Uppfært á 3 mín. fresti. Skýringar
17.11.2020 | 18:38
12.11.2020 | 19:35
Trump will have mercy on those who go quietly out of the way.
Donald Trump Jr: “Declassify Everything”…
Robert Steele: Media (Main and Social) Culpable for Lies, Fraud, & Sedition — Insurrection Act Immediately and Deeply Exposes AP, NYT, Other Media to Arrest and Conviction
Robert Steele: Media Disinformation, Active Lies, Criminal Legal Liability Soon?
Video (23:17): Analysis of Cyber-Attack on Social Media Services Inclusive of Major Telecommunications Internet Service Providers
#UNRIG Video (5:37) Robert David Steele Election 2020 Update Media Indictable for Sedition Douglas Macgregor Cynthia McKinney Website Update
#UNRIG Video (8:13) Robert David Steele Public Intelligence Election 2020 Media Sedition Hammer Scorecard International
BREAKING: Kevin McDonald on Chris Hedges and Matt Taibbi — Media as Propaganda and Censorship Bureau: the Jewish Angle
Opt in for free daily update from this free blog. Separately The Steele Report ($11/mo) offers weekly text report and live webinar exclusive to paid subscribers, who can also ask questions of Robert. Or donate to ask questions directly of Robert.
Flokkur: Bloggar | Breytt s.d. kl. 19:36 | Facebook
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