- The Archbishop of Strasbourg Luc Ravel, nominated by Pope Francis in February, just declared that Muslim believers know very well that their fertility is such today, that they call it the Great Replacement. They tell you in a very calm, very positive way: One day all this, all this will be ours
- Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán just warned against a Muslimized Europe. According to him, the question of the upcoming decades is whether Europe will continue to belong to Europeans.
- In the coming 30 years, the number of Africans will grow by more than one billion people. That is twice the population of the entire European Union The demographic pressure will be enormous. Last year, more than 180,000 people crossed in shabby boats from Libya. And this is just the beginning. According to EU Commissioner Avramopoulos, at this very moment, 3 million migrants are waiting to enter Europe. Geert Wilders, MP, The Netherlands, and leader of the Party for Freedom and Democracy (PVV). ...
- 000
Bloggfærslur mánaðarins, ágúst 2017
Australia blocks sale of largest farm owner to foreigners
Published 9:16 PM ET Wed, 18 Nov 2015
Concerned it was losing control of its food security, Australia in February slashed the amount beyond which land purchases would require regulatory approval and said a registry of foreign land ownership would be set up.
Chinese-led deal to buy Australia's biggest farming estate
19 April 2016
... A takeover had previously been blocked by Australia's Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB).
It was concerned that part of the property was inside a military weapons testing range in South Australia.
Kidman has since taken the Anna Creek farm out of the sale.
Dakang Australia is to acquire 80% of the farm, while local partner Australian Rural Capital (ARC) will take the remaining 20%.
The sale comprises of areas covering 77,300sq/km - equal to 1% of Australia or an area bigger than Ireland.
klikka á myndina, þá verður myndin stærri.
The Anna Creek farm has been taken out of the sale
- The Anna Creek farm has been taken out of sale -
Stendur á image caption, hér fyrir ofan.
Kidman & Co
Founded in 1899
sq/km of overall territory
77,300 sq/km to be sold
1% of Australia to change hands
15,000 tonnes of beef carcass shipped globally per year ...
Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 12. desember 2016
Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 2. maí 2017
Egilsstaðir, 31.08.2017 Jónas Gunnlaugsson
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Mjög miklir hagsmunir í húfi |
Tilkynna um óviðeigandi tengingu við frétt |
Bloggar | Breytt s.d. kl. 11:21 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
BREAKING Judge SHOCKS The Entire Nation With Brutal Truth Behind The CIA Trump Is Ready To Rumble
Birt 28. ágú. 2017
Hvað er hér á ferðinni?
Egilsstaðir, 30.08.2017 Jónas Gunnlaugsson
Bloggar | Breytt s.d. kl. 07:05 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
Sett á blogg: Einar Björn Bjarnason
Nicolas Maduro forseti Venezúela sakar Donald Trump um tilraun til að þvinga fram gjaldrot Venezúela
(Þar sem orðið Trump er notað í heimsfréttunum um Venezúela, ætti að vera, stjórnsýslan, stórfyrirtækin, New World Order, Federal Reserve sem er í eigu erlendra aðila, ekki Bandaríkjanna. Jg)
Sett á blogg: EBB
Þú segir Einar Björn Bjarnason:
En fljótt á litið skuldar Venezúela í reynd lítið:
Þannig er Venezúela í svipaðri stöðu - að skorta lausafé, eins og Ísland var í er Ísland leitaði til AGS 2008/9.
Er þetta ekki lík efnahagsárás á Venezuela, eins og efnahagsárásin á Ísland var 1908?
Venezuelan Economic Crisis: The Real Cause is Not Socialism
... As self-confessed economic hitman John Perkins described decades ago in books, presentations and interviews, when a recalcitrant nation fails to play ball with the US, it activates its various branches to rein them in the intelligence agencies, the NGOs, the jackals (assassins) and, if all else fails, then the US military itself. ...
