Svindl? SHANGHAIED: 26 MILLION KIDNAPPED - Hvað er hér í gangi? - Hvað er satt og hvað er lýgi?
12.4.2022 | 09:31
Svindl, kominn nýr texti og virðist vera leikrit.
Hef áður fengið svona í því sem borið er á borð (skjáinn) fyrir mig.
Var að leita að kuldastígvélum, þá fékk ég á skjáinn auglýsingar um kuldastígvél.
Þá er líklegt að aðilar vilji ráða hvað sá sér sem skrifar um málefnin.
Fyrra skipti.
Hér fékk ég falsfrétt um Fausa sem stjórnar heilsugeiranum í Bandaríkjunum.
Sá slóð, Fausi settur inn. Ég athuga þetta, á netinu virtist hann í fullu fjöri og frelsi. Var þetta sett þarna til að bloggarar endursegðu það og þá falsfréttir?
Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 25. janúar 2022
Nú geta utanaðkomandi aðilar, ráðið því hvaða fréttir hver og einn sér. Þú sérð auglýsingarnar sem koma ef þú leitar að stígvélum, þá koma stígvéla auglýsingar.
Fyrir ekki svo löngu var ég að skoða . Þá lenti ég eitthvað
Fyrir ekki svo löngu var ég að skoða
Þá lenti ég eitthvað trúlega út af slóðinni og sá slóð, Fausi settur inn.
Ég hugsaði, getur þetta verið, ég ætla að athuga þetta.
Þar sem ég sá Fauca á netinu virtist hann í fullu fjöri og frelsi.
Þá hugsaði ég, var þetta sett þarna til að ég bloggarinn færi að kynna þetta, og þá væri hægt að segja að ég væri að dreifa ósannindum.
Þessi aðferð er sögð notuð.
Allir gæti varúðar og reyni að leita að staðfestingu.
Annað skipti
Svindl? Svindl, kominn nýr texti og virðist vera leikrit.
(((Þú þarft að skoða þetta líka innan sviga)))
Farðu fyrst á mínútu 12:04, þú verður ?
- stilllucky···
Are they distributing food based on peoples "credit scores", is that why some people aren't getting any ? .... are they killing the cats and dogs to stop people from using them as food ?
- ccpcv···
Its called 'sector control' and the West has it too, it means they euthanize all pets/ animals in the area of control. Chinese had finally started to respect dogs & cats as valued pets. Communism has no 'feelings'. just a hammer to knock you out & a sickle to geld ya!
Edited 4 hours ago
- TheObsoleteMan···
Hard to believe these bastards are getting away with global genocide and none are stopping them. Whistleblowers in mass need to step forward in all governments and expose their plandemic WEF fraud. Those screams are horrid if real and not CCP propaganda. Klaus Schwab the WEF criminal is probably drooling and foaming at the mouth watching China's latest lockdown.
- AlNewmanI···
Have you ever stopped to think that so long as you are a shill furthering the hoax of something that has never been proven to exist, you are in part responsible for this whole affair.
- MikeGG···
well do you?
- Nürnberg 2.0···
MASS Suicides in Shanghai CHINA as People Starve UNDER NWO Lockdown Tyranny Watch all the way through. Look how people are leaping out of buildings to their deaths. Hanging themselves and see whats happening to peoples pets when the people get hauled away to camps. If [show more]
- o00o···
- kit247···
It would be best if these 25 million people hit the streets and tear the place down
- Gilded_Age_Phoenix···
It will never happen...unless the government is dumb enough to continue starving these compliant zombies.
- kraytos77···
"The government is about aggrandizing themselves and doing anything that they have to do to their people,
to keep them under their thumb and under control, whether its declaring an emergency and leaving it in for (how many) days or its locking everybody down." - David Knight- Gilded_Age_Phoenix···
The people created and supported that government. It didn't just spring up out of nowhere. American troops in Vietnam found out that fact.
- youallstealnames···
The feds could never do this to us..We have weapons and ammo. They would never go this far. But until we begin to flex our might our weapons are just a soft passive barrier getting tested over and over again. We need to lash out and lash out hard to show these scum who they are messing with.
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- Democracy_Dr···
Your priest is a Simping, Mangina.
