þú ert að fara að ganga á svig við læknisleyfið ef þú byrjar að gera það er það ekki? ... Svo þú heldur að ég ætti að verja læknisleyfið mitt með því að láta fólk deyja? Grípur fram í: Hefurðu ekki áhyggjur af því að missa það? Stella: Að tapa hverju?

Google þýðing og endursögn.


Lyfjalæknirinn Stella: "Ætti ég að láta fólk deyja vegna þess að ég sé hrædd við Anthony Fauci? Ætti ég að láta fólk deyja vegna þess að ég sé hrædd við WHO? Ég er ekki hrædd við þá. Ég ætla ekki að láta fólk deyja. “

Dr Stella krefst afsökunar eftir að rannsóknir hafa sýnt að hún hafði rétt fyrir sér varðandi HCQ - ekki er þörf á bóluefni! 




Ég þarf að vekja athyggli á púkunum sem DR. Stella nefnir.

Jesú sagði: Hver sem girnist konu náunga síns, hefur þegar dríkt hór í hjarta sínu. Þá, erum við andleg, og það sem við hugsum, erum við að gera.

Nikola Tesla sagði, veröldin er andleg. Við ég og þú hugsum, er það almynd sem við lifum í?

Einstein, Nikola Tesla og Jesú kenndu allir að samband við vitið, það góða, innsæið, þetta sem við flestir þekkjum lítið væri öllum nauðsynlegt.

Leitun að aðstoð, hjálp, bænin, er okkar haldreipi.


Google þýðing. Aðeins endursagt á íslensku.

Spyrjandi: Jæja, þú ert að fara að ganga á svig við læknisleyfið ef þú byrjar að gera það er það ekki? ... Svo þú heldur að ég ætti að verja læknisleyfið mitt með því að láta fólk deyja? Grípur fram í: Hefurðu ekki áhyggjur af því að missa það? Stella: Að tapa hverju?


Númer tvö: Ég er enn að bíða eftir því að hann (Fausi) komi og gefi mér kissusýni (lífssýni, þvagprufu?) til að komast að því hvort hann sé á hýdroxýklórókín til að meðhöndla sjálfan sig. Rannsóknirnar sem við gerðum á hýdroxýklórókíni voru gerðar án Anthony Fauci.


Dr.Stella er baráttukona, skörungur, lætur ekki troða á sér.


Hér átt þú að lesa.

Það er ljóst af spurningum og athugasemdum fréttamannsins að hann er að reyna að fanga Dr. Immanuel, en hún brást skjótt og kröftuglega við öllum spurningum og gagnrýni sem lögð var á hana og setti harðstjórn lækningayfirvalda og meðsekra fjölmiðla fyrirtækja í vörn í staðinn. 

Nokkur dæmi:

Spyrjandi: En, þú skilur heimssamtökin, FDA þau eru ekki sammála þér?

Dr. Stella: Auðvitað eru þeir ekki sammála mér. Auðvitað halda þeir að ég sé hættuleg vegna þess að ég segi satt. Ég sagði það margoft.

Númer eitt: Spurðu lækni Anthony Fauci, hvenær sá hann síðast sjúkling? Hvenær notaði hann síðast stetoscope á sjúkling? Ég er til í að spyrja hann um það.   


Númer tvö: Ég er enn að bíða eftir því að hann komi og gefi mér pissusýni til að komast að því hvort hann sé á hýdroxýklórókín til öryggis.

Rannsóknirnar sem við gerðum á hýdroxýklórókíni voru gerðar án Anthony Fauci. 

Þetta er brjálæði, ég hef meðhöndlað núna, yfir 400 sjúklinga. Þetta er Houston. Sjúklingar mínir ætla að tala. Þú átt að fara að tala við þá. Þú getur, þú getur tekið viðtöl. Settu eitthvað í fréttirnar og hringdu og segðu fólki sem fengið hefur meðferð að hringja. Við höfum meðhöndlað sykursýkissjúklinga, við höfum meðhöndlað barnshafandi konur, við höfum meðhöndlað gamalt fólk, 87 ára.


Þetta er brjálæði. Ég hef meðhöndlað núna yfir 400 sjúklinga. Sjúklingarnir fara að segja frá. Settu eitthvað í fréttirnar og biddu þá um að hringja í þig.

