Bloggfærslur mánaðarins, september 2021

Þá eru bankaeigendur Ríkisstyrktir, styrktir af fólkinu, um sömu upphæð og nemur öllum útlánum í þjóðfélaginu. Þegar búið er að byggja húsið, og borga verkmönnunum og efnið, þá er engin skuld á húsinu. Húsið er þá í eigu framleiðslugetu þjóðarinnar.

Text mér að ná íbúðunum og atvinnuhúsnæðinu eins og 2008, og þykjast svo setja skjölin, útprentun á talnaröðum, í læst herbergi í 100 ár? Auðvitað skáldsaga.


Skáldsaga. Ég bjó til skort á íbúðum, þá þurfti fólkið að fara að slást um íbúðirnar, það er að bjóða hærra verð en hinir til að fá íbúðirnar. 

Þá sýndist sem það væri gróði að kaupa íbúð á uppsprengdu verði, þær hækkuðu endalaust. 

Ég reyni alltaf að spila á fíflin. 


Hver býr til verðbólguna?

Fyrirtækin reyna að halda verði eins háu og fólkið getur greitt, ekki eftir kostnaði. 

Hlutabréfa eigendur vilja fá sem mestan hagnað. 

Skoða Enron í Kaliforníu. 


Alltaf þegar til er flókið kerfi eins og orkumarkað urinn þá á fólk eftir að pota í það og sjá hvað virkar. Ég lifði samkvæmt þessu: Ef maður stjórnaði ekki markaðnum með brögðum, þegar maður hafði aðgang að vélabrögðum, þá var öskrað á mann.

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 15. september 2021

Mundu byggingu 7 í 9/11 The Twin Towers. Í byggingu 7 hafði verið safnað saman skjölum frá því þegar bankar voru settir á hausinn. Enron var trúlega settur á hausinn til að losna við að greiða himinháar sektir vegna svindls? til dæmis í orkusölu í

Ath. 9/11 - Farðu á mínútu, 1:41 BBC var búin að segja frá falli á byggingu 7 áður en hún var sprengd. Þetta vita allir sem hafa fylgst með, en engin sem trúir main media, aðalmiðlum.

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 25. nóvember 2020

Mundu, að saksóknari í Enron banka (ég segi ekki orðið svindl) málinu, safnaði öllum gögnum í Enron málinu, í byggingu 7 í 9/11 turna sprengju málinu, þægilegra að sprengja skjölin á einum stað. Þá hurfu öll sönnunargögn og allt bókhald, sem saksóknari


Stjórnsýslan, fjármálasýslan, segja, við erum líka merkilegir og sniðugir menn og við viljum fá sömu laun. 

Þetta eru þeir sem búa til verðbólguna. 

Ekki má gleyma að við seldum einkaaðilum bankana og þá réttinn til að skrifa peningabókhaldið, töluna, prenta peningana til að lána út í þjóðfélagið.

Síðan segjum við bankaeigendurnir að við höfum lánað út til Ríkisins og fólksins og eigum því öll umsvif í þjóðfélaginu. 

Þá eru bankaeigendur Ríkisstyrktir, styrktir af fólkinu, um sömu upphæð og nemur öllum útlánum í þjóðfélaginu.

Þessi svokölluðu lán eru aðeins bókhald, og bankinn lánaði aldrei neitt. 

Þegar búið er að byggja húsið, og borga verkmönnunum og efnið, þá er engin skuld á húsinu. 

Húsið er þá í eigu framleiðslugetu þjóðarinnar. 

Ekkert er því til fyrirstöðu að Hússjóður eigi 50 % í húsunum. 

Aldrei að byggja nema 100 % gæði, það er styrk og sólstofu svalir, mjög góða hönnun, þetta er sagt til að undirstrika að við viljum ekki eyða tímanum í að byggja lélegt, sem kemur engum að gagni. 

Egilsstaðir, 30.09.2021   Jónas Gunnlaugsson Spá vaxtahækkun í október
Tilkynna um óviðeigandi tengingu við frétt

Skrifa niður, annars gleymum við öllu. Covid gróði falinn. Eignir teknar 2008. Svindlgögnin ?, læst inni í 100 ár, svo fólkið sem missti heimilin og atvinnutækin sín, sjái ekki inn í herbergið, fullt af salernis pappír, úr skáldsögunni minni.

Sönn skáldsaga.

Við verðum að skrifa niður, fyrir næstu kosningar.

annars gleymum við öllu.

Íbúðirnar teknar af fjölskyldunum,

í tilbúnu kreppunni 2008. 

Svindlgögnin spurning, læst inni í 100 ár,

svo að fólkið sem missti

heimilin sín, og atvinnutækin sín, 

sjái ekki inn í herbergið,

fullt af salernis pappír, 

segi ég að sjálf sögðu

 í skáldsögunni minni. 


Mesta gróðabrall að skrifa Covid í stað influensa, 

og banna gömlu lyfin, 

nema fyrir forsetana og stjórnsýsluna, 

auðvitað sönn skáldsaga.


Skrifa þetta niður og geima til að það gleymist ekki í framtíðinni. 


Flottasta athugasemdin 

Guðmundur Ásgeirsson, 7.8.2021 kl. 19:18


Blogg:   Þórdís Björk Sigurþórsdóttir

63% dauðsfalla tengd Covid eru bólusettir einstaklingar


Hengja upp á öll heimili, á alla vinnustaði, allstaðar þar sem fólk kemur saman.


Flottasta athugasemdin

Fyrst áttu sprauturnar að mynda hjarðónæmi,

svo kom í ljós að þau gerðu það ekki.

Svo áttu sprauturnar að hindra smit bólusettra,

en þá kom í ljós að þær gerðu það ekki.

Þá áttu sprauturnar að hindra veikindi bólusettra,

en nú er komið í ljós að þær gera það ekki.

Það nýjasta er að fyrst að sprauturnar virkuðu ekki

á lausnin á því að vera fleiri sprautur sem virka ekki.

Er nema von  maður  orðinn svolítið ringlaður?

Guðmundur Ásgeirsson, 7.8.2021 kl. 19:18


Egilsstaðir, 09.08.2021 Jónas Gunnlaugsson  

Lungnahjúkrunarfræðingur í 31 ár vitnar um hvernig hann drap sjúklinga óafvitandi með því að fylgja COVID -samskiptareglum. AUSTRALIA RECORDS 10X MORE DEATHS FOLLOWING COVID-19 SHOTS THAN RECORDED DEATHS FOLLOWING ALL VACCINES FOR PAST 20 YEARS

Lesa og skýra þetta fyrir okkur sem erum tregari.
September 22, 2021
Lungnahjúkrunarfræðingur í 31 ár vitnar um hvernig hann drap sjúklinga óafvitandi með því að fylgja COVID -samskiptareglum

Pulmonary Nurse of 31 Years Testifies How he Unknowingly Killed Patients by Following COVID Protocols 


by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Albert Spence is a pulmonary nurse with 31 years of experience. He recently gave public testimony before the South Carolina State Legislature on “therapeutic options” for COVID-19.

