Ţess vegna ţarf sá sem er međ okkur í fjósinu ađ eiga kennsluefniđ, kaupa Háskólana og kennarana, eiga fjölmiđlana til ađ halda okkur í blekkingunni, Maja, sínum sýndarveruleika. Ekki gleyma dómurunum, sem ţjóđirnar vilja frá völdunum en gengur illa.

Tilgáta. Ţessir eru merktir,

Published on Mar 16, 2019

Nikola Tesla segir ađ veröldin sé andleg, ţá fer hópur sem fer ađ skođa jörđina sem flata, ađ sjá allt flatt.

Nú ţarna er mađur sem skođar biblíuna, nafn, sonur ţessa, fer síđan í Grísku handritin, ţar er nafn, nafn, nafn.

Hann fer ađ skođa nöfnin og ţýđingu ţeirra í Grísku og Hebresku.

Út úr ţví sýnist honum koma einhver meining, frásögn.

Einhver sem hefur gaman ađ skođa geri ţađ.

Ţađ kemur engum á óvart ađ hver ögn, hver geisli sé uppskrift ađ öllu, hólograph.

Er einhver ögn til, er geislinn til, er orka til.

Ţađ sýnist augljóst ađ einhver orka, afl er til, okkar skilningur.

Sjáum viđ ţađ sem menningin kennir okkur.

Ţess vegna ţarf sá sem er međ okkur í fjósinu ađ eiga kennsluefniđ, kaupa Háskólana og kennarana, eiga fjölmiđlana til ađ halda okkur í blekkingunni, Maja, sínum sýndarveruleika. Og, alls ekki má gleyma dómurunum, sem ţjóđirnar reyna ađ ná völdunum frá en gengur illa.




Here is some background information about the message itself. The message spans from man's first being made (Adam) down to Joseph and contains two definite references to Jesus, “the deliverer”. God demonstrates the accuracy of his foreknowledge in the message in that throughout the 76 generations it took the message to develop, his son, who was addressed twice in the message, was actually walking the Earth at the exact time the last name (Joseph) fell into place, completing the message. Thus, proving his story of Jesus (his son, the branch) to be in harmony with the entire word of God leading up to his existence, and his whole story being true.

Here is the table with names and translations from Hebrew to English https://docs.google.com/document/d/1k...

Here is the message: I, God made man, appointing mortal man to own (possess), to speak well of Me, to rule over, to be diligent; Man threw away my power and rest.  Named the Deliverer, my own grew up, passing through to divide. My son, the branch, that thirsted for and awaited his exalted Father’s laughter. He superseded through speaking well, breaching the walls of deception.  (3) My high prince’s family is to know the future, to be clothed with quickness, to serve. My richly beloved gives the gift of god as a reward. Prepare to be raised up by God. I, God, give graciously, increase my praise to be heard. Unite with the gift of God. Exalt and help the deliverer. Watch and measure to see the adorning of my kings with my light. Ask Me to disperse confusion in the mind. Graciously I gave, speak well to increase. Hear my gift of God, it’s light brings comfort, baring burdens. The gift of God increases. Flourish my kings, unite with your gift of God, rise up and increase. Thanks for sharing and helping this message spread! You are a beloved creation of the Most High!


Egilsstađir, 26.03.2019  Jónas Gunnlaugsson

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