Við höfum meðhöndlað sykursýki, þungaðar konur, við höfum meðhöndlað allt fólk. 70 ára og börn. Þetta er brjálæði.

Ég veit ekki hvað þeir eru að gera og einhver þarf að segja mér FDA, Anthony Fauci, HVER -  af hverju ert þú ... af hverju viltu að fólk deyi?

Spyrjandi: Jæja, það er minnihlutasjónarmið ...

Dr. Stella: Leyfðu mér að segja þér eitt. Þegar þú ert með 400 sjúklinga og enginn þeirra hefur látist þá er það ekki minnihlutasjónarmið.

Ég segi þetta allan tímann. Læknarnir sem segja þetta virkar ekki, þeir sjá ekki sjúklinga.

Spyrjandi: Af hverju eru þá ekki allir sammála þér?

Dr. Stella: Þeir geta ekki verið um borð með mér vegna Big Pharma.

Ég get sagt þér, nákvæmlega hvað er að gerast. Hér eru mismunandi lög.

Það er til fólk sem er bara tækifærissinnað.

Þeir fundu út að ef þessi vírus gerir fólk brjálað og allir eru hræddir og skólar eru lokaðir, þeir tapa, einhver tapar kosningunum.

Einhver vinnur kosningarnar. Það er heimskulegt. 

Vírusnum er sama um repúblikana og demókrata. Þetta er tækifærissinnað fólk.

Svo er til fólk sem hefur ekki hugmynd um hvaðer er í gangi.

Læknar sem eru hræddir við þetta lyf vegna þess að þeir heyra þessa frásögn. Þeir hafa aldrei tekið hýdroxýklórókín. Þeir vita það ekki.

Ég held áfram að segja, húðsjúkdómalæknar segi frá.

Þú setur sjúklinga í þetta, 15 ár, þeir taka þetta tvisvar á dag í 15 ár og engin vandamál. Láttu heyra í þér.

Þeir hafa aldrei tekið sjúklinga af hýdroxýklórókíni vegna þess að það voru sldrei vandamál. Látið þið heyra í ykkur.


Spyrjandi: Jæja, þú ert að fara á skjön við læknisleyfið þitt ef þú byrjar að gera það er það ekki?

Dr. Stella: Læknisleyfi mitt? Svo að þér finnst að ég ætti að verja læknisleyfið mitt og láta fólkið deyja? Þá deyr fólkið.

Spyrjandi: Hefur þú ekki áhyggjur af því að missa það?

Dr. Stella: Að tapa hverju?

Spyrill: Þú ert TMB (læknaráð Texas).

Dr. Stella: Virkilega. Láttu TMB koma á eftir mér. Ég ætti að láta fólk deyja vegna þess að ég sé hrædd við TMB? Eða ætti ég að láta fólk deyja vegna þess að ég sé hrædd við Anthony Fauci? Ég ætti að láta fólk deyja vegna þess að ég er hrædd við WHO?

Ég er ekki hræddur við neinn þeirra. Ég ætla ekki að láta fólk deyja! Og ef þeir koma á eftir mér, þá mun það halda áfram! Ég ætla ekki að láta fólk deyja.

Þeir geta tekið leyfið mitt, ef þeir gera það, þá hef ég ekki einu sinni leyfi til að verja fólkið. Það mun halda áfram.

Ef þeir koma á eftir leyfinu mínu vegna þess að ég gerði eitthvað rangt sem væri öðruvísi. Ef þeir koma á eftir leyfi mínu vegna þess að ég bjargaði fólki, vegna þess að hver sjúklingur sem ég hef séð hefur lifað ...

Það eru læknar þarna að tala smakk. Og ég mun segja þessum læknum, farðu til sjúklinga þinna. Ég lét ungan mann keyra næstum 2-3 tíma til að komast hingað. Vegna þess að hann fór í ER, hafði hann COVID, hann var með lungnabólgu í bringunni og þeir neituðu að gefa honum hýdroxýklórókín. Hann bað um það og þeir neituðu.

Spyrillinn reyndi síðan að nota sameiginlega „gotcha“ tækni með því að koma á framfæri öðru efni tengdu Dr. Stellu, og eitt sem hún hefur verið harðlega gagnrýnd fyrir, sem er andleg frelsunarþjónusta hennar.

