Bloggfćrslur mánađarins, desember 2017

eldarnir í Calíforníu, magnađir međ leiser vopninu. RÚV videó sást kringlóttur geisli flöktandi á reyknum, trúlega frá ţyrlu. Ţiđ sem hafiđ getuna lesiđ og horfiđ, og miđliđ svo til okkar. Ábyrgđ samsvarar getunni, talentunum, Guđs gjöfunum.

Hér er gefiđ í skin ađ eldarnir í Calíforníu séu kveiktir, magnađir međ leiser vopninu. RÚV sýndi videó af eldunum, og ţá sást kringlóttur geisli flöktandi á reyknum, trúlega frá ţyrlu. Ţiđ sem hafiđ getuna, lesiđ og horfiđ, og miđliđ svo til okkar. Ábyrgđ okkar samsvarar getunni, talentunum, Guđs gjöfunum.


How and Why CA Fires Were DEW Created

Birt 12. okt. 2017

Further evidence highly suggests the surprise record firestorm was created to re-purpose zoning developments towards AGenda 21 mandates. Please share

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China Owns California: that's why the Fires are Happening!

Birt 8. des. 2017

Just so you know China has the Legal Right to Force Americans off of their Land! You can thank the Clinton & Obama Administration's for this! China is taking Back it's assets of California! They are also transforming California into Smart Cities! So the fires are about Forcing Americans Out of California!

Note: If your short on time go to the 7:30 mark! This explains China's Legal Right to Force you off your Land!


How and Why CA Fires Were DEW Created

Birt 12. okt. 2017

Further evidence highly suggests the surprise record firestorm was created to re-purpose zoning developments towards AGenda 21 mandates. Please share





How and Why CA Fires Were DEW Created

Birt 12. okt. 2017

Further evidence highly suggests the surprise record firestorm was created to re-purpose zoning developments towards AGenda 21 mandates. Please share


Egilsstađir, 13.12.2017  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

TRUMP CONQUERS THE NEW WORLD ORDER - FOLKS, WE ARE WINNING. - fleecing of the U.S.S.R. via - C.I.A. covert activities, the assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan - ???

 What is going on?


Hér er lok greinarinnar, endursögđ á Íslensku

Trump vinnur viđ verkefnalistann.

Ţessir ónefndu ćttjarđarvinir, eru ánćgđir međ ţađ sem Trump hefur ţegar gert til ađ taka niđur New World Order.  Hver stór ađgerđin af annari gerir heimsvalda sinna óánćgđa og ţeir reyna ađ  endurgera gömlu áćtlunirnar.

Trump er ekki ţeirrs forseti,  og er ađ taka niđur kerfiđ sem hefur veriđ byggt upp síđan 1913, en ţá yfirtóku alţjóđlegir bankamenn međ einkabankanum Federal Reserve, miđlarar og stríđsherrar Lýđveldiđ.

Frá stofnun Sameinuđu ţjóđana, hafa alţjóđlegir fyrirmenn veriđ ađ reyna ađ taka yfir peningakerfiđ í Bandaríkjunum.  Sameinuđu ţjóđirnar  tóku viđ af Bandaríska ţinginu, ţegar George H.W. Bush fór í stríđ viđ Írak og hafđi ađeins ályktun frá Sameinuđu ţjóđunum til ađ fara í sitt einka olíustríđ. Ţing Bandaríkjana greiddi ekki atkvćđi um ađ fara í styrjöld, hvorki í Írak eđa í mörgum öđrum löndum, sem Bush, Clinton, og Obama hafa sprengt og síđan féflett.

Obama forseti hunsađi stjórnarskrá Bandaríkjanna, ţegar hann gerđi loftárásir á sjö lönd, án ţess ađ lýsa yfir styrjöld og hafđi ekki einusinni stuđning ţingsins eđa Sameinuđu ţjóđanna. Tvćr milljónir dóu, og 55 miljónir fóru á flótta og Evrópa er umsetin flóttamönnum, vegna ađgerđa Obama og Hillary Clinton.  Ţađ verđur ekki auđvelt ađ komast út úr ţessum styrjöldum, en trump er á góđri leiđ međ ađ koma Bandaríkjunum frá ţessum terrorista ađgerđum, styrktum af Hvítahúsinu á önnur sjálfstćđ ţjóđlönd.