Once again, we are finding that nurses who have been working on the frontlines treating COVID-19 patients are the most informed people in the U.S. right now who truly know what is going on in the hospitals, especially when it comes to COVID-19 protocols, and the experimental COVID-19 “vaccines.”

We absolutely need to be listening to these frontline workers right now instead of the talking head “doctors” on TV who never actually treat patients, if we truly want to know what the truth is. Wall Street and the pharmaceutical industry now control the corporate media, and they will never publish testimonies like this, even though it is public knowledge now having been recorded by the South Carolina legislature.

In this public testimony, Mr. Spence relates how he followed all the advice in the beginning of how the medical system wanted him to treat COVID patients, even though so much of it went against his 30+ years of experience in treating patients with respiratory illnesses.

But when the COVID patients started dwindling down in his ward at the beginning of this year, and he found out that the CDC had changed the threshold for PCR tests by reducing the tests from 40 cycles to 28, then he realized what was happening, and it horrified him.

He had been unwittingly assisting in killing his patients by just “doing what I was told.” He now knows that these patients were dying from the COVID protocols, and not COVID-19.

I lost sleep over it. I was having chest pain over it. It woke me up in the middle of the night – hit me hard. I could not sleep.

Because my first week or two there (COVID ward), I didn’t lead them to the gate, but I’m the guy that euthanized people.

They call it “comfort care.” But when you get to the point where you can’t take (oxygen mask) off, you get so upset. You haven’t seen your family except through maybe an iPad, in weeks.

And you’re never going to come off the high flow, and the doctor says: “You’ve done your best. But this is going to be it for you.”

And so the patients get all teary eyed and upset, and they call in the palliative team, and they all hold their hands and cry.

But they said: “We can keep you comfortable.”

Here comes Albert (referring to himself). He’s got the morphine and ativan, and I load them up and take off the high flow, and they gas themselves to death.

And I’m the guy who was pushing the buttons, like in the gas chambers at Auschwitz.

This is from our Bitchute channel, and it is also on our Rumble channel.

Some of our other stories and videos from nurse whistleblowers:

Government HHS Nurse Blows the Whistle on COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries and Deaths that are NOT being Reported

Nurse Whistleblower Upset that Her Doctor and Nurse Colleagues Want Unvaccinated People to Die

Crisis in America: Millions of Veteran Nurses are Resigning or Being Fired Over COVID Vaccine Mandates

Nurses Speak Out at Minnesota Town Hall Meeting on COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries and Lack of Reporting to VAERS

Comment on this article at

See Also:



COVID-19 “Vaccine” Casualties List

Australia Records 10X More Deaths Following COVID-19 Shots than Recorded Deaths Following ALL Vaccines for Past 20 Years

UK Medicine Regulator Confirms There Have Been Four Times as Many Deaths Due to the Covid-19 Vaccines in 8 Months than Deaths Due to All Other Vaccines Combined in 20 Years

Mockers of Anti-Vaxxers Continue to Die After Taking a COVID-19 Injection

Thousands of Fetal Death and Injuries Now Reported Following COVID-19 Injections of Pregnant Women

STUDY: Government’s Own Data Reveals that at Least 150,000 Probably DEAD in U.S. Following COVID-19 Vaccines

Local Detroit TV Asks for Stories of Unvaxxed Dying from COVID – Gets over 180K Responses of Vaccine Injured and Dead Instead

24,526 Deaths 2,317,495 Injuries Following COVID Shots Reported in European Union’s Database of Adverse Drug Reactions

Teens 50X More Likely to Have Heart Disease After COVID Shots than All Other FDA Approved Vaccines in 2021 Combined – CDC Admits True but Still Recommends It

Besides Fetal Deaths, Breastfeeding Babies are Dying and becoming Sick following Mothers’ COVID Shots

Military Members are Dying and Suffering Crippling Effects from COVID Vaccinations

CDC: Teens Injected with COVID Shots have 7.5 X More Deaths, 15 X More Disabilities, 44 X More Hospitalizations than All FDA Approved Vaccines in 2021

COVID Shots Are Killing and Crippling Teens in Record Numbers – Young Children Are Next


See the Full List of Tragic Deaths and Injuries Here!  

Egilsstaðir, 26.09.2021   Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Skoða sjónið, byrjaðu á 2210 til 2344 - ef maður ber saman dánartíðni - hversu margir deyja á þessu ári þá er það ekki mikið meira en í erfiðu influensu ári - Um­bylti sjúkra­hús­inu í far­aldr­in­um


Fá Covid-19 sjúklingar á Landspítalanum með Covid-19, góðu lyfin sem Bandaríkjaforseti og forseti Elsalvador fengu að ráði Læknateyma sinna? Lækna teymin eru þau bestu sem hægt er að fá fyrir peninga. 


Umbylti sjúkrahúsinu í faraldrinum

Björn Zoëga, for­stjóri í Karólínska-há­skóla­sjúkra­hús­inu í Svíþjóð.

Þið heyrið þetta betur en ég.

Skoðaðu sjónið, byrjaðu á 2210 til 2344 -  2218 segir, það kom ekki influensa þetta ár, svo kemur bros - það kom ekki influensa í ár, 2221,- 

2227 ef maður ber saman dánartíðni - hversu margir deyja á þessu ári þá er það ekki mikið meira en í erfiðu influensu ári - 2344 


Um­bylti sjúkra­hús­inu í far­aldr­in­um 

Umbylti sjúkrahúsinu í faraldrinum ( 


Á tíma­bili lágu 600 sjúk­ling­ar á Karólínska-há­skóla­sjúkra­hús­inu vegna kór­ónu­veirunn­ar. Á spít­al­an­um er 1.200 sjúkra­rúm. Björn Zoëga, for­stjóri spít­al­ans, seg­ir það hafa verið mikið átak að um­bylta starf­sem­inni vegna far­ald­urs­ins, en alltaf sé hægt að sjá tæki­færi í stöðunni. 

Egilsstaðir, 25.09.2021   Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Bill Gates styrkti prófessorinn sem bjó til - lokunarkenningu - sem notuð var til að réttlæta lögregluríki, og varð til að fólkið dó, það komst ekki í aðgerðir, missti vinnuna, engar tekjur, þá fyrst koma vandræði.

