Tölvuþýðing, aðeins lagað eftir því sem tími vinnst til.
"Sem betur fer voru nokkrir hjúkrunarfræðingar þeir sem ég tel vera alvöru hetjur sem fylgdust með sjúklingunum, og vöruðu þá við að gleypa ekki Kaletra og henda lyfjunum. Í kjölfarið urðu læknarnir sem komu til að athuga með þá undrandi á því að þeir hefðu engan niðurgang og að þeim liði vel. Ástæðan fyrir þessu var sú að þeir höfðu ekki tekið lyfin sem siðareglurnar ávísuðu. Þannig björguðu þessir umönnunaraðilar sannarlega lífi sjúklinga sinna.'"
Fortunately, there were a few nurses the ones I consider to be real heroines who observed the patients, and warned them not to swallow the Kaletra and to throw away the medication. Afterwards, the doctors who came to check on them were amazed that they had no diarrhea, and that they felt fine. The reason for this was that they had not taken the medication prescribed by the protocol. This is how these caregivers truly saved their patients lives.
Flavia GroÈan var komin í yfirheyrsluna í fylgd lögfræðings og var mætt af fjölda fagnandi stuðningsmanna á öllum aldri, og miklum fjölda blaðamanna. Hún fékk blóm og klapp, fjölmiðlar tjáðu sig um að hún hefði verið réttlætt af siðanefnd spítalans sem hún hafði kynnt meðferð sína á.
GroÈan, sem nú starfar á einkasjúkrahúsi, fór þess á leit að henni hafi fundist opinberar, skyldubundnar COVID-19 siðareglur "mjög erfiðar" það felur í sér að bíða þar til sjúklingar sýktir af SARS-CoV-2 sýna hættuleg einkenni eins og mæði og lítið súrefni, sem gefur þeim aðeins parasetamól á meðan.
Flavia GroÈan had come to the hearing accompanied by a lawyer and was met by a crowd of cheering supporters of all ages, and large numbers of journalists. She was given flowers and applauded; the press commented that she had been vindicated by the Ethics Commission of the hospital to which she had presented her treatment.
GroÈan, who is currently employed at a private hospital, went on record saying that she found the official, obligatory COVID-19 protocol extremely difficult it involves waiting until patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 display dangerous symptoms such as breathlessness and low oxygen, giving them only paracetamol in the meantime.
Romanian doctor says she cures 100 percent of COVID patients
Flavia GroÈan chose not to apply official protocols to treat COVID-19 patients at all stages of the illness, instead approaching the disease as an atypical pneumonia.

Flavia GroÈan Sinteza Zilei cu Mihai Gadea / YouTube
March 24, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) A pneumologist has been cleared of suspicion of malpractice by the Bihor Medical College in Romania after having been summoned on Monday to present her personal method for treating COVID-19 patients, which she claims has already allowed her to cure up to 1,000 patients.
Flavia GroÈan, from Oradea near the Hungarian border, has been vocal in the Romanian media regarding her choice not to apply official protocols to treat COVID-19 patients at all stages of the illness, instead approaching the disease as an atypical pneumonia. She even went so far as to say that huge mistakes are being made in hospitals with excessive oxygen-therapy and, in the worst cases, intubation, which she claims actually kills the sick. Too much oxygen for too lengthy periods at a time, says GroÈan, can lead to cerebral edema which in turn can cause death. Intubation is even more dangerous, according to the broncho-pneumologist.
Egilsstaðir. 14.07.2021 Jónas Gunnlaugsson
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