Bloggfærslur mánaðarins, febrúar 2021

COVID LOKANIR: Stærsti glæpur gegn mannkyni í sögunni! COVID LOCKDOWNS: The Greatest Crime Against Humanity Ever!

Gnægð af læknameðulum, sem læknar veikina, Ivermectin, HCQ, Budesonide an inhaled steroid, tekur elítan þau, að ráði færustu lækna veraldar, samanber Trump og forseti El Salvator, sem sagði, forsetunum er stundum ráðlagt annað en fólkinu. 


Fljótt á litið virðist Ivermectin vera áhugaverðasta lyfið. Sníkjudýralyfin reynast best, með réttum aukalyfjum. Ivermectin, HCQ, Budesonide an inhaled steroid.

Heildardauðsföll í bandaríkjunum og á Íslandi. We had a pandemic in 2009. It was the H1N1 and you know what? THE FLU STRAIN GOING AROUND NOW IS H1N1.

Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 7. febrúar 2021

COVID lokanirnar: Stærsti glæpur gegn mannkyni í sögunni.!

Google þýðing.  COVID LOCKDOWNS: Stærsti glæpur gegn mannkyni nokkru sinni!

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Geðrænir fylgikvillar lokunar eru stjarnfræðilegir: mikil áfengissýki, ofnotkun vímuefna, sjálfsvíg, fátækt fjölskyldna vegna atvinnumissis atvinnuleysis. Sjálfsmorðstíðni barna hefur rokið upp úr öllu valdi vegna óþarfa skólalokana.

The psychiatric complications of the lockdowns are astronomical : skyrocketing alcoholism , drug related overdoses , suicides , impoverishment of families due to loss of job incomes . The pediatric suicide rates have skyrocketed due to unnecessary school closures . Grades are plummeting due to ineffective on-line teaching . Computer monitors are harmful to young eyes .The true mortality is under a 0.5% . 

Google þýðing 

Geðrænir fylgikvillar lokunar eru stjarnfræðilegir: mikil áfengissýki, ofnotkun vímuefna, sjálfsvíg, fátækt fjölskyldna vegna atvinnumissis atvinnuleysis. Sjálfsmorðstíðni barna hefur rokið upp úr öllu valdi vegna óþarfa skólalokana. Einkunnir hríðfalla vegna árangurslausrar kennslu á netinu. Tölvuskjáir eru skaðlegir ungum augum. Sannur dánartíðni er undir 0,5%.  



