Jónas Gunnlaugsson - jonasg-egi.blog.is
betra ađ nota ţessa slóđ
Ţessa slóđ verđur ađ lesa. This link you must read.
Learn, learn, learn. Lćra, lćra, lćra.
24.12.2014 | 02:29
Aftur, Prosperity - uk
Egilsstađir, 24.12.2014 Jónas Gunnlaugsson
Currently the public purse benefits annually
by about Ł1.5 billion on the profit of providing
that 3% of the money supply.
By contrast, the banks, in creating the remaining 97%
subsidised by the British people to the tune of
Ł50 billion every year.
If this privatisation of the money supply was reversed,
then that Ł50 billion would be available to fund our public services without there being a need to increase taxes.
Indeed, the nation could enjoy increased spending on public services
wiping out NHS deficits, giving students free tuition and maintenance grants, increasing pensions
and a cut in taxes!
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