Ég er viss um að spyrillinn vonaði að „grípa hana“ í vandræðalegum þætti í einkalífi hennar, sem er sams konar tækni og þeir nota almennt með stjórnmálamönnum sem þeir vilja smyrja og koma venjulega með eitthvað eins og fyrri mál, eða baráttu við áfengissýki eða vímuefnaneyslu.

Það var bara eitt vandamál. Það tókst ekki!

Reyndar hafði það nákvæmlega andstæð áhrif og Dr. Stella var greinilega ánægð að þessi þáttur í einkalífi hennar væri afhjúpaður með ókeypis auglýsingum í tilraun sinni til að ófræja hana.

Spyrjandi: Finnst þér eins og þú hafir verið beitt órétti síðan þú varst í Washington? Ég meina, fólk hefur komið með þessi myndbönd, þessar predikanir sem eru kannski ekki…. Ég meina, hvernig lítur þú á það?

Dr. Stella: Leyfðu mér að segja þér, ég er ekki einu sinni með eitt bein í líkama mínum sem líður illa ...

Spyrjandi: Er það truflandi þegar fólk kemur með trúarskoðanir þínar?

Dr. Stella: Trufla mig ?! Ertu að grínast í mér?!

Leyfðu mér að segja þér eitt. Ég var með þetta myndband sem ég gerði (um púka sem sofa hjá fólki). Þetta myndband ...

Spyrill: (lyftir hendinni og truflar hana) - Fyrir sumt fólk er þetta galin hugmynd!

Dr. Stella: Já, vissulega. Hvað sem er ...

Áður en CNN byrjaði að kynna myndbandið, höfðu kannski um 175.000 áhorfendur séð það.

Veistu hversu margar skoðanir það hefur núna? Yfir 600 þúsund hafa skoðað það.

CNN hefur orðið stærsti auglýsandi trúbroðs míns.

Leyfðu mér að segja þér nokkuð. Ég er bardagaöxi Guðs. Trúboð mitt hefur eld! Ef þú myndir horfa á myndbandið mun það lenda í þér eins og eldur (uppljómun?). [5]

Spyrjandi: En þú hefur ekki áhyggjur af því að fólk sé að nota myndbandið til að grafa undan stöðu þinni læknisfræðilega?

Dr. Stella: Hvernig grefur það undan stöðu minni læknisfræðilega ??

Spyrjandi: Það er ótroðnar slóðir að segja að púkar sofi hjá þér ...

Dr. Stella: En púkar sofa hjá fólki.

Spyrjandi: Gera þeir það?

Já! Fólk hringir í mig hvaðanæva að úr heiminum vegna þess. Þeir hafa (CNN) bara afhjúpað það. Veistu hve margir þjást af þessu? Þeir eru að senda mér skilaboð (og segja að þeir hafi verið bjargað eftir að hafa horft á myndbandið hennar).

CNN afhjúpaði það bara! CNN hefur unnið mikið við að kynna trúboðið mitt.

Ertu að grínast í mér? Ég hef ekki áhyggjur af þeim.

Púkar eru til! Og í raun, fólkið sem er að tala um þetta er líklega púki.

Mig langar að henda nokkrum púkum út úr þeim.

Leyfðu mér að sjá. Notaðu CNN útsendingu. Við skulum sitja í sama herbergi.

Klukkutími með þeim! Við skulum sjá hvað (ef) þau þola mig sitja í herberginu með þeim að biðja. Þeir munu líklega vera á gólfinu og renna og skríða um gólfið eins og ormar.


Horfðu á allt (óbreytt) viðtalið:

Interviewer: Do you feel like you have been vilified since you have been in Washington? I mean, people have brought up these videos, these sermons that maybe aren’t…. I mean, how do you look at it?

Dr. Stella: Let me tell you, I don’t even have one bone in my body that feels vilified…..

Interviewer: When people bring up your religious beliefs, does that bother you?

Dr. Stella: Bother me?! Are you kidding me?!

Let me tell you something. I had this video I did (about demons sleeping with people). This video…

Interviewer: (raising his hand and interrupting her) – To some people, that is far out concept!

Dr. Stella: Yes, sure, sure. Whatever…

That video, before CNN started promoting it, had maybe about 175,000 views.

Do you know how many views it has right now? 600 and something thousand views.

CNN has been the biggest promoter of my ministry.

Let me tell you something. I am God’s battle axe. My ministry has fire! If you would watch the video, it’s going to hit you like fire. [5]

Interviewer: But you’re not concerned that people are using that video to undermine your position medically?