Fyrrum varaforseti og yfirmaður vísinda hjá Pfizer í 16 ár, læknirinn Mike Yeadon, segir:

„Það er nákvæmlega engin þörf á bóluefni til að stöðva heimsfaraldurinn. Ég hef aldrei heyrt svona vitleysu um bóluefni. “

„Þú bólusetur ekki fólk sem er ekki í hættu vegna sjúkdóms. Þú ætlar heldur ekki að bólusetja milljónir hraustra og heilbrigðra manna með bóluefni sem ekki hefur verið mikið prófað á mönnum,“***


„Vel heppnað bóluefni hefur aldrei verið þróað fyrir neina af mörgum stofnum kransæðaveiru, vegna eðlis veirunnar sjálfrar; og bólusett fólk getur átt meiri líkur á alvarlegum veikindum og dauða þegar það verður síðar fyrir öðrum stofni veirunnar, fyrirbæri sem kallast „veirutruflanir.“ Eldra bóluefni gegn SARS kom aldrei á markað vegna þess að tilraunadýr sem það var prófað á smituðust með alvarlegri einkenni við endur sýkingu og flest þeirra dóu.*

Þar sem mRNA innspýtingin sem þvinguð er á Bandaríkjamenn sýnir nú þegar fleiri mögulega tengda dauðsföll en öll önnur fyrri bóluefni samanlagt, síðan skráning hófst 1990, sýndi langbæld, (reynt að fela, banna í sem flestum miðlum,) heimildarmynd um Bill Gates **



COVID skoðað

Um 3 milljónir Bandaríkjamanna deyja árlega.

Skoðað, að þrátt fyrir hræðslumyndandi fyrirsagnir um að fleiri Bandaríkjamenn hafi látist á síðasta ári en áður.

Það er sannleikur vegna þess að íbúar eru fleiri en nokkru sinni fyrr.

Dauði af COVID, þegar búið er að gera grein fyrir mikilli ofskráningu, er hvergi nálægt því sem var í spænsku Flensunni.

Dauði af Covid en svipaður og í Asíuflensunni 1957 eða inflúensu faraldur frá Hong Kong árið 1968, þá var engin lokun og engar grímur. Athuga mynd neðar.

COVID in Context

About 3 million Americans die every year of all causes.  Placed in a true context, despite fear-mongering headlines that more Americans died last year than ever in history, which is a truism because the population is bigger than ever before, COVID death numbers, once the vast inflation is accounted for, nowhere near Spanish Flu numbers but similar to the 1957 Asian Flu or the 1968 Hong Kong Flu pandemics, when there was no hint of anything like lockdowns or mask-wearing.  


Taflan hér að neðan sýnir dagsetninguna, sem ríkisstjóri NY, Andrew Cuomo, gaf út fyrirskipun um að leyfa COVID sjúklingum inn á hjúkrunarheimili í NY, þrátt fyrir mikla andstöðu frá stjórnendum hjúkrunarheimila. Athuga neðar.

The below chart shows the date NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo issued the order to allow COVID patients into NY nursing homes, despite the outcry from nursing home executives.  



Belgíu eru málaferli, nefna bæði Gates og Ferguson sem sakborninga í áætlun um að svíkja almenning með glæpsamlegri nýtingu COVID -kreppunnar.

in Belgium, a lawsuit is underway which names both Gates and Ferguson as defendants in a scheme to defraud the public by the criminal exploitation of the COVID crisis. 


Þrátt fyrir Gates sé kynntur sem milljarðamæringur sem sé að gefa frá sér auðæfin, þá hefa eignir Gates stöðugt aukist eftir því sem hann gefur meira. (í réttu samhengi, að hjálpa, er það lögmál, ath Biblíu og Marshal aðstoð, en ekki gera þig óstarf hæfan. jg)

Despite a carefully crafted image that Gates is a late-life billionaire who is now giving away his fortune, Gates’ net worth has been steadily climbing as his giving has increased.


Hæsta dánartíðni sést hjá auðugum vestrænum þjóðum sem sendu COVID -sjúklinga inn á hjúkrunarheimili og bönnuðu eða afneituðu notkun ódýrra lækninga eins og malaríutöflum og ivermektíni, samkvæmt ávísuðum samskiptareglum undir eftirliti læknis. Skoða mynd neðar.

The highest death rates are seen in wealthy Western nations which sent COVID patients into nursing homes, and prohibited or discouraged the use of cheap remedies such as malaria pills and ivermectin, within prescribed protocols under a doctor’s watchful eye.

Below source, HCQ Use click for larger image
 Below source, Ivermectin use click for larger image

Risch læknir Yale stefnir, gagnrínir að Fauci
Læknirinn Risch hefur gagnrýnt lækninn Anthony Fauci harðlega fyrir að hafa áður unnið að því að láta ekki nota ódýrar og árangursríkar lækningar gegn alnæmi, þar til arðbærari lyf væru þróuð.
Yale’s Dr. Risch Takes Aim at Fauci
Dr. Risch has heavily criticized Dr. Anthony Fauci for working in the past to withhold cheap and effective remedies for AIDS, until more profitable drugs were developed.





Bill Gates styrkti prófessorinn sem bjó til „lokunarkenningu“ sem notuð var til að réttlæta lögregluríki


Bill Gates Funded the Professor Who Created “Lockdown” Theory Used to Justify Police State 


Bill Gates Funded the Professor Who Created “Lockdown” Theory Used to Justify Police State


[Breaking Urgent Interview with Former Chief Science Officer and VP at Pfizer,on mRNA Injections: “Governments “Lying” Because “They’re going to kill you and your family.”“]

Evidence Builds of Crimes Against Humanity
Above: Bill Gates with Klaus Schwab, Founder of World Economic Forum 
**Þar sem mRNA innspýtingin sem þvinguð er á Bandaríkjamenn sýnir nú þegar fleiri mögulega tengda dauðsföll en öll önnur fyrri bóluefni samanlagt, síðan skráning hófst 1990, sýndi langbæld, (reynt að fela, banna í sem flestum miðlum,) heimildarmynd um Bill Gates
Í fyrra spáði Gates enn verri heimsfaraldri en COVID- 19, einn sem „mun,“ segir hann með áherslu, „fá athygli.“
As the mRNA injections being forced upon Americans already show more possibly-linked deaths than all other previous vaccines combined, since the reporting system began in 1990, a long-suppressed documentary on Bill Gates shows Gates last year predicting an even worse pandemic than COVID-19, one that “will,” he says with emphasis, “get attention.”  
Gates is neither a scientist, doctor, nor even a college graduate, but the third richest man in the world.  Gates makes the remark with a bizarre smirk, as his wife smiles with unseemly glee.  The documentary delves into Gates’ investments in polluting corporations, as well as Monsanto.  Gates has a close relationship with Hillary Clinton, once was viewed as her possible vice president, and is a top donor to the Clinton Foundation.  
*„Vel heppnað bóluefni hefur aldrei verið þróað fyrir neina af mörgum stofnum kransæðaveiru, vegna eðlis veirunnar sjálfrar; og bólusett fólk getur átt meiri líkur á alvarlegum veikindum og dauða þegar það verður síðar fyrir öðrum stofni veirunnar, fyrirbæri sem kallast „veirutruflanir.“ Eldra bóluefni gegn SARS kom aldrei á markað vegna þess að tilraunadýr sem það var prófað á smituðust með alvarlegri einkenni við endur sýkingu og flest þeirra dóu.
“A successful vaccine has never been developed for any of the many strains of coronaviruses, due to the nature of the virus itself; and vaccinated people can have a higher chance of serious illness and death when later exposed to another strain of the virus, a phenomenon known as ‘virus interference.’ An earlier SARS vaccine never made it to market because the laboratory animals it was tested on contracted more serious symptoms on re-infection, and most of them died.” 
Vegna þess sem nú er þekkt sem 99,4% til 99,8% lifunarhlutfall veiru.
Dauðsföll sem vísindamenn í einu ríki fundu gætu verið ofáætluð um allt að 40%, margir læknar og vísindamenn efast um þörfina fyrir skyndilega þróað bóluefni, vegna vírusa þar sem bóluefnisþróunin hefur verið þjáð af þekktum vandamálum. (Ritrýnd rannsókn í október 2020: COVID-tölur í Bandaríkjunum blásnar upp)