Ţađ er engin ástćđa til ađ endurtaka hrćđilega glćpi og landráđ, sem Bush/Clinton/Obama gengin stóđu fyrir, og eru nú ađ koma í ljós í fréttunum á hverjum degi. Allir forsetarnir sem eru á lífi í dag, hata Trump, nú ţegar málefnin skýrast, en ţeir hafa fengiđ falskt hól í áróđurs fjölmiđlum stórfyrirtćkjanna.  Á hverjum degi koma fréttir af augljósri spillingu, grćđgi og lögbrotum fyrrverandi forseta og samstarfsmanna.

Stytt endursögn. Nú tökum viđ fyrrverandi spillta forseta og drauminn um ađ stofna New World Order út af dagskránni.

Egilsstađir, 16.02.2019  Jónas Gunnlaugsson


Her is the end of the article


The Anonymous Patriots are impressed with the work Trump has already done in dismantling the New World Order. One mighty presidential action after the next is leaving the globalists crying and trying to pick up the pieces of their shattered plans.

Trump is “not their president” and he is messing up the entire system that has been developing since 1913 when the Fed made its bid to “take over the Republic” via international bankers, brokers, and warlords.

Since the founding of the United Nations (League of Nations), international elites have been fighting to take over the flow of money in America. The United Nations almost supplanted the U. S. Congress when George H. W. Bush went to war with Iraq with only a U. N. Resolution to back his private oil war. The U. S. Congress did not vote to go to war either time in Iraq or the many other countries Bush, Clinton, and Obama have bombed, and subsequently fleeced.

President Obama ignored the U. S. Constitution as he bombed seven countries without a declaration of war or even the support of the U. S. Congress or the United Nations. Two million dead and 55 million refugees later, Europe is invaded by the refugees created by Obama and Hillary Clinton. These wars will not be easy to get out of, but Trump is doing a great job removing America from these White House sponsored, terrorist attacks on other sovereign nations.

There is no need to repeat the horrifying crimes and treason committed by the Bush/Clinton/Obama mafia families that are coming to light in the news every day. All the other living presidents hate Trump because their fake “good names” in the corporate propaganda media are coming unraveled. Each day, news arises of the blatant corruption, greed, and lawlessness of the former U. S. presidents and their cronies.

Now that our bucket-list of wishes is almost empty, perhaps we should take our corrupt former presidents and put them in the bucket and take them out with the trash – where they belong – and say good-bye to the their dream of the New World Order.



NOVEMBER 5, 20175:45 PM



Within a previous article, the Anonymous Patriots suggested a procedure for draining Washington’s stagnant, corrupt, quick-sand swamp. It was a to-do list for ending George H. W. Bush’s attempt to create a New World Order from within the White House that attempted to usurp the U. S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. In this article, we remind our readers of this list and give you an update on our progress.


The White House mafia bosses that have come after Daddy Bush have all kowtowed to George senior as though he were King George of England. His deep cover C. I. A. leadership role in the assassination of J.F.K. has been thoroughly exposed as has his fleecing of the U.S.S.R. via his C.I.A. covert activities, the assassination attempt on Ronald Reagan, the Iran/Contra Scandal, the attacks on 911, and many, many other crimes that the corrupt FBI, DOJ, and Congress has refused to honestly investigate and swiftly prosecute.

They thought their evil would outlast We the People. But the Bush-Obama-Clinton criminal cartel has failed. Time is on our side, not theirs. Their entrenched and corrupt bureaucracies, agencies, and covert operations will be exposed, scaled back, defunded, and shut down over Trump’s eight years in office. The criminals will age, wither, and die, leaving only the carcass of their sins to be judged by history and a far higher power than our own.

We need to continue to educate and enlighten those around us so that we can keep up the daily momentum in destroying George H. W. Bush’s New World Order. We need to continue to stay focused on the dismantling agenda below:


Trump has started an all-out war in bringing back the rule of law and the rats are jumping ship. Even the worst (fake) criminal law enforcers and the top D. C. lawyer “fixers” like Comey, Mueller, McCabe, Brennen, Rogers, Clapper, Rosenstein, Weissman, and many others are taking up arms against a sitting president and trying every legal trick they can, but to no avail. D. C. criminals will be indicted and prosecuted while Trump remains invulnerable.


Trump has openly threatened to decrease the American contributions to the United Nations by 50% next year! He has already stopped funding UNESCO by a billion dollars. He has “called-out” the UN Refugee program as a fraud and pointed at the abuses of UN “peace keeping troops.” It looks like the UN will soon be a thing of the past.


