Bloggfćrslur mánađarins, febrúar 2017
Hér setur íslenska heimiliđ,
íslenska unga konan, íslenski ungi mađurinn sína hugsun.
"Thanks, Althing, for destroying our dream"
Ţakka ţér Alţingi, fyrir ađ rústa draumunum okkar.
Mundu hvernig unga parinu líđur í Ástralíu.
Thanks, Sydney, for destroying our dream
Underbidders Robbie and Elizabeth Allison, who are expecting their first child in May, had been hoping to start their family in the Rozelle home. Photo: Fiona Morris
Jónas Gunnlaugsson | 26.2.2017
Egilsstađir, 26.02.2017 Jónas Gunnlaugsson
Egilsstađir, 26.02.2017 Jónas Gunnlaugsson
Ég verđ ađ hlaupa núna, laga seinna.
Bloggar | Breytt s.d. kl. 18:26 | Slóđ | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
Chinese developers bought almost 40 per cent of the total $5 billion spent on Australias residential development sites in 2016, with a clear trend towards buying up land in far-flung Sydney and Melbourne suburbs, new research shows.
Erum viđ hugsunarlaus, skaplaus, getum viđ lćrt af Sigmundi Davíđ ađ skella hurđum, en gćta ađ ţví ađ engin klemmi sig.
Ef til vill er betra ađ stappa fótunum og berja saman hnefunum.
Og ţađ besta, ég lánađi ţér ekki neitt.
'Thanks, Sydney, for destroying our dream'
Bloggar | Breytt s.d. kl. 14:43 | Slóđ | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
Ţunnt, grunnt, ég má ekki segja ţetta, en viđ ćttum ađ lćra meira af Tesla, ţegar hann talar um, the core, og vísar til geislana sem tilheyra hverri ţjóđ.
Tesla virđist hafa dýpt.
Top DARPA Projects That Should Creep You Out
klikka, fá myndina stćrri
Published on Jul 7, 2013
(Truthstream Dystopic Hollywood nightmares have nothing on real life military research projects. During Truthstream Media's June 29th broadcast on, Melissa Melton listed off a long, creepy list of semi-secret projects the military is pursuing under DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency). In addition to the many robots DARPA has created to mimic human walking, throw cinder blocks, run on four legs at cheetah speed, climb trees, grasp objects, kill targets and more, DARPA has announced projects including mapping the human brain, trying to create a physical, thinking brain for robots, computers that can think for themselves, tracking rat brains over the Internet, real-life Avatar projects, autonomous robots, electronic tattoos and pills swallowed to authenticate online access instead of passwords, mapping the neuroscience of the "fight or flight response," tracking heart beats and other long distance biometrics, quantifying and track "love" and emotive responses, mind controlling squids.... and much much more.
Egilsstađir, 25.02.2017 Jónas Gunnlaugsson
Viđ munum hlađa hugann? Inn í tölvu áriđ 2045 og viđ skiptum út líkamanum okkar innann 90 ára segir sérfrćđingur frá Google... create a physical, thinking brain for robots, computers that can think for themselves, ... real-life Avatar projects, autonomous robots ... track "love" and emotive responses, mind controlling squids
Bloggar | Breytt s.d. kl. 00:54 | Slóđ | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
daŢarna virđast Republikanar hafa haft meirihluta í The House, og ađ ţeir hafi samţykkt endurskođun á Bandarískaeinkarekna seđlabankanum.
Svo höfđu Demókratar meirihluta í The Senate, og ţeir felldu endurskođun á Bandaríska, einkarekna seđlabankanum.
Nú hafa Republikanar meirihluta í báđum deildum ţingsins í Bandaríkjunum, og hafa ţá möguleika á ađ endurskođa hinn einkarekna seđlabanka Bandaríkjanna, Federal Reserve.
Ţingiđ í Bandaríkjunum er tvćr deildir, The House og The Senate.
Rand Paul Reintroduces Audit The Federal Reserve Bill.
Today Senator Rand Paul and Representative Thomas Massie have reintroduced a bill that would force an audit of the notorious Federal Reserve.
While all attempts in the past have not suceeded, as Wall Street and the shadow government have clearly opposed the bill, this time around could be different.
With both the House and Senate controlled by Republicans, the bill has the best opportunity it has ever had to pass. In addition to that, President-Elect Donald Trump has said in the past that he would like to audit the Federal Reserve. Rand Paul mentioned Trump while addressing the bill:
The U.S. House has responded to the American people by passing Audit the Fed multiple times, and President-elect Trump has stated his support for an audit. Lets send him the bill this Congress.
The bill has passed the House several times in the past, only to be opposed by the Democrat-controlled Senate.
However, now that the Senate is Republican-controlled, the bill could have more success.
Additionally, it was believed in the past that even if it passed, that it would be blocked by Democrat President Obama.
With President-Elect Trump soon to take over Obamas seat, those attempts could succeed.
Representative Massie said of the bill:
Egilsstađir, 24.02.2017 Jónas Gunnlaugsson
Bloggar | Breytt s.d. kl. 20:23 | Slóđ | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
If I am not allowed to do this, then I will take it down, at once.
Ef ég má ekki gera ţetta svona ţá breyti ég ţví strax.
