by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News
Dr. Stella Immanuel, (God with us)*, a medical doctor from Houston who has cured hundreds of her patients with COVID symptoms by using hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), was one of a group of doctors who went to Washington D.C. last summer to tell the nation that there was a cure for COVID, which included the older, already FDA-approved drug, hydroxychloroquine.
See our previous coverage on Dr. Immanuel: slóðir
Enginn þarf að deyja - Framlínulæknar flykkjast til D.C. og fullyrða að Þúsundir lækna séu þaggaðir vegna staðreynda og meðferðar vegna COVID
Nobody Needs to Die Frontline Doctors Storm D.C. Claiming Thousands of Doctors are Being Silenced on Facts and Treatments for COVID
Lyfjalæknirinn Stella: Ætti ég að láta fólk deyja vegna þess að ég sé hrædd við Anthony Fauci? Ætti ég að láta fólk deyja vegna þess að ég sé hrædd við WHO? Ég er ekki hrædd við þá. Ég ætla ekki að láta fólk deyja.
Frontline Doctor Stella: I should let people die because Im scared of Anthony Fauci? I should let people die because Im scared of the WHO? Im not scared of any of them. Im not going to let people die.
Dr Stella Emmanuel hreinsað af læknaráði Texas vegna kvartana meðan raunverulegir glæpalæknar eru enn lausir eftir að hafa myrt milljónir.
Dr. Stella Emmanuel Cleared by Texas Medical Board for Complaint while Real Criminal Doctors Still Free After Murdering Millions.
Immanuel in the Bible
- Immanuel (pronounced Ĭm mănʹ ū ĕl) is a masculine personal name in Hebrew meaning "God with us," or "God is with us."
- The word Immanuel appears only three times in the Bible. Besides the reference in Isaiah 7:14, it is found in Isaiah 8:8 and cited in Matthew 1:23. It is also alluded to in Isaiah 8:10.
- In Greek, the word is transliterated as "Emmanuel."
Egilsstaðir,03.03.2021 Jónas Gunnlaugsson
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