Diabetes is a terrible disease, but also a multi billion for pharmaceuticals. The secret, these funds do not allow you to completely eliminaten-dollar incom the symptoms of diabetes - not profitable to sell drugs that will cure you completely.

Oft hugsum við, þeir sem stjórna okkur

búa sennilega líka til mest af fréttunum

sem vara við þeim sem stjórna. 


Það virðist vera búið að fikta í greininni.

Mér líst ekkert á þessa slóð,

Glykiron sem er neðarlega í greininni

hér virðist sem verið sé að leiða á villigötur. 



vafrinn þýði á íslensku

- removes the reasons
cellular diabetes!

Innovative diabetes biocomplex for

a healthy, full life. New 2020! 

Cleans cells and boosts
insulin sensitivity

Protects against hypoglycemia
and diabetes complications

Normalizes work

well-being and improves
quality of life

Stabilizes sugar level
in blood


The whole secret is that these funds do not allow you to completely eliminate the symptoms of diabetes

- it is simply not profitable for manufacturers to sell drugs that will cure you completely.


Þannig að ef þú eykur magn króms í líkamanum, þá þarf miklu minna insúlín fyrir eðlilegt líf án sykursýkis einkenna.

Sykursjúkir af tegund 2 geta fundið fyrir verulegum létti og insúlínháðir sykursjúkir minnka skammt og tíðni insúlínnotkunar og í flestum tilfellum hætta alveg að sprauta sig.

- Það er mjög einföld lausn! Hvers vegna það er ekki notað til að meðhöndla sykursýki strax?

Króm kostar lítið. En framleiðsla og sala sykursýkislyfja er margra milljarða dollara fyrirtæki.

Í 80s, hleyptu Sovétríkin af stokkunum áætlun um þróun á þessari meðferð.

Þegar á fyrsta stigi klínísku rannsóknanna, komu ótrúlega góðar niðurstöður,

en þegar hrun Sovétríkjanna fylgdi í kjölfarið og allir gleymdu króminu,

Búðarborð apóteka fylltust af innfluttum vörum, og meðulum frá erlendum framleiðendum. 

Sykursýki er ekki aðeins hræðilegur sjúkdómur, heldur einnig margra milljarða dollara tekjur fyrir lyfja fyrirtæki.


Diabetes is no2022-11-15-cromint only a terrible disease, but also a multibillion-dollar income for pharmaceuticals. Corporations.

The whole secret is that these funds do not allow you to completely eliminate the symptoms of diabetes - it is simply not profitable for manufacturers to sell drugs that will cure you completely.


Þannig að ef þú eykur magn króms í líkamanum, þá þarf miklu minna insúlín fyrir eðlilegt líf án sykursýkis einkenna.

Sykursjúkir af tegund 2 geta fundið fyrir verulegum létti og insúlínháðir sykursjúkir minnka skammt og tíðni insúlínnotkunar og í flestum tilfellum hætta alveg að sprauta sig.

- Það er mjög einföld lausn! Hvers vegna það er ekki notað til að meðhöndla sykursýki strax?

Króm kostar lítið. En framleiðsla og sala sykursýkislyfja er margra milljarða dollara fyrirtæki.

Í 80s, hleyptu Sovétríkin af stokkunum áætlun um þróun á þessari meðferð.

Þegar á fyrsta stigi klínísku rannsóknanna, komu ótrúlega góðar niðurstöður,

en þegar hrun Sovétríkjanna fylgdi í kjölfarið og allir gleymdu króminu,

búðarborð apóteka fylltust af innfluttum vörum, sem og okkar, sem voru stofnaðir undir leyfi erlendra framleiðenda.

Sykursýki er ekki aðeins hræðilegur sjúkdómur, heldur einnig margra milljarða dollara tekjur fyrir lyfja fyrirtæki.

000  Hér byrjar greinin.

Diabetes is not a hindrance to life! 91-year-old Russian surgeon told how she fought diabetes Life

Levushkina A. I. - a famous Soviet and Russian surgeon, inventor, professor of the department Operative Surgery and Clinical Anatomy of SSMU, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, laureate of the Lenin University Prize, State Prize of the USSR.

Alla Ilyinichna is a diabetic with extensive experience. She was diagnosed with diabetes at the age of 31, she has lived with him for 60 years. During this time, she developed her own scheme to combat diabetes, which is significantly different from the "traditional" one.

In the year of the fight against diabetes declared by the Government of the Russian Federation, Alla Ilyinichna, at the request of Minister of Health (Skvortsova Veronika Igorevna), shared her own, unique a way to prolong life and maintain health in diabetes mellitus.


With On her 91st birthday, Alla Ilyinichna Levushkina was congratulated by the President himself. Photos from the workplace Levushkina A. I.


- Alla Ilyinichna, how do you feel now?

- I feel great. Full of energy for work. I'm not going to retire at home.

- You are one of the few women who lived to such an age and so beautifully yourself Feels. And this despite the fact that you have had diabetes for 60 years. Tell us how you like it Could?

- I know many people who have lived with diabetes for no more than 10-20 years. You'll forgive me, but in much of it is their own fault. Diabetes mellitus is a new living condition, under which it is necessary to adjust, otherwise the consequences will not be long in coming. I realized this very much. long ago. And I also realized that if you act correctly, you can avoid all that, what is dangerous diabetes. That's exactly what I was doing. This is the key to a long and healthy life.

