Matter is a product of Mind. NOT the other way around. Scientists have known this for a century yet scientific materialism for some reason still prevails.
18.9.2022 | 22:44
Point being, WHY are we being TRICKED to think we are experiencing life OUTSIDE our heads when in fact, we are experiencing life IN our heads, just a observation.
Málefnið er, AFHVERJU er verið að plata okkur til að halda að við séum að upplifa lífið UTAN hugans okkar þegar í raun erum við að upplifa lífið Í huga okkar, aðeins upplifun, heilmynd, hologram, sem við erum leikarar í, og nú sitjum við fyrir framan tölvuna og tölvu forritið hinumegin.
Efni er afurð Huga. EKKI öfugt. Vísindamenn hafa vitað þetta í heila öld en vísindaleg efnishyggja ríkir enn af einhverjum ástæðum.
Af hverju kenna skólarnir ekki sannleika, við erum leikarar í tölvuforriti, heilmynd, til að læra.
Skammastu þín fyrir að kalla lífsloftið mengun, fyrir pestina, fyrir stríðið.
Komdu öllu í lag strax, lærðu að vera góð fyrirmynd.
Einhver felli tjaldið, ert það þú?
Fyllum kirkjurnar með lofgjörð og bæn, þá myndast í huga okkar ró sem gerir okkur kleift að skinja frá insæinu.
Physics in a minute: The double slit experiment
Eðlisfræði á einni mínútu: Tveggja rifu tilraunin
Physics in a minute: The double slit experiment |
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Deeper understanding is to look at our process of observation.
Permalink Submitted by Jonathan (not verified) on 25 February, 2022In reply to Heisenberg uncertainty principle by Dominic Gannon (not verified)Everything we recieve through our sences gets interpreted in our brains as being solid, founded by rules/laws/logic & most importantly being OUTSIDE our bodies, ie, being real.
Reality is though, that these words you now read, are IN your head as is ALL experiences.
Point being, WHY are we being TRICKED to think we are experiencing life OUTSIDE our heads when in fact, we are experiencing life IN our heads, just a observation.
Slit Experiment
Permalink Submitted by Rev. Byrdman (not verified) on 31 July, 2022In reply to Heisenberg uncertainty principle by Dominic Gannon (not verified)The only reason a human may not be good test equipment for observation would be because the person lacks awareness. Human observation can be as accurate as any mechanical scientific devise. It just depends on the awareness of the individual.
Double Split Experiment
Permalink Submitted by amy shmayme (not verified) on 11 September, 2019In reply to double slit experiment by Bill Mason (not verified)"Seem to be leaving out the fact that the difference occurs when being actively observed" EXACTLY!!
This experiment shows that matter is not what we think it is.
Scientists have known this for a century yet scientific materialism for some reason still prevails.
Matter is a product of Mind. NOT the other way around. For more information read "Ontological Mathematics"
Egilsstaðir, 18.09.2022 Jónas Gunnlaugsson
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