Artificial black hole ""grown"" by Israeli physicist claims to prove Stephen Hawking’s key theory. Continuation.

Artificial black hole ‘grown’ by Israeli physicist claims to prove Stephen Hawking’s key theory.



The old coverage.

Israeli scientist builds 'black hole' in his lab. Leading physicist Stephen Hawking proposed years ago that photons of energy "leaked" off of the sides of a waning black hole, returning the energy to the earth.

17.8.2016 | 16:14


... This explains why the ultimate “no go” areas grow smaller over time and eventually disappear.


As technology is not yet capable of observing such small amounts of radiation, if it does in fact exist, scientists have been left to use black hole simulators to test the hypotheses, which is what Steinhauer used in his lab. ...


... It consists of cooling rubidium atoms inside a tube to a temperature that is mere billionths of a degree above absolute zero, -273 Celsius. ...


Egilsstaðir, 18.09.2016  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

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