- Could you tell us about your method of dealing with diabetes?

- Actually, this method is not mine, but the famous Soviet endocrinologist Baranov Vasily Gavrilovich.

Back in the '50s, I had the opportunity to talk to him on about the diabetes I was already diagnosed with.

He told me the basic rules, what and how to do - to reduce the effects and symptoms of diabetes. 


Vasily Gavrilovich Baranov – the largest endocrinologist, Doctor of Medicine Sciences. Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR. For many years, Vasily Gavrilovich Baranov was the main endocrinologist of the Main Health Department of the Leningrad City Executive Committee. He was treated. Leonid Brezhnev, Yuri Andropov, Mikhail Kovalenko and other well-known political activists figures of the USSR.

The main rule that Vasily Gavrilovich told me then was to use it as more chrome is allowed.

This is due to the fact that chromium is a catalyst for the breakdown of glucose. Insulin.

- I'll try to explain "on my fingers". Diabetes mellitus occurs due to the fact that the excreted pancreatic insulin is not able to break down incoming glucose. As a result blood sugar levels rise.

However, there is a third element in the reaction of insulin and glucose – it's chrome.

The more it is, the faster this reaction passes, and the less the body has. it is necessary to produce insulin.

Thus, if you increase the level of chromium in the body, then for a normal life without The symptoms of diabetes will require much less insulin.

Type 2 diabetics can feel significant relief, and insulin-dependent diabetics reduce the dose and frequency taking insulin, and in most cases completely abandon the injections.

- It's a very simple solution! Why it is not used to treat diabetes Right away?

- Because chrome costs a penny. And the production and sale of antidiabetic drugs it's a multibillion-dollar business.

In the 80s, the USSR launched a program for the development of this type of therapy.

Already at the stage of the first clinical trials, remarkable results, but then the collapse of the USSR followed and everyone forgot about it, the counters of pharmacies filled imported funds, as well as ours, which were created under the license of foreign Manufacturers.

Diabetes is not only a terrible disease, but also a multibillion-dollar income for pharmaceuticals. Corporations.

The whole secret is that these funds do not allow you to completely eliminate the symptoms of diabetes

- it is simply not profitable for manufacturers to sell drugs that will cure you completely.


By the way, do you know that in the USSR the treatment of diabetes was much more successful than now?

And that's it. despite the fact that more than 30 years have passed!

However, it is not customary to talk about this - the tone in treatment of diabetes is set from the West, and there everything is set to pull money from the sick.

- And how do you relieve the symptoms of diabetes for so many years?

Fortunately, I am a doctor myself and I have access to laboratories and experimental Drugs.

There was even a time when I had to make a drug with chromium myself - its it is very easy to get if you know the chemistry and have the appropriate equipment.

Now such a drug is produced in large batches, so this problem no longer exists - everyone who wants to be treated with a chromium-containing drug gets it.

- And why can't you eat, for example, foods that have a lot of chromium?

- Why not? You can and should eat such products! However, in diabetes mellitus, it is spent too much chromium - the stock of which is simply impossible to replenish with products.

2 years ago, the Moscow Institute of Nutrition measured the amount of chromium in products bought in ordinary stores, such as Pyaterochka or Magnit.

- Alla Ilyinichna, you said that today there is a drug with a high content of chromium. How can I get it? Is there such a possibility?

- Yes, there is such a possibility. And I advise all diabetics to use it, as well as those who have who is diagnosed with a pre-diabetic condition.

2 years ago, together with the staff of the Department of Endocrinology of Moscow State University, we created a special chromium-containing agent for diabetics - Glykiron. 3 months ago he passed a series of clinical trials that showed his high efficiency. 98% of diabetics who took part in the studies noted a significant improving your well-being.

However, we have been using this tool "unofficially" for a year – and the results are impressive. Right away this was confirmed by clinical trials.

Glykiron is a unique domestic remedy with a high content of chromium for the treatment of Diabetes.

In addition to increasing the level of chromium in the body, Glycyrone has a number of other useful for Diabetes Action:

  1. Promotes the active division of Langerhans beta cells in the pancreas.
  2. Stimulates the production of insulin by beta cells.
  3. Reduces the resistance of body cells to insulin (the effectiveness of insulin rises).
  4. Normalizes metabolic processes, prevents thyroid dysfunction and Ovarian.
  5. Cleanses blood vessels from cholesterol plaques, restores blood vessels (as a result, restores the work of internal organs).
  6. Prevents hypoglycemia.
  7. Improves vision (patients starting to take Glycyrone note improvements in vision already 4-5 months after the start of admission).

- Alla Ilyinichna, is it possible to buy Glykiron in a pharmacy, and how much does it cost approximately?

- It is not yet sold in pharmacies, but we are actively negotiating with pharmacy chains. Not I am sure that they will give a positive result.

Pharmacies want to sell it with a markup more than 700%. 

We don't want to make money on patients – I myself am a diabetic and I know what it's like to live with Disease.

But even if Glycyron appears in pharmacies, it is because of various bureaucratic procedures. will not happen until the springof 2023. If you want to give it a try Glycyron, you don't have to wait for that.

2 months ago, together with the Shervinsky Research Institute of Endocrinology, we created a special drawing, through which we distribute Glycyronfor FREE.

Egilsstaðir, 15.11.2022   Jónas Gunnlaugsson

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