We advocated that America should withdraw from the five trillion dollar commitment to the Climate Accords, which we call “a fundraiser for Al Gore.”  Everywhere, the real data is now coming out that shows the $200 billion dollar fraud of climate warming, that was predicted to end humanity soon, is government sponsored propaganda and a scheme of redistributing wealth and destroying the middle class.

This pathetic lie was based upon fraudulent data provided by fake scientists who had to spew climate lies to get government grants for further research. Thanks, Donald, for saving America $5 trillion.


We hoped to see the end of all “globalist accords” that drain Americans through unjust federal taxes that are then redistributed to other nations through NAFTA, the Iran Nuclear Deal, TPP, TIPP, NATO, and many other organizations, treaties, pacts, and alliances. Trump’s Art of the Deal has saved the Republic from the transnational corporations that have been selling out America for decades.


No real change can manifest in the economic prison nation of America until the fake debt owed to the U. S. Federal Reserve is defaulted on after the Fed has been audited and all assets belonging to the United States of America are taken back from this fraudulent scheme to permanently entrap Americans in fake “war” debt.

It will take delicate care to investigate, audit, and gain control of the Federal Reserve system (a private corporation) and its central banks throughout the United States.  A complete audit of U. S. gold holdings and the gold holdings of all central banks in the U. S. will need to be coordinated at the same time. Once the Federal Reserve is audited and all its assets frozen by the U.S. Treasury, we recommend that the U.S. default on its debt to this corrupt private corporation.

In our plan, the Fed will declare bankruptcy and the U.S. Treasury will seize all assets of the Federal Reserve System, which includes twelve central banks throughout America. The gold, fiat currencies, and bonds will be given to the Treasury’s Exchange Stabilization Fund which already establishes U.S. monetary policy for the Federal Reserve.

The $24.5 trillion owed to the Federal Reserve will either be dropped in the bankruptcy or the Treasury can print useless fiat currency to pay the debt as they recently did for $4.5 trillion to cover the purchase of U. S. bonds being sold by China, Saudi Arabia, and other countries in “off book transactions.”

It is important to remember that ending the Federal Reserve will not crash the currency, bond, or stock markets. All three of those are controlled currently by the Exchange Stabilization Fund through back door trading done by the ESF and the U. S. Treasury. It has been proven that the ESF controls all three “free” markets.

As we have seen through the many gold, silver, and interest rate “fixing” lawsuits brought against the major international banks, the U. S. Treasury, U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission, and the U. S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission is aware that the markets are “fixed.” Billions in penalties have been leveled against these major banks for fixing the markets. The U.S. Treasury cannot allow markets to “run wild.”

Eventually, Trump can end U. S. fiat currency and create a new currency with a basket of commodities to back it up, including gold, silver, other precious metals, and commodities. The old “Federal Reserve notes” will become useless after a recall of old currency that weeds out money that has not been taxed – off shore accounts and tax havens.

This action immediately eradicates all off-shore tax-haven money, illegal drug money, stolen and laundered money, and currency held by foreign nations that has left America illegally. The new currency will be established after the hidden C. I. A. gold and assets have been audited and seized by the U. S. Treasury.

No one knows how many thousand tons of stolen war gold the C. I. A. (George H. W. Bush’s Barrick Gold Corporation) has amassed but it is enough to tip the balance of world gold holdings to America. This gold will cushion the radical but simple changes that must take place to eradicate globalism from the current U. S. systems that are controlled by the same shareholders who own the majority of shares in the top defense corporations – who are, by the way, almost all globalists bankers who loan money to, and sell weapons to the very enemies we are fighting.

In our nationalist Trump utopia, we had hoped that the greatest threat to world economies would end – the insane $500 trillion dollar derivatives markets controlled by the Bank for International Settlement, the most corrupt bank in the world, that must simply be abolished along with all derivatives and hedge fund betting.


Patriots continue to demand that the transnational, international, globalist, Jesuit controlled, Rockefeller funded war-machine called the Council on Foreign Relations be dissolved and its war-hawk policies be destroyed. This anti-American group has decided U. S. foreign policy for decades and has told presidents what they will do and not do.

Trump met with Henry Kissinger, the most powerful and evil political warlord in the CFR who is wanted in multiple nations for crimes against humanity, and told him “no thank you” for his advice. Trump does not listen to this globalist bunch of greedy bankers, brokers, and warlords.


We advocate that all of Obama’s executive overreach concerning the National Defense Authorization Act be rescinded. These unprecedented additions made it legal for the Department of Defense to operate in the U. S. – for the first time in history. Propaganda was also legalized and Americans are now targeted as “war actors” and “enemies of the state.” Obama created a police state that used illegal surveillance on Trump and all Americans. Now it is time for Trump to turn the tables on the real enemies of our state – the corporate intelligence agencies and the corporate warlords.


