Hong Kong: First Med Inc hefur fundiđ nýja shingle međferđ sem sýnir vćnlegan árangur. Međferđin er sambland af Ivermektíni, sinki og D-vítamíni. Ný međferđ ţeirra dregur úr einkennum ristill, covid 19 og sníkjudýra líka.

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First Med Inc er ađ rannsaka hvernig á ađ berjast gegn ristill međ Ivermectin ţegar tilfelli rísa á heimsvísu


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2. Janúar, 2023

Hong Kong: First Med Inc hefur fundiđ nýja shingle međferđ sem sýnir vćnlegan árangur. Međferđin er sambland af Ivermektíni, sinki og D-vítamíni. Ivermectin er lyf sem notađ er til ađ međhöndla sníkjudýrasýkingar og D3-vítamín er fćđubótarefni sem er ţekkt fyrir heilsufarslegan ávinning. Ný međferđ ţeirra dregur úr einkennum ristill, covid 19 og sníkjudýra líka.

Eftir ţví sem tilfellum ristill hefur aukist hafa miklar rannsóknir veriđ gerđar til ađ berjast gegn ástandinu. Eitt efnilegasta lyfiđ er Ivermectin frá First Med Inc, sem hefur veriđ samţykkt til ađ berjast gegn ástandinu. Lyfiđ fylgir öllum heilbrigđis- og öryggisstöđlum, er stutt af rannsóknum og hefur áđur stađist fjölda innlendra heilbrigđisprófa til ađ međhöndla sníkjudýraorma og berjast gegn vírusum.

Áhugasamir eru hvattir til ađ heimsćkja heimasíđuna sína og panta árangursrík lyf. Teymiđ hjá First Med Inc er vottađ og hefur úrrćđi til flutninga á heimsvísu. Ţeir geta sérstaklega sent lyf frá Chiang Mai vöruhúsinu sínu ef viđskiptavinir ţurfa á lyfinu ađ halda brýn. Lćknar ţeirra í Hong Kong geta skipulagt lyfseđil á netinu fyrir sjúklinga í löndum sem ţurfa einnig lyfseđilsskyld gögn fyrir kaup. Hins vegar geta viđskiptavinir sem búa á stöđum eins og Tćlandi pantađ lyfiđ frá ţeim án lyfseđils, samkvćmt kröfum landsins. Fyrirtćkiđ notar Uppspretta og viđskipti og flutninganet ţeirra til ađ dreifa lyfjum hratt til sjúklinga um allan heim.

Hér er ţađ sem ánćgđur viđskiptavinur hafđi ađ segja um ţjónustu viđ viđskiptavini sína:

"Ég fékk covid aftur í mars/apríl og eftir ađ hafa jafnađ mig var ég hvorki međ bragđ- né lyktarskyn í 3 mánuđi á eftir. Vinur minn mćlti međ ţví ađ ég prófađi Ivermectin og sink í samsetningu, bara ef ég vćri enn međ gaddapróteiniđ í líkamanum. Ég er svo fegin ađ ég hlustađi á ţá. Ég fór á ţriggja daga námskeiđ og áđur en ţví lauk er lyktin og bragđiđ komiđ nánast alveg til baka! Ţú veist ekki hversu ánćgđur ég er ađ hafa fundiđ vöruna ţína. Ţakka ţér kćrlega fyrir!"

First Med Inc er hrósađ vegna útbreiddrar notkunar Ivermectin lyfja ţeirra međan á covid bylgjunni stendur á Indlandi, Japan og Afríku. Japanska heilbrigđisráđuneytiđ og CDC eru nokkrar af ţeim stofnunum sem mćla međ ţví ađ nota lyf fyrirtćkisins sem fyrirbyggjandi međferđ. Viđskiptavinir geta skođađ auđlindasíđu vefsíđu sinnar til ađ lćra meira um Ivermectin og hvernig ţađ er notađ á áhrifaríkan hátt um allan heim, eđa smellt í gegn til ađ fá sérstakar upplýsingar um rétta skammta.

Sjúklingar geta pantađ lyf sín međ ţví ađ fylla út eyđublađiđ á vefsíđu sinni og móttćkilegt teymi ţeirra mun hafa samband á skömmum tíma. Fyrir frekari upplýsingar um Ivermectin fyrir ristill, heimsćkja heimasíđu ţeirra eđa hafa samband viđ fulltrúa viđskiptavina í gegnum heimasíđu ţeirra. 

Media Contact

Company Name
First Med Inc
Contact Name
Erica Leung
Austin Avenue, Tsim Sha Tsui
Hong Kong
Hong Kong


Hong Kong: First Med Inc has found a new shingle treatment that is showing promising results. The treatment is a combination of Ivermectin, Zinc and Vitamin D. Their new treatment reduces the symptoms of shingles, covid 19, and parasites as well.

 Digital Journal

First Med Inc Is Researching How to Combat Shingles with Ivermectin As Cases Rise Globally


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January 2, 2023

Hong Kong: First Med Inc has found a new shingle treatment that is showing promising results. The treatment is a combination of Ivermectin, Zinc and Vitamin D. Ivermectin is a medication used to treat parasitic infections, and Vitamin D3 is a nutritional supplement known for its health benefits. Their new treatment reduces the symptoms of shingles, covid 19, and parasites as well.

As cases of shingles have increased, much research has been done on combating the condition. One of the most promising drugs is First Med Inc’s Ivermectin, which has been approved to combat the condition. The drug adheres to all health and safety standards, is backed by research and has previously passed numerous national health tests to treat parasitic worms and fight viruses.

Interested parties are encouraged to visit their website and order their effective medications. The team at First Med Inc is certified and has resources for shipping globally. They can expressly send medicine from their Chiang Mai warehouse if clients need the drug urgently. Their Hong Kong-based doctors can arrange an online prescription for patients in countries requiring prescription documentation before purchase as well. However, customers living in places like Thailand can order the drug from them without a prescription, per the country’s requirements. The company uses Sourcing and Trade and their logistics network to distribute medicines quickly to patients across the globe.

Here is what a satisfied client had to say regarding their customer service:

“I had covid back in March/April, and after recovering, I didn’t have any sense of taste or smell for 3 months afterwards. A friend of mine recommended I try some Ivermectin and zinc in combination, just in case I still had the spike protein in my system. I’m so glad I listened to them. I took a three days course, and before it was finished, my smell and taste has come back almost completely! You don’t know how happy I am to have found your product. Thank you so much!”

First Med Inc is praised because of the widespread use of their Ivermectin medications during the covid surge in India, Japan, and Africa. The Japanese Health Ministry and the CDC are some of the organisations that recommend using the company’s drug as a prophylactic treatment. Clients can check out their website’s Resources page to learn more about Ivermectin and how it is being used effectively around the world, or click through for specific information on the correct dosages.

Patients can order their medications by filling out the form on their website, and their responsive team will be in touch in no time. For more information on Ivermectin for shingles, visit their website or contact their customer representative through their website.

Media Contact

Company Name
First Med Inc
Contact Name
Erica Leung
Austin Avenue, Tsim Sha Tsui
Hong Kong
Hong Kong


Egilsstađir, 29.05.2023   Jónas Gunnlaugsson

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