- o00o···
Edited 9 hours ago
- sintaxed···
I belive Americans have not been shown nor told the truth about communist China's populataion. They have had a one child policy ssince 1979 therefore their population has declined. They have herded people into the cities decades ago to work in their State owned factories and businesses. Their countryside is empty except for those [show more]
- kraytos77···
It's always going to be the most in the entire world. Not even India can match it.
- youallstealnames···
People this cravenly obedient deserve to die.
- BigLBA1···
The people gave their government the mandate to feed them ... so basically gave them the power to starve them. They're about to find out. A second time !
- Gabby+Mouse···
I find it hard to work up sympathy for a different species that wants to kill of White people. Not our problem.
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- Gilded_Age_Phoenix···
Nonsense. They only scream out of windows because they are starving to death.
- Gasgasmotorsports···
they sound like lambs. I think its four generations now that have bent their knees to the party so i dont feel sorry for them. Try this stupid shit in our country and i think the rich politicians will become BBQ
- butterscotch2···
By the screams I wonder if they are being hit with 5G or such ? I also wonder when it is said, "do something" or "we need to stop this", what do you expect us to do ? I am sorry but no matter how badly we may want this to stop, it is not going to. We basically have 2 choices left, 1. whom we will serve & 2. on what hill we will die.
Edited 10 hours ago - hsryan···
That was a lot of screaming.
- kraytos77···
That's what pain and suffering sounds like
- Gilded_Age_Phoenix···
It's what starving sounds like. When they aren't starving? Govern us harder, Daddy!
- butterscotch2···
Seems more like culling the herd to me. I also saw dogs & cats removed. I would guess done so to feed others elsewhere. I really feel sorry for the Chinese, N. Koreans and others in such countries. And I know it is just a matter of time before it is here also in one form or another. Really bad times ahead for humans & animals. The [show more]
Edited 11 hours ago- jooootooob···
merica is land of the free no genocides can happen here i saw this on foxjews
- Gilded_Age_Phoenix···
Don't feel sorry for the East Asians...they did it to themselves. In the West, people think, "oh, poor Chinese, their government is so bad to them." Well, the overwhelming majority of the Chinese wanted that government and they mindlessly follow it. There's a reason that region is as screwed up as it is...and it's not because [show more]
- FocusOnTheWord···
Protests, Looting, Pets Destroyed and Mass Suicides in Shanghai China as People Starve During Lockdowns View all 4 replies
- jooootooob···
do you live near Phoenix or referencing the bird
- Gilded_Age_Phoenix···
I live in East Asia.
- jooootooob···
my priest has given many altar boys "the jab" (yes by the jab i mean the jab)
- Frank.N.Stein···
They're coming hard with more plandemic people. Do not comply!
- jooootooob···
cool name
- kevon963···
Trump is a Jesuit Deep State Operative
- View all 9 replies
- Democracy_Dr···
We're not interested in your one big FEELZ re Drumpf.
- Gasgasmotorsports···
We can do alot better than trump. He didnt close the boarder and the violated the second article
- silverton···
It seems like Asian people tend to be more compliant than other cultures. It's part of their high trust nature, but it's being used again them and I know that they are smart enough to see that.
- View all 5 replies
- Gilded_Age_Phoenix···
Someone is married to an Asian here, eh. Emotionally invested, as they say. As the British accurately determined when they were establishing their Racial Hierarchy Theory, the Asians are approximately at the level of Latins, under Western whites, on the Intellectual Bell Curve.
- Lux MGTOW···
Nah, i'm single. Just based on their overall behavior from what i can surmise over the years. Though it's a complicated matter when it comes to ranking the races in terms of "smarts." What i am saying here, naturally speaking.(Not including most the Chinese because it fucks things up, their traits are NOT natural. State induced selective [show more]
- Virgo333···
And why are they catching all the dogs and cats like that? If that isnt a completely obvious indication that these scumbags are starving those people 100% then idk what will get through the thick skull! Theres no reason for any of this .why is anyone letting this happen? Whats it gonna take?
- Ratherbefishing···
Why is there a cull of chickens and turkeys in the West ? Because of Avian Influenza? 'Bird 'flu? Why is the U.S.S.I.O.A. government paying farmers NOT to grow crops, to destroy crops and to reduce herd and flock sizes?