Nurse Disgusted by Medical Perfidy



“I’m a medical professional & I’ve known that this was a SCAMDEMIC from the very first day they announced it, & I’ve never been so disappointed & angry with the medical community as I am in this very moment. 
Unfortunately, I have conversations with other peers in the business & they’re fearful of losing their jobs too if they were to speak up & go against their employers.”
by Magen Davis
I know that this comment is late in coming, but I just found your posts & I find them a refreshing change to the fake PROPAGANDA shoved down our throats by the EVIL SOCIOPATHS in the world. 
This is an attempted takeover by the Cabal, however not only on the American people, but they are attempting to take over the world now. 
Other countries are going through this (some are finally waking up to the destroy & takeover plan. American’s however will be the only country that will be a possible lose for the Cabal’s plan, bcuz we’re armed, more of us are waking up & fighting back, & with BiDUMB now occupying a stage that looks like the White House but is not & killing hundreds of thousands of jobs within his first couple of days “leading” (he’s just a puppet of Obama) this country, more people who have been supporting him & actually took the bait & voted for such pure evil are seeing exactly what they voted for & they’re not liking it so much.
 I actually had a friend who said that he voted for him tell me that he was wrong, & he now understands what I’ve been trying to get across to him for the last four years… did I mention that he’s a US Marshal?? 
Even those who have a front row seat to the political circus have been brainwashed by the MSM PROPAGANDA TELL-A-VISION which is the enemy of the people….
Maybe this is how it HAD to happen?? I don’t know for sure, but I’m starting to feel more optimistic than the past year or so. 
I hope that I’m correct in my opinion bcuz if I’m not, then the whole world will be enslaved by the satanic illuminati who already control way too much.
I keep praying for God to give me the strength & depth of character to succeed in turning the hearts of the people in my path that I have the power to help them see the truth so that they might join in the fight for the common good, that dark may become light & that God wins always is my hopeful mantra. 
I’m a medical professional & I’ve known that this was a SCAMDEMIC from the very first day they announced it, & I’ve never been so disappointed & angry with the medical community as I am in this very moment. 
Unfortunately, I have conversations with other peers in the business & they’re fearful of losing their jobs too if they were to speak up & go against their employers. 
I get that, but in this case it’s also not saving the future for the children that they are just trying to keep clothed, fed, and homes over their heads. 
The children might live for today, maybe even tomorrow, but give it a year and it won’t matter. They’ll either be emotionally dead, or literally dead, or just wishing they were dead. 
Which hell will be worse? Complete enslavement of the human race or true death where your spirit is free & with God? 
If we don’t stand up today against the tyranny we won’t have a future worth leaving our generations to come. They’ll live in slavery, the most EVIL of all evils. 
As part of the group of people who have woken up & understand the Cabal’s game plan to kill us off, we MUST keep trying to wake our fellow citizens up, trying as hard as we can to be compassionate & understanding of their beliefs & the difficulty in reconciling those beliefs that they have been brainwashed by. 
Most people are truly good people and they don’t want to believe that anyone could or would be so EVIL, so SOCIOPATHIC, that they would seek to do everything in their power to destroy them.
 Unfortunately, the Cabal is indeed out to destroy America & every other nation in the world to conquer Earth with the power of satan & not the good of God. 
I pray that we can wake up our fellow brothers and sisters in the world and give them the courage to stand up for the good of humanity and for what is righteous! 
With God all things are possible and we MUST keep that faith in him close to our hearts. If we have faith in him, we will prevail! We just have to work for it! 
First Comment from JR md: Thank you for publishing Nurse Davis’s remarks .The Medical Profession is staying silent in part because the hospital reimbursement is higher if they can report a Covid-19 death , which , in reality , is rarely attributable to the virus alone . Most deaths are associated w/ multiple co-morbidities : CHF ,Obesity ,COPD , Diabetes , advanced age , & on & on . 
The psychiatric complications of the lockdowns are astronomical : skyrocketing alcoholism , drug related overdoses , suicides , impoverishment of families due to loss of job incomes . The pediatric suicide rates have skyrocketed due to unnecessary school closures . Grades are plummeting due to ineffective on-line teaching . Computer monitors are harmful to young eyes .The true mortality is under a 0.5% . 
MASKS MAY HELP IF ONE IS COUGHING OR SNEEZING  , but cannot prevent transmissions of the Covid-19 virus ( or any virus ). Is there a law firm brave enough to bring class action lawsuits against the Teachers Unions for their dictatorial , & unscientifically supported school closures ? Virginia’s Pediatric Neurologist Governor is malpracticing on a massive Public Health scale . While I am a retired physician,the statements I’ve made are factual 


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Heildardauðsföll í Bandaríkjunum og á Íslandi. We had a pandemic in 2009. It was the H1N1 and you know what? THE FLU STRAIN GOING AROUND NOW IS H1N1.

Sett á blog:   Ómar Ragnarsson 

Eru 462 látnir úr COVID-19 hér á landi eftirsóknarlegt "draumaríki"?


2Smámynd: Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Hvað þarft þú margra watta peru? Bera saman birtu af gló peru, við led, fluore, og halogen peru. Lumen, lm ljósmagn.


Hvað þarft þú margra watta peru? Bera saman birtu

af gló peru, við led, litla fluore, og halogen peru.

Lumen, lm = ljósmagn. 


Önnur gerð


Egilsstaðir, 07.02.2021   Jónas Gunnlaugsson


Heildardauðsföll í bandaríkjunum og á Íslandi. We had a pandemic in 2009. It was the H1N1 and you know what? THE FLU STRAIN GOING AROUND NOW IS H1N1.

Sett á blog:   Ómar Ragnarsson 


Eru 462 látnir úr COVID-19 hér á landi eftirsóknarlegt "draumaríki"?


2Smámynd: Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Það að nota skófluna, hjólið, eimreyðina, tölvuna varð vegna þess, að einhverjir fóru að leita að nýjum lausnum. Það getur skapað mikið tap og kostað, miklar óeirðir, ef þú heldur að þú eigir ekki bókhald við köllum það pening til að allir fái vinnu


KREPPAN 1930 - (frá fyrir 1988) - Í dag 2020-03-19 er komin meiri skilningur á því að peningur er bókhald. Trump skilur, að öll vöruhús eru full af vörum, en vantar bókhald til fólksins, peninga svo fólkið nýti vörurnar.


