The illegitimacy of authority is easy to see when you can use critical thinking to question why we have organized society around the ideas of coercion and violence. if the laws of man are deemed good for us all as a collective, therefore right, why do they need to be enforced by coercion and violence?
If it is right it is right for all. All natural laws are immutable, inherent and in effect for all without being enforced by violence. Gravity does not need enforcement.
If it is wrong to take the property of another it is wrong for everyone even a government.
The product of our labour belongs to us. It is wrong for anyone to take any portion of it without our consent. Taxes are theft by violence.
Our bodies belong to us. It is wrong to inflict harm on someone who chooses to ingest a substance deemed illegal.
Transgression of natural law is any action that if taken does harm to another living being or its property. Action taken that does no harm is a right. No victim no crime.
Murder, assault, rape, theft, trespass and coercion are transgressions of natural law.
Natural law is the body of conditions that control the consequences of human behaviour or the behaviour of any holistic intelligent being.
Acting in accordance with Natural Law means exercising conscience , or willfully choosing morally right behaviour over morally wrong behaviour, once the difference is clearly understood.
The main reason humanity continues to experience a systemic and growing loss of freedom is because we collectively do not deeply understand ownership, and we continue to commit and condone morally wrong behaviour.
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16.3.2018 | 09:34
Authority is Illegitimate <link href='' rel='stylesheet'/>
- Posted 30th August 2015 by Tears for Adonis
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