... The fact that the opposition is planning to boycott the election shows clearly, they are not interested in democracy. They have one goal only, to oust President Maduro and take power, privatize state assets, especially hydrocarbons (petroleum and gas) to hand them to international mainly US corporations to be exploited at no benefits for the Venezuelan people. This was precisely the case before President Chavez took the reins of the country. Foreign corporations, almost all North Americans, left not a dollar in tax revenues in Venezuela. ...
... Venezuelan Economic Crisis and Regime Change: Foretold by Brookings (NWO Think Tank) and Orchestrated by NED (Soros NGO)
Skipulagðar efnahags-árásir á þjóðina
Ólafur Einarsson
Egilsstaðir, 9.08.2017 Jónas Gunnlaugsson
Þakka þér fyrir kennsluna Einar Björn Bjarnason.
Mér sýnist að þetta sé skipulagt af gömlu stjórnsýslunni.
Þessi gamla stjórnsýsla er að hrynja.
Það er meira upplýsinga flæði í dag,svo að við heyrum sagt frá vandamálunum.
Þá er hægt að lagfæra hlutina.
Nú reyna þjónar gamla kerfisins, að þagga niður sannleikann.
Allt sem er sannleikur er kallað rangt, og allt sem er lygi er sagt rétt.
The Bible tells us that in end times, bad will be heralded as good, and good heralded as bad.
Egilsstaðir, 9.08.2017 Jónas Gunnlaugsson
Bloggar | Breytt s.d. kl. 17:59 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
Destroy Christians hate imam claimed Swiss social benefits for 13yrs investigator to RT

Oh Allah, I ask you to destroy the enemies of our religion, destroy the Jews, theChristians, Hindus, Russians and the Shia. God, I ask you to destroy them all, and get Islam back to its glory, the preacher said in recordings which have been verified by the Rundschau programme on the Swiss broadcaster SRF.
RT spoke with Rundschaus editor Georg Häsler, whose team together with the Tages Anzeiger newspaper conducted the investigation which exposed Abu Ramadan. According to the teams findings, Ramadan received some 600,000 Swiss francs ($620,000) in social benefits from the Swiss government over the last 13 years.
Abu Ramadan got 600,000 Swiss francs by the social welfare here in Switzerland. This is known, this is the number we can confirm. He never learned German or French so it was not possible to integrate him in the job market. It was not possible for him to get work so he got this social welfare, Häsler told RT.
Of course, his views dont exclude him from social welfare, but he got this money from the society he is preaching against.
According to the journalistic investigation, the man came to seek refuge in Switzerland in 1998 after he fled his homeland, explaining that hed been pursued by authorities for spreading religious propaganda for the Muslim Brotherhood.
With political asylum and a residence permit granted to him, the 64-year-old Ramadan hardly ever worked, instead living on social payments from 2004 until 2017. During this time Ramadan is said have preached in the small towns of Biel and Neuchâtel, as well appeared on the Libyan Islamic channel, Tanaush TV.
In addition, research claims to have found his pictures at luxury hotels, made when he accompanied pilgrims to Mecca and Medina in Saudi Arabia.
Through a statement by his lawyer, the preacher claimed to Tages Anzeiger that he respects other religions. "Love, tolerance and generosity are my guideline in my relations with Muslims and non-Muslims," the statement reads.
However, according to the tape obtained by the Swiss outlets, he also preached that a person who befriends a disbeliever is cursed until the Day of Judgment. In fact, he apparently never studied theology and also denied being an imam, the newspaper says.
Diversity, freedom of speech and democratic rule are the strengths of an open society, of course, and hate speech brings that into danger. Thats why Switzerland is successful, because of its open society. But the case shows how important our new legislation about intelligence is the authorities are not able to monitor extremists even in mosques. Our society has to cross out these disintegrative elements to protect the open society, to protect freedom of speech and diversity, Häsler said.
The authorities were now considering legal measures against Ramadan, he said.