Sett á blog: Geir Ágústsson

Orkuforði starfsmanna

Sitt lítið af hverju. 

Framkvæmdastjórinn kvartaði, það er allt í ólagi í þessum hluta í framleiðslulínunni. 

Hvað getum við gert? 

Jón var í heimsókn á skrifstofunni og blandaði sér í málið. 

Þú setur bara þrjá lötustu mennina á svæðið og áður en þú veist af verða þeir búnir að gera staðinn að þægilegasta stað í verksmiðjunni. 

Það að nota skófluna, hjólið, eimreyðina, tölvuna varð vegna þess, að einhverjir fóru að leita að nýjum lausnum. 

Auðvitað þarf að leysa verkefnin, gera verkin. 

Ætti ég að kaupa sjálfvirka ryksugu? 

Muna að peningur er bókhald, ef þú átt lausan huga eða hönd, það er mann, manneskju, þá er það tap að nýta það ekki.

Það getur skapað mikið tap og kostað, miklar óeirðir, ef þú heldur að þú eigir ekki bókhald við köllum það pening til að allir fái vinnu. 

Munum 1930, allar vöru skemur fullar af vörum, og fólkið gekk um hungrað og atvinnulaust. 

Þá sögðu menn, að ekki væri hægt að taka menn í vinnu, öll vöruhús væru full af vörum og allir sem ættu bókhald, pening væru búnir að kaupa allt sem þeir þyrftu. 

Við vitum að peningur er fyrir fram útbúið bókhald, nóta, sem við framvísum til næsta manns til að viðskipti geti átt sér stað. 

Alltaf þegar einkabankarnir hafa búið til þurrð á bókhaldi, nótum, pening, þá hafa þeir viljað búa til KREPPU til að verðfella eignirnar, eignir fólksins. 

Þá gátu þeir sagt. þín eign er farin, við tökum eignirnar til okkar bankaeigendanna. 

Þegar þeir voru búnir að ná eignunum, þá sögðu bankaeigendurnir. 

Við erum búnir að ná öllu lausu, hér er fullt af bókhaldi, nótum, pening, farið út að vinna, og byggið nýjar eignir, við tökum þær af ykkur eftir 5, 10, 15 ár. 

Við viljum ekki peninginn til baka, við viljum eignirnar punktur. 

Við getum alltaf búið til meira bókhald, pening í bankanum.

Þetta er sáning og uppskera hjá okkur. 

Já, það er alveg rétt, þið skiljið ekki neitt, við sjáum um að ykkur sé aldrei kennt að skilja peningakerfið. 

Þess vegna sagði gamli Ford, ef að fólkið skildi peningakerfið myndi það gera uppreisn strax í dag. 

Erum við asnar, erum við fífl, eða erum við frjálsir upplýstir menn sem geta gengið með reisn og stolti í lífinu. 

Við erum skapaðir til að vera frjálsir upplits-djarfir menn. 

Ekki öskra, skemma og eiðileggja. 

Læra, læra, læra. 

Skólarnir, ykkar er sviðið, óplægður er akurinn.

Egilsstaðir, 07.02.2021   Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Hard Proof that Covid-19 is a Scamdemic - Algjörlega sannað að Covid-19 er svindl.

Hard Proof that Covid-19 is a Scamdemic

Clever Forensic Investigation Offers

Compelling Evidence Covid-19 is a Scamdemic

Winter Watch

IMAGE: Forbes

Winter Watch welcomes special guest writer Giuseppe Vafanculo. He’s a former professional journalist with more than 500 byline articles in major-market newspapers and magazines in the 1980s. His midlife career change led him to graduate summa cum laude from a top-five U.S. College of Oriental Medicine with a Masters of Science in Oriental Medicine and a Bachelors of Science in Eastern/Western Nutrition. Vafanculo is nationally board certified and licensed in Wisconsin and Virginia. He has owned and operated an Oriental Medicine/Acupuncture/Holistic Health practice for 15 years. The outrages of the COVID-19 scamdemic brought Vafanculo back to the new mass Internet media in 2020.

By Giuseppe Vafanculo

Remember the 1987 hit movie “The Untouchables” starring Kevin Costner and Sean Connery?

Al Capone was literally getting away with murder and mayhem. He was winning every case against him by intimidating and eliminating witnesses.

Then a clever forensic accountant found a mundane yet effective way to bring down Capone — numbers. The numbers of his tax returns did not match his actual books.