This is WAR and it is war upon YOU by a group of evil entitled global communists who want ALL of the human population reduced and the White races eradicated. - Samthemann6@···
Just like the men falling over in the streets @ the beginning of this bullshit it's just more bullshit out of that red dragon shit hole
- jooootooob···
how dare you criticize Benedict Donaldbergrg he is an Israelite war heyrow he is the best prime minister ever he saved trillions of lives warp speed
- Virgo333···
I thought governor abbott was one of the good ones !? Am I misunderstanding? Wtf?
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- Samthemann6@···
What he does with all of the foreskins needs to freaking stop though ð
- jooootooob···
he makes lampshades
- sailsave···
It seems that China is preparing for the worldwide famine by locking down their largest city to prevent riots.
- Ratherbefishing···
They had to give up on the 'One Child' policy so this is a viable alternative. Purge the unwanted. Happening in the West as well with the jabs that were created by Fauci and Co. in U.S.S.I.O.A. laboratories and sent to China for refinement.
- KWetterhahn···
Care to elaborate what the hell U.S.S.I.O.A means; I can't find any meaning or definition of U.S.S.I.O.A, anywhere. Also, is Co short for Francis Collins? Can't you even take the time to spell it out. Do you mean The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill labs; aka Baric laboratory. My God man; spell it out so others know what the hell your talking about.
Edited 10 hours ago
- MaxMontana1776···
All we can do is 'enjoy' the ride. Cause anybody you talk to either doesn't believe you or doesn't care enough to matter.
- Ratherbefishing···
I care buddy.
- MikeGG···
Well said, brother against brother, the level of indoctrination is everywhere.
- Ratherbefishing···
The genetic poison in the jabs and who knows what else was developed in U.S.S.I.O.A. and sent to China for refinement.The release was probably the work of the U.S.S.I.O.A. using Chinese citizens as guinea pigs.
Why was Victoria Nuland panicking when the Russians captured some of the bio-warfare laboratories in Ukraine? Why the [show more] - Weihan···
NEVER give up your guns! This monstrously evil tyranny in China needs to be decapitated and sent to hell.
- Samthemann6@···
- 𤐠The Canadian Satanist 𤐷··
𤐠Satanic Occult illuminati Symbolism in Dragon Ball Z Exposed
- Gilded_Age_Phoenix···
Can it, Canadian Pinhead!
- FoolMeOnce···
Heil Xi Jin pig!
- Boblegrandpa···
Old light speed vaccine .
- Boblegrandpa···
We cant let Poopy Pants and Fauci do that here
The chinese should be the most rebellious people on Earth. Just look how many times their so called leaders have absolutely slaughtered them in the past. It makes world war deaths look like a small skirmish in comparison.
Edited 12 hours ago- Ratherbefishing···
Plenty of them are rebellious which is why some leave if they can. You have to look at facts though. Just 50 years of te Kalergi Plan: has fucked up the gene lines in Europe. Just 50 years of communist indoctrination in the 'education' system [show more]
Edited 11 hours ago - Samthemann6@···
Who's to say that video of people screaming isn't more planned propaganda by the CCP and world governments just like in the beginning with the Chinese men falling over in the street BS...
- Uppatree···
The Pedo-Satanist Party.
- Med9···
Thomas Reuter, CEO of Reuters news, is on the board of directors of Pfizer. So no surprise about the reporting....
- Donaldsraise···
I was cured from Stage 3 Lung cancer which leads to lymph nodes after 2 attempts of surgeries and remission without improvements. I was recommended to Dr. Nelson a herbal specialist whose herbal products have been used by different citizens in treating various diseases and sharing their testimonials on this news site. I contacted [show more]
Edited 12 hours ago- Samthemann6@···
All of that but it couldn't cure your stupidity
- Democracy_Dr···
Take your SPAM and fuck right off!
- Jeff "The Loan Newf" Gillis. WTFUW!!!𤬷··
26 million fking stupid enough to comply with all of it, sooo fk them!
- View all 4 replies
- Samthemann6@···
Hopefully you would die with Honor
- Gilded_Age_Phoenix···
Yup, most of them are dumb as fuck. They only "rebel" when they are starving and have no other choice.
Name the tyrants, the US Congress and Executive branch. Who is killing our dollar, who is killing our energy supplies, who is killing our food production? Who sends billions for wars across the globe while our own country is rotting from within? Who allows foreign criminals to wash across our lands? Name the tyrants.
Edited 2 hours ago