For what is now known as a 99.4% to 99.8% survival rate virus, the death toll for which researchers in one state found may be inflated by as much as 40%, many doctors and scientists question the need for hastily developed vaccines, for a type of virus for which vaccine development has been beset with known problems.  (October 2020 peer-reviewed study: US COVID numbers inflated)

***Fyrrum varaforseti og yfirmaður vísinda hjá Pfizer í 16 ár, læknirinn Mike Yeadon, segir:

„Það er nákvæmlega engin þörf á bóluefni til að slökkva heimsfaraldurinn. Ég hef aldrei heyrt svona vitleysu um bóluefni. “

„Þú bólusetur ekki fólk sem er ekki í hættu vegna sjúkdóms. Þú ætlar heldur ekki að bólusetja milljónir hraustra og heilbrigðra manna með bóluefni sem ekki hefur verið mikið prófað á mönnum, “


Former Vice President and Chief Science Officer for Pfizer for 16 years, Dr. Mike Yeadon, says:

“There is absolutely no need for vaccines to extinguish the pandemic. I’ve never heard such nonsense talked about vaccines.”

“You do not vaccinate people who aren’t at risk from a disease. You also don’t set about planning to vaccinate millions of fit and healthy people with a vaccine that hasn’t been extensively tested on human subjects,” 


Prof. Dolores Cahill takes a similar stand, who is a PhD in Immunology from Dublin City University former group leader of the Protein Technology Group in the Max-Planck-Institute of Molecular Genetics, Berlin, and Professor of Translational Science at the UCD School of Medicine and Medical Sciences.
þýði, ekki í bili
Cahill and other scientists are holding that vast numbers of people who received the COVID vaccines will die of a well-known immunopathologic-type lung disease which became apparent in all other previous attempts to develop vaccines for coronaviruses, of which there are many, most often resulting in a common cold.
“These SARS-CoV vaccines all induced antibody and protection against infection with SARS-CoV. However, challenge of mice given any of the vaccines led to occurrence of Th2-type immunopathology suggesting hypersensitivity to SARS-CoV components was induced. Caution in proceeding to application of a SARS-CoV vaccine in humans is indicated.”  
Robert F. Kennedy yngri, stofnandi heilsuverndar barna, skrifar:

„Vísindamenn reyndu fyrst að þróa bóluefni gegn kransæðaveiru eftir að SARS-CoV braust út árið 2002. Teymi bandarískra og erlendra vísindamanna bólusettu dýr með fjórum efnilegustu bóluefnunum.
Í fyrstu virtist tilraunin heppnast þar sem öll dýrin þróuðu öflugt mótefnasvörun gegn kransæðaveiru. En þegar vísindamennirnir vörðu ekki bólusettu dýrin fyrir villtu veirunni voru niðurstöðurnar skelfilegar. Bólusett dýr fengu ofnæmissvörun, þar með talið bólgu í öllum líkamanum, sérstaklega í lungum. Vísindamenn höfðu séð þessa „auknu ónæmissvörun“ við rannsóknir manna á misheppnuðu RSV bóluprófunum á sjötta áratugnum. Tvö börn dóu. "

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., founder of Children’s Health Defense, writes:

“Scientists first attempted to develop coronavirus vaccines after China’s 2002 SARS-CoV outbreak. Teams of US & foreign scientists vaccinated animals with the four most promising vaccines. At first, the experiment seemed successful as all the animals developed a robust antibody response to coronavirus. However, when the scientists exposed the vaccinated animals to the wild virus, the results were horrifying. Vaccinated animals suffered hyper-immune responses including inflammation throughout their bodies, especially in their lungs. Researchers had seen this same “enhanced immune response” during human testing of the failed RSV vaccine testsin the 1960s. Two children died.” 

Þýði ekki meira í bili.

There are now over 12,000 possibly related deaths recorded into the CDC’s official Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, (VAERS,) as well as over 41,000 hospitalizations, 13,000 permanent disabilities, and 300 birth defects. One-third of the deaths occurred within 48 hours, in one large sample. Horrific individual testimony continues to surface, as in the video compilation below.  

Study Concludes Beyond a Reasonable Doubt that SARS-CoV-2 Came from a Laboratory

This January 2021, to a media black-out, Harvard-MIT doctor and scientist Dr. Steven Quay published a paper concluding “beyond a reasonable doubt” that COVID was man-made and created in a Chinese lab.   Last April, Dr. Anthony Fauci was the subject of a Newsweek expose’ charging that he had approved NIH funding for bat coronavirus research at Wuhan Laboratories which had been banned in the US as too risky: “Dr. Fauci Backed Controversial Wuhan Lab with U.S. Dollars for Risky Coronavirus Research.”  (Newsweek)  

COVID in Context

About 3 million Americans die every year of all causes.  Placed in a true context, despite fear-mongering headlines that more Americans died last year than ever in history, which is a truism because the population is bigger than ever before, COVID death numbers, once the vast inflation is accounted for, nowhere near Spanish Flu numbers but similar to the 1957 Asian Flu or the 1968 Hong Kong Flu pandemics, when there was no hint of anything like lockdowns or mask-wearing.  

The US COVID pandemic may be worse than the 1957 and 1968 flus  due to the “super-spreader” early policies of key US governors, which spiked rather than “flattened the curve,” by sending COVID patients into nursing homes in early Spring.    Many excess deaths in 202 are due to the effects of lockdowns, which include deferred critical care, and “deaths of despairsuch as suicides and drug overdoses.  

US Governors Exponentially “Spiked” Rather Than “Flattened the Curve,” Life-Saving Remedies Suppressed

The calls to “flatten the curve” last Spring seemed an acknowledgement that high survival rate viruses, such as COVID, were normal, and were an appeal to society to bear temporary inconvenience so that facilities would not be overwhelmed.  

However, rather than “flattening the curve,” key governors were doing anything but, and were in fact “spiking the curve.”  NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo, MI Gov. Whitmer, and NJ Gov. Phil Murphy, and PA Gov. Tom Wolf all, at key moments, ensured COVID deaths would skyrocket, by sending COVID patients into nursing homes.  

