicate themselves and give up information. Epstein sang like a bird (He’s alive), as did the CIA head and demon Gina Haspel, as well as many others. As for those in D.C., Trump didn’t want to catch them only conspiring. He wanted them to follow through with committing the biggest political crime in history.

And they did. Think about the legal language Trump has been using as he gives the traitors every chance to do the right thing. Trump created an Executive Order (EO) in 2018 that was custom made for this exact time. It designates those complicit in the Chinese (Deep State) theft of our election as foreign enemy combatants.

His statement after Capitol Hill security let Antifa into Congressional chambers was, “Go home in peace.” Saying that was a proclamation to disperse and was meant to set the stage to evoke the Insurrection Act! This Act empowers the POTUS to deploy US Military and National Guard troops within the US to suppress civil disorder. He did it Saturday night!

The Insurrection Act gives POTUS another layer of emergency war time powers, along with his 2018 EO. We are in a military dynamic at this time. Trump has designated Antifa as a terrorist organization. Those stealing our election are foreign enemy combatants and as such both are subject to different treatment in a time of war. Trump took an oath to protect us from enemies foreign and domestic! That is just what he is doing. How novel. How awesome!

In addition to labeling those who engage in foreign interference in our elections as engaging in acts of war, the EO also provides for forfeiture of assets (many accounts have already been frozen) from those complicit, including media outlets. He opened the door, and they walked right into their jail cell as planned. Like martyrs for Satan, they know they’re done!

Trump has an avalanche of conclusive evidence from MANY different angles. The Deep State knows it and that’s why evidence was never heard in court, at the Rally or anywhere they can prevent it. In addition, the timing of the (false flag) ‘break in’ of the Capitol building occurred before Senators could articulate, in front of the cameras, their objections to accepting fraudulent votes. Plans are in place to likely employ the Emergency Broadcast System very soon at this writing.

Most all who are reading this know about the Globalist’s horrible plans (China is their template), UN Agenda 21/2030, and their draconian technocracy, etc. However, that is the OLD WORLD ORDER, as we will see! This construct of all manner of deceit and poisoning, with a captured healthcare landscape run by Big Pharma (part of the Cabal), censorship, lack, scarcity, and debt is coming to a close! No more Central Banks (the head of the snake). There is an entirely new financial system to be rolled out shortly, backed with the stolen gold, which has been recovered!

Trump made two promises that are the understatements of the Century: ‘I will drain the swamp’ and ‘The best is yet to come.’ His plans are further along than is being portrayed to us at this time. Many arrests have already been made. Air traffic to Guantanamo is WAY up and its capacity has been greatly increased, as is traffic to similar facilities. Arrests in the thousands have happened and will escalate.

Over 200 countries are set to participate in a new financial system. It is called NESARA, the National Economic Security and Reformation Act. The global engagement is called GESARA. It employs unhackable, blockchain technology called the Quantum Financial System. It provides immediate, private transacting – a straight line (not a triangle) between both parties. It’s a reset, but the FED and the New World Order are out not in the picture! All bank debt, such as mortgages, credit cards, etc., will be erased. It abolishes the Federal Reserve and its collection agency, the IRS. IRS employees that remain are to be retrained and be transferred into the US Treasury. The only tax revenue needed for NESARA is reportedly a 14% flat rate tax on non-essential new items.

We have been in an Oligarchic Kleptocracy for many years. They’ve been robbing us into serfdom! What could be worse than our leaders masquerading as ‘public servants’ while stealing and putting us in debt? Answer: Charging us interest on that which they steal.

NESARA provides all kind of windfalls and it will spread all over the World as GESARA. It will return the US to Constitutional law (no more Maritime, Admiralty law) and bring us back to Common Law. It also provides for new Presidential and Congressional elections within 120 days after NESARA’s announcement. After this announcement and its fantasy-like benefits, how do you think Trump would fare in an authentic election in the wake of the arrests and all this life-changing news? A new election will be necessary, as we are in a new system!

Reportedly there are new currency notes called ‘Rainbow Currency’. The plan is to take the FED’s debt notes out of circulation in 2021. It also dissolves the US bankruptcy of 1933 as well as the US Corporation DBA USA, Inc. (hence the new vote). The Shadow Government is no longer in control! This Corporation was another deception imposed on our young, struggling Republic after the Civil War. It reduced us to a corporation as a means of collateralization and made us indebted and beholden to the same people the Pilgrims we’re trying to get away from!

