Bloggfærslur mánaðarins, júlí 2012
Cancer, Read, Read, Read
29.7.2012 | 21:57
Read, Read, Read
The issue
The issue
Egilsstadir,29.07.2012 Jónas Gunnlaugsson
Dreifðu þessu eins og þú lifandi getur.
Publish this everywhere
We all have been lead to believe that cancer is a complicated disease, and therefore a death sentence!
The primary cause of ALL cancer was known in the early 1960s.
The University of Alberta team proved that NaDCA could reverse the Warburg effect.
Unfortunately for us what they also proved
was that all the billions of dollars
being spent at the time on research and for most of the last 85 years
was useless based on this discovery.
Funny as it may seem the useless research has continued
to be funded by billions of dollars per year,
yet the U of A could not get funding.
Powerful story Deanna, it is unfortunate that the cancer industry is so profit driven that great breakthroughs that don't fit the profit model get blocked.
i pray you take a look at and share the information of a discovery
at a large canadain (Canadian jg) University
of a non toxic, effective and cheap cancer treatment
that is in the process of getting suppressed by the drug companies and cancer charities.
The University had to go to the public to raise funds
for a small but sucessfull clinical trial.
Not a cent from one charity as the end of cancer would be their undoing.
When the world is at a point where it puts corporate profits
ahead of human lives it is a sad time.
There is a site trying to keep this discovery alive
and has gathered all the published studies of this simple compound the site is
please take a look,
it is a based on the Warburg effect and is very easy to understand.
God bless
It also looks like any funding going to trials for NaDCA, will be
testing NaDCA as a supplement to standard therapy.
Some of those studies are already beginning to be published.
They claim they will use NaDCA to reduce the size of the tumor
so it can be easier for the Radiation or Chemo to work.
This is insane,
if they would just continue to use the NaDCA
in treating the cancer it would disappear.
They know that, however so as not to lose money
they will insist on poisoning you
so that you will always be a patient.
Bloggar | Breytt s.d. kl. 22:43 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
Try to understand the money masters
20.7.2012 | 01:46
Try to understand.
How should we deal with this
The Money Masters explains the history behind the current world depression and the bankers goal of world economic control by a very small coterie of private bankers, above all governments.
The Central bankers Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in 1988 in the Basel I regulations imposed an 8% capital reserve standard on member central banks. This almost immediately threw Japan into a 15 year economic depression.
In 2004 Basel II imposed mark to the market capital valuation standards that required international banks to revalue their reserves according to changing market valuations (such as falling home or stock prices). The US implemented those standards in November, 2007. In December 2007 the US stock market collapsed and credit began drying up as banks withheld loans to comply with the 8% capital requirement as collateral valuations began to drop.
The snowball effect of tightening credit, which reduces economic activity and values further, which resulted in further tightening of credit, etc., has produced a worldwide depression which is worsening.
Those capital standards have not been relaxed despite the crushing effects on the world economy* the credit contraction it requires has caused. Why? Because:
Bruce Wiseman
The purpose of this financial crisis is to take down the U.S. dollar as the stable datum of planetary finance and, in the midst of the resulting confusion, put in its place a Global Monetary Authority [GMA - run directly by international bankers freed of any government control] -a planetary financial control organization- Bruce Wiseman
*The U.S did modify these rules somewhat a year after the devastation had taken place here, but the rules are still fully in place in the rest of the world and the results are appalling.
The powers of financial capitalism had a far-reaching plan, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole Their secret is that they have annexed from governments, monarchies, and republics the power to create the worlds money .- Prof. Carroll Quigley renowned, late Georgetown macro-historian (mentioned by former President Clinton in his first nomination acceptance speech), author of Tragedy and Hope. He [Carroll Quigley] was one of the last great macro-historians who traced the development of civilization with an awesome capability. Dr. Peter F. Krogh, Dean of the School of Foreign Service (Georgetown)
The Two Step Plan to
National Economic Reform and Recovery
1. Directs the Treasury Department to issue U.S. Notes (like Lincolns Greenbacks; can also be in electronic deposit format) to pay off the National debt.
2. Increases the reserve ratio private banks are required to maintain from 10% to 100%, thereby terminating their ability to create money, while simultaneously absorbing the funds created to retire the national debt.