The goalpost morphed into “end all spread,” a perfect recipe for totalitarianism of the type Hitler or Stalin could only dream of.  To this day, in countries like Portugal, curfew is 3pm, and police bar movement from town to town after that time.

The below chart shows the date NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo issued the order to allow COVID patients into NY nursing homes, despite the outcry from nursing home executives.  

One of the most well-known “fact-check” websites,, which heavily counters unflattering “conspiracy theories” concerning Bill Gates, is funded by the Poynter Institute, which is partly funded by Bill Gates.  

The NIH recently upgraded its recommendation on ivermectin, making it an option for use in COVID-19.

Newswise reports:

“This new designation upgraded the status of ivermectin from “against” to “neither for nor against”, which is the same recommendation given to monoclonal antibodies and convalescent plasma, both widely used across the nation.”

Dr. Harvey Risch, of the Yale School of Public Medicine, has long held that judicious use of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ,) within precise protocols, could have saved “75,000 to 100,000 Lives.”   (HCQ studies

Rather than encourage doctors to make their own judgements based on the extensive science on HCQ,  the FDA latched onto a flawed study which found HCQ as a cause of arrhythmia in COVID patients, to dissuade the use of the drug.  The study was conducted by administering many times the recommended dose Plaquenil (HCQ), as much as 1200 mg a day, for 10 days.  This would make 12,000 mg over 10 days.

The upper-end dose is, according to directions:

“Adults: 800 mg followed by 400 mg at 6 hours, 24 hours and 48 hours after the initial dose.”

Thus the directions recommend no more than a total of 2,000 mg over 5 days.

Enter Bill Gates, Behind All Key Aspects of COVID Response

Public records show that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funded the academic, Prof. Neil Ferguson of Imperial College, who persuaded governments that “lockdowns” were necessary, until mass global vaccinations could be rolled out. Gates has long promoted vaccinations over all other forms of improving public health, such as clean water and nutritional improvement, with his founding of the GAVI Alliance and the  “Decade of Vaccines”

In Gates’ world, who is not a doctor or scientist, all roads for the future improvement of the health of the world lead to vaccines, although basic vaccination for true developing world health experts is but a part of the equation. 

Bill Gates gave nearly $8 million to Imperial College Professor Neil Ferguson, author of the now discredited report which forecast over 2 million dead in 2020 in the US if it did not lock down and implement mask laws.   The report is entitled “Report 9 – Impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) to reduce COVID-19 mortality and healthcare demand.”

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation page at the website UK Research and Innovation, funding Professor Neil Ferguson

expand image

Another Gates Foundation project which has provoked controversy, although Gates funding is indisputable, is a high-tech tattoo which would store a person’s medical and any other records in a “dot quantum” tattoo.  Gates has long been a proponent of universal “digital identity,” the same as pets or livestock are tagged.

in Belgium, a lawsuit is underway which names both Gates and Ferguson as defendants in a scheme to defraud the public by the criminal exploitation of the COVID crisis.

Despite a carefully crafted image that Gates is a late-life billionaire who is now giving away his fortune, Gates’ net worth has been steadily climbing as his giving has increased.


Gates Documentary Revives Questions
The recovered documentary on Gates revisits interviews of doctors, scientists, health officials, and politicians who describe Gates Foundation’s buried history in India and Africa, which, according to the interviewees and investigative commissions, used illiterate, poverty-stricken children as guinea pigs for untested vaccines.

 In India, a committee of investigation found that thousands of girls, whose families were illiterate, were maimed by his vaccine trials.

The respected India Economic Times reports:

“The committee found that…In many other cases, thumbprint impressions of their poor and illiterate parents were duly affixed onto the consent form. The children also had no idea about the nature of the disease or the vaccine.”

More People Than Ever Died in US Last Year Because There Are More People
US media has recently adopted the shrill panic headline that more people died last year than ever in US history, neglecting that there is a larger US population than ever in US history, and so statistically that would have been the case, with or without COVID.   Each subsequent year in the US, an 40,000 additional deaths are normal as a result of the aging Baby Boomer demographic bulge.
The highest death rates are seen in wealthy Western nations which sent COVID patients into nursing homes, and prohibited or discouraged the use of cheap remedies such as malaria pills and ivermectin, within prescribed protocols under a doctor’s watchful eye.

Below source, HCQ Use click for larger image
 Below source, Ivermectin use click for larger image

Yale’s Dr. Risch Takes Aim at Fauci
Dr. Risch has heavily criticized Dr. Anthony Fauci for working in the past to withhold cheap and effective remedies for AIDS, until more profitable drugs were developed.

On Fox News on August 23, 2020 on the Mark Levin show, Dr. Risch said:

“The FDA … has a history of not making science-based, rational-based, decisions about its approvals.

This was started most noticeably in 1987, when people with AIDS in New York City were dying of what is called pneumocystis pneumonia, PCP.

The clinical experience then had been amassed of a large number of cases who were prevented from dying by use of the antibiotic bacterium.

This is (another case where) even then there was a generic medication and cheap.

And activists obtained a meeting with Dr. Fauci and 15 of his selected scientists at the NIH, and asked Dr. Fauci just to make guidelines to physicians that they consider using bactrim to treat preventively AIDS people so that they wouldn’t die of this pneumonia.

Dr. Fauci refused.

He said, ‘I want randomized controlled blinded trial evidence. That’s my gold standard – that or nothing.’

The activists left and the NIH did not fund any randomized trials. They raised money themselves from their own AIDS patients to collect the data to do a randomized trial.

But it took them 2 years. They came back to Dr. Fauci.

During those 2 years, the FDA approved AZT as a treatment for AIDS.

AZT works, but not completely, it needs other medications as well.

During the two years that it took them to get this data to come back to Dr. Fauci to support using bactrim, 17,000 people with AIDS died because of Dr. Fauci’s insistence on not allowing even a statement supporting consideration of the use.

This has gone on before.”

Nursing Home Transfers Responsible for Exponential Spikes in Deaths?
Similar policies were carried out in UK, and in Italy.
A US congresswoman, Elise Stefanik (R-NY) is calling for criminal charges against Cuomo.  Stefanik (R-NY) recently told Fox News:

“In terms of following federal guidance, it is very clear that Governor Cuomo made the decision to put forth his executive order on March 25 requiring nursing homes to accept positive COVID patients, regardless of their ability to isolate those patients and have proper PPE …”

On March 25th, Cuomo, who is known as a micro-manager who involves himself in all major decisions, ordered that COVID tests not be required for recovering COVID patients before they were sent into, or re-admitted, into NY nursing homes.  This was at a point in time just before the number of deaths turned exponential, the most feared moment in a pandemic.

The COVID crisis in late March and early April was largely a New York City crisis.  Coincidentally, on the same day, on March 25th, Bloomberg reported that New York City had bought 45 refrigerated trucks in anticipation of a surge of deaths.

Two weeks later, the NY Post reported the news that shocked the nation, of COVID deaths in NYC so high that the city was forced to use refrigerator trucks to manage the overflow of bodies.