Much the way an unassuming accountant (Oscar Wallace played by Charles Martin Smith) took down the powerful Chicago Mob Boss Al Capone for tax evasion, so too did Dr. Colleen Huber and her crack forensic investigative team use little-examined numbers — annual sales figures by Wall Street-traded companies and actual obituary listings — to prove once again Covid-19 is 100% scamdemic.

Dr. Huber recently released a new white paper, “Data That Disprove the Covid-19 Pandemic.” It promptly got her banned from Twitter for 30 days.

“We looked at evidence for or against a genuine pandemic of a respiratory virus. If we actually had a pandemic of a Sudden Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), wouldn’t you expect that there would be more medical oxygen used?” Dr. Huber observed.

“We found something very interesting. Wall Street does not like bogus stories. Wall Street does not like hoaxes. The earning statements for medical oxygen providers must be on target,” Dr. Huber noted. “We looked at the suppliers and distributors of the three biggest Medical Oxygen companies listed on Wall Street.”

Dr. Huber’s investigative team found that annual sales actually declined from 2019 to 2020. The three largest medical oxygen providers (Air Products APD; Air Liquide AIQUY; and Linde LIN) combined sales in 2019 were $64 billion dollars. The combined total for 2020 dropped to $61 billion.


“How can you have a global pandemic of an acute respiratory viral syndrome and there is less oxygen used that year? I say impossible!” Dr. Huber emphasized.

Dr. Huber’s forensic investigation team also realized that if hospitals were being overwhelmed with Covid-19 pandemic patients, the hospitals would need to purchase significantly more equipment and supplies, such as I.V. bags and poles, as well as syringes. They checked the Wall Street number for the five largest companies that provide medical supplies.

“The five largest medical supply companies in the US are: McKesson, Amerisource Bergen, Henry Schein, Cardinal Health and Medline Industries,” Dr. Huber explained. “Although these five companies’ sales increased slightly in 2020 over 2019, the growth rate for the past year has slowed compared to the five-year aggregate overall growth rate for these companies.”

This makes no sense, if a crippling pandemic is pushing hospitals to their limits!

Dr. Huber’s team has come to distrust any claims of massive deaths caused by the Covid-19 so-called pandemic. The team was particularly intrigued by the Johns Hopkins study released by Genevieve Brand that proves there was no increase in annual deaths caused by Covid-19. Because the facts do not fit the specious Covid-19 narrative, the report has now been suppressed and removed from the Johns Hopkins website.

“As we did more research, we came to realize we cannot trust anything the Center for Disease Control (CDC) says regarding deaths by Covid-19,” Dr. Huber noted.

Dr. Huber’s team updated the Brand analysis to include all deaths for 2020.

“Since we came to realize we could not trust the CDC’s 2020 death claims, we thought to search the most verifiable source of deaths: obituaries,” Dr. Huber said. “Remarkably, obituaries of real, identifiable, deceased individuals declined by almost 18% from 2019 to 2020.”

The white paper admits that not every obituary source would share their data with the investigators, but Dr. Huber explained that some of the largest sources did share their data.

“If these obituaries are representative of deaths in the U.S. as a whole, then it is impossible for there to be a pandemic in the United States in 2020,” Dr. Huber said. “These deaths are at least verifiable, unlike the unaudited, unverified numbers that the CDC presents. It is also interesting that the month with the largest number of Covid-19 deaths, according to the CDC, April 2020, ranks sixth out of the 12 months of 2020 regarding total obituaries.”

The clever forensic investigation came to one compelling conclusion:

“We investigated diverse data — CDC mortality tables, obituaries, Wall Street earnings reports and company annual performance reports,” Dr. Huber said. “We believe there are enough indicators to prove that a pandemic involving a SARS virus could not have taken place … at least not in the United States in 2020.”

Dr. Huber’s full white paper analysis “Data That Disprove the Covid-19 Pandemic” is available online here:

Giuseppe Vafanculo is the creator and host of Revolution Radio’s ( “The Perfect Triangle” Fridays 6-8 p.m. ET live on Studio A. Vafanculo is co-host of “The Wisdom Circle” Wednesdays 12-2 p.m. ET live on Studio A; and “Operation Scorpio” Saturdays 1-4 p.m. ET live on Studio A.  He is also the producer and regular commentator on “Need to Know: The Fetzer Report” weekday evenings live on YouTube, Facebook and Twitter. Archived at Jim Fetzer Bitchute. Russ Winter plans on participating every other week on these earlier shows.