Dr. Stella: How does that undermine my position medically??

Interviewer: It’s off the beaten path to say demons are sleeping with you…

Dr. Stella: But demons are sleeping with people.

Interviewer: Are they?

Yes! People call me from all over the world for it. They’ve (CNN) just exposed it. Do you know how many people are suffering from this? They are texting me (and saying they were delivered (bjargað)after watching her video).

CNN just exposed it! CNN has done the GREATEST job of promoting my ministry.

Are you kidding me? I ain’t worried about them.

Demons exist! And in fact, the people who are talking about this are probably demon possessed.

I would like to cast a few demons out of them.

Let me see. Use CNN broadcast. Let’s sit in the same room.

One hour with ANY of them! Let’s see what (if) they can stand me sitting in the room with them praying. They’ll probably be on the floor slithering and wiggling on the floor like snakes.

Watch the entire (unedited) interview:

Comments by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

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Frontline Doctor Stella: “I should let people die because I’m scared of Anthony Fauci? I should let people die because I’m scared of the WHO? I’m not scared of any of them. I’m not going to let people die.”


by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Dr. Stella Immanuel, one of the Frontline Doctors that appeared in Washington D.C. last week [1] where their press conference, and Dr. Immanuel’s testimony that “Nobody needs to die from COVID” with her example of treating 350 patients with COVID and ZERO fatalities, went viral with over 20 million views, before Big Tech censored the doctors and scrubbed all of their videos from the Internet, was interviewed in her home city, Houston, on Saturday by Clicked2Houston.com.

You can watch the final edited version where local Houston media obviously felt compelled to give Dr. Anthony Fauci and the WHO’s opinion on that matter here [2].

But Clicked2Houston.com has done everyone a favor by also publishing the entire interview with no edits here [3]. Just beware of their transcript and listen to the video yourself, because their transcript is not entirely accurate, and it is very incomplete.

In line with the “Fair Use” doctrine and given how quickly these videos disappear, Health Impact News has also grabbed a copy and published it on our Bitchute channel [4].

It is clear from the reporter’s questions and comments that he is trying to trap Dr. Immanuel, but she quickly and forcefully responded to every question and criticism that was put to her, and put the tyrannical medical authorities and the complicit corporate media on the defense instead.

Some examples:

Interviewer: But, you understand the world health organization, the FDA they don’t agree with you?

Dr. Stella: Of course they don’t agree with me. Of course they think I’m dangerous because I’m speaking the truth. I said it many times.

Number one: Ask Dr. Anthony Fauci, when was the last time he saw a patient? When is the last time he put a stethoscope on a patient? And I’m willing to ask him that.

Number two: I’m still waiting for him to come and give me a pee sample to find out if whether he’s on hydroxychloroquine to treat himself. The studies that we did on hydroxychloroquine were done without Anthony Fauci.

This is craziness, I have treated right now, over 400 patients. This is Houston. My patients are going to speak up. You’re going to talk to them. You can, you can interview. Put something on the news and call and tell people that have been treated to call. We’ve treated diabetic patients, we’ve treated pregnant women, we’ve treated old people, 87 years old.

This is craziness. I have treated right now over 400 patients. By patients are going to speak up. Put something on the news and ask them to call you.

We’ve treated diabetic patients, pregnant women, we’ve treated all people. 70 year olds. This is craziness.

I don’t know what they are doing and somebody needs to tell me FDA, Anthony Fauci, WHO — why are you… why do you want people to die?

Interviewer: Well that’s a minority view…

Dr. Stella: Let me tell you something. When you have 400 patients, and none of them have died, it is not a minority view.

I say this all the time. The doctors who are saying this doesn’t work, they don’t see patients.

Interviewer: Why isn’t everyone on board with you then?

Dr. Stella: They cannot be on board with me because of Big Pharma. I can tell you, exactly what is going on. There are different layers here. There are people that are just opportunistic. They figured out if this virus drives people crazy and everybody is afraid and schools are lockdown they lose, somebody will lose the election. Somebody will win the election. That’s stupid.

Because the virus doesn’t care Republican or Democrat. Those are the opportunistic people. Then there are people that don’t have no clue. Doctors that are scared of this medication because they hear this narrative. They’ve never taken hydroxychloroquine. They don’t know it. I keep saying, dermatologists speak up. You put patients on this, 15 years, they take this twice a day for 15 years and nothing happens. Speak up. They’ve never taken patients off hydroxychloroquine because they had some kind of issue. Speak up.