Social welfare official Christian Hauri said his department had no means to research our clients. But the head of the social and security department of the city of Biel, Beat Feurer, believes the imam should be deported.
This is someone who does not call directly for jihad but creates the mental breeding ground for it, says the Swiss-Tunisian rights activist, Saida Keller-Messahli.
Bloggar | Breytt s.d. kl. 11:04 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
Konurnar eru þjóðin. Ef konurnar virka ekki, þá er engin þjóð.
23.8.2017 | 09:28
Konurnar eru þjóðin. Ef konurnar virka ekki, þá er engin þjóð.
READ: Muslim takeover of Europe is biggest story of our time and nobody knows it.
Egilsstaðir, 25.08.2017 Jónas Gunnlaugsson
READ: Muslim takeover of Europe is biggest story of our time and nobody knows it.
Egilsstaðir, 25.08.2017 Jónas Gunnlaugsson
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Ósammála í innflytjendamálum |
Tilkynna um óviðeigandi tengingu við frétt |
Bloggar | Breytt 29.8.2017 kl. 22:58 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
Hæðarveiki - ef fólki líður ílla þegar farið er á fjöll, þá getur verið lífshættulegt að halda áfram upp í meiri hæð.
25.8.2017 | 08:31
The Dangers of Altitude SicknessWhat to Know About the Condition That Killed a 20-Year-Old Colorado Hiker
What is altitude sickness? Too high, too fast
Altitude sickness, sometimes known as mountain sickness, happens when people go too high, too fast, and dont allow their bodies time to adapt to the lack of ambient pressure and the lack of relative oxygen, says Dr. Stepanek. Our bodies are equipped to make this adjustment, but it ideally takes time.
Mild signs of altitude sickness include headache and nausea, and for most people visiting a higher-altitude region, thats as bad as the condition will get. But if it progresses (which it likely will if a person keeps going to higher elevations), it can lead to vomiting, disorientation, fluid in the lungs, and swelling around the brainall of which can be deadly if not treated quickly.
RELATED: The Best Vacation Spots for Hiking
Visitorsand young, fit peopleare at higher risk
The individuals who are usually struck by altitude sickness are those who fly in from the lowlandslike someone coming in from a lowland location for a ski trip with friends, says Dr. Stepanek. Its very common to have a headache and not feel great for the first few days youre there. Luckily, he adds, those symptoms usually pass within three to four days, if you dont go any higher once you reach your elevation.
Thats one reason young, fit people may be at risk for more complications, he says; they may continue to push themselves. If you have these symptoms and you continue to ascend, like on a hiking trip, things are only going to get worse.
Egilsstaðir, 25.08.2017 Jónas Gunnlaugsson
Ég vísa á þessa slóð hjá Læknablaðinu, það er betra að hafa þá með í ráðum. Ég kemst ekki inn á slóðina.
Bloggar | Breytt s.d. kl. 08:42 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán just warned against a Muslimized Europe. According to him, the question of the upcoming decades is whether Europe will continue to belong to Europeans.
Europe Is Committing Demographic Suicide
Related info:
Europe Is Committing Demographic Suicide:
Authored by Giulio Meotti via The Gatestone Institute,
Egilsstaðir, 23.08.2017 Jónas Gunnlaugsson
Bloggar | Breytt s.d. kl. 23:43 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (1)
Þarna líða 55 dagar þar til meðferð hefst.
Hver segir að þessi meðferð geti ekki virkað löngu eftir að slys verður, til dæmis súrefnisskortur við fæðingu.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy reverses drowned toddlers brain damage
Sunday, August 20, 2017 by: Frances Bloomfield
Tags: advanced medicine, brain damage, Brain Injury, drowning, holistic medicine, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, natural medicine
(Natural News) After Eden Carlson almost drowned in her familys pool in February 2016, she suffered brain damage that left her immobile and unresponsive to nearly all stimuli.
Doctors informed her family that she would remain in that vegetative state for the remainder of her life.