These two relatively simple steps, which Congress has the power to enact, would extinguish the national debt, without inflation or deflation, and end the unjust practice of private banks creating money as loans (i.e., fractional reserve banking).
Paying off the national debt would wipe out the $400+ billion annual interest payments and thereby balance the budget. This Act would stabilize the economy and end the boom-bust economic cycles caused by fractional reserve banking.
For the full text of the Act click here to read the MONETARY REFORM ACT.
Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin.
The bankers own the earth.
Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money, and with the flick of the pen they will create enough deposits to buy it back again.
However, take it away from them, and all the great fortunes like mine will disappear and they ought to disappear, for this would be a happier and better world to live in.
But, if you wish to remain the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create money.
Sir Josiah Stamp, Director of the Bank of England (appointed 1928). Reputed to be the 2nd wealthiest man in England at that time.
Bloggar | Breytt 20.8.2013 kl. 08:44 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
Veruleikinn í dag
16.7.2012 | 08:35
Veruleikinn í dag.
Í þessari frétt hjá BBC kemur fram
að Kínverjar
krefjist yfirráða yfir ýmsum
smáeyjum sunnan við Kína.
Með yfirráðum yfir eyjunum
ná þeir hafinu og auðlindum þess
1000 kílómetra suður í hafið
sunnan Kína.
Þarna ná Kínverjar mestum hluta af
200 mílna landhelgi, Filipseyja,
Brúney og Malasíu,
sem snýr að Kína
Víetnam virðist missa 2/3 af sinni
200 mílna landhelgi.
við austurströnd landsins.
Þarna er betra að hugsa vel.
Krækjan í lagi núna.
Egilsstaðir, 16.07.2012
Veit ekki hvort ég má setja
myndina hér.
Bloggar | Breytt 6.10.2013 kl. 09:04 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
11.7.2012 | 00:54
Íslendingar veiddu 159 þúsund tonn af makríl 2011
Sagt er að makríllinn fiti sigum 650 þúsund tonn í íslenskri lögsögu.
Þessar tölur eru ekki endilega réttar,
en sýna heildarmyndina.
Við notum 5 kíló til að auka þyngd eldisþorsks um 1 kíló,
Eldisþorskurinn þarf lítið að hreyfa sig.
Makríllinn verður að synda hundruð eða þúsund kílómetra,
á eftir fæðunni í hafinu, og taka sprett til að gleypa fæðuna.
Þá þarf makríllinn að éta að lágmarki 5 til 10 sinnum það magn
(sem hann fitar sig) í íslensku lögsögunni,
Makríllinn étur þá 3,2 miljón tonn eða 6,5 miljón tonn, og ef til vill mun meira.
Þarna étur makríllinn milljónir tonna
sem hefðu annars farið í að viðhalda annarri veiði
Íslendinga á Íslands miðum.
blaðsíða 26 í blaðsíðutali, bls 31 í pdf í tölvu.
Stærsti kostnaðarliðurinn við þorskeldi er fóðrið
en það er að mestu leyti unnið úr hágæða fiskimjöli og lýsi.
Ljóst er að ekki mun ganga til lengdar
að nota 4,5 kg af einni tegund lífvera
til að framleiða 1 kg af annarri....
Eg. 10-07-2012 jg
Bloggar | Breytt 19.7.2012 kl. 21:28 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
Skoða, læra, view, learn
3.7.2012 | 07:55
Skoða, læra
Þarna eru menn að leita lausna.
Hvað er góð lausn?
Það þurfum við að finna út.
the Federal Reserve System, incorporating it into the US
*End whats known as fractional reserve banking;
money no longer consists of Bank debt!
*Congress creates & spends new US money into
circulation for infrastructure, health care and education.
Those are the central features. In addition HR
* limits interest rates to 8%
*Ends compound interest
*Lets the states control 25% of new money creation, with per capita federal
grants to the states
*Provides for a tax free "end the depression" citizens dividend to every
Sound too good to be true?
History shows that each part of it has existed at some time in our nation, and each part works.
The NEED act HR2990 brings them together to
end the financial rape of our people, once and for all."
Egilsstaðit, 03.07.2012 jg
Bloggar | Breytt 19.7.2012 kl. 21:30 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)