In a remarkable feat of foresight for Cuomo, the refrigerator trucks were all ready to go, precisely at the moment they were needed.

The Criminal Case Although there are certainly even more connections between the onset of the US pandemic, how it was handled by government led by Fauci, and Bill Gates, and to a lesser extent Cuomo and other governors, the connections outlined above already constitute what to any ambitious prosecutor would be a solid criminal case. What are the odds that the author of “lockdowns,” Prof. Neil Ferguson, would be funded by Gates just as the pandemic emerged? Would the US pandemic have had anywhere near its rapid growth and severity had governors not intervened with “super-spreader” policies? How would Cuomo know that refrigerator trucks would be needed, two weeks in advance, just in time for the images which shocked the nation into compliance? What did Gates mean when he said the next pandemic “WILL” get attention, as if this were only a dress rehearsal? Why did Fauci lie, and lead the medical establishment into doing so as well, about the life-saving properties of HCQ and Ivermectin, which probably would have slashed death tolls to a bad flu season? Why was Fauci, years ago, willing to take the political risk of defying an Obama ban and going ahead with gain-of-function research funds, to the bio-weapons arm of the People’s Liberation Army?
Why is Gates money behind the “fact-checkers” which squash qualified medical, dissenting opinion? For more connections extending to higher circles, Klaus Schwab and his “Great Reset,” please go on to next article.


essay warning of an end-game for the coronavirus outbreak which is for human control purposes, has been banned from communicating with his millions of Facebook followers. The mild-mannered former congressman, presidential candidate, and family physician has been a perpetual thorn in the side of big Wall Street banks, and oligarchs such as Bill Gates.


As one digs in for a reason, a number of interesting recent posts from Dr. Paul emerge.

In a message on Twitter Dr. Paul wrote:

“With no explanation other than “repeatedly going against our community standards,”  @Facebook has blocked me from managing my page. Never have we received notice of violating community standards in the past and nowhere is the offending post identified.”

Dr. Paul joins another former high government official, Catherine Austin Fitts, in detailing a plan to use mandatory vaccinations as a gateway into people’s bodies for the purpose of connecting them to artificial intelligence control and surveillance platforms.  Fitts was Assistant Secretary of Housing and Human Development under President George HW Bush,

Dr. Paul wrote on January 4th in “Oppression… The ‘Great Reset’ is about Expanding Government Power and Suppressing Liberty,”

“World Economic Forum Founder and Executive Chairman Klaus Schwab has proposed using the overreaction to coronavirus to launch a worldwide “Great Reset.” This Great Reset is about expanding government power and suppressing liberty worldwide…The Great Reset will dramatically expand the surveillance state via real-time tracking. It will also mandate that people receive digital certificates in order to travel and even technology implanted in their bodies to monitor them.”

Klaus Schwab, chairman of the World Economic Forum , a gathering of the world’s most powerful people which meets in Davos, Switzerland to discuss future trends and initiatives, is the mastermind of the “Great Reset” which is presented as a response to environmental crisis.  However, in his July 2020 book “COVID-19: The Great Reset,” Schwab readily admits that COVID is a “mild” disease which nevertheless serves the purpose of instituting undreamed of controls over humanity.   Schwab writes that Covid-19 is:

“one of the least deadly pandemics the world has experienced over the last 2000 years…the consequences of COVID-19 in terms of health and mortality will be mild compared to previous pandemics”

Dr. Paul said in his article:

“The Great Reset involves a huge expansion of the welfare state via a universal basic income program. This can help ensure compliance with the Great Reset’s authoritarian measures….We are told the lockdowns are ordered because of a virus that poses no great danger to a very large percentage of the American public. Yet, instead of adopting a different approach, politicians are doubling down on the failed policies of masks and lockdowns. Meanwhile, big tech companies, which are already often acting as partners of government, silence anyone who questions the official line regarding the threat of coronavirus or the effectiveness of lockdowns, masks, and vaccines.”

Schwab and Bill Gates

Schwab and Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau

Bill Gates Fingerprints on all Aspects of COVID and New Control Technologies

As far back as April, Dr. Paul pointed out that Gates, a private citizen who nevertheless is one of the world’s richest men, has been the driving force behind worldwide forced vaccination programs for a decade.  Gates says that “proof” of vaccination will be needed to allow life to go on as normal for individuals, saying in one of a relentless campaign of interviews since the COVID outbreak last Spring:

“eventually there will be sort of this digital immunity proof that will help facilitate the global re-opening up.”

In one of Dr. Paul’s widely-viewed, regular online broadcasts his show pointed out that Gates was a key financial backer of a tattoo-like digital identification record which could store vast amounts of data on each person under the skin, readable by a scanner. wrote in 2019:

“The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funded the team’s research, which was published in the journal Science Translational Medicine on Wednesday.

According to a Scientific American story, the project came about following a direct request from Microsoft founder Bill Gates himself, who has been personally involved in efforts to eradicate polio and measles through vaccinations.”

Below: Dr. Paul Paul Show on Bill Gates

The Gates Foundation has funded the initiative the  “Decade ofVaccines,” One of the talents tapped by Gates to drive the initiative is Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Last April Fauci was the subject of a Newsweek expose’: “Dr. Fauci Backed Controversial Wuhan Lab with U.S. Dollars for Risky Coronavirus Research.”

Recently Fauci and others have been reciting that if only everyone in the nation wore masks consistently, 130,000 lives could be saved.   The study which makes this conclusion comes out of the University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, which is also heavily funded by Bill Gates.

Masks severely hamper interpersonal connection and exchange of emotion, and reinforce a crisis atmosphere.  It is difficult for people to connect, and perhaps organize a resistance, under mask and social distance rules.

Bill Gates also gave nearly $8 million to Imperial College Professor Neil Ferguson, author of the now discredited report which forecast over 2 million dead in 2020 in the US if it did not lock down and implement mask laws.   The report is entitled “Report 9 – Impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) to reduce COVID-19 mortality and healthcare demand.”

in Belgium, a lawsuit is underway which names both Gates and Ferguson as defendants in a scheme to defraud the public by the criminal exploitation of the COVID crisis.

Despite a carefully crafted image that Gates is a late-life billionaire who is now giving away his fortune, Gates’ net worth has been steadily climbing as his giving has increased.

In India, a committee of investigation found that thousands of girls, whose families were illiterate, were maimed by vaccine trials funded by Gates of Gardasil, an anti-HPV vaccine made by Merck, in which Gates had investments.

The credible India Economic Times reports:

“The committee found that…In many other cases, thumbprint impressions of their poor and illiterate parents were duly affixed onto the consent form. The children also had no idea about the nature of the disease or the vaccine.”

This is potentially in violation of principles established at the Nuremberg Trials, following the trial of the Nazi doctor Josef Mengele, that no experiments could be conducted on a person without their fully informed consent.

Gates could be prosecuted on these ground alone, by any duly sworn prosecutor in any nation that is signatory to the Geneva Conventions.

