These are the strings that control the puppet show - banking history - 48 B.C. Julius Caesar took back from the money changers the power to coin money and then minted coins for the benefit of all. - Caesar was assassinated. - MORE.

Bitterroot Bugle

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Bankasaga Bandaríkjanna - Vafalaust sást mér yfir helstu atriði og líklega eru nokkur smáatriði röng en hér er hægt að fá að vita heilmikið um það hvað varð um peningana okkar, frjálsa landið okkar og heiminn“. Allt á íslensku.

12.4.2019 | 14:45


banking history

This was a major undertaking. I undoubtedly missed most of it and likely got a few details wrong, but you can get a whole lot of “What the heck happened to our money, our free country and our world” right here. I strongly encourage you to share. I will use this as a reference work for a long time to come. I encourage you to do that too.

These are the strings that control the puppet show

Egilsstaðir, 14.07.2017  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

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