This ends the birth certificate scam (Search this.) It aligns the US Treasury with Constitutional Law and restores financial privacy. It requires that judges and attorneys align with Constitutional Law. It ends all wars because in order to be a part of GESARA, countries must cease all aggressive military actions! GESARA will established peace throughout out world!

In addition, NESARA will make available enormous amounts of money for humanitarian purposes. These funds are not a part of any Globalist plan for wealth redistribution.

NESARA/GESARA will also release thousands of patents, sacred knowledge, technology, real health cures (including sonic healing called ‘Med Beds’), and life changing information that has been hoarded from us (and that we’ve often funded). Finally, it releases Tesla’s free energy! (Search NESARA Trump 2021.)

What is coming has been called many things such as “The Great Awakening” and “The Shift”. It seems God is finally stepping in. Just in time! Our Founding Fathers were far from perfect men, but they had Divine help in the creation of our Constitution. We now are feeling the hand of God in the creation of this new world.

Does “The Truth will set you free” ring a bell? We ALL have been deceived beyond our current understanding. This will become more evident as 2021 progresses. The days of our division need to be over. We can all prosper. We are now engaged in the process of waking up the masses. It is natural for us to be scared when we are awakened too quickly. Trump knows this. That’s why optics have been so important. It will be a difficult process for many, yet we needed to see the evil in our midst. We needed to go to bed at night imagining our Country and Freedoms gone – like a loved one we took for granted. This angst will turn to joy this year!

The Globalists’ agenda was being imposed on us at an accelerated rate. If you thought the most evil, richest, and most powerful people in the world were going to give up and go away, you were wrong. They will do anything and everything possible to hold onto power. They will pull whatever levers they still have their hands on. Aside from not seeing their Agenda come to fruition, those who took an oath are facing the death penalty for treason. This is life or death. Others are facing the same fate for crimes against humanity as so many are involved in pedophilia, human trafficking, and child sacrifice. Over 650,000 people go missing in the US every year. Most of these are children and women. Trump’s administration already has made arrests. When the scope and depth associated with this Satanic cult comes out, many will be astonished.

Our Country was inches away from a successful takeover! 100% of the Democratic Party, and most all of the Republican Party were involved!!! They were all on China’s payroll, including our MSM, most of Hollywood, and many in the music industry. This includes many who have a high profile and are prominent in the entertainment and music industry as well as heads of major corporations.

This is the year of disclosure. That’s what this chapter is about. Have you been losing sleep? I can assure you that the traitor’s sleep patterns are not what they were. The change millions have been craving is coming. We’re so lucky to be here at this time to witness this transformation take place.

Take care of yourselves, have Faith, pray, relax. We deserve it. God knows we’ve paid our dues. There’s a time for everything. This IS our time!

The show will begin shortly after this intermission.

Now, sit back, relax, and enjoy the show!

And don’t forget to grab that popcorn.

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Massachusetts Institute of Technology to build an injectable quantum dot dye system to tattoo stored medical info beneath children’s skin. The tattoo was designed to be readable by an iPhone app.

Yes, Bill Gates Said That. Here’s The Proof.


  • 1/11/2021 — Yes, Bill Gates Said That. Here’s the Proof. — Derek Knauss — In 2019, according to a not-yet-purged Scientific American article, Gates commissioned the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to build an injectable quantum dot dye system to tattoo stored medical info beneath children’s skin. The tattoo was designed to be readable by an iPhone app.  Gates’ company, Microsoft, has patented sinister technology that uses implanted chips with sensors that will monitor body and brain activity. It promises to reward compliant humans  with crypto currency payments when they perform assigned activities. Gates also invested approximately $20 million in MicroCHIPS, a company that makes chip-based devices, including birth-control implant chips with wireless on/off switches for remote-controlled drug-delivery by medical authorities. In July 2019, months before the COVID pandemic, Gates bought 3.7M shares of Sercoa military contractor with U.S. and UK government contracts to track and trace pandemic infections and vaccine compliance.  To facilitate our transition to his surveillance societyGates invested $1 billion in EarthNow, which promises to blanket the globe in 5G video surveillance satellites. EarthNow will launch 500 satellites allowing governments and large enterprises to live-stream monitor almost every “corner” of the Earth, providing instantaneous video feedback with one-second delay.   The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation also acquired 5.3 million shares of Crown Castle, which owns 5G spy antennas including more than 40,000 cell towers and 65,000 small cells.   Yes, Bill Gates Said That. Here’s the Proof. – Prepare For Change


Egilsstaðir, 13.01.2021   nJónas Gunnlaugsson

Ég sem við Ríkið um að kaupa bankann fyrir 50 milljarða, og legg 50 milljarða sem ég fékk lánaða í öðrum banka, á reikning Ríkisins í bankanum, sem ég var að kaupa.

