

Egilsstađir, 07.09.2014


“MAD doesn’t work if one of the nuclear parties is rational and the other nuclear party is irrational.”  

“Op-Ed: ISIS' Complaint

The EU, the US, and the world will have to deal with the terrorist-monster of their own making.”

“The Islamic State terrorists rampaging through Mesopotamia and the Eastern Levant have to be confused.  For decades, they have seen the Palestinians committing terrorism against the Jews of Israel, against American citizens and American diplomats.  And what happens?  Arafat gets a Nobel Peace Prize, and the murderous Palestinian Arabs get a rocket–firing terrorist entity in Gaza.  The IS terrorists are puzzled, because based on the EU’s approach to Israel, why isn’t the EU inviting IS representatives to Geneva hotels to negotiate a land-for-peace deal? 

Haven’t the EU and the US told Israel for years, “you have to negotiate with your enemies.” and, “this person’s terrorist, is that person’s freedom-fighter”?  In the politically correct EU and Obama world, IS is someone’s “freedom-fighter,” and clearly is also “an enemy” of the US and the EU.  Why not negotiate with IS to  give them a terrorist state of their very own?” 

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