A key action factor to dismantling George H. W. Bush’s New World Order is to withdraw from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the Atlantic Council and all treaties or accords that require America to defend other nations. Trump has insinuated numerous times that NATO is outdated and the member countries don’t pay their fair share.


Sever the ties (chains) with the New York Stock Exchange and its owner Intercontinental Exchange Inc. (ICE, Inc).  ICE is the most powerful player in stocks, bonds, mortgage-backed securities, futures, and derivatives. Basically, ICE is the biggest “gambling casino” in the world where fractional investments, high-speed trading, and the total control of the “private tax shelter”, called markets, rules American investment and retirement capital.

One quadrillion in trades happen on the New York Stock Exchange per year – all of which are basically tax-free throughout the year of investing. Markets are scams run by the ICE gambling casino. They don’t need to exist at all. Each of the 12,000 or so companies on the NY Stock Exchange can raise their own capital privately and then there would be no “longs and shorts”, “puts and calls”, futures, hedging, derivatives or other “legal forms of gambling.”

The stock markets can simply close – they are private corporations that work hard to steal from U. S. taxpayers.


Unplug the Mortgage Electronic Registration System, (MERS) and stop gambling with American home mortgages on the stock market by bundling them into mortgage-backed securities that have already caused one stock market crash. Use U. S. land and mortgages as a new type of Land Bank backed by mortgages that are tracked by the state counties (using blockchain technology) where the title is issued, not the lending institutions and banks who are controlling members of MERS.


The Glass-Steagall Act allows commercial bankers to also be investment bankers – which is simply insider trading. End derivative swaps, fractional banking, investment banking, and replace them with state banks, land banks, community banks, and postal banks. Trump has directly addressed these issues repeatedly and may, once he is in his second term, truly change the criminal activity of banks and brokers.


Stop corporate control of the Food and Drug Administration. Stop Monsanto’s poisonous glyphosates, pharmaceutical poisons, pharmaceutical control of vaccines, immunity for drug companies, and end mandatory vaccinations. Do not permit Monsanto, or Big Pharma lobbyist or employees anywhere near government, especially in the FDA. 


Secure American borders to protect US citizens. Enforce all immigration laws and rules. End all sanctuary cities. Deport all illegals and respect all U. S. immigration laws. We have seen Trump be victorious in this area again and again. 


Create term limits for all state and federal congressional members. Reform election rules so that only public dollars support candidates not corporate Super Pacs driven by corporate donations. Trump has said he supports term limits and political reform that ends the control of Washington by career politicians.


There is no need for biased, vested interests to “buy control” in Washington D. C. except to undermine, manipulate, and control our government through corporate corruption. Trump has taken action against lobbyists and even made rules about limiting participation in lobbying after holding public office.


Prohibit “dual-citizenship” for congressional members. Only American citizens, without dual citizenship, may hold public office in any state or federal elected office.


Audit the Housing and Urban Development Agency which has traditionally been known for being the slush-fund for the C. I. A. and the Department of Defense.  Thank you, Dr. Carson, for finding $200 billion in fraud so far.


Repeal Obamacare and deregulate insurance companies while investigating medical practices in general throughout America. Curtail the medical industries monopoly on pricing and services. Create medical insurance options that are affordable and useful.  Trump has already worked hard on these ideas and will eventually get congress to create a reasonable plan.


Arrest George Soros for treason, sedition, and fraud for fomenting violence, killings, and economic terrorism through a conspiracy of anti-America political organizations (not-for-profit, tax-exempt NGOs) and his “color revolutions” (regime change) in many countries, including the Purple Revolution in America to overthrow a duly elected president.


Revamp, if not eliminate, the IRS and make filing taxes as simple as possible. End the need for tax lawyers and tax accountants. Abolish payroll taxes replacing it with a flat sales tax on all purchases. No more tax exemptions, no more off-shore tax havens, no more movement of money out of America to avoid taxes.

Everyone pays the same taxes.

If you purchase more – you pay more taxes. The rich will no longer “avoid” taxes through legal tax loopholes. Corporations will pay their fair share – finally. Trump is working hard currently to create the biggest tax changes in modern history and to bring back the wealth that has left America through corporate scams. 


Ban the operation of globalist organizations in the United States that have demonstrated ill-will towards America through undermining U. S. Constitutional rights by claiming the superiority of corporate rights: Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, DARPA, In-Q-Tel, SAIC, Bilderberg Society, Knights of Malta, Council on Foreign Relations, Highland Forum Group, etc.