Muna, peningur er bókhald. Ef allir fá bókhald fyrir vinnu, þá fáum við meiri þjónustu og eignumst meira af íbúðarhúsnæði, atvinnuhúsnæði og innviðum í landinu. 

Höfum við fólkið nokkurntímann verið fáfróðara, en þegar við segjum, það er engin peningur, bókhald til, við getum ekki tekið alla í vinnu. 

Þá glötum við afrakstri af vinnu huga og handa fólksins vegna heimsku. 

Lesa Sesar.


Sesar fékk hylli fólksins, fyrir að fara í framkvæmdir, sem sköpuðu atvinnu fyrir fólkið, sem það fékk greitt fyrir, og þá keypt það sem heimilið þurfti. Sesar varð að finna greiðslu möguleika, að búa til bókhald fyrir lausa hönd, sem vildi gera gagn,



Skáldsaga, gæti hún verið sönn? Öryggissetning

Það á að kenna fólkinu um fjármálin að peningur er aðeins bókhald.

Þá hættir þessi þrýstingur á stjórnmálamenn að gefa einkaaðilum, fjárfestum fjármála bókhaldið og þá geta þeir ekki talið okkur trú um að þeir láni okkur verðmæti.

Starfsmanna samböndin verða að sjá um að þetta sé kennt.

Bankinn málána 50 milljarðana 10 sinnum eða 500 milljarða, sem bankinn minn á og getur minn banki þá keypt fasteignir og leigt út.  

Hver vill ekki láta gefa sér 450 milljarða og peningaprentvél.

Bankaeigandinn á svo alla peninga sem bannkinn lánar, lánar ekki, bankinn skrifar bókhald handa þeimm sem byggir húsið, og segist svo eiga húsið. 

Ef bankinn getur búið til kreppu, þá fær bankinn eignirnar, húsið.  

Bankinn vill ekki fá greiðslurnar, þá verður skuldin 0, og þá á bankinn ekker. 

Ef við látum kenna þetta í skólunum, þá lenda stjórnmála mennirnir ekki í þessum þvingunum til að þeir selji peningaprentinina til einkaaðila.


Skáldsaga, gæti hún verið sönn? Öryggissetning

Frelsum stjórnsýsluna frá víxlurunum.

Munum að nú er verið að færa allt yfir til stórfyrirtækjanna.

Abraham Linkoln, lét Ríkið skrifa peningabókhaldið, og var myrtur.

Kennedy, lét Ríkið skrifa peningabókhaldið, og var myrtur.

Sagt er að Trump hafi yfirtekið Federal Reserve, sem var kallaður Seðlabanki Bandaríkjanna, en var í einka eigu og þá mest útlendinga.

Trump er í mikilli baráttu og er reynt að fella hann.

Á að selja bankana, peningaprentunina, peningabókhaldið, peningur er bókhald til einkaaðila.


Banka­sýsla rík­is­ins  

slóð, Vill selja fyr­ir nokkra tugi millj­arða  

hlut Ríkisins í Íslandsbanka.


Ég sem við Ríkið um að kaupa bankann fyrir 50 milljarða, og legg 50 milljarða sem ég fékk lánaða í öðrum banka, á reikning Ríkisins í bankanum, sem ég var að kaupa.

Um leið og ég legg inn í bankann, þessa 50 milljarða, þá má ég lána þá upphæð til dæmis út 10 sinnum, sem peninga bankans míns.

Ég nota 10 sinnum, en munum að sjálfsagt er hægt að breyta reglunum  í allar áttir.

Með þessari aðgerð, eru 50 milljarðarnir mínir orðnir að 500 milljörðum, sem bankinn minn á og getur minn banki þá keypt fasteignir og leigt út.  

Bankinn minn getur lánað í fasteignakaup og fær þá vexti af lánunum.

Auðvitað getur margt mistekist og þá tapast.

Hver vill ekki láta gefa sér 450 milljarða?

Hvaða þvingun er það sem fær pólitíkusa til að láta að stjórn víxlarana sem Jesú rak út úr musterinu?

Oft er sagt að allir í stjórnsýsluninni séu klístraðir, til að þeir láti að stjórn?


