Súnní, Shía

Súnní, Shía

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Eg. 14.09.2013  jg


Main > Op-Eds > Iran's Iraqi Defeat: Arabs Will Vanquish the Persians

Op-Ed: Iran's Iraqi Defeat: Arabs Will Vanquish the Persians


“. The Kurds are 35 million people strong divided between four countries: 18 million in Turkey, 8 million in Iran, 7 million in Iraq and 2 million in Syria. There are mega-billions of oil and gas in the Kurdish area of Iraq and Syria.”

“The Kurds and Exxon are not going to allow Iran's unshaven puppet-doll Al-Maliki and Iran to get their bloody hands on a penny of the Kurdish billions of oil and gas. Even the otherwise brain-dead Turks have finally awakened to the reality that the Kurds are their first line of defense against the waxing Shiite Iranian menace. Israel, with its 200,000 Kurdish Israeli Jews, will be perfectly placed to tend and support this Kurdish miracle. The Kurdish Peshmerga armed with medium range drones with armor piercing missiles, modern mobile and tiny radars, and highly mobile medium range anti-air missiles will render the northern Iraq/southern Kurdistan areas impregnable to any Iraqi northern advance.


Styrjöld, Shia, Sunita


The Deadly Sunni-Shia Divide — 2011

If it's black in this map, it's Shia ground. It's also mostly oil heartland
and some of the most strategic territory in the entire Middle East!


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