Dr. Paul’s Views Dovetail with HW Bush Administration Official Catherine Austin Fitts.  Fitts Lays Out The Great Reset and How to Stop It 

Catherine Austin Fitts is an investment banker and former Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development under President George HW Bush.   Secretary Fitts describes how the push for a mandatory universal vaccination program is a gateway to global enslavement of most of humanity.

It would be absurd to say that Gates and Fauci are alone behind the drive to enslave. They are more likely front men of sorts for even bigger fish. For example, two investment companies, Vanguard Group and Blackrock, own most of the major media in the US, a critical piece of the propaganda machine. These are in turn controlled by a small number of families, especially the Rockefellers, the Bushes, and the Rothschilds.

Further Reading

HW Bush Administration Official Catherine Austin Fitts Lays Out The Great Reset and How to Stop It

Healthy Doctor Dies After COVID Vaccine, NY Bill Introduced for Vax Mandate

Here is Bill Gates’ Injectable Biochip, for Those Who Think it is Conspiracy Theory

Death Certificate Audit Shows COVID Deaths Inflated by Possible 40%, Calls for National Audit

Science Backs Dr. Judy Mikovits’ Warning That COVID Vaccine Could Kill 50 Million Americans

Will Cuomo Face Justice for Nursing Home Executions?

Newsweek: “Dr. Fauci Backed Controversial Wuhan Lab with U.S. Dollars for Risky Coronavirus Research”

Former Chief Science Officer for Pfizer Says “Second Wave” Faked on False-Positive COVID Tests, “Pandemic is Over

Health Worker Dies After Taking Pfizer Vaccine; Leaks Show Pfizer Infiltrated by Agents of Chinese Government

CDC: 200,000 “COVID Deaths” May Actually Be Flu, Heart Attacks, Poison, or Gunshot

CDC: COVID Vaccine Reactions Render 3,150 People “Unable to Work,” Perform “Daily Activities”

Young, Healthy COVID Vaccine Trials Volunteer Dies

99.8% Survival Rate Bug Day 280: Oxford Scientist Refuses to Back Down on Herd Immunity

Dr. Carrie Madej Urgently Warns Against Coming DARPA HydroGel in COVID Vaccines, Total Control of Humans Through Artificial Intelligence

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg

Klaus Schwab, chairman of World Economic Forum

Ron Paul for President 2012 college rally

Also Read…


87,000 Nurses “Not Guinea Pigs” Refuse COVID Vaccine in Netherlands (International Business Times)

It’s Over! Safe Remedies Obviate Need for Experimental Vaccines, Now It’s Murder

Crippling COVID Experimental Vaccine Reactions – Video

FDA to Approve Syringe-Injectable Biochip, Nanoparticles in COVID Test, Possible Nuremberg Code Violations (“Once Were the Living”)

US Congresswoman Presses for Criminal Charges Against Gov. Cuomo Over Nursing Home Deaths

CA Halts Injections of Moderna COVID Vaccine, UK Warns People with Food Allergies

Florida Activists File Model Legislation Against Mandatory COVID Vaccinations

CNA Nursing Home Worker Says Seniors Dying “Like Flies” After COVID Injections

COVID Testing Center Torched as Anti-Lockdown Protests Rock Netherlands, Other Countries

The Coming Genocide of Adverse COVID Vax Reactions, and Who to Blame for It

Breaking: Newsweek – Stanford Study Shows “No Clear” Benefit to Lockdown Business Closures 



Belgíu eru málaferli, nefna bæði Gates og Ferguson sem sakborninga í áætlun um að svíkja almenning með glæpsamlegri nýtingu COVID -kreppunnar. Björn Zoega fyrv. forstj. Landspítalans, nú forstj. Karolinska Svíþjóð sagði. Dánir Svíþjóð, slæm influensa

Muna hvað Björn Zoega fyrrverandi forstjóri Landspítalans og nú forstjóri Karolinska í Svíþjóð sagði.
- Dánartalan í Svíþjóð er eins og í slæmri influenu, sagt hér eftir minni. 
Við þökkum Birni Zoega fyrir að segja okkur satt.
í Belgíu er málaferli í gangi sem nefnir bæði Gates og Ferguson sem sakborninga í áætlun um að svíkja almenning með glæpsamlegri nýtingu COVID -kreppunnar.
in Belgium, a lawsuit is underway which names both Gates and Ferguson as defendants in a scheme to defraud the public by the criminal exploitation of the COVID crisis.
Muna hvað Björn Zoega fyrrverandi forstjóri Landspítalans og nú forstjóri Karolinska í Svíþjóð sagði.
- Dánartalan í Svíþjóð er eins og í slæmri influenu, sagt hér eftir minni. 
Við þökkum Birni Zoega fyrir að segja okkur satt þó að það sé ef til vill ekki allstaðar vinnsælt.
Var lokuninn og að læknum var bannað að nota lyfin sem læknuðu, þá svindl og svínarí? 
Ef lyfin, til dæmis Ivermectin, HCQ og Budecine voru gefin fyrirfram, eða strax við einkenni, var þá næstum 100% læknun? 

Alex Jones rannsakar andstöðu við heims kommúnisma um allan heim, hér ganga 10 milljónir stuðningsmanna með Jair Bolsonaro, forseta Brasilíu. (Ýmsir nota orðið komúnisma um allt illt og þá jafnvel sammvinnufélög. jg)

í Belgíu er málaferli í gangi sem nefnir bæði Gates og Ferguson sem sakborninga í áætlun um að svíkja almenning með glæpsamlegri nýtingu COVID -kreppunnar.
in Belgium, a lawsuit is underway which names both Gates and Ferguson as defendants in a scheme to defraud the public by the criminal exploitation of the COVID crisis.

Hér ganga 10 milljónir manna með Bolsonaro (forseta Brasilíu jg) gegn - alþjóða harðstjórn kommúnista - VERÐUR AÐ SJÁ!‎

 10 Million March with Bolsonaro Against Globalist Communist Tyranny - MUST SEE!

The Alex Jones Show

Alex Jones rannsakar andstöðu við heims kommúnisma um allan heim, hér ganga 10 milljónir stuðningsmanna með Jair Bolsonaro, forseta Brasilíu.‎

Alex Jones breaks down the growing resistance to globalist communism around the world as 10 million march with Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro. 

(Ýmsir nota orðið komúnisma um allt illt og þá jafnvel sammvinnufélög. jg)

Egilsstaðir, 20.09.2021   Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Íslensku plönturnar lögum við að þörfum okkar, sortuberið, eða mjölið, verður 1 kg, krækiberið, bláberið, hrútaberið verða eins og vínber eða stærri, barrtrén verða með alls konar ávöxtum, og ekki má gleyma eininum

R E Y N S L A - A L D A N N A

R E Y N S L A - A L D A N N A

R E Y N S L A - A L D A N N A

Egilsstöðum, 6.12.1988, Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Í litningunum er þekking fortíðarinnar ofin í efnið.