Interviewer: Well, you’re going to run afoul your medical license if you start doing that aren’t you?

Dr. Stella: My medical license? So you think I should defend my medical license over people dying? Over people dying!

Interviewer: Aren’t you worried about losing it?

Dr. Stella: Losing what?

Interviewer: You’re TMB (Texas Medical Board) license.

Dr. Stella: Really. Let TMB come after me. I should let people die because I’m scared of TMB? Or I should let people die because I’m scared of Anthony Fauci? I should let people die because I’m scared of the WHO?

I’m not scared of any of them. I’m not going to let people die! And if they come after me, it’s going to be on! I’m not going to let people die.

They can take my license, if they do it, then I don’t even have a license to defend. It’s going to be on.

If they come after my license because I did something wrong that would be different. If they come after my license because I saved people, because every patient I have seen has lived…

There are doctors out there talking smack. And I’ll tell these doctors, go see your patients. I had a young man drive almost 2-3 hours to get here. Because he went to the ER, he had COVID, he had pneumonia in the chest and they refused to give him hydroxychloroquine. He asked for it, and they refused.

The interviewer then tried to use a common “gotcha” technique by bringing up a different topic associated with Dr. Stella, and one that she has been severely criticized for, which is her spiritual deliverance ministry.

The interviewer, I am sure, hoped to “catch her” in an embarrassing aspect of her personal life, which is the same kind of technique they commonly use with politicians they want to smear, and usually bring up something like a past affair, or a bout with alcoholism or drug use.

There was just one problem. It didn’t work!

In fact, it had the EXACT OPPOSITE effect, as Dr. Stella was clearly PLEASED that this aspect of her personal life was being exposed, by getting free advertising in their attempted smear campaign against her.

Interviewer: Do you feel like you have been vilified since you have been in Washington? I mean, people have brought up these videos, these sermons that maybe aren’t…. I mean, how do you look at it?

Dr. Stella: Let me tell you, I don’t even have one bone in my body that feels vilified…..

Interviewer: When people bring up your religious beliefs, does that bother you?

Dr. Stella: Bother me?! Are you kidding me?!

Let me tell you something. I had this video I did (about demons sleeping with people). This video…

Interviewer: (raising his hand and interrupting her) – To some people, that is far out concept!

Dr. Stella: Yes, sure, sure. Whatever…

That video, before CNN started promoting it, had maybe about 175,000 views.

Do you know how many views it has right now? 600 and something thousand views.

CNN has been the biggest promoter of my ministry.

Let me tell you something. I am God’s battle axe. My ministry has fire! If you would watch the video, it’s going to hit you like fire. [5]

Interviewer: But you’re not concerned that people are using that video to undermine your position medically?

Dr. Stella: How does that undermine my position medically??

Interviewer: It’s off the beaten path to say demons are sleeping with you…

Dr. Stella: But demons are sleeping with people.

Interviewer: Are they?

Yes! People call me from all over the world for it. They’ve (CNN) just exposed it. Do you know how many people are suffering from this? They are texting me (and saying they were delivered after watching her video).

CNN just exposed it! CNN has done the GREATEST job of promoting my ministry.

Are you kidding me? I ain’t worried about them.

Demons exist! And in fact, the people who are talking about this are probably demon possessed.

I would like to cast a few demons out of them.

Let me see. Use CNN broadcast. Let’s sit in the same room.

One hour with ANY of them! Let’s see what (if) they can stand me sitting in the room with them praying. They’ll probably be on the floor slithering and wiggling on the floor like snakes.

Watch the entire (unedited) interview:

Comments by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

The history of healthcare shows that for most of the history of the human race, healing always involved some interaction with the spirit world.

Western allopathic medicine has been around for less than 200 years, and their focus on germs and the physical body with no consideration for spiritual aspects of health is the exception, NOT the norm.

In the 5th Century B.C., Hippocrates, considered by many to be the father of modern medicine, formed a kind of “physicians guild” to uphold a higher standard of ethics in the healing arts, and developed the “The Hippocratic Oath,” still widely referred to today thousands of years later.

