Yale professor says hydroxychloroquine could save 100,000 lives - but it's being stifled by a propaganda war - Prófessor Yale segir að hýdroxýklórókín gæti bjargað 100.000 mannslífum - en það er ekki notað vegna pólítískra deilna -


Hydroxychloroquine, Budesonide eru til í Lyfju Egilsstöðum. Hér lýsir læknirinn, fengu áminningu fyrir að nota lyfin sem virkuðu. Er ekki hægt að borga þessum ???, veiku í bakstjórninni, og við fáum að nota lyfin sem stöðva veiruna strax?

NEWS JULY 21, 2020

Yale professor says hydroxychloroquine could save 100,000 lives — but it's being stifled by a 'propaganda war'

'It's a political drug now'

Photo by GEORGE FREY/AFP via Getty Images



Yale epidemiology professor Dr. Harvey Risch said Tuesday that he believes the President Trump-touted drug, hydroxychloroquine, could save up to 100,000 lives if used properly to treat the coronavirus.

Speaking with Fox News' Laura Ingraham Monday night, Risch insisted that the controversial drug is proven to be effective against the disease and safe for people to use, but lamented that it has become the victim of a "propaganda war."

"It's a political drug now, not a medical drug," Risch said. "I think we are basically fighting a propaganda war against the medical facts, and that colors not just population people, how they think about it, but doctors, as well.


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