Þessa grein verða stjórnvöld að láta færustu menn lesa, og svo hugsa. Þarna eru svör. Coronavirus: Why You Must Act Now - Politicians, Community Leaders and Business Leaders: What Should You Do and When? Verkfræði verkefni.

Þetta er verkfræði verkefni, og verður að lesast og framkvæmast af þeim sem eru lærðir í að fást við byggingar, virkjanir og eru lærðir í verkfræði og tæknifræði.

Þessa grein verða stjórnvöld að láta færustu menn lesa, og skýra fyrir okkur, svo hugsa.      

Þarna eru svör, sem bera á saman við annað..

Þýða á íslensku svo að allir geti notað fræðsluna.


Hér er blog: Björn Ragnar Björnsson

Hin fullkomna martröð




Coronavirus: Why You Must Act Now

Politicians, Community Leaders and Business Leaders: What Should You Do and When?


Finna hvað er hægt að gera.

Hér set ég aðeins úr greininni


How do we flatten the curve?

Social Distancing

There is one very simple thing that we can do and that works: social distancing.

If you go back to the Wuhan graph, you will remember that as soon as there was a lockdown, cases went down. That’s because people didn’t interact with each other, and the virus didn’t spread.



Mitigation requires heavy social distancing. People need to stop hanging out to drop the transmission rate (R), from the R=~2–3 that the virus follows without measures, to below 1, so that it eventually dies out.

These measures require closing companies, shops, mass transit, schools, enforcing lockdowns… The worse your situation, the worse the social distancing. The earlier you impose heavy measures, the less time you need to keep them, the easier it is to identify brewing cases, and the fewer people get infected.

This is what Wuhan had to do. This is what Italy was forced to accept. Because when the virus is rampant, the only measure is to lock down all the infected areas to stop spreading it at once.

With thousands of official cases — and tens of thousands of true ones — this is what countries like Iran, France, Spain, Germany, Switzerland or the US need to do.

But they’re not doing it.


Share the Word

This is probably the one time in the last decade that sharing an article might save lives. They need to understand this to avert a catastrophe.

The moment to act is now.

Egilsstaðir, 15.03.2020 Jónas Gunnlaugsson

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