Þar geymir hvert lífsform, reynslu og þekkingu ármiljóna, til nota fyrir nútíðina og framtíðina.

Flest lífsform á þurrlendi í dag, eru í hitabeltisskógum jarðarinnar.

Þessa skóga, erum við nú að höggva og brenna, og þar með þekkingu og reynslu fortíðarinnar, eða jafnvel sköpunina sjálfa.

Við eyðum þessum söfnum, eða gagnageymslum, og höfum nú þegar glatað stórum hluta af þekkingunni.

Þessa þekkingu átti að nota til að móta lífsform framtíðarinnar, kjötbollutré, fiskibollutré, upphitunnarrunna, ljósatré og áltré.

Íslensku plönturnar lögum við að þörfum okkar, sortuberið, eða mjölið, verður 1 kg, krækiberið, bláberið, hrútaberið
verða eins og vínber eða stærri, barrtrén verða með alls konar ávöxtum, og ekki má gleyma eininum

Fífan og loðvíðirinn verða mun loðnari, með 10 til 20 cm þráðum, sem við notum til vefnaðar, íslensku belgjurtirnar nýtum
við og svona má halda áfram.

Í Canada er til plöntuafbrigði, sem hefur innbyggt upphitunarkerfi. Sumar plöntur mynda áburð úr loftinu.
Þessa eiginleika eigum við að innbyggja í ýmsar af okkar plöntum.

Hvað getum við gert til að hjálpa þeim, sem nú fella hitabeltisskógana, eða gagnageymslurnar,
til að lifa góðu lífi, um leið og þeir nýta og gæta einhverrar mestu auðlegðar veraldarinnar. 

Egilsstöðum, 6.12.1988, Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Sendu ábendingar til:




Til Garðyrkju skólans.

27.7.2014 | 13:17


Til Garðyrkjuskólans.

Öspin er mikilvirkt framleiðslutré.

Gaman væri ef okkar menn gætu látið öspina og sitkagrenið

framleiða ávexti fyrir okkur.

Seinna getum við lært að láta tré og runna framleiða

ígildi fiskibolla og kjötbolla.

Hin ýmsu íslensku ber eigum við að þróa fyrir garðana okkar, 

til dæmis bláber, krækiber og hrútaber verði eins

og vinber eða tómatur að stærð.

Ef þú getur hugsað það, þá er það möguleiki sem vert er að athuga.


The tree that bears 40 DIFFERENT fruit:

Magical-looking plant produces varieties of

peaches, plums, apricots and cherries

Egilsstaðir, 27.07.2014  Jónas Gunnlaugsson Risavaxið grænmeti á sýningu
Tilkynna um óviðeigandi tengingu við frétt

Er sú heimsk, er satt segir? Við sem förum í manninn, biðjum fyrirgefningar. Ég hef hugsað að þeir sem verja lögreglu ríkið séu að skrifa til að gefa börnunum sínum að borða. Hrætt fólk virðist hlíða ofbeldismanninum,

Sett á blogg:   Einar Björn Bjarnason

Sumt fólk álítur mikilvæg mannréttindi - að smita sem flesta af COVID


Einar Björn Bjarnason, er sú heimsk, er satt segir?

Við sem förum í manninn, biðjum fyrirgefningar.

Egilsstaðir, 18.09.2021   Jónas Gunnlaugsson 


Ég hef hugsað að þeir sem verja lögreglu ríkið

séu að skrifa til að gefa börnunum sínum brauð að borða.


Nasistar fyrir Nuremberg dómstólnum svöruðu þegar

þeir voru spurðir hvernig þeir hafi getað látið

fólkið hlíða sér.

Þeir svöruðu, við gerðum fólkið hrætt, þá fóru allir í röð

og gerðu það sem þeim var sagt. 

Það er eins og núna, allir fara í röð og láta sprauta sig,

aftur og aftur og aftur.

Við vekjum fólkið, björgum fólkinu, björgum landinu

og við björgum heiminum.

Gamla konan greip inn í þegar krakkarnir voru farnir að

slást og sagði síðan, - elskiði - friðinn - strjúkiði – á ykkur kviðinn.

(elskið friðinn, og strjúkið þið kviðinn ég skil þetta ekki alveg enn þá (þann?) daginn í dag.)


Semjum frið með lögunum frá kallinum með skeggið. Lögin, tönn fyrir tönn og auga fyrir auga. Jesú sagði ég er kominn til að uppfylla lögmálið, ekki einn stafkróku fellur úr gildi. Þá skoðum við, sá sem fyrirgefur öllum allt, verður fyrirgefið allt.

Nú semjum við frið með skilmálunum, lögunum sem kallinn með skeggið gaf okkur. Skilmálarnir, lögin voru, tönn fyrir tönn og auga fyrir auga. Jesú sagði ég er kominn til að uppfylla lögmálið, ekki einn stafkróku fellur úr gildi. (skoða, þetta er eftir...

 Egilsstaðir, 18.09.2021   Jónas Gunnlaugsson 

Fá Covid-19 sjúklingar á Landspítalanum með Covid-19, góðu lyfin sem Bandaríkjaforseti og forseti Elsalvador fengu að ráði Læknateyma sinna? Lækna teymin eru þau bestu sem hægt er að fá fyrir peninga.


Tveggja ára barn á gjörgæslu með COVID-19


Fá Covid-19 sjúklingar á Landspítalanum með Covid-19, góðu lyfin sem Bandaríkjaforseti og forseti Elsalvador fengu að ráði Læknateyma sinna?

Lækna teymin eru þau bestu sem hægt er að fá fyrir peninga.

Þegar blaðamenn fóru að spyrja, sagði forseti Elsalvador blaðamönnum að stjórnsýslunni væri oft gefið annað en fólkinu.

Fær - elítan - góðu lyfin sem eru

- spurning - bönnuð alþýðunni?

Meðul sem lækna veikina, Ivermectin, HCQ, Budesonide an inhaled steroid, tekur elítan þau,


Ætti RÍKISÚTVARPIÐ, að fræða fólkið?

Ríkisútvarpið getur alls ekki verið að vinna gegn fólkinu.

Mundu, að einhver þjóð getur sagt að hún sé að gefa milljón skammta af lyfinu þá þarf það ekki að vera satt.

Okkur er sagt að Kákasus fólkið hafi verið 80% sprautað með þessu óprófaða lyfi.

Það er fólkið sem er stundum kallað?

Er það fólkið sem hefur stutt að því að fleiri eru nú mettir  og hafa það betra en nokkurn tímann fyrr í þekktri sögu jarðarinnar.

Auðvitað er allt fullt af vanþroskuðum eins og okkur, en jafnvel  fyrr á öldum með sínum frumstæðu vopnum gátu þeir drepið jafnvel fleiri en við gerum í dag.

Gæti þetta verið stríðsaðgerð?

Verð að hlaupa.

Egilsstaðir, 16.09.2021    Jónas Gunnlaugsson

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