Bill and Melinda Gates foundation on march 26 2020 applied for a patent number zero six, zero six, zero six. (( 666 )jg) this patent to connect the vaccinated to cryptocurrency making all humans a commodity, slaves to the system, end of freedom

(Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Tells One Million Europeans that the Top Three Enemies of Humanity Are Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and Jeff Bezos. (Video)) 


 If Joe Biden had a doppelgänger at he debates, is he even a legitimate candidate?!

Rep. Paul Gosar Calls for Hand Tally in Arizona to Restore Faith in Election Process (Video) 


Posted on November 8, 2020 by State of the Nation




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 If Joe Biden had a doppelgänger at he debates, is he even a legitimate candidate?!

Rep. Paul Gosar Calls for Hand Tally in Arizona to Restore Faith in Election Process (Video) 



Posted on November 8, 2020 by State of the Nation

Tölvan les talið og nær ekki öllum orðum, það þarf að hlusta á orðin og setja rétt orð inn í textan. Best væri að finna  enska textan 

Let us start off by talking about this vaccine coming. I want to get a background on you, but I think let us and straight into it this code bit this covert vaccine. Can you tell what we know about it and you from your experience fear for the people that may take it.

Yes, there´s never been a vaccine like this, it´s an RNA vaccine. It is uh what´s called a trans infection. It will fundamentally change people´s DNA and what I don´t like about it even more than the usual thing about the toxic metals that are in vaccines that make our bodies literally into an antenna with 5g.

This one has the usual non-human dana like you know, monkeys, maybe fetal cells pigs whatever  And so it begins to make us what´s called chymers c-h-y-m-e-r introducing non-human DNA onto our bodies. What is worse though is that there is a patent and work they have don at MIT to make a die and then patented the dye.

Dye is called luciferase and under a light, you´d be able to see who was vaccinated who wasn´t and the deal is to store your biometric information, because this vaccine will have nanoparticles, nanocrystaline particles that are inten actually little robots and they like little antennas and they will have the ability to take our biometric data not only your vaccine record but your breathing¸ your heart rate, your activity, sexual activity.

This drugs that you are taking where you travel all of that, and then take that data and store it in the cloud. What´s even more concerning, is that the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation on march 26 2020 applied for a patent number zero six, zero six, zero six. (( 666 )jg)

To take that biometric data give you a barcode  and connect each of us to cryptocurrency, so that we would become literally slaves to the system like everything pro it would be the end of privacy, the end of freedom, because who  (ever) gets the data, who uses the data.

And what do they do with it. So this patent to connect the vaccinated to cryptocurrency making all humans a commodity. (It) is extremely concerning and everyone should be concerned. Given that this is a virus from which 99.9 percent of people recover so I would ask why do we need anything like this because it goes far beyond those pandemics of old smallpox and so on

this is very different the plan here is to vaccinate the entire world and the narrative that we are being sold is things will not and back to normal until everyone is vaccinated, vaccinated with what a transfection thing that we have not seen before

and by the way once those nanoparticles go in there is no detoxing from them. There is no getting them out of there they combine with your DNA and you are suddenly programmable and with the proposed 5g networks the body would be an antenna where you could be controlled from outside of



Egilsstaðir, 09.11.2020   Jónas Gunnlaugsson

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