This also includes NGOs that operate within the U.S. with agendas to undermine American Christian moral values and debase American civil liberties. Trump is a nationalist who is demolishing the substructure of the globalists, the New World Order, the devotees of the United Nations, or whatever you want to call these anti-Americans.  Even the word “globalism” has become a dirty word during Trump’s administration.


Tech monopolies were originally designed and funded with military resources (tax-payer money) through patent theft by DARPA, In-Q-Tel, SAIC, Leidos, and other Department of Defense agencies that created the Internet, CISCO Systems, Microsoft, Apple, Intel, Google, Facebook, and all the others. These tech giants should become U. S. publicly-owned utilities since tax-payers paid for the original source code that was then given out as open-source material to these tech giants who now profit by the weaponization of that technology against Americans.

Trump is not in bed with the “fake” tech barons like Obama was and therefore you see them shaking in their boots for fear of anti-trust actions Trump could take against them. We already see that some tech warlords are now having to pay taxes in the countries they were hiding in to avoid taxes in the United States. Zuckerberg is always running, running, running. Trump has given him something to run from – anti-trust lawsuits and jail-time.

Just look what patriots have prepared over almost a 20 year span, waiting for the right time to expose the deep corruption in the tech industry.




End all climate control efforts: geo-engineering, chemtrails, HAARP, microwave transmissions, etc.

Start a moratorium on all genetic manipulation, growing of clones for embryos, stem cell recovery programs.

Stop the protection of big tobacco and abolish the use of the most powerful narcotic in existence – nicotine.

End all refugee programs in America until we end hunger in America for our own citizens. 

Stop giving U. S. tax dollars to universities unless each American citizen can get a free college education. End foreign student enrollment in American public universities. End sports as a part of university education. Universities should be completely free to all state residents.

Allow no one who has worked for the CIA or FBI to hold public office after they have left those agencies. 

End the illegal Federal Department of Education and re-establish the state’s right to administer education. End the Common Core curriculum movement and teach civics to students so that they know how their government runs. Trump is currently dismantling the U. S. Department of Education.

Repeal the Patriot Act (U. S. Freedom Act) and all Obama executive orders that take civil rights from Americans.

End all off-shore banking, tax havens, and other methods of stealing American money without paying taxes.

End all bombing of foreign countries and remove any troop deployments that are not fully sanctioned by the U. S. Congress.

Take away the Catholic Church’s tax-exempt status for the crimes its priests have inflicted upon children and others. Seize all Catholic assets in America and distribute the funds to the many, many victims whose cases have not been heard. End all formal ties with the Vatican or any of its affiliates.

Create non-aggression agreements with China, Russia, and all other nuclear nations.End nuclear proliferation and dismantle all weapons of mass destruction.

End Planned Parenthood abortions and the use of fetal tissue, embryo harvesting and other inhumane practices concerning birth.

End Big Pharma’s control of U. S. citizens by mandatory immunizations. 

End covert U. S. military terrorism throughout the world through the CIA utilizing the 662 U. S. military bases in foreign nations.


The Anonymous Patriots are impressed with the work Trump has already done in dismantling the New World Order. One mighty presidential action after the next is leaving the globalists crying and trying to pick up the pieces of their shattered plans.

Trump is “not their president” and he is messing up the entire system that has been developing since 1913 when the Fed made its bid to “take over the Republic” via international bankers, brokers, and warlords.

Since the founding of the United Nations (League of Nations), international elites have been fighting to take over the flow of money in America. The United Nations almost supplanted the U. S. Congress when George H. W. Bush went to war with Iraq with only a U. N. Resolution to back his private oil war. The U. S. Congress did not vote to go to war either time in Iraq or the many other countries Bush, Clinton, and Obama have bombed, and subsequently fleeced.

President Obama ignored the U. S. Constitution as he bombed seven countries without a declaration of war or even the support of the U. S. Congress or the United Nations. Two million dead and 55 million refugees later, Europe is invaded by the refugees created by Obama and Hillary Clinton. These wars will not be easy to get out of, but Trump is doing a great job removing America from these White House sponsored, terrorist attacks on other sovereign nations.

There is no need to repeat the horrifying crimes and treason committed by the Bush/Clinton/Obama mafia families that are coming to light in the news every day. All the other living presidents hate Trump because their fake “good names” in the corporate propaganda media are coming unraveled. Each day, news arises of the blatant corruption, greed, and lawlessness of the former U. S. presidents and their cronies.