Klístraðir, hleraðir, myndaðir. Erum við allir klístraðir, hleraðir, myndaðir, fylltir, eftir fundi, teknar upptökur, með unglingum, og svo hótað birtingu á sviðsetningunni, og þá samþykkjum við allt, svo sem ÍSAVE, og svo sem ORKUPAKKA 3. Skáldsaga.

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 10. ágúst 2019



Niðurstöður fyrir samkeppnishæfni

7 bloggfærslur fundust

Ísland kemur vel út, eftir að aðilar hættu að taka mark á munnlegri samantekt hjá víxlurunum. Það voru ekki rauntölur. Landsvirkjun, Rafmagnsveitur Ríkisins, Hitaveitur Sveitarfélagana, ódýrt rafmagn heimila og atvinnuvega, og stóriðjan, gerðu gæfumuninn.

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 9. október 2019

Hér er því lýst hvernig víxlararnir misskildu, rangfærðu, svindluðu ? tölur um samkeppnisfærni Íslands. slóð Samkeppnishæfni 26.10.2014 | 22:38 000 Af hverju skildi Jesú hafa rekið víxlarana út úr musterinu, stjórnstöð þess tíma, Menntamusterið, og ekki

Hvert fór Símasjóðurinn? Hvert fór eign fólksins í íbúðunum, húsunum, heimilunum, og atvinnuhúsnæðinu? Hafa DÓMARARNIR dæmt KREPPUFLÉTTUNA, hans Tómasar Jefferssonar ólöglega? Var þetta svindlflétta, fjármálakerfis HEIMSINS? Á að skila öllu til baka? jg

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 18. apríl 2019

SLÓÐ Kreppufléttan, endurtekið 000 Gagn­rýn­ir þjóðarsjóðinn Þetta er í Morgunblaðinu "Þórólf­ur Gísla­son, kaup­fé­lags­stjóri Kaup­fé­lags Skag­f­irðinga á Sauðár­króki,

Reynir Viðskiptaráð Íslands og Nýsköpunar miðstöð Íslands að handstýra tölum um samkeppnishæfni Íslands? lofað að samkeppnishæfni Íslands batni ef við leyfum einkafjármálakerfinu að flytja ""ágóðan“ af ""KREPPUSV-INDLINU“ til útlanda í gjaldeyri.

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 14. nóvember 2018

Heiður Hagstofunni, að hún láti ekki mata sig á tölum sem voru misskilningur. Húrra, húrra, húrra fyrir Hagstofunni. Sýnum gott fordæmi, fyrir þjóðirnar. Birt áður 16.06.2015 000 Reynir Viðskiptaráð Íslands og Nýsköpunarmiðstöð Íslands að handstýra tölum

Aftur um könnun hjá Viðskiptaráði Íslands og Nýsköpunarmiðstöði Íslands

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 17. júní 2015

Sett á blogg, Bjarna Jónssonar Þessi skrif þín og greining Bjarni Jónsson, gefa mér og mínum líkum aukna þekkingu og aukin skilning. Takk fyrir Bjarni Jónsson Egilsstaðir, 17.06.2015 Jónas Gunnlaugsson Hvað verður um samkeppnishæfnina ?

Reynir Viðskiptaráð Íslands og Nýsköpunarmiðstöð Íslands að handstýra tölum um samkeppnishæfni Íslands?

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 16. júní 2015

Reynir Viðskiptaráð Íslands og Nýsköpunarmiðstöð Íslands að handstýra tölum um samkeppnishæfni Íslands? Sett á blogg Bjarna Jónssonar Hvað verður um samkeppnishæfnina ? Þú segir. „Umgjörð hagkerfisins hefur dregið Ísland niður í samkeppnihæfni, en


Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 17. nóvember 2014

Sett á bloggið hjá Bjarna Jónssyni. Skaðlegar kröfur Þú nefnir hagvaxtartölur Bjarni Jónsson. Þarna virðist Noregur með allan „hagvöxtinn“ vera búinn að missa alla samkeppnishæfni. Í Noregi er upphitun húsa 12 sinnum dýrari en á Íslandi. Það


Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 26. október 2014

Samkeppnishæfni Alþingi á að sjá til þess að rauntölur séu til um alla framleiðni á Íslandi. Þá getum við vitað hvar við getum bætt okkur. oooo Sigurður Már Jónsson skrifar 8. september 2014 kl. 22:10 um Samkeppni og hæfni þjóða.


Egilsstaðir, 13.01.2021   Jónas Gunnlaugsson

TRUMPS NEW SOCIAL MEDIA RELEASE - Trump lýsir yfir stríði gegn Deep State segir 20 janúar innrásar daginn.



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