Joe Biden eđa rökrćđu Biden: Bara ekki sami gaurinn.
Joe Biden vs. Debate Biden: Just Not the Same Guy
Jim Fetzer
Tölvu ţýđing.
Eftir ađ hafa fjallađ mikiđ um tvífara (td Paul McCartney og Hillary Clinton, til dćmis) var líklega auđveldara fyrir mig ađ taka eftir ţví ađ gaurinn sem rökrćddi Donald Trump á landsvísu (tvisvar í raun í annađ skiptiđ) í Nashville, TN) var ekki Joe Biden en fyrir flesta almenning. Eftir ađ hafa gert ţessa athugun varđ mér hins vegar skylt ađ koma málinu á framfćri viđeigandi yfirvalda ţar sem framsending hefur veriđ lögđ fyrir FBI Field Office í Nashville af lögmanni í Kaliforníu međ stuđningi frá vini mínum og kollega. , Scott Bennett, sem, eins og ég sjálfur, er fyrrverandi yfirmađur bandaríska hersins (Scott, herinn; ég, Marine Corps).
Having dealt extensively with body doubles (in the case of Paul McCartney and of Hillary Clinton, for example), it was probably easier for me to notice that the guy who debated Donald Trump on the national stage (twice, in fact, the second time in Nashville, TN) was not Joe Biden than for most of the public. Having made that observation, however, it became incumbent upon me to bring the matter to the attention of the appropriate authorities, where a submission has been made to the FBI Field Office in Nashville by a California attorney of note with support from my friend and colleague, Scott Bennett, who, like myself, is a former commissioned officer of the US military (Scott, Army; me, Marine Corps).
Egilsstađir, 18.07.2021 Jónas Gunnlaugsson
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