Now that our bucket-list of wishes is almost empty, perhaps we should take our corrupt former presidents and put them in the bucket and take them out with the trash – where they belong – and say good-bye to the their dream of the New World Order.








  1. 1

Doreen Agostino on November 5, 2017 at 6:03 pm 


Mark Taylor – Military Tribunals Coming for the Wicked


Egilsstađir, 11.12.2017  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

Deep State Collapsing, C.I.A. Being Defanged, Shadow Government Defeat Inevitable - The Internet has changed everything, and there’s nothing the C.I.A. can do about it.

 TPTB made a HUGE mistake when they built the Internet for themselves
and their misguided purposes.  They conceived it as the ultimate weapon
of mass deception, and means to completely control the planetary realm…
and so it is.  However, they did not realize the extent to which it could, and
would, be used against them.  Google “Rothschild” and see how their name
is now associated with every foul endeavor under the sun, both past and


Cosmic Convergence: 2012 and Beyond

Where Cosmic Convergence Intersects Mayan Calendrics and the Kali Yuga

Deep State Collapsing, C.I.A. Being Defanged, Shadow Government Defeat Inevitable


The Internet has changed everything,
and there’s nothing the C.I.A. can do about it.


From this point forward, dismantling the shadow government is really only a matter of execution.

Cosmic Convergence Research Group


Here’s what really happened:

With the advent of the World Wide Web in the late 1980s, and especially the Internet in 1995, everything changed.

The entire world became digitally connected so that people everywhere could connect in myriad and diverse ways.

This exceedingly monumental development permitted every human being to have immediate access to the “global information database”.

Once this pivotal milestone was passed, the unparalleled sharing of privileged information and sensitive data began in earnest.

KEY POINT: This single info-sharing dynamic has created unlimited opportunities for people to disseminate their own radioactive truth(s).
Some of these truths are capable of bringing down corrupt governments
anywhere as well as exposing multi-century criminal conspiracies
perpetrated on a global scale.


The Internet and the Global Control Matrix

Before the Internet, it was extremely easy for the controllers of the Earth realm to maintain an information/data lockdown.

TPTB have done this for millennia with great ease and extraordinary success.  After the Internet began running at full tilt, it’s practically impossible to do so.

Even with A.I. tech-entities overseeing the net 24/7, efforts to control the release and/or flow of “classified” info is completely futile.

Now that Russia is building their own Internet, all attempts to censor the truth on the WWW are destined to fail.


 This is the beginning of the end of the Internet as we know it


Because we live in the Information Age dominated and controlled by the Internet, information is power.  Hence, whoever controls the global information-processing apparatus controls the planet… to a certain extent.

However, the Global Control Matrix is no longer manageable because the Internet is incapable of being micro-managed and censored without major blowback.  In view of how the Internet interpenetrates every aspect of life especially the economy, it cannot be shut down without tremendous repercussions.

Even if Deep State flat-out seized control of the Internet, they would fail in their pursuit of total lockdown.  The CIA, NSA, DIA, FBI, and DHS already use Google, Facebook, Twitter and others — 24/7 — to enforce their Big Brother regime.  Nevertheless, they always fall far short of what are essentially unattainable objectives.


People Power

With each passing day, more people awaken to the fabricated false reality that has been continuously programmed by the agents of the power elite.

More people are currently breaking free from the control matrix—a matrix that’s literally cracking up in real time.

Because of the Internet, the digitally connected in particular have access to more truth than ever, especially if they know where to find it.

Once awakened by the enlightening truth, each human being will naturally cut a new profile in the world, within their families and their communities.

The ineluctable transfer of this newfound power to the people cannot be stopped.  It may be thwarted, or temporarily misdirected, but it cannot be taken away once received.  Once in possession of the truth, the people have effectively been set free.

Set free from what?

Earth has been set up as a prison planet for millennia.

The bars of the prison are made of lies and falsehood. 

The concrete walls are made of deceit, duplicity and dishonesty. 

The barbed wire is composed of prevarication and equivocation, distortion and misrepresentation. 

The watchtowers forever beam disinfo, misinfo and false info in every direction, all the time. 

The prison warden is an expert in the use of multiple weapons of mass deception. 

The guards use double-dealing and  dissimulation at every turn.

The Internet, however, has cultivated a conducive environment whereby truth seekers the world over are easily escaping from their intellectual incarceration.

Now that populations around the globe are being liberated from the many false paradigms, they are free to seek the truth.