Setningin skiptir máli, vegna ţess ađ Pútín sagđi setninguna.
klikka fyrir stćrri myndir
A prophet? jg
A prophet? jg
Egilsstađir, 233.02.2017 Jónas Gunnlaugsson
Bloggar | Breytt s.d. kl. 16:12 | Slóđ | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
The Biggest Scam In The History Of Mankind - Explained In 7 Minutes
klikka á mynd hún verđur stćrri
Published on Apr 22, 2016
The history of the Federal Reserve. Lack of Accountability, Transparency,
and Responsibility. Group of Elite Bankers, in the form of shareholders (members),
control the currency of the United States, the most powerful country in the world.
Fjármálakerfiđ er einfalt, ekki láta flćkja ţađ til ađ blekkja okkur.
29.11.2015 | 12:21
Egilsstađir, 21.02.2017 Jónas Gunnlaugsson
Bloggar | Breytt s.d. kl. 12:44 | Slóđ | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
Birt 14. feb. 2017
Sub for more: | NICK GUTTERIDGE IN BRUSSELS for the Express reports, GREECE could be poised to humiliate Brussels by ditching the euro and instead choosing to be tied to the US dollar, Donald Trumps reported pick as EU ambassador has sensationally claimed. Professor Ted Malloch revealed that senior Greek economists have enquired about the possibility of adopting the greenback if the country crashes out of the single currency.
Egilsstađir, 21-02-2017 Jónas Gunnlaugsson
Bloggar | Breytt s.d. kl. 18:04 | Slóđ | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
MELANIA - She recited the Lords prayer and told the crowd the following: ALWAYS STAY TRUE TO MYSELF, AND BE TRUTHFUL TO YOU
21.2.2017 | 09:26
klikka á myndina, ţá verđur myndin stćrri
Birt 20. feb. 2017
Sub for more: | Paris Swade for Liberty Writers reports, You would never have seen this from Obama, but at Trumps rally in Melbourne, Florida, Melania, she did something amazing! She recited the Lords prayer and told the crowd the following: ALWAYS STAY TRUE TO MYSELF, AND BE TRUTHFUL TO YOU. I didnt know Melania would be reading the Lords prayer, Trump said after her remarks.
Egilsstađir, 21.02.2017 Jónas Gunnlaugsson
Bloggar | Breytt s.d. kl. 10:19 | Slóđ | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
Ţiđ nefniđ nokkra VIRTA fréttamiđla.
Hafa ţeir fréttamiđlar, sagt okkur ađ peningar séu ađeins bókhald?
Hafa ţeir fréttamiđlar sagt okkur ađ viđ getum búiđ til bókhaldiđ, peningana sjálfir?
Ţá ţurfum viđ ekki ađ taka bókhaldiđ, peningana ađ láni?
Hafa ţeir fréttamiđlar sagt ađ Pútín rak banksterana frá Rússlandi.
Ţegar Pútín hafđi rekiđ banksterana í burtu, ţá felldu banksterarnir löglega stjórn Úkrainu og komu nýrri stjórn til valda sem var ekki hliđholl Rússum.
Hafa ţessir fréttamiđlar sagt okkur ađ Nató er ađ fćra vopn ađ landamćrum Rússlands, vegna ţess ađ Pútín rak banksterana frá Rússlandi?
Hafa ţessir fréttamiđlar, sagt okkur ađ keisarinn í Rússlandi, ýtti heims bankakerfinu út úr Rússlandi, 1900- 1914. Ath. slóđ.
Hafa ţessir fréttamiđlar sagt okkur frá ţví ađ Gaddafý í Libiu byrjađi ađ nota gull-denar til ađ selja sína olíu? Ath. slóđ.
Framhald hér. Slóđ
16.2.2017 | 21:51
Ţessar virtu fréttastofur hafa leitt okkur afvega í ýmsum málefnum.
Viđ allir, og ţar međ góđir fréttamenn, trúđum ţessum VIRTU fréttamiđlum.
Viđ leitumst viđ ađ rata sem réttustu leiđina.
Gangi ykkur allt í haginn.
Egilsstađir, 20.02.2017 Jónas Gunnlaugsson
Bloggar | Slóđ | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
Political Islam has subjugated civilizations for 1400 years
Islamska stjórnkerfiđ hefur undirokađ ţjóđirnar,
siđmenninguna í 1400 ár.
When jihad came to US on 9/11, we knew almost nothing about Islam. Our teachers, law enforcement, media, and military knew nothing about Islamic doctrine, except at the National Geographic level.
Those who were supposed to be the educational pillars of our civilization, the professors and intellectuals, told us that Islam was the religion of peace and that we were the problem. The classical scholars were apologists for Islam.
Kennararnir okkar, dómskerfiđ, fjölmiđlarnir, og herinn vissu ekkert um kenningar Islam, nema ţađ sem líktist ţví sem birtist í National Geographic.
Menningar frömuđirnir okkar, sem voru undirstađa menningarinnar, háskóla kennarar og menntamenn, sögđu okkur ađ Islam vćri friđsamleg trú, og ađ viđ vćrum vandamáliđ.
Allir lesi sér til og frćđi ađra.
Skrifa greinar á íslensku.
Ţýđa á íslensku fróđlega umfjöllun.
Egilsstađir, 20.02.2017 Jónas Gunnlaugsson
Bloggar | Breytt s.d. kl. 13:28 | Slóđ | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)