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Pabbi og mamma

Pabbi og mamma


Fluga á vegg árið 2020 endursagt

Pabbi, við vorum að læra í skólanum, að árið 2015 hafi Alþingi, Alþingismenn gefið hrægammasjóðum, fjárfestum, einhverjar þúsundir miljarða í krónum.

Þeir fjárfestarnir, hrægammarnir höfðu náð flestum eignum á Íslandi með „Kreppufléttunni“*


Kreppufléttan, endurtekið



Þessir hrægammar, fjárfestar, fengu svo gjaldeyrir frá sjávarútveginum, stóriðjunni og ferðaþjónustunni og fluttu það til útlanda.


Einnig lét Alþingi og Alþingismenn, hrægamma, það er einkafjármálastofnanir, einkabanka, búa til alla peninga í þjóðfélaginu.


Við vitum núna, allir krakkarnir í bekknum mínum, að peningur er aðeins bókhald.


Þegar einhver kom og vildi byggja stærsta hótel á Íslandi, fór hann í einkabankann og bað um lán fyrir Hótelinu.


Þá hugsaði bankastjóri einkabankans.

Ef ég skrifa töluna tíuþúsund miljónir og set það á reikninginn hjá hótelbyggjaranum, og tek veð í hótelinu, þá hef ég eignast stærsta hótel á Íslandi.


Af því að þeir, Alþingismennirnir, létu mig, einkabankann, hrægamminn, fá peningaprentunina, Þá eignast ég allt sem gert er á Íslandi.


Og áfram hugsar bankastjórinn.

Mikið er ég sniðugur.

Ég held aðeins bókhaldið, þeir koma með vinnuna og efnið.


Þeir, fólkið sem framkvæmir og fólkið sem skapar gjaldeyririnn, það er sjávarútvegurinn, stóriðjan og ferðaþjónustan og fleiri, skapar allt sem gert er.


Og, pabbi.

Svo skrifuðu, hrægammasjóðirnir 1000 miljarða í skatt, þeir færðu bara í bókhaldið 1000 miljarða, sem var bara ávísun á þína vinnu og þinn gjaldeyrir.


Vegna þessa „skatts,“ þessarar plat tölu, fengu hrægammasjóðirnir, einkafjárfestarnir að hafa peningaprentunina, fjármálabókhaldið áfram.


Þetta var alveg geggjað, (mig vantar slanguryrðin árið 2020) pabbi.


Já heyrðu Stína mín, við, ég mamma þín og hann pabbi þinn vorum mikilsmetnir þingmenn 2015.


Ert þú að segja mér að þú mamma mín og þú pabbi minn, hafið láti fara svona með okkur?


Skiljið þið þetta virkilega ekki ennþá, núna árið 2020.


Heyrið þið mamma og pabbi,

Það er komin þekking og tækni svo að ég get farið aftur til ársins 2015.

Ég kenni ykkur þetta á 15 mínútum.


Það er mun meira gaman að eiga mömmu og pabba sem leystu þessa þrælkun, þessa heimsku, þetta skilningsleysi af þjóðinni.


Þessi nýi skilningur myndi leysa hinar þjóðirnar úr álögunum líka.


En mamma og pabbi.

Við skulum ekki gleyma því, að fjárfestarnir, bankamennirnir, við öll skildum almennt ekkert í peningabókhaldinu.

Ef einhver fór að efast um fjármálakerfið var hann strax gerður að ljóta andarunganum, hann var öðruvísi og heimskur.


Nú leysum við fjármálakerfið úr fjötrum.

Engin vandamál, bara lausnir.

Egilsstaðir, 25.06.2015 Jónas Gunnlaugsson

En pabbi, af hverju létu Alþingismenn þetta yfir sig ganga, árið 2015.

*„Kreppusvindlið er:

Ísland, ríkið var að mestu skuldlaust 2008.

Þá gerðu menn skuld einkafjárfesta að skuld ríkisins.

Kreppufléttan skýrð af Tómasi Jefferssyni, var notuð af einkafjárfestum, („Sjóðum“***), til að ná öllum eignum heimila og fyrirtækja. 


Thomas Jefferson sagði okkur þetta allt saman. 


Kreppufléttan, endurtekið 

*** Lífeyrissjóðum

Hvað þarft þú margra watta peru? Bera saman birtu af gló peru, við led, fluore, og halogen peru.

klikka mynd þá stærri



 Egilsstaðir, 07.02.2021   Jónas Gunnlaugsson

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