Israeli Biomed Firm Says It Developed New Diagnostics Kit For Coronavirus With Results In 25 Minutes
Israels BATM Advanced, a provider of real-time tech for networking solutions and medical laboratory systems, announced on Thursday that it developed a quick and accurate diagnostics kit for the novel coronavirus, known as 2019-nCoV. The virus causes the disease called COVID-19 which has, as of February 26, claimed the lives of over 2,800 people, mainly in mainland China, and infected over 82,000 worldwide (according to this live-updating map of the outbreak that draws figures from the World Health Organization and other agencies).
BATM Advanced said the kit, developed by its bio-medical division, will allow laboratories to detect whether a patient has the virus in approximately 25 minutes. The kit has undergone testing by several central laboratories and hospitals, and BATM said it will begin production of the kit at the companys Adaltis facility in Rome. ....
Egilsstađir, 29.02.2020 Jónas Gunnlaugsson
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