A little over a year later, the now-three-year-old Arkansas toddler is talking and playing like any other child her age.
According to her family, the dramatic turnaround is thanks to hyperbaric oxygen therapy.
Despite everything the doctors told them, her parents refused to give up.
Speaking to the DailyMail.co.uk, Kristal Carlson, 40, explained: We had to be proactive. We had to fight for her, despite what the doctors said.
We had to find treatment for her.
It was hard because we had hope that she would recover, but when she came out of the ER and we saw the effects, it was very disheartening. ...
... Due to the distance between them, Eden Carlson was unable to travel to Harch treatment. Harch instructed her family to use the oxygen tank provided by the hospital to administer two-liter doses a minute for 45 minutes, twice a day, in the meantime. Her parents started this 55 days after Eden Carlsons drowning incident. (Related: 8 Things You Need to Know About Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.) ...
... She was scheduled to undergo five 45-minute sessions for four weeks, though she began showing improvements after just 10 sessions. By the 40th session, Eden Carlson appeared almost 100 percent the same as before, according to her astonished mother. With the aid of physical therapy, the treatment had restored Eden Carlsons motor function and cognitive abilities almost to near-normalcy. ...
Mínar vangaveltur.
Þekkt er að svona yfirþrýstur súrefnisklefi, mettar frumur líkamans með súrefni, og getur bjargað fólki.
Við ættum að eiga yfirþrýstan súrefnisklefa á öllum heilsugæslum, og víðar, jafnvel nothæfan í sjúkrabíl. Þrýsti klefi er notaður á kafaraveiki, þegar kafari kemur of hratt upp, en einhver loftblanda getur minnkað líkurnar á kafaraveiki. Þetta er eitthvað sem ég hef lesið áður.
Einhverskonar gegnsætt rörrúm, skel með hjörum, og hægt sð stinga handleggjunum inn í gagnsæja "handleggi", með vetlingum fremst, til að sinna sjúklingi frá báðum hliðum.
Egilsstaðir, 22.08.2017 Jónas Gunnlaugsson
Bloggar | Breytt s.d. kl. 23:24 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
EMPs: How to detect a blast that could darken the world
... Now a European institute says it has developed a device that can withstand the EMP -- and identify an attacker in the aftermath.
Some high-power microwave weapons small enough to fit in a suitcase can disable smaller targets like neighborhoods, banks and stock exchanges. Devices can be used to cause confusion or to infiltrate secure areas by disabling alarm systems. An attacker would merely need to get within a few yards of a target and push a button to unleash the pulse.
Recently in Berlin, thieves have been using electromagnetic waves to defeat limousine security systems, for example.
Eitt herskip var fryst, grillað, í Svartahafi, og nú þrjú í eða nálægt Kínahafi.
Flug varnir við Alaska voru frystar, grillaðar.
Það virðist sem að USA hafi vanrækt rannsóknir á EMP.
An Obama Parting Shot: No Nuclear EMP Protection
Egilsstaðir, 22.08.2017 Jónas Gunnlaugsson
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Europes childless leaders symbolize a dying continent soon to be overrun by Muslims
The majority of Europes leaders being childless not only symbolizes the death of Europe, but it demonstrates how leaders, having no hope for the future, have set the stage for a Muslim takeover, said commentator Mark Steyn in a recent video
Steyn pointed out how the leaders of Western Europes major countries are all childless.
This includes:
- Germanys Angela Merkel
- Frances Emmanuel Macron
- Britains Theresa May
- Italys Paolo Gentilon
- Hollands Mark Rutte
- Scotlands Nicola Sturgeon
- Swedens Stefan Lofven
- Luxembourgs Xavier Bettel (a homosexual)
- Switzerlands Simonetta Sommaruga
- Irelands Leo Varadkar (a homosexual)
The leaders of Europe's biggest economies, and all the European members of the G7, in fact, are childless, said Steyn.
Egilsstaðir, 17.08.2017 Jónas Gunnlaugsson
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