Most medical schools still have some form of the original oath that they require their students to take, but probably all of them have left out the opening of the original [6]:

“I swear by Apollo the physician, and Asclepius, and Hygieia and Panacea and all the gods and goddesses as my witnesses, that, according to my ability and judgement, I will keep this Oath and this contract…”

The Greeks, who passed on to us things like empiricism and the origins of the “scientific” method, did not leave their beliefs in the spirit world at the door when they practiced their healing arts.

In western countries today, most of us have been conditioned to vilify anything spiritual, and that does not follow the “scientific method,” and of course we see that the ruling class Globalists control all of the medical journals to publish “science” that are often based on corruption and fake studies, to accomplish their purposes.

They tried this with hydroxychloroquine, but got caught, as the editors of both The Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine stated that the pressures put on them by pharmaceutical companies to publish this study were “criminal,” and the erosion of science. See:

Editors of The Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine: Pharmaceutical Companies are so Financially Powerful They Pressure us to Accept Papers [7]

Dr. Stella Immanuel grew up in Africa, and not the west, so it is obvious that her knowledge and experience in healing is quite different.

But how can one complain about her results? There is no indication that she is forcing her beliefs on anyone in her medical practice, as she is obviously using an older medication that no longer has any patent-able revenue, as the U.S. Government and Bill Gates spend BILLIONS of dollars on “new cures” for COVID.

People protest against Covid-19 vaccine trials in Africa outside the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa on July 1. Banners were held that said ‘We NOT guinea pigs’ and ‘we are not your labrats.’ (AP Photo/Themba Hadebe) Image source [8].

For too long Africa has been the laboratory for experimental, dangerous drug trials, and the same thing is happening today as poor Africans are being fooled into participating in COVID vaccine trials, which many claim they have no idea as to the risk of participating in such trials. See:

“Bill Gates We Are Not Your Lab Rats!” Africans Protest COVID Vaccine Trials Among Poor [9]

Africans are seen as poor, and weak. And maybe that is the western medical view of Dr. Stella Immanuel as well, due to her spiritual beliefs.

But I don’t think she is weak.

I think it is entirely possible that God is raising up an army of Africans to fight back and destroy western imperialistic efforts to continue to enslave them. And it is NOT going to come from George Soros funneling millions into protesters to hit the streets and infiltrate American culture with the Marxist and Communist backed “Black Lives Matter” campaigns.

No, Africans like Dr. Stella don’t need to chant “Black Lives Matter” because they already know that, and they are taking the battle to the REAL enemies of the people, and the demons behind them.

So in what is becoming our darkest hour in the U.S., it doesn’t surprise me one bit that God is choosing an African doctor who has both medical experience as well as experience in casting out demons, to take this war to the next level.

Because as I revealed in early June just after the riots started breaking out, the REAL enemy and mastermind behind the Plandemic and riots is Satan himself. See:

Unmasking Who is Behind the Plandemic and Rioting to Usher in the New World Order [10]

And while you may not believe in Satan, the people in highest power around the world do, as they are steeped in the black magic arts, and are pedophiles and members of the Occult.

Working mainly through the CIA [11], they have brainwashed Americans for decades now to NOT believe in the spirit world, so that they have little opposition today.

But maybe, just maybe, they overlooked Africa, and the real spiritual power that still exists there and among the African people worldwide.

The Marxists want to re-write American history, but much of the true history of America has already been concealed and hidden for decades, and that includes the spiritual journeys and successes of the African Americans, and their history in fighting slavery, which in my opinion never could have happened apart from their strong faith in God.

There is one film that was produced in 2019, and was even nominated for Academy Awards, that sought to rectify that, and it is the film “Harriet” which is about the life story of Harriet Tubman, and the underground railroad that helped so many slaves escape the South.

Kasi Lemmons, the producer and writer, set out to do what apparently no one has yet done, and highlight the tremendous faith of the African American people of that time period, and I highly recommend the film to anyone who has not seen it yet. It shows like a modern day “Book of Acts” where believers empowered by God’s spirit do miraculous things that would not normally be humanly possible.

Ms. Lemmons, if you come across this article, I plead with you to make sure you have a copy of this film in a safe place somewhere, before the Globalists try to censor and eliminate that beautiful piece of art you created.


Do you think that anyone at CNN, or any other corporate media outlet, will take up her offer to sit in the same room with her for an hour as she prays?

I seriously doubt it….

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