Sky News host Alan Jones says he has warned time and time again the political leaders who are the architects of this coronavirus response will not be able to escape the criticism that is now finding its way into the public place.
It comes as an economist in the Victorian Department of Finance and Treasury, Sanjeev Sabhlok, on Wednesday penned an article in the Australian Financial Review announcing his resignation from his position.
Mr Sabhlok wrote he resigned so that I would be able to speak out against the states management of the COVID-19 infection.
I made a number of criticisms of the state government on social media. The head of human relations at Treasury asked me to remove them.
I resigned on the same day, the only honourable course for a free citizen of Australia, Mr Sabhlok wrote.
Mr Sabhlok continued to note a number of his other criticisms over the response to the virus.
One question remains, how many others have been silenced across all arms of government, including in Canberra, Mr Jones said.
Mr Jones also reiterated his call for a national advertising campaign to tell the public the truth about the fact this virus is not a pandemic
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