In fact, the Internet allows them to follow the facts and the truth to wherever it leads them.

And the truth shall set you free.”

JFK & 9/11

Imagine how quickly the world would change were nations everywhere to know the truth about these two momentous events—the JFK assassination in November, 1963 and the false flag terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

For example, if the American people truly understood that the C.I.A. assassinated President John F. Kennedy things would change with a D.C. newsflash.

The C.I.A. Oversaw and Conducted the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy

Likewise, were the citizenry to know that 9/11 was an inside job perpetrated by rogue elements within the US government, the United States of America would change in a New York minute.

9/11: The Ultimate Inside Job And False Flag Operation

It’s now impossible for the Internet censors to suppress these and many other much more highly consequential facts of life on planet Earth.

They simply cannot control the spontaneous explosions of truth that are now occurring throughout every sphere of life.  Just look at the ongoing supernova of disclosure concerning HARVEYGEDDON.  The HARVOCALYPSE Begins!

The more that truth trickles throughout the planetary civilization, the more We the People will be empowered to take back our power.

With this crucial shift in our individual and then collective posture, people of conscience standing in their own truth will be compelled to speak that truth to power.

At the critical point, and it’s happening right now, Deep State will experience a free-fall collapse.  The C.I.A. will be terminated.  And the shadow government will lose all power to control the destiny of the American Republic.

TPTB have a Plan B

The power elite do have a contingency plan in place to preclude their unavoidable downfall.

Their highly misguided scheme is being implemented by way of their rapidly unfolding A.I. agenda.

TPTB really believe they can create an all-powerful and failsafe control mechanism using autonomous superintelligence.   Their numerous covert AI enterprises have one goal of paramount importance: that every human being will be incessantly monitored and controlled so as to prevent emancipation from the prison planet.

AUTONOMOUS SUPERINTELLIGENCE: The Mad Scientists Don’t Even Know, What They Don’t Know

In this way the elites hope to maintain their ascendancy throughout the earthly domain.

However, what these same ill-advised characters fail to realize is the following about Technological Singularity: Humanity Stands at the Edge of the AI Abyss.

Special Note:

The actual predicament directly caused by the Internet is that TPTB failed to realize that, once it was online, they could not hope to control the outbreaks of truth-telling.  How can they?  They don’t have the personnel, the resources, the time, or the necessary capacity to react to every eruption of truth that occurs on the net.  It’s quite humorous watching the net guardians try to contain the “fake news” meme that President Trump has unleashed into cyberspace.  And “fake news” is just a very accurate pejorative, not a highly classified data point capable of toppling a horde of VIPs or stopping a major war.  It’s never been so much fun watching the MSM talking heads go apoplectic on air because of the truth bombs falling all over the place.  This is the real reason why the end is very near for The Powers That Were.  They simply cannot manage, nor contain, the overwhelming and unrelenting onslaught of truth taking place all over the Internet.

Alt Media

The single greatest development on the Internet post 2000 is the emergence of the alternative media.

Variously known as the Fifth Estate and the Alt Media, this burgeoning media phenomena has completely changed the game. 

 The Fifth Estate Casts Its Shadow Like a Massive Mothership

The fact of the matter is that the Alt Media has become such a game-changer the Mainstream Media (MSM) has been forced to respond on a regular basis to its growing power and influence.

This unprecedented relationship is now fraught with daily battles which only serve to expose the treachery and treason, perfidy and propaganda which issues forth daily from the MSM.

Truly, the Alt Media has become the standard-bearer for truth and factual journalism.  For the first time in the Third Millennium, investigative journalism has seen a rebirth.  And inconvenient truths (for TPTB) are being spread across the planet with a single keystroke.

Much of that truth concerns the mundane sources of power that have ruled the planet from time immemorial.  The ruling families, their secret societies and orders, as well as their countless corporate entities, are being outed with increasing frequency.  These revelations alone make it very difficult for TPTB to rule in secrecy as they once did.

The bottom line here is that the world has changed in immense ways since 1995.  Although very few really apprehend the profound and fundamental effects on post-modern societies, they are beginning to manifest with a vengeance.


There can only be one conclusion to this quickly evolving narrative: the curtain will soon drop on the Illuminati.

When that happens, Deep State will collapse like the Twin Towers did on 9/11.  The C.I.A. will be defanged in a day and a night.  The World Shadow Government will cease to function, before it ceases to exist altogether.

Inasmuch as the Internet has completely taken over this plane of existence, it can be wielded as a double-edged sword.  While the net is being utilized systematically to take over the minds of users everywhere, it’s also being employed to reveal the inner workings of the Global Control Matrix.

Now that the New World Order agenda has been exposed as a sinister scheme to further imprison humanity, it has been halted.  The planned totalitarian One World Government can no longer be established.  World dominion by the NWO globalist cabal has been forever averted.

Cosmic Convergence Research Group
December 2, 2017

Editor’s Note

In spite of the many serious setbacks for the power elite, their hidden agents in Deep State will continue to attempt to overthrow Trump anyway they can.  Which is why the POTUS will be forced to exercise the military option probably sooner than later.  As follows:
Trump has only ONE response to the ongoing soft coup being run by rogue elements within the U.S. Intelligence Community


The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency Must Be Shut Down


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Trump og Putin, virđast vilja stöđva Deep State stríđin, lesa og kenna okkur. Deep State hefur flesta fjölmiđla heimsins, og fjármálakerfiđ. Lesa einnig, hvađ haft er eftir Jesú og Tesla, ţá fćst samhengi. Jesú og Tesla, ţađ er vísindin, inn í skólana.

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A grimly worded Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today says that the President Putin—President Donald Trump joint statement just released at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Vietnam 2017 Summit warning..


Trump og Putin, virđast vilja stöđva Deep State stríđin, ţiđ eigiđ ađ lesa og kenna okkur hinum. Deep State hefur alla, flesta fjölmiđla heimsins, og fjármálakerfiđ. Lesa einnig, hvađ haft er eftir Jesú og Tesla, ţá fćst samhengi. Jesú og Tesla, ţađ er vísindin, inn í skólana.

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"In children, we think slower epigenetic aging might indicate an inability to thrive," said Michael Kobor, a Professor in the UBC Department of Medical Genetics who leads the "Healthy Starts" theme at BC Children's Hospital Research Institute.

Power of the Human Touch: Holding Infants — Or Not — Affects Their Genes on a "Deep-Rooted" Level

News Staff : Dec 1, 2017 : University of British Columbia/Eurekalert

This is the first study to show in humans that the simple act of touching, early in life, has deeply-rooted and potentially lifelong consequences on genetic expression.


(Canada) — The amount of close and comforting contact between infants and their caregivers can affect children at the molecular level, an effect detectable four years later, according to new research from the University of British Columbia and BC Children's Hospital Research Institute. (Photo Credit: PXHERE)

The study showed that children who had been more distressed as infants and had received less physical contact had a molecular profile in their cells that was underdeveloped for their age - pointing to the possibility that they were lagging biologically. 

"In children, we think slower epigenetic aging might indicate an inability to thrive," said Michael Kobor, a Professor in the UBC Department of Medical Genetics who leads the "Healthy Starts" theme at BC Children's Hospital Research Institute.

Although the implications for childhood development and adult health have yet to be understood, this finding builds on similar work in rodents. This is the first study to show in humans that the simple act of touching, early in life, has deeply-rooted and potentially lifelong consequences on genetic expression.

The study, published last month in Development and Psychopathology, involved 94 healthy children in British Columbia. Researchers from UBC and BC Children's Hospital asked parents of 5-week-old babies to keep a diary of their infants' behavior (such as sleeping, fussing, crying or feeding) as well as the duration of caregiving that involved bodily contact. When the children were about 4 1/2 years old, their DNA was sampled by swabbing the inside of their cheeks. 

The team examined a biochemical modification called DNA methylation, in which some parts of the chromosome are tagged with small molecules made of carbon and hydrogen. These molecules act as "dimmer switches" that help to control how active each gene is, and thus affect how cells function.

The extent of methylation, and where on the DNA it specifically happens, can be influenced by external conditions, especially in childhood. These epigenetic patterns also change in predictable ways as we age. (Photo Credit: Pexels)


Scientists found consistent methylation differences between high-contact and low-contact children at five specific DNA sites. Two of these sites fall within genes: one plays a role in the immune system, and the other is involved in metabolism. However, the downstream effects of these epigenetic changes on child development and health aren't known yet. 

The children who experienced higher distress and received relatively little contact had an "epigenetic age" that was lower than would be expected, given their actual age. Such a discrepancy has been linked to poor health in several recent studies.

"We plan on following up to see whether the 'biological immaturity' we saw in these children carries broad implications for their health, especially their psychological development," says lead author Sarah Moore, a postdoctoral fellow. "If further research confirms this initial finding, it will underscore the importance of providing physical contact, especially for distressed infants